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christian trojans

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Everything posted by christian trojans

  1. This is not throwing my nation away. It is fighting a battle for the innocent vs the bully. I will obviously lose more stats the Cuba will but its for a good cause so i am at peace with my decision.
  2. Hey Guys, My name is Christian Trojans. I was once a DBDC member. I am now in WTF. I have been getting a lot of in game messages asking me why I have left DBDC for WTF so I thought I should just type all of the reasons here in the OWF now for everyone to see. Bullying OK, one of the reasons why I left DBDC is because to be honest I am sick to death of innocent nations being attacked. I have been part of these unfair attacks many times before but now I regret it. I was thinking a few months back that so many nation rulers put tonnes of care and time into their nation, they love their nation. You don’t know, but their CN nation might be all they have to be proud of. Christian Trojans can no longer be part of the unfair abuse committed by Cuba and DBDC. I have heard stories of many nations just quitting because of DBDC. It’s such a shame and sad that so many great friends and nations have left because of abusive bullies. For this reason I attacked Cuba. Let’s see how he likes eating large nukes for 7 days. I really cant recall a war committed by DBDC that had a legit and valid CB..... Can you? Multi nations giving out free tech. This is one of DBDC’s biggest secrets: I am sure many people have noticed DBDC aid slots. They are constantly full of incoming tech aid. They never ever pay aid out for tech. This is because Certain DBDC members such as Artigo from DT Probes and Lord Hershey from DS between them run over 50 multiple nations who are active to just give out free tech. I am a PC noob but I remember hersh saying stuff like he uses a proxy server or something like that. I forget tbh. (look at cuba aid income right now) Cuba’s plan and lack of targets OK, can you see a pattern emerging? DBDC vs Neutrals or weak AA’s who have no real treaties? Well this is Cuba’s plan. Cuba’s plan is to wipe out neutral aa’s 1 by 1 and knock them out of the top 250 rankings. The plan is to nap certain neutrals to keep them sweet until it’s their turn to be wiped out of the top 250. This push to wipe out neutrals of the top 250 is to expose new targets for raids. (I am sure you all know that DBDC nations are so large that they can only declare on the top 250ish nations) The problem DBDC has at the moment is that there are not many legit targets. Cuba and DBDC plan to take out ALL neutral aa’s including GPA and obr. As the neutrals fall out of the top 250 rankings other nations rise up into it and become targets for DBDC. One of the targets DBDC planned on attacking when all neutrals are dealt with was IRON. Can you remember a while back when OYABABY attacked GPA alone? Well that was very lucky for GPA that OYA did that because GPA were to be next not WTF until OYA scared them all into peace mode. On many occasions we discussed future events, iron, wtf, obr, gpa, TOP and umb were always top of the agenda in terms of targets. DBDC’s current position Most people are scared of DBDC but you must forget the past and look at their current situation. DBDC right now is in a very weak and tricky position. They are very low on nukes. For e.g their strongest nation Cuba has 1 nuke. Their 2nd largest nation has 8. Yesterday Cuba had to launch 7 nukes at me just to get 1 through. DBDC could be out of nukes within 3 days. DBDC will be like a sitting duck for all those alliances it has abused in the past. Here is a breakdown of the nuke count in DBDC DBDC Nukes: 0 = 1 (cuba) 1-5=1 6-10=4 11-15=6 16-20=3 21-25=7 As you can see DBDC only has 7 nations who have in excess of 20 nukes. But if you look at those nations most of them are the smaller nations who have average tech amounts. It looks to me like “DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE” is becoming more of a “SITTINGDUCK GARDENPOND” If anyone wants to get revenge on DBDC now is the time. Now is the time. Now they are weak. If you have been in an alliance that has been abused by SITTINGDUCK GARDENPOND now is the time to fight back. My attack on SITTINGDUCK GARDENPOND I am very much enjoying nuking Cuba daily to be honest. I will lose some serious nation strength and stats but I knew this when I attacked Cuba. I want to stop these bullies now once and for all. I invite anyone to message me in game. We will speak on skype or irc and plan a coalition vs these bullies. Yes I am losing stats, yes I am losing rank, but that’s not important to me. It has not been important to me for years. Fighting for the innocent vs bullies is important to me. If i have to do this alone with WTF i will. But if you have ever been attacked and abused by DBDC aka SITTINGDUCK GARDENPOND Now is the time to take revenge. NOW! And to all the people who think they like DBDC, STOP being deceived, because i am telling you right now you could be next on their list. Yours sincerly CT
