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christian trojans

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Everything posted by christian trojans

  1. So this attack on RP is not only a declaration of war on WTF it is also a violation of OBR's charter. Hmmmm very honourable Hime
  2. Thank God there are some people who are blinded by the crap of dulra and are actually questioning this disgusting act!! This is an act of war by OBR on WTF. If i was not in anarchy i would attack dulra immediately. But this is exactly what Cuba the slimy coward wants. Cuba is scared to death to fight anyone 1v1! He does everything he can to get others involved. This is cubas way of trying to drag OBR into this mess and HIME and walked right into it. If WTF were not too busy fighting DBDC they would be well within their right to counter attack OBR nations. But like i said this is what cuba would want. WTF want to save their nations to attack DBDC and so will not attack OBR nations.
  3. You are reading it perfectly. Apparently in Himes little world of brown nosing DBDC this is legit. -_- Total dogcrap right !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its an aggressive war from OBR on WTF but Hime has tried to twist it into a "honourable act of attacking a friend and keeping his word" I SHAKE MY HEAD IN DISGUST
  4. Pathetic response You know you are doing the wrong thing. Just admit it. Your pompous crap is not fooling anyone.
  5. So lets summarise this: Ron Paul has the right to leave OBR. OBR was not at war with anyone. RP leaves OBR. His departure is legit. And is no longer a OBR member. He is no longer subject to any treaty OBR and DBDC may have. RP joins WTF and becomes a legit WTF member. Cuba whines and asks Dulra to attack RP. Dulra attacks a RP a "good friend" a legit WTF member. By doing this he is effectively declaring war with WTF a innocent aa trying to fight off a unjust and unprovoked attack. Dulra does this to brown nose DBDC and save his pixels. Dulra in his usual pompous manner discribes this as a honorable act and tries to mitigate his disgusting behaviour by stating multiple times that RP is a good friend and a honourable nation that he respects so much. Dulra you worm, people like you make me sick honestly. Please leave this game/ rl world.
  6. You worm, Your name does not belong in the same thread as mine and Ron Pauls, DBDC's and WTF's. Both Ron Paul and i have sacrifced our nations more then once. Its all good you saying i do not belong in WTF but look at me now! I am in WTF! I am fighting vs DBDC the most feared and the most powerful AA CN has ever seen. Seriously DBDC skills at war really are 2nd to none. A vicious, well coordinated, tight team who smash any AA they come into contact with. And RP and I are attacking them. I left DBDC to fight a losing battle to protect innocent friends. And what do you do? You attack a friend to save your own pixels and you try to make it sound honourable. You really are disgusting and slimy. If you had a ounce of honour you would refuse to hit RP. What have you ever done? Its disgusting that you try to make attacking a friend honourable YOU MAKE ME SICK. The reason why you hit RP is because you are scared of DBDC everyone knows that. You are choosing to attack a mate to save your own nation. So do me a favour and stop acting like this is a honourable thing you are doing you slimy slimy creature. And stop typing like you are a somebody. You are not.
  7. Am i really hearing this? (nothing but respect etc etc) I am sick of you brown nosers. Hime sucks and his decision is disgusting. RP is a legit WTF member. Yes RP is honourable. No Hime is not. Once again cuba is too scared to death to fight his own battles.
  8. This is just another perfect example of how useless cuba is aT war. He is a coward tyrant who cries and whines when someone attacks him. He CAN NOT and will not fight his own battles. You should have seen him cry and whine when i attacked him LMFAO. He ran around begging for people to help him. He asked Hime to help, he asked spatr and more. cuba is soppy, weak and pathetic. :facepalm:
  9. Top 7 Day Smallest Alliance Gains -710,048 Strength Change - DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE -245,991 Strength Change - World Task Force -196,717 Strength Change - Pax Corvus -177,994 Strength Change - The Order Of The Paradox -163,933 Strength Change - Sengoku http://postimg.org/image/varii55r5/
  10. I love this war so badly :) There is nothing better then fighting for a good cause. And as i said before cubas tears taste so good. For a self proclaimed "king" you sure do brown nose a hell of a lot. Its funny that you call them friends and at the same time accuse half of spatr of being $%^&*(& and using him for free donations. At the end of the day, whether Cuba is defeated now or not we have made our case for the cn world to see. Everyone will now be watching your aid slots. Everyone will think twice before they trust you again. Maybe the next AA you declare on will remember how cuba was smashed down so badly and this will give them courage to fight back and not submit.
