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Everything posted by GearHead

  1. SCY did it all wrong. We're 19.99.
  2. GearHead


    You're a very neat person who I always thought I should get to know more, Mia. I will say that lurking in #tool without your presence there seems different.
  3. [quote name='Fyfe XIV' timestamp='1291438776' post='2529774'] Oh how I love to dance [/quote] And dance, we shall.
  4. I really like DAAN, and CCC are obviously a favorite of mine, so I think it's safe to say I'm a fan of this. Good luck, DAAN, in assimilating in your new home.
  5. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1291403385' post='2529228'] I was even asked twice this week if we were still protecting them. [/quote] You and me both...
  6. TFD: Keeping at least two announcements per page since 2010... Jokes aside, this was a no-brainer to sign. We do like our HA friends, and having a part in their journey is something we're proud to do.
  7. Very sad to see. I always had a soft spot for Nemesis, even if I rarely expressed it. Good luck to those who are looking for a new home.
  8. To those of whom this interests: Article V of The "ohaithur" Treaty has been activated and the 48 hours cool down time has passed, rendering the oDoAP between The Foreign Division and The Order of Righteous Nations null and void. This cancellation is a result of an ongoing treaty review going on within TFD. We wish our friends at TORN the best, and I sincerely hope to continue interaction with them in the future. We'll see you on the flip side, friends. *over and out*
  9. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1291293336' post='2527966'] It is kind of funny. Ragnarok posts an embassy cleaning thread and [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95044&view=findpost&p=2522650]get[/url] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95044&view=findpost&p=2523746]hailed[/url] for it, TSO do the same and get complained about and ridiculed. [/quote] The OWF: Making sense since....well, never. Hit the nail right on the head, Mayz. Nevertheless, you can bet on our embassy remaining open.
  10. So four of some of the best growers in the competition already have a red dot... This should be interesting.
  11. I highly suggest Nueva Vida as your home alliance. I believe you'd find everything regarding a friendly community, and an appreciative audience to your work.
  12. New treaties: TFD-TPC ODP TFD-Europa oDoAP TFD-TNG MDoAP
  13. I'm a bad person who reads topics but doesn't hail them. Hail! o/ Europa
  14. [quote name='Burnsey' timestamp='1290940333' post='2525252'] RoA? My friend, that hurt [/quote] I have no idea how that came out. Whoops...
  15. [quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1290916125' post='2525090'] Wouldn't do anything. [/quote] [i]"Nothing that isn't a real crime makes a man appear so contemptible and little in the eyes of the world as inconsistency."[/i] - Joseph Addison
  16. Congratulations to both of my good friends! Great to see this.
  17. Actually, this guy makes me want to sign a NAP with some micro that isn't even on the alliance list, and then cancel that same treaty just to see what he does.
  18. Oh Greenacres, you've shown up again. Anywho, decisions like these are never easy, and I wish my buddies at Colossus the best of luck as they continue forward. o/ Edit: You know you have issues when you don't even know who you're meant to be hailing.