  3. Congrats on the Declaration of Existence Doom Squad! So new yet providing so much tech for the mighty DBDC war machine, Such a new AA and yet so effective, So mighty that you disbanded a 450,000 NS AA with only 3 nations. Live long
  4. [quote name='C2Talon' timestamp='1297404343' post='2629025'] You say you won't fight for NPO or another crappy AA? What about Grämlins during the Karma War? Shortly before Grämlins entered, you said you were ready to fight the good fight for them, etc. Then you left them as soon as it was confirmed that Grämlins was going in. Were they not the paragon of CN at the time? You can't fight for one of the most respected alliances at the time for what seemed like the most just of causes at the time? Seems more like that you finally got caught with your pants down and was attacked while off guard and couldn't weasel your way out of it. Also, still using a second nation to cheat yourself continuous free tech? Or did you move up to using multiple? One last thing, this plebeian is in peace mode in the moment because there were zero open targets in range when my alliance entered war. It has something to do with fighting on own terms instead of getting hooked by a single nation and end up causing less damage to less nations than wanted as a result. But then again, I already know you don't care about strategy or tactics. [/quote] c2Talon kid, i dont care what you think about gramlins, and yes i was planning to fight for them until i realised what a arrogant !@#$ ramirus was. I was on gramlins forums and he and 1 other gramlin spoke to me like i was crap for making a suggesting about growth (basically i was told that i am new to grams and grams is a massive well established AA and i should know my place when i post). I was only in grams for a week or so when this happened so i thought "i will not fight for these kinds of people" I had 0 friends in grams, TBRaiders has become one of my best CN friends now but back then i had noone. I wont fight for any AA unless i have some friendships in it. But you being a pleb would probably be a good little boy and follow orders like a good sheep does. I have never been good at being a sheep who follows orders blindly. But i will fight for friends like WTF, PC or DeJaVu etc. You hit peace mode when you have no targets in range! yeah i always hit peace mode when there is no one in range for me to hit too
  5. [quote name='TBRaiders' timestamp='1297412008' post='2629161'] CT used to be an infra hugger when his goal was to be the top nation on the planet, but that was a long time ago. He's been in plenty of wars since he began worshipping the Casualty God and I'd take him as a wingman anyday. [/quote] Thx TBRaiders, tbh i dont know why i even bother answering insignificant kids like these. C2talon Yes, I loved to grow large back then, i played the game to grow and their is nothing wrong with that. Back then i reached peak rank 3 in CN and there is nothing wrong with playing to become big. Some people like to increase casualties, some like tech or infra, each for their own. But i did nt reject to fight grams for those reasons.
  6. [quote name='C2Talon' timestamp='1297132163' post='2624970'] Says the one that abandons your alliance every time you catch wind that war is coming. 6 days in your current alliance? Who'd you abandon this time? The only time you ever bothered to fight are those who were already outnumbered and only after they had already fought months of war; the one time was just to "get back" at an alliance that first exposed you for your cowardice. Also, if you think a non-tech-heavy nation can stay in the top 40 of their alliance after a week of war, you're even more ignorant than you let on. [/quote] Haha, i love how its always some plebeian in peace mode who mouths it off. I will not fight for some cowardly alliance like NPO or any other piece of crap AA and thats why i did nt. Kid, not sure who you are! and where you have been for the past few months but i have fought more wars in the past few weeks than you have in your entire plebeian cn life. I have fought for tR vs TOP in the top vs CnG war, and recently i have fought FARK with NEW even though we were heavily outnumbered, i fought a nuclear rogue who attacked a friend and i fought NpO with PC, and this was all in the past few weeks. Kid, one thing you wont understand is that when you are in the top nations you will not come out alive even if its 3 of u vs 1, Nukes from the top 250 nations are extremely damaging. TBH i am not sure why i even bother answering insignificant dribble such as yours. CT (the loved and hated one)
  7. [quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1297041631' post='2622948'] I'm fairly certain that most of us are not in peace mode. [/quote] NPO has 190 nations in peace mode. Your top 40 are in peace. I mean why would anyone wanna step in and help an alliance that has over a 3rd of their nations hiding in peace mode. From my experience it seems that NPO hide in PM and expect others to do the work.
