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Everything posted by GearHead

  1. I don't think a "bloc" with two members is exactly considered a bloc. Also, PnL has disbanded. Keep up the good work, UE.
  2. While all TFD'ers enjoy the right to free speech, I am pretty sure the majority would have to disagree with Claphamsa's analogy. Therefore Battalion's analogy would also subsequently be incorrect. That said, working with all the PnL signatories, whether they left prior to this announcement or not, has been a blast. Some great memories from the past year and a half. Here's one last hail to an awesome bloc. o/
  3. I'll give the show a try. It sounds like it must be quite amusing. Maybe the next episode will mention that Pandora's Box should be rolled too, just to prove that square shapes can actually roll...
  4. So what exactly did AirMe say that made this announcement so intriguing?
  5. [quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1289720900' post='2512630'] Is this because of what AirMe said in his show? [/quote] Considering I and most other people I know don't even listen to it, no.
  6. [center][IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090815041525/cybernations/images/b/b3/P%26Ltrain.jpg[/img][/center] Part Six: Derailment, Paragraph B of the Peace and Love Train Accords has been activated by the signatories below. The due course of the treaty shall expire in approximately seven days. Stewards of the former bloc will be protected by the joint forces of the United Blue Directorate, The Foreign Division, the North Atlantic Defense Coalition, Europa, and the Christian Coalition of Countries for a period of 30 days. On behalf of [hr] [IMG]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070902032520/cybernations/images/thumb/e/ed/TFD_flag.png/150px-TFD_flag.png[/img] [u]Signed by TFD[/u] Speaker - Barkeaters Senator - Lusitan Senator - FarmGirl Senator - Basileus Senator - Eivind the Great MoFA - GearHead DMoFA - SupremePrince [hr] [IMG]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070305041641/cybernations/images/thumb/a/a0/Nadc_newflag2.jpg/150px-Nadc_newflag2.jpg[/img] [u]Signed by the NADC government[/u] Legend, Secretary General/Finance Minister Konaic, Second-in-Command/Internal Affairs Minister Lord Damien, Foreign Affairs Minister Tony2456, Military Operations Commander Laverick Phoenix, Education Affairs Minister Kochers, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister BoSox Nation, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister [b]The Atlantic Council[/b] [img]http://cn-nadc.com/images/nadc_assemblysealsmall.png[/img] [hr] [IMG]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080602131304/cybernations/images/thumb/b/b6/Sma.png/150px-Sma.png[/img] [u]Signed by the Executive Directorate[/u] mdnss69 Russell07 Slybomber [hr] [IMG]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100719081732/cybernations/images/thumb/5/53/EuropaFlag2.png/200px-EuropaFlag2.png[/img] [u]Signed by the Ayatollahs [/u] Ernesto Che Guevara, Grand Ayatollah Deebo, Mint Ayatollah Rivertommy, Strawberry Ayatollah Minister of Silly Walks, Vanilla Ayatollah [hr] [IMG]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090104175146/cybernations/images/thumb/1/1b/NewCCC.png/150px-NewCCC.png[/img] [u]Signed by the cabinet[/u] Chancellor: Wes the Wise Vice Chancellor: Zion7 Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ogden Chichester Minister of Internal Affairs: Ichabod Minister of Defense: KingChris [hr] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100502164742/cybernations/images/thumb/a/a5/TNGFlag.png/150px-TNGFlag.png[/img] [u]Signed by TNG[/u] Waffles - Triumvir of Foreign Affairs Kaplechistan - Triumvir of War JDorian - Triumvir of Internal Affairs Confusion - TNG's neighborhood hobo [hr] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100109035261/cybernations/images/thumb/b/b2/Nau.png/150px-Nau.png[/img] [u]Signed by NAA[/u] Sasuke [hr] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090528050907/cybernations/images/thumb/c/c5/NewFlag.png/150px-NewFlag.png[/img] [u]Signed by HA[/u] Duke Mindwerkz Atreides Mentat Vanadrin Failing Swordmaster Shortstar [hr]
  7. I dunno what all the fuss is about. No, MK is not extorting us and no, TFD did nothing wrong in handling the situation. Yeah, it was pretty entertaining seeing a joke DoW and seeing a nation attack because of it, but it was solved without drama, and I believe MK was reasonable enough in their negotiations. Go home, everybody.
  8. Actually, he might be serious. I mean, it's completely plausible considering MK and Athens nations refused to trade with NATO nations before NATO moved to Blue... They were smart before, but not anymore.
  9. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289020695' post='2503557'] Just for reference filling a war slot on purpose to mess up a stagger is an extremely ass thing to do, if that is the case here. I too would pursue military solutions if diplomatic ones broke down. But whatever, you're biting off way more than you can chew, and you should have gotten some half-decent allies beforehand. [/quote] Ditto the GOONS guy. ^
  10. I've seen you on the ranking list, but besides that, I've never heard your name from anybody else - ever. Gratz nonetheless.
  11. Raasaa makes a good point. GLOF and TFD ought to have a race...not to see who finishes first, but who finishes last... (we can even mark our progress on a calendar) ...see you next year!!
