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christian trojans

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Everything posted by christian trojans

  1. And who made you judge over anyone. So what if people do things you dont like, does that give you good reason to go rogue on them. I got to where i did because i worked very hard on sledding, trade swapping and tech deals not by stepping on others. I have never stepped on others. I have fought in a number of wars but like i said i refused to fight for the pompous and arrogant. It takes more balls to leave an alliance when you know they will cause trouble for you than it does just being a sheep. And you said "I do not want him to have a "nice thing". LOL. i had that nice thing and that can never be taken away from me, i was rank 3 in the entire CN world but i still have a nice thing whether my nation is rank 3rd or 1000th. I still have that nice thing because i place different value on my nation now. Your attacks have changed nothing about my attitude to my nation. Weeks before you even attacked i decided to chill out on growth and focus on saving and military wonders. You can ask platino or fury this. They know this. So ender you have achieved absolutley nothing in my view. I am the same person as i was weeks before your attacks.
  2. Hi wentworth, Just to let you know, i left NATO on good terms. NATO was a really cool Alliance actually and there were lots of great guys there. The only reason why i left was to join poison clan to become a bit more involved in the war function.
  3. I could nt help myself, i had to reply to this child. Maybe you are a attention seeker but i am not. I do not want sympathy. If you read the whole thread properly (If you can read) you would notice that i have not backed out from war with ANYONE even once. I do not need sympathy and i could nt care less even if i get knocked down to 10,000 ns at least than i can raid children like you on the way down. And how dare you attempt to discribe my level of ferociousness i know that if i were to battle you i would rip you to bits. I was involved in talks with ender at my DPM request and i made it quite clear that he would feel the full military force of my nation. He asked me to surrender and i lol'ed. I am not weak and have never been. I can fight and i have fought with some of the best. You are a joke, from now on stick to discussions that concern you.
  4. Ok i cant believe that i have been drawn into this rubbish. I now officially withdraw from this thread. If anyone wishes to contact me please feel free to visit the FnKa forums. And Many thanks to all who have supported me and accepted that i am not such a demon.
  5. Yeah and?... These statements are not contradictory
  6. I dont think gramlins will appreciate that you keep bringing up gramlims internal problems and "that and more and more are either leaving planet bob or going to new alliances"
  7. Oh i think some one has a crush on some one.
  8. Look i am only rude when i am insulted. If he says to me that i should perish it annoys me and i will respond. I'm sure he is a great guy and i do not think i am better than him or anyone but if you troll you should expect a non positive response.
  9. LMAO. Another peasant with a big mouth.
  10. LOL. Who the hell are you to say what i deserve. Insignificant plebeian... LMAO. You dont know anything about me, none of you haters do. Get some more casualties than maybe you might have more grounds to jugde. Laughable.
  11. All i have to say isRebel Virginia is AWESOME.
  12. Ok sorry if i was rude, i thought i was being verbally attacked yet again. And yes thanks, A month or two ago maybe i would have asked enderland for peace (but i doubt it he is just to arrogant.lol) but nowadays i have chilled out a bit on CN and dont take it so seriously. Therefore i dont care so much if i lose Ns or infra.
  13. Yes i admit that and i remember that argument clearly, I created a thread and some rude nation said something like "who the hell are you" that offended me so i retaliated. All i wanted to do was get involved and become part of the community. I felt like he was putting me down so i tried to do the same. Also in this thread you insulted me so i just retaliated. What do people expect me to do? Thanks FnKa is a great home! Yes fights are be fun. But i will say one thing. This is a game and people control their own nations. If they dont want to fight they should not have to.
  14. Well i did nt tell him to declare on me. If he wants to declare on someone much larger thats his choice. I did not need back up in the slightest. It was the FnKa Gov decision to hit him because he is a rogue. The very day i was hit i recieved messages from PM shards offering help from FnKa ers and allies. And although i did not and still do not need help it is very greatly appreciated to be supported in this way. And they will recieve the same help from me in the future. Well i have not bought a WRC because i always had growth as priority. Well im not being rude but FnKa is the first AA where i have made real friends. They are an amazing bunch of guys. We all always talk on irc and have good times. Although in past alliances i have met some awesome guys most of the time they were just arrogant and rude. I have found in FnKa (Fear none kill all) a great community of great guys who i am at last glad to call friends that i can confidently say i would fight for.
  15. LOL. yeah keep watching its mad one. we are all losing lots of stuff. Also I would be happy to do a one on one! Save my good friend Furys infra.lol
  16. Oh man i've heard enough of you... i did nt even bother reading your post, i just wrote this reply.
  17. Oh yeah and people keep saying "CT deserves it" Huh? Ender is getting beaten with pure ease out of about 16 land attacks he won about 1 or 2. Yes he is nuking us but like i said before i am not obsessed with growth anymore. I dont really care if i incur losses anymore. Actually its really good fun. Its good practice because i have a nation in CNTE. Fury and i are beating him very easily and i am getting a WRC tomo too. Woop Woop.
  18. Awesome stuff! Very good. But my attitude towards growth changed about 2 weeks before before ender hit me. I like my nation and its NS but now i just like the friendships more.
  19. Every single one of your posts give me the impression that you are a stirrer, first you try to bring gramlins into it. Then you try to influence fnka against me by saying they are great but i am bad. And with the above you once again try to bring other nations into it by saying "Be aware that your calls to "bring it on" have not gone unnoticed." Look if you not gonna say ahything without defecting attention towards other then be silent. And yes the above is a defensive statement. Of course i am not saying "Please come and attack me now" But i am saying to the guys who keep throwing the stones by accusing me of things" I am not a coward and i will not ask for peace if you attack me, i will simply nuke them every day"
  20. Well you are wrong.. No1) i left NPO before Anyone declared on them. No2) i joined Iron when they had been declared on So people please get facts right before you make your statements which are based on assumptions.
  21. That is rubbish I was very looking forward to fighting with matt. I dont care what you say. I was happy to fight with him because i thought it was total cra- that he was being hit by 3 nations. That was just not fair and i wanted to help. I changed flag and even AA but them matt told me i had been rejected because of NPO orders.
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