  11. I dont understand why The crying Tyrant (cuba) cant accept that fighting for WTF is a honourable thing. I am fighting for an innocent alliance who does not deserve to be attacked. Everyone has been warned. Once the neutrals are banged out of the top 250 the other nations that have entered the top 250 will be attacked and raided. This will be repeated. Basically it would lead to the top 20 all being massive like 800k ns - 999k ns and the rest of the top 250 would continue to be smaller and smaller due to the raids from the top 20. It would result in a top 250 something like this: rank 1 - 20: 800k ns - 999k ns rank 21 - 249: 170kns - 350kns Its madness that people would suggest i am benefiting from this!! I am not, i am losing massive amounts of NS but i dont care because it is for a good cause. And tbh the crying tyrants daily geek rages on my skype are fun to watch.
  12. WC is just butthurt because i insulted his poor diplomacy with WTF. I mean WC was it all just a lie to pretend we cared about WTF? Surely a diplomats job is to not only chat to WTF on their forum but to also try to prevent attacks from DBDC your own AA??? If there is a split and division in DBDC and her allies it is because finally people are realising what a slime bag cuba, what a liar he is, how he cannot be trusted and how raiding innocent AA's is wrong. Awww thats cute, trying to convince people not to listen to me, i am a traitor? No i am fighting for friends just like i fought for DBDC bros on many occasions. Cuba is a traitor and a liar. And you sir are a traitor and a liar to WTF for smiling to their face while stabbing their back! You make me sick. Many thanks i agree
  13. Mate, you are doing a honourable thing. I am with you and so are many others. They will just try to ridicule you to scare you off. That butthurt cuba does it all the time to me its funny.
  14. It really is ridiculous that you question peoples honour and their trustworthiness. Cuba u have attacked multiple alliances with no real reason for war at all. Innocent alliances that are just chilling growing their nations. You done it for your greed. You are like a leech and a virus. You are disgusting. And thats why it feels so good nuking you and reading your aggressive butthurt messages daily. You lie through your teeth to alliances and nations. You have spoken about hitting IRON, TOP, UMB, GPA, OBR and HIME but deny it just like a coward and a liar would. Jusdt admit it like a man. Most people know its true anyway. Cuba, You are so butthurt, your tears taste so good, but can u please stop sending me aggressive ingame messages, i have enough of your tears to last me a life time. Seriously, why dont you run back behind TB, Tim and OYA, the real fighters and brains behind DBDC like you always do.
  15. LMFAO Bro is mad hahaha You should see the tears he is crying to me on skype! It halirious :D
  16. My friend, I had no alliace when i attacked SPATR. So there should be no issue for WTF there. Then i was told by bones i would get peace. So i joined WTF with peace in mind. But then i was attacked by murtbling when i was a legit WTF member. So thats when i defended my self. The sanctions are total rubbish and unfair.
  17. Look yeah, I invite any umbrella, IRON, gpa nation etc to come chat to ME on skype. The TYRANT, thinks he is funny, he ridicules people who accuse him of things. This is a typical defense mechanism. The tyrant is a total slime bag, i am telling you i have seen him whine about Umb being threats and how much he hates IRON. His skype status used to be "I HATE IRON" I am telling you now that Cuba used to mention how much he hates Umb and wanted to hit them but he didnt want a fair fight. Cuba has always been a coward who will only fight nations and alliances who r very easy to eat. He was scared to hit Iron because of matt miller, He also worries about NEW. The whole of DBDC should be sanctioned by the way for an unjust attack on wtf!!!!!!!!!
  18. What i find really funny is that you protect the very people who are using you like a cheap whore and have always planned to attack you. One of the tyrants aims was to take Matt Miller b4 they attacked Iron. As always the tyrant always avoids a challange. The first step is completed. I wonder how long it will be until they hit you. When they attack you dont whine. You have been warned.
  19. Why does the tyrant keep referring to H2BKs as CT? Does the tyrant think that H2BKs is CT? You are the one who has been openly thriving from "free tech" for the past 2 years while other nations have been paying for tech honestly. At the end of the day you have never had honour. Everything you have done is slimy and cowardly. I remember the first time i declared on you all those months ago and hit you with CM's you ran off begging for help from other nations. And begged me for peace. You really are pathetic. You have always chosen the weakest targets in war so that you can gain land and tech with little risk of retaliation while the other DBDC nations have taken the tough nations. You are like a leech who sucks the blood from his subjects. You are not a honourable number 1 nation like Hime or LM was. Tyrant leech, seriously, stop trying to act moral. Most of your wars have been unjust, you have attacked AA's for no real reason, you have attacked innocent nations for your own greed and gain and you constantly use and abuse alliances, cancel treaties and betray entire alliances. The tyrant is weak and he knows it, he is scared...
  20. Individual nations who are sick to death of being told by your leaders you cant fight DBDC are welcome to join our cause. It does not have to be entire alliances that join us. It can be Individuals who want to make a difference and stand up to the tyrant.
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