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Everything posted by pezstar

  1. I saw some evidence the other day that indicated that you folks were all up in arms because most of the membership wanted to stick by your treaties in the upcoming war, and most of your leadership wanted to flop to the other side. Now, your alliance has had a bit of a government shake-up, and the very folks that were talking about wanting to go to the other side did so. Very few people go to the other side if they think that side is going to lose, and MCXA leadership has a bit of a history of "choosing the winning team" in ears and whatnot, I'm gonna go with my intel rather than the sunshine and rainbows happiness you guys are throwing around here.
  2. Some have called you elite. Others have called you traitors, cowards, people who care far more about your pixels than your alliance. So yeah. Not really a valid point there.
  3. I am not at all an advocate of PZI for any but the most serious offenses. That said, I'd have a hard time not declaring PZI if a member of my alliance made us look like absolute fools to all of Planet Bob.
  4. Since it's a red and blue bloc, and you claim not to be exclusive, I encourage Vox to apply and get in on that.
  5. You seem to have a problem with STA. Would you care to explain what that problem is? I'm interested in your perception.
  6. Interesting. about 30 minutes before I read this, I heard a rumor that Zenith was upset because ONE was poaching members from them. Now I see this. Perhaps my information was bad. Even if not, these are a great group to have on your side. Congrats!
  7. I agree. I'm in an alliance that allows tech raiding. I'm not a fan of tech raiding, it's not something I participate in. I don't, however, care if others do it, and my alliance does it, so to each his own.
  8. Just for the record, I know that at least two of the "viceroy'd" alliances requested the Viceroyship in order to get some help with running their alliance properly.
  9. Of course it doesn't. Neither does that log you just posted. It's nothing. If you have them, post them. Seriously. If not, please, just go away. These little games are pretty silly.
  10. The very first line of the charter mentions not doing things that will bring dishonor to the alliance. Then, there's that whole section about war without permission. Spying has LOOOOONG been an act of war. So yeah. I'd say you breached the charter.
  11. Actually, you aren't. If we're all wrong, and you are a spy, you broke your promise to uphold our charter in the STA. If you aren't a spy, you lied by saying you were. So either way, you're a liar.
  12. It's cute that you are sitting here on the forums, disgracing your nation by attempting to get attention for yourself via threatening to release logs of spying that most of us don't believe exist. If you have them, release them. I assure you, folks want to see them. If you don't, go fade into the nothingness, where you and your pathetic nation belong.
  13. Clearly, he thinks you're part of his imaginary spy ring, and he was apologizing for blowing the cover.
  14. Mark me down as an X. Thanks. Also, all 86,303 citizens of Pezstaria doubt you as well.
  15. Nicely handled, as always, Tyga. Thanks for ruining our Alliance's 2M strength milestone there, Madmonkey. Good riddance.
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