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Everything posted by GearHead

  1. What's a green light? +61 nations is...suspicious. What did you do, let all your applicants in at once?
  2. [quote name='Barkeaters' date='11 June 2010 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1276309808' post='2334281'] Friends friends all around. I have the company TFD credit card so the drinks are on me! [/quote] Don't get too ambitious there...
  3. [quote name='Batallion' date='11 June 2010 - 11:20 AM' timestamp='1276273216' post='2333327'] Withdrawals from the competition are no longer allowed per the rules, for any reason. Also, LOL Mexico, good luck to whoever voted for them... Hahaha. [/quote] Don't remind me...
  4. ...and the relationship soars higher! That's right, it seems like just yesterday we signed our first treaty with RoA, and I can't say I regret a moment of it. This is exactly why we've decided to "change the treaty to better reflect our relationship." In short, it's an upgrade from a [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=82741]PIAT[/url] to an ODP. And an awesome one at that. In fact, you know how your mom never told you that you were an accident until you had an "accident" of your own? Yeah, well, that's sort of what happened here. Whoops! [QUOTE] [center] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/thumb/3/34/Republic_of_Aquisgrana.svg/252px-Republic_of_Aquisgrana.svg.png[/img][size="1"] [/size][img]http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/4475/tfdflagbj0.png[/img] [/center] [center][b][i]The "This was actually a joke, but somehow it got posted on the OWF" Treaty[/i][/b][/center] [center] [b]Chapter One: In which we meet our protagonists.[/b] There once were two alliances that shared a special bond that even some of their family disapproved of, but that they decided needed to be expressed in a meaningful way. They recognized this friendship with one of them lovely PIAT's with an optional defense clause, but being a pack of sea lawyers, decided they really needed to formalize this as an ODP. [b]Chapter Two: On Peace[/b] Our two lovely characters, herein after called "RoA" and "TFD" therefore decided that in order to maintain their wonderful new relationship justly, that it hereby be ordained henceforth and forevermore to abstain from hostile acts in each other's general directions. This means nothing, not aiding bandits on each other's trail, not hitting each other directly, not committing acts of espionage against one another for any reason whatsoever. True friendship is like that. [b]Chapter Three: On Prosperity[/b] They therefore decided that in times of need, that they would open their possessions to one another and render assistance with their markets and such. This was immediately labeled a "good idea" and was extended to cover trades, tech stuff, and whatever other sort of economic help could be extended without straining the resources of the other party. They agreed that this was by no means a requirement, but a laudable goal to keep in mind. [b]Chapter Four: On War[/b] They agreed that this is meant to be a defensive clause and by no means a requirement. Their collective security would be strengthened by their unity in action, they agreed in principle, but fully understood that not all circumstances are conducive to a unified stand at all times. Perhaps one day, in a world torn apart with fire and blood, they could stand together against the forces of darkness, but perhaps not. Such dreams are those of prideful men, but we were proud in those days. [b]Chapter Five: On the End of our Story[/b] The sun shall rise and set three times before the hard hearts of RoA and TFD may tear them apart. They shall light the council fires and speak of that which they cannot reconcile first, and when the period of mourning has elapsed, this pact shall be no more. [b]/signed/ for RoA[/b] Magistratus: Valdemar Minister Legati: Elfriede Riotte Minister Domesticus: Gavin Jones Minister Immigrationis: Kaiser Milch Minister Frugalitas: Sherman Minister Defensionis: Alfred von Schliefen [b]/signed/ for TFD[/b] Speaker - LetsHunt Senator - Illius Vander Senator - The Iggy Senator - Barkeaters Senator - Phil MoFA - GearHead [/center] [/QUOTE] Huge props to Valdemar who wrote this piece of art....not! For those of you who don't get the inside joke, just smile and hail. Just smile and hail.
  5. We have 12 million tech? Awesome work though. I was actually just thinking about how the blocs were standing nowadays, since UEvil has been away for so long, but then I clicked Open World RP and bingo! Edit: Nvm, Death got it before me.
  6. At first it was funny, then it got a little weird. Nevertheless, it was 100% Schatt. Good read.
  7. [s]I agree that I will be known as an unalligned nation upon entering this competition. This means that Batallion is fully authorized to use military force if necessary should I refuse to pay my debts.[/s] *I'll pay them.* I agree to follow all the rules stated above and by no means will I attempt to try and loophole through a trivial set of rules. I understand that I may be charged for a maximum of 200 tech (or 6 million) according to the Winnings above. My Nation Name: Rosche My Nation Ruler: GearHead My Alliance: The Foreign Division Link To My Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=210795 FIFA Nation I Support: Italy, France Current Tech Level: >3000 I already put tech on Brazil. Just betting some more. Edit: If one or both of those are already full, put it on Mexico and Ivory Coast (in that order).
  8. GearHead