  19. ...Looking up at the sky, smelling the fragrant flowers; all was good. And then in my ignorant bliss, I ran into a young fellow named Confusion. He was one of those kids who would put dog crap in a bag, light it on fire, stick it on your front porch, and ring the doorbell. But for some reason, I liked him. It didn't take long for us to become friends and it wasn't but a few days and he was telling all of his TFD friends of his grand plans to make some new alliance that was going to conquer the world (sort of ). So we told them about our own plan to conquer the world with PnL Train (sort of ) and told them they should join with us. Well, the rest is history. Over the many fun and exciting months we've spent together, the relationship with TFD and TNG has been very fruitful. Not only that, but we've had the pleasure of watching TNG blossom up into a thriving and active band of friends. As such, it didn't take much thought when they proposed this MDoAP to us, and here we are, announcing that very thing. I present proudly to the nations of Bob: [QUOTE] [center] [img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/e/ed/TFD_flag.png[/img] [img]http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6378/250pxtngflag2.png[/img] [size=20pt]The Light at the End of the Train Tunnel Treaty[/size] [/center] [b]Preamble[/b] The Foreign Division and The New Guy have been friends and partners for some time. TNG has been a protectorate of TFD for a while and today we feel we can take the next step with the signature of this Mutual Defence and optional Aggression Treaty. [b]Peace[/b] Neither TFD or TNG will, as alliance or individual members, ever conspire, attack or in any way cause damage to the other alliance. Both memberships are expected to treat each other respectfully and amicably both in public and private. [b]Information[/b] In the event either signatory gains possession of information relevant to the other party, whatever the nature, it shall be shared. [b]Aid and Support[/b] Should either signatory come under any sort of attack by a third party he may request financial, political or military aid from the other signatory who is required to concede it in the way the other signatory finds it more beneficial. Should the attack result from the activation of an external treaty, the aid concession becomes optional and not mandatory. Should either signatory declare an aggressive war on a third party, the other is encouraged although not required to come to his support. This treaty provides both signatories with full justification to join an aggressive war that concerns the other, if they so choose. [b]Cancellation[/b] In the undesirable scenario either treaty partner wishes to cancel these accords, he is required to provide 72 hours notification previous to the cancellation taking effect. [u]Signed for TFD[/u] Speaker - Barkeaters Senator - Basileus Senator - Eivind the Great Senator - The Iggy Senator - Lusitan MoFA - GearHead DMoFA - SupremePrince [u]Signed for TNG[/u] Confusion - The Doctor. Waffles - Triumvir of Foreign Affairs, French Toast. JDorian - Triumvir of Internal Affairs Kaplechistan - Triumvir of War and Defense Cesar Julian - Lord of Communications [/QUOTE] Hail! o/ TNG o/ TFD
  20. iLike. I see bright things in the future for you guys. Keep up the good work!
  21. [quote name='kuhnini' timestamp='1290213989' post='2517821'] Congrats on the growth TFD! A sharp looking government too! It's been great getting to know the awesomeness of TFD over the many months of our relationship. Great to be treatied with such a classy group! [/quote] I had to reply directly to this one because I couldn't resist saying the feeling is mutual. And obligatory: [quote name='AtheistRepublican' timestamp='1290203917' post='2517651'] I love you guys so friggin much - congrats on this excellent (and totally not surprising) milestone! As well as sexy new gov. [/quote] AR, my favorite Blood Sister, makes me blush again. Edit: Speelling.
  22. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1290187155' post='2517464'] Why does Gearhead love australia when he's a yank? [/quote] Like Uralica said - it has something to do with the fact that I live here. [quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1290188601' post='2517491'] Nice job TFD. o/ That is indeed some impressive growth. For those who don't know, GearHead and I go way back. [OOC: BTW, he loves Australia because he lives there atm, or at least he did live there ] [/quote] Yes. Those were some good times back then too. And I'm still here. Living in Perth now. Stereotypical Aussie town. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1290187800' post='2517479'] Congrats guys. I anticipate Williamson becoming gov. He's an awesome diplomat over here at X, and he's truly an asset to your alliance. Good luck in the future. [/quote] Williamson is indeed an excellent guy and your good word is definitely going to be stored in my books for future reference. Also, thanks for the kind words and good luck to Exodus as you continue to establish yourselves. [quote name='iMatt' timestamp='1290187138' post='2517463'] Congrats to the elected, and the 5 mill. Onwards and upwards! Question: What is your FA direction? (since PNL is now gone) [/quote] [quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1290188653' post='2517492'] Congratulations on your growth. Since PnL has dissolved, do you forsee TFD joining any other blocs soon? Ever? [/quote] I'll answer both of these at the same time since they are very similar. As far as our future FA direction post-PnL, we've basically decided to take a step back and evaluate what opportunities come our way now that we've actually made the move. As such, we don't have any "plans" per say for the future...yet. And more pointed towards Jay Z's question: Since we haven't got any plans in mind as of yet, I can't really comment on the possibility of us joining a bloc soon. It could happen, but it's not like we're in a hurry or have any ideas. As for the long-term, I believe it's very possible we end up experimenting with the bloc idea again, but again, I have no idea what that's gonna be. I hope I've answered each question to everybody's full expectations. Let me know if I missed one.
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