  8. Whats the point in helping NPO when most of NPO are sitting in peace mode?
  9. Good luck guys. Give sparta hell, rip them to pieces
  10. Absolutely brilliant to see this. Good luck Forces of Doomhouse give them hell, rip them to pieces. (apart from platino i like him )
  11. Absolutely brilliant to see this. Good luck Forces of Doomhouse give them hell, rip them to pieces. (apart from platino i like him )
  12. [quote name='erikz' timestamp='1295691320' post='2591662'] So this is how it has become. I remember my alliance sacrificed itself to get you out of trouble, trouble with Polar, and now your aiding them. Remember me to defend you again. [/quote] It seems \m/ has shown its face. This is how they show their thankfulness for your help.
  13. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295673403' post='2590959'] I'm sorry but that video is the worst thing. Sometimes it's best just to keep things simple. [/quote] Sound check at all???? Thank goodness someone else said it. I thought i was the only one who thought that was the biggest pile of ---- going.
  14. [quote name='Comrade Goby' timestamp='1295502362' post='2585323'] So liek I was all faffing about over in the SLCB gov forums and they were all like prepare for war, tensions are high, build warchests! I was all like [img]http://i37.tinypic.com/2mws3ee.jpg[/img] But then I saw that some unsavory alliances attacked our good friends iFOK and Poison Clan I was all like [img]http://www.sogacity.com/gif/reactionitalianspiderma.gif[/img] Obviously the only reason for those declarations was to challenge us at SLCB. And I'm all like [img]http://i533.photobucket.com/albums/ee338/OUjkaj/gladje4ch71.gif[/img] And then I was all like [img]http://images2.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/4403977/Challenge-accepted.jpg?imageSize=Large&generatorName=Challenge-Accepted-HD-1[/img] For those of you that [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/2hxx6pk.gif[/img] [b]SLCB declares WAR on Ragnarok and The Imperial Order[/b] And for all those who want to attack [img]http://i43.tinypic.com/wvs851.jpg[/img] [/quote] Best thread starter i have ever seen
  15. [quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1295420652' post='2583411'] You know, there ARE other targets out there, but leave them unmolested to attack Polaris I guess. But hey, feel free to innovate by being the 8th alliance to declare on iFOK. Good luck finding slots left after UPN's deadly blitz, though. [/quote] I agree, this is becoming pathetic. Fight hard iFOK, i hope someone comes to your aid. And lol @ "Good luck finding slots left after UPN's deadly blitz"
  16. Welcome to the fight brave Misfit Nations. Fight hard. CT
  17. [quote name='brickyard' timestamp='1295332054' post='2580465'] ..Says the guy in peace mode? [/quote] Lol, that is great stuff. And NpO members, seriously! You believe this crap? NpO spied and now u r suffering for it that is the truth and they know it.
  18. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1295323257' post='2579923'] 12,294,829 VS. 19,408,813. This is actually one of the most even wars in recent history... Certainly more even in stats than the curbstomp NpO led all it's allies into last war after bailing out. [/quote] Agreed.
  19. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1295315123' post='2579179'] It's a shame that NpO must burn for his foolhardy actions, but burn they must. [/quote] Agreed, its shame that the whole of NpO must suffer for 1 guys stupid actions. Roll on VE/PC
  20. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295310567' post='2579081'] Honestly in a 1v1 a large amount of it is luck. GAs and airstrikes are going to be pretty even on paper, in a 1v1 there is no coordination to worry about, and it's really dice rolls that decide who 'wins'. [/quote] Partly yes, but activity and replen after being nuked is key. So activity is key.
  21. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1295297148' post='2578868'] At a point, the warchest stops mattering in a 1v1. It's not like you're going to spend several billion in a week. [/quote] Yeah agreed but i was thinking of a 1v1 until death kinda thing. I was thinking of a continuous 1v1.
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