  12. Well then, Voytek, you're denying facts proven by much more than high school students. And for the record, it was a genuine apology. And I honestly didn't know posting a very unassuming post in a blog would stir up the emotions of somebody. Gosh, I'm naive. Anyways, perhaps I should use a different anology, assuming there is some lack of choice that you seem to imply. There are fat kids, skinny kids, short kids, stupid kids, and even smart kids who get bullied and commit suicide all the time. Do they have a choice about who they are? No. Does it happen? Yes. Do you see people making crusades wearing shirts saying "being fat is cool"? No. Look, just like you, I condemn bullying - of any sort. However, I believe there is a reason schools have authority figures in place who can not only counsel a bully victim but also put sanctions in place in order to punish the offenders and hopefully alleviate the situation. Past that, there are legal authorities who can get involved, because bullying is nearly synonymous with harassment, which is an offense. The world we live in is tough, Voytek. Thankfully in democratic societies such as the USA, there is a way to get help. This help is pointless, though, if it's never used. In conclusion, if you want to make a difference, instead of spending 15 dollars on a T-shirt that you'll wear once and never wear again, lobby your school district or other local representative to initiate an anti-bullying campaign in your local schools. My school has anti-bullying posters all over the place, and even had an event this year speaking out against cyber bullying. Do your local schools do this? I guarantee it'll be worth the effort.
  13. [quote name='Toraoji' timestamp='1288281366' post='2495234'] Congrats to TFD and our friends in GLOF. /o GLOF /o AZTEC (As slow as GLOF is, I bet you started this process like a year ago ) [/quote] Slow and steady wins the race, my friend.
  14. Win treaty is win. This is a treaty that I'm very proud to see come to pass. I'm looking forward to continued good times and now relations in an official capacity (sort of... *hands a 12-gauge to Moosey* ). o/
  15. Woah woah woah, it's not time to throw sand yet... Yes, I am one of "Those People" who know that there is no proven gay gene and that it is indeed a choice. Do I discriminate against them for that choice? No. Do I support people bullying them for that choice? No. Would I buy another shirt and wear it for a day for some people who committed suicide? No. Sorry if I offended anybody here. Didn't know it was that easy.
  16. I suppose you'd also be willing to wear black in memoriam of the emos who commit suicide too.
  17. Sorry for misleading you! I didn't know Blink was so popular.
  18. It wasn't so long ago TFD's own former Senator, LittleRena, left us to form her own little alliance on Pink. When she left, all of us at TFD were thinking the same thing: "it won't work; she'll be back." Nevertheless, we were proud to protect her new project and sponsored the new pink alliance. Boy, were we wrong. This pink project has turned into a pink phenomenon. The new pink alliance grew up, got together with some friends, and formed this new alliance in TPC. Pink Unity is on the upswing, and things are looking bright for this group of people. In the process of this pink phenomenon, TFD has been proud and honored to have our name tied to this success story. Over the short period of time, working with TPC has been great, and it is with the desire to further our relationship (and jump on the bandwagon of pink awesomeness ) that we sign this Optional Defense Pact. [QUOTE] [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y172/tatiana1kryanna/Cyber%20Nations/TFDflag.png[/img] [img]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/5343/tpcnorm.png[/img] [size=5][b]The Blue and Pink Statement[/b][/size][/center] [b]Article I: Preamble[/b] There are few cases where the association of Blue and Pink produce good results. This Optional Defence Pact is one of such cases. [b]Article II: Peace & Respect[/b] The first and last thing to be safeguarded by both alliances and their members is the Respect for opinions, thoughts and ideas - both in public and in private. The second is Peace. Neither alliance will initiate hostile or potentially aggressive actions against each other. In the event minor issues arise, because both Alliances are examples of respectful people, they will be solved rationally and with the purpose of preserving the best relationship possible. [b]Article III: Intelligence[/b] Should either signatory come across vital information regarding the other alliance's security, said signatory is required to share it with diligence. [b]Article IV: Aid, Defense, & Aggression [/b] Should one alliance be in dire need of monetary support and the other alliance capable of providing such assistance, both in money and aid slots, it shall happen. This clause is not valid during conflicts when either alliance is participating and the other isn't. In the event either alliance comes under attack by a third party, the other alliance is greatly encouraged to come to its defense. This same attitude shall also be adopted in the case of either signatory requesting assistance in an offensive action; however, the signatory being asked for assistance offensively must be given at least 48 hours notice. [b]Article V: Cancellation[/b] Should either signatory desire to cancel this treaty, the said signatory is required to present a notification of at least 48 hours, after which the treaty will be considered null and void. [b]Signed by The Foreign Division[/b] Barkeaters - Speaker Lusitan - Senator Basileus - Senator FarmGirl - Senator Eivind the Great - Senator GearHead - MoFA SupremePrince - DMoFA [b]Signed by The Peoples Community[/b] LittleRena - Councilor/Minister of Diplomacy Alexo14467 - Councilor Giovanni - Councilor MarkLevin7 - Councilor Broken Star - Councilor [/QUOTE] TPC Hail!
  19. While I really don't agree with wearing purple to school/work because of the suicides of a few gays, this guy is nuts. All he really had to do was contact his boss privately and say it was against his moral values to wear purple in memoriam of a few homosexuals. Instead, he posted it on facebook for all his friends and friends of friends to see, and ended up offending a large number of people. Unnecessary. Yeah, he'll probably lose his job.
  20. I think we should vote for King Death's too. Who cares if the traffic isn't extremely high. Every little bit counts. And quite frankly, it's probably better than the one I posted anyways, even if only slightly.
  21. [quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1288073354' post='2493423'] It was extended for UBD though I do see what you are saying since UBD is covered by NATO/NADC [/quote] Yeah, the way the ties are nowadays, if you include UBD, you may as well include NATO, NADC, and TFD, none of which really qualify as ex-BLEU in WoTC terms. Nonetheless, I am 110% proud of my MDoAP with NV and my ODP's/PIATs with other ex-BLEU friends, so this doesn't bother me.
  22. So, the entire treaty hinged on the relationship of two people? That seems...like a worthless treaty. Good luck to my TIO friends.
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