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Everything posted by GearHead

  1. Was looking for free online strategy games on google while at school. Two and a half years later, I'm still here.
  2. Missed TFD's monthly passes, but it's all good. Good work as always Gopher.
  3. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1285825890' post='2469455'] Conservative alliances still exist because they are boring and don't do anything but survive. duh. [/quote] Ah, so [i]that's[/i] why you left ODN.
  4. I see. Interesting story, something I didn't know. So, did every sanction go through Invicta Govt before that structure change? @ SCY: Fair enough then.
  5. To add to Raasaa's list, PnL now consists of TFD, Europa, NADC, UBD, and CCC as Engineers, five alliances.
  6. Not counting our current treaties (I assume you mean out of all non-treatied alliances), I'd like to see something with STA, WAPA, and Nordreich. Doesn't have to be anything big, but I've had my eye on them for a while. This doesn't count any of our current lower level treaties that I'd like to see upgraded or any treaties that are in the works already.
  7. Well considering we only have 3 MDoAP+ level treaties (well, according to your description [a bloc is kind of more than just one treaty]), I'd stick with those: Foreign Article 5 with NATO Peace and Love Train bloc MDoAP with NV
  8. I also find it disgusting that MK openly trolls an alliance that is allied to two of their own allies. Do you ever stop and think of anybody but yourselves (a.k.a. your allies' comfort over your own urge to blab mindlessly)? Kudos to the Polar man who can see it the right way. On to the more important part: Win treaty is win. I'm behind this 110% - and the reasons should be obvious.
  9. I agree completely that sanctions should lack any hint of political influence. However, I highly doubt that anything of the sort will ever be achieved. Exhibit A: MCXA. I did not realize first of all that their Senator had to get a sanction approved by the Govt of the alliance. That right there begins to bring politics into it. A Senator acts on behalf of his team, not his alliance. The fact that he wears his alliance's name while up there is merely a bonus and allows that alliance the convenience of having their own Senator up top to perform duties for them. Second of all, I did not realize that they based their sanctions on who is asking (aka political influence). I'm actually rather shocked to see the logs you posted, as I thought better of them before. So I guess if somebody who I regarded fairly well such as MCXA can introduce political influence to their privilege, I suppose pretty much anybody else can too. Exhibit B: GOONS. I don't have a paragraph to write about them because I'm pretty sure we all would expect this behavior from them by now. They're basically the dictionary example of an exception to idealism and honor.
  10. Wow, that was quick! Welcome to the circle, Quantum.
  11. Wow, that was just epic win. Not to mention Fureign Pirates Takin' Our Jerbs! getting biggest gainer. Shiver me timbers! [img]http://foreigndivision.org/Smileys/default/ninpir.gif[/img]
  12. I saw this too, but it was 4 AM at the time and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. In fact, I believed that it was because I was so tired that I was imagining this, so I took it as a sign that I should go to bed, and promptly did so. Good to see that I'm not [i]that[/i] delusional when tired.
  13. Toss up between MK, TOP, and NSO. Voted NSO.
  14. Poll needs some changes. Firstly, why are the neutrals on there? Secondly, I am pretty sure there are some alliances on there that are obviously not the most staunch allies, and some others that are fairly unproven. Shoutouts go to GATO for cancelling on an ally in the middle of a war, UPN for simply not following any of their treaties to war, and Guru Order for being in only one war (TOP-CnG) for a relatively short time on the winning side (a.k.a. unproven). There are probably others (for example, alliances that cancel important treaties right before wars or during wars are just shameful [although I wouldn't include somebody like ODN as their 'incident' happened quite a long time ago]), but those are the ones that come to mind. In replacement of the five alliances mentioned above, I'd probably nominate TPF, FEAR, CCC, 1TF, and LSF (although TFD have a pretty clean record too ). Edit: Other runner ups on my list would include FoB, NEW, and TSO (oh yes, I had to say it).
  15. Wow, don't you guys have anything better to talk about? Really, it was old a few months ago...
  16. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1283758580' post='2443532'] [color="#FF8C00"]The cat pip looks horrible though, I wanna see what FOK has.[/color] [/quote] IIRC, the FOK one is a cat too. Just a slightly bigger and stronger cat.
  17. This is sad and surprising to see. My day is just ruined...
  18. Voted MHA, NpO, and ODN - simply because I see them going onward and upward in the coming times.
  19. Disregarding my stance on tech raiding is strictly against it, I agree with the OP completely. I've had to coordinate rogue-killing wars around tech raiders too, and it's a major pain. Go away, scoundrels - you're doing more harm than good.
  20. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1283042830' post='2434343'] I never really saw the point to aid clauses, anyway. Even if you filled up the slots of a large nation, 15m doesn't make an awful lot of difference. [/quote] Who says they have to send aid to a large nation? I don't think anybody even does that...at least I hope not...
  21. Go SMF! Great work, MP. 'Twas an interesting read.
  22. Actually, there are 4 blue alliances in PnL. Honestly, I would love to see another successful BLEU bloc. A good majority of TFD's treaties are on the blue team, and there aren't any Blue alliances that we don't like. That said, I don't think many are willing to put in the effort (or screw up their treaty webs) just to be friendly with their fellow teammates. Diplomats? Sure. Blunity bloc? Sure. Low level treaties? Sure. Color wide MDoAP/MDAP? No way. And I don't blame them either.
  23. [quote name='Chimaera' timestamp='1282666420' post='2429479'] IAA was in the running for WAE? Damn, I *was* doing something right after all. [/quote] Kzoppistan needs to learn your ways - scientifically proven stuff isn't helping us at all.
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