    World Cup

    [b]Group A[/b] The Legion Fark [b]Group B[/b] Viridian Entente The Order of Light [b]Group C[/b] FOK Federation Of Armed Nations [b]Group D[/b] World Task Force United Purple Nations [b]Group E[/b] New Polar Order Ragnarok [b]Group F[/b] Sparta Nordreich or Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism (toss up between those two for the last spot...) [b]Group G[/b] Mostly Harmless Alliance Green Protection Agency [b]Group H[/b] New Pacific Order Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
  9. KW finally got the forums working. Jokes aside, anybody who can manage to get CCC to protect them must be amazing. I expect great things.
  10. The Foreign Division and The Order of Righteous Nations. Something we both have in common: love. Say what? Yes, love. Love, that is, for Zenith. So it only makes sense now that we are The Zenith Division for us to get some chemistry going and...well, spread the love! Here it is: [QUOTE] [center][img]http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/4475/tfdflagbj0.png[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/5230/tornq.png[/img] [size=5][b]The "ohaithur" Treaty[/b][/size] [/center] [b]Article I: Preamble[/b] The Foreign Division (TFD) and The Order of Righeous Nations (TORN) have not been de-facto allies for long. However, the ideas in which the relationship between TORN and Zenith was forged from requires that a minimum amount of effort be put forth to maintain the relationship - even after Zenith and TFD have become one. Thus, with the interests of showing this effort in mind, TFD and TORN enter this Optional Defense and Optional Aggression Pact. [b]Article II: Peace & Respect[/b] The first and last thing to be safeguarded by both alliances and their members is the Respect for opinions, thoughts and ideas - both in public and in private. The second is Peace. Neither alliance will initiate hostile or potentially aggressive actions against each other. In the event minor issues arise, because both Alliances are examples of respectful people, they will be solved rationally and with the purpose of preserving the best relationship possible. [b]Article III: Intelligence[/b] Should either signatory come across vital information regarding the other alliance's security, said signatory is required to share it with diligence. [b]Article IV: Aid, Defense, & Aggression[/b] Should one alliance be in dire need of monetary support and the other alliance capable of providing such assistance, both in money and aid slots, it shall happen. This clause is not valid during conflicts when either alliance is participating and the other isn't. In the event either alliance comes under attack by a third party, the other alliance is greatly encouraged to come to its defense. This same attitude shall also be adopted in the case of either signatory requesting assistance in an offensive action; however, the signatory being asked for assistance offensively must be given at least 48 hours notice. [b]Article V: Review & Cancellation[/b] This treaty shall be reviewed by both signatories 30 days after the time of initial signing. Should either signatory desire to cancel this treaty, the said signatory is required to present a notification of at least 48 hours, after which the treaty will be considered null and void. [b]Signed by The Foreign Division[/b] Speaker - LetsHunt Senator - Illius Vander Senator - The Iggy Senator - Barkeaters Senator - Phil Minister of Foreign Affairs - GearHead Deputies of Foreign Affaris - Duncan King and JTrapp8473 [b]Signed by The Order of Righteous Nations[/b] Bigwoody, Dear Leader HisRoyalThickness, TORN Thickfuhrer Lord Curzon, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs SinisterCanuck, Triumvir of War StevieG, Triumvir of Internal Affairs AddictedAfflictin, TORN Representative [/QUOTE] Ohaithur, TORN. Short, sweet, and to the point. Hail!!
  11. Hey guys! Welcome to the Blue team! Feel free to drop by our forums and say hello. We'll have some beer ready for ya.
  12. [s]I agree that I will be known as an unalligned nation upon entering this competition. This means that Batallion is fully authorized to use military force if necessary should I refuse to pay my debts.[/s] *I'm not going to refuse to pay...* I agree to follow all the rules stated above and by no means will I attempt to try and loophole through a trivial set of rules. I understand that I may be charged for a maximum of 200 tech (or 6 million) according to the Winnings above. My Nation Name: Rosche My Nation Ruler: GearHead My Alliance: The Foreign Division Link To My Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=210795 FIFA Nation I Support: Brazil Current Tech Level: Over 2900 I think.
  13. Obviously the authorities failed to get rid of them, so this guy is doing it for them. Kudos to him for getting things done right and surpassing our pathetic bureaucracy system.
  14. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='02 June 2010 - 06:57 AM' timestamp='1275479812' post='2320400'] We at the Alliance Relevance & Co\m/petence Evaluation Company™ pride ourselves on communication, I'm sure with some more diplomacy everyone will feel satisfied. Also, I should have quoted you, dammit. [/quote] Bwahahaha! Now my post is lost into the depths of...edited posts...
  15. Edit: Nevermind, I think I read the OP wrong. Boo.
  16. Good write up. Yes, TOOL is a fine alliance. I've had the pleasure to speak to a few of you on numerous occasions, especially on your IRC channel. I've never spoken to you before, though. Perhaps you can drop by IRC some time and say hello? Keep working at it though. With hard work comes more potential (and inevitably more hard work ). I did the exact same thing you did two years ago - but with TFD. I never looked back, and never will. Always stay humble and never cross the line that you know as your integrity. If you are respectful and honest, you can go far.
  17. Heh, how old are you again?
  18. [quote name='KINGKrath' date='25 May 2010 - 08:16 AM' timestamp='1274793394' post='2311235'] we posted the link [/quote] Of course. Duh. *smacks head*
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