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Everything posted by Randalla

  1. Just passing through, when I should be sleeping. Surprise, surprise....
  2. Oh hi there! I thought you looked familiar. Just one of those faces, right? Amazon territory will welcome Sajasabie diplomats any time.
  3. Except that didn't really end well, since Penthesilea was killed by Achilles. But if it was me, I'd have kicked his butt, and *that* would be awesome.
  4. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't like to visit these parts very often. However, seeing some of the assumptions going on here, I thought I would offer to answer questions the general public might have regarding this matter. Privately, of course.
  5. Tech deals and trade circles in progress. ::beckon::
  6. I keep having to log in to bump this. lol
  7. You know I'm a big fan of eye-candy, and I really got a kick out of this! Good job and congratulations, my dears.
  8. I admit, I did a little double-take there. Congratulations, my dears. Always good to see that little thing I like to call continuous process improvement at work. Also, sleek new government is pretty sexy.
  9. Thanks everyone. And I never mind being asked questions, so to answer: I've known a couple of these guys, and had worked closely with them not too long ago. Since BCOM's formation, I've made even more great acquaintances there. They're good people. Amazon's treaties are the result of a friendship that already exists, and for no other gain but to strengthen that previously existing friendship. We only have a small handful of those mostly because I'm anti-social.
  10. it was just a matter of time. About an hour and a half, to be somewhat exact. And while we were more than prepared to go all out on this one, out of respect for BCOM's protectors, UINE, we're going easy on their protectorate. It's been a pleasure, as always, my old friends. Cheers!
  11. I believe it would have been acceptable to keep your treaty within the limits of what is allowed in the Ragnablok, then upgrade upon your legitimate graduation. There are ways to have your cake and eat it, too, as they say. It's very possible to graduate from the Ragnablok without any drama, while still maintaining good relations with Rok. I promise. Good luck.
  12. Thanks much! I have updates coming soon. ;D
  13. It is a sad occasion, true, but we've met some great folks there at LCN during its brief run. BM, your handling of various matters impressed me. George, your eagerness and willingness to tackle the heavy responsibilities of leadership also impressed me. You guys will be great additions to any alliance you choose to join, and if you do decide to have another go at it, I expect more great things down the road from you. And yes indeed, Amazon Nation will continue to protect the AA for an additional 25 days while everyone goes shopping.
  14. Being present during the discussions, I was glad to see a rational head prevail, and that there was ultimately no need for any further action. I do wish Oliver luck, and hope to see better of him in the future. As for La Cosa Nostra, as always, you have our support, and we're glad to see this taken care of quickly and effectively.
  15. I have to say, I'm extremely disappointed in your behavior, Oliver, and I'm sorry to see this happen. As La Cosa Nostra is under the protection of the Amazon Nation, I was made privy to these events, and have no problems discussing what happened and/or answering any questions regarding this incident in private--that includes anything you would like to discuss, Oliver. You're not under ZI, you're not being black-listed, you simply cannot be trusted any longer in a position of authority. Good luck to you in your future endeavors. You did some great things--this was simply a not-so-great thing. I hope to see better of you in the future.
  16. We're not usually into "capturing the moment", but just this once... We look forward to more slaying with the fine folks of Asgaard.
  17. You have the full support of the Amazon Nation. Keep up the excellent work, boys.
  18. Welcome home, kids. As always, we will do our best to help make your transition as painless as possible, if needed. Cheers!
  19. I just got a little excited there. Welcome to the dark side! We'll be happy to help with the transition.
  20. Hey I thought I was that one friend you keep arou... o wait. No, really, keep up the good work, boys. And thanks for the
  21. Thanks guys! I'm honored, I've always enjoyed pestering you fine folks.
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