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Everything posted by Randalla

  1. ::Stuffs Xochi back into one of his nation's giant clam shells:: You have clams to defend, back to the front lines with you! This must truly be Ragnarok! Cheers, Rok!
  2. Area 51 We have returned, and our hangar doors are opened once more to newcomers and old friends alike. We reside on the Black team, but residence 'on base' is not a mandatory requirement. We respect all, and fiercely protect our own. PM me or visit to join: Area 51 Forums #A51 on coldfront Scully, Area 51 Director
  3. Cheers, 'blok siblings! Though we fight on different fronts, we wish our siblings good luck on the battlefield.
  4. You see, Rok did not send us. We chose to march for those who provided us with a safe haven (and a most excellent brain-gnawing diplomat), and we march with those who have been our friends since the birth of the Amazon Nation. Every speedbump you have to accommodate delays you from reaching your intended destination that much longer. "Harken! O Alala, daughter of Polemos! Prelude of spears! To whom soldiers are sacrificed for their city’s sake in the holy sacrifice of death." Alale alala!
  5. Now who wouldn't want to march to war alongside that?
  6. o7 our respectable foe! I'll leave the six pack for the guys... but the coffee is all mine. Battle on!
  7. Greetings, all! I come bearing good news! In the midst of chaos and war, relations between some of us grow ever closer. I present to you the upgraded Doomsday Accords, appropriately named....... The Second Coming A Mutual Defense/Optional Aggression Pact between the Amazon Nation and Apocalypse Now, since the onset of this little skirmish... ::cough:: ...My personal opinions have kept me and the Amazon Nation thus far quiet, watching and waiting. It's not blood we're after, we have no interest in joining in on the aggression against NPO. However, our protectors deserve the loyalty we freely give them, and in the spirit of the Ragnablok we call home, the Amazon Nation mobilizes in defense of Ragnarok against their Legion attackers. And since they were headed our way, we thought we'd hitch a ride to the front lines with our Apocalyptic friends. An Eye For An Eye From the Amazon Nation Code of Conduct: ::Looks around:: Well, since I'm the one with the nukes, our nuclear policy is simple. We do not engage in nuclear first strikes. Our limited escalation policy restricts any retaliatory nuclear strikes to only those nations which have fired against us. Long story short--I'm not sure if that's possible, but I'll give it a shot. - MDP upgrade to MDoAP with Apocalypse. - Amazon Nation defends Ragnarok against Legion attackers. - Anti-first-strike and limited escalation nuclear policy in effect. o/ Amazon Nation! o/ Ragnarok! o/ Apocalypse!
  8. ::Sigh:: This doesn't deserve a new thread, I'm just adding it here. It would appear that my patience and understanding have all been for naught, and in my attempt to work with him yet again, he's spit in my face. King601 has reneged, turned away from his apology, turned away from our friendship--even in this last ditch effort to repair the damage that was done. He's now refused my offer to work with him in the matter of payment of reparations. He's turned down the protection of the AzN PoW AA to join another affiliation. He's mocked me in the room of this new affiliation of his. His pointless aggression is once again renewed and recognized. He is no longer under the protection of the Amazon Nation. King, your treachery has reached a new low. You're nothing to us. Good riddance.
  9. Indeed, we were friends before this reckless declaration, and I believe his sincere apology is the first step in repairing that damaged friendship. To be clear, the damage was not caused by the loss of a few "pixels." My reaction was made via private message, and will remain private. I know he means well in his enthusiasm, and simply doesn't always think things through. Thus my terms were intended to be lenient and non-political. The AA AzN PoW is now under our protection. While he is in the process of making reparations to the Amazons he attacked, which involves the expiration of aid slots in order to do so, he will remain under our terms of surrender and our protection. When reparations are made in full, he will be released. This "stern talking to" has been brought to you by the Amazon Nation. Thank you.
  10. Hate to break it to you, but heart had nothing to do with his actions. If it did, he would have attacked those who were carrying out the actions he rails against in his announcement. We've been friends for some time, I've helped him out on numerous occasions. Sure he hates our forums, but I allow him that. This was simply the reckless stupidity of one who can't decide whether he's coming or going. I've humored his indecisions and reckless behavior for long enough. The Amazon Nation thanks our numerous friends for their support, while we marvel at the logistics of fighting an enemy who already only has 25 infrastructure. Also, for your viewing pleasure, sword pron--or maybe leather pron--or both (because I couldn't find a suitable facepalm on such short notice):
  11. Et tu, Kingy? Tsk. Also.... My war flag is cooler than your war flag. Contact me when you're ready to surrender.
  12. Congratulations, dear friends! Some excellent news in the midst of such interesting times.
  13. Congratulations, and happy birthday, friends!
  14. I refer all legal matters to our eater-of-brains.... And yes, yes there is an alliance with the acronym AzN. While sometime down the line, there may yet be an alliance with the acronym AN, there will never be another AzN.
  15. Thank you, friends and colleagues. Be sure to stay tuned, we're not done yet.
  16. Yes! You all are awesome. May we never run out of brains for Mecha.
  17. From practically day one of the formal existence of the Amazon Nation, the folks at The Shadow Confederacy have been great to us. TSC folks are friendly, professional, and (perhaps most importantly) spammy! Omni, specifically, is a diplomat of the highest caliber who shares my opinion that good communication is the answer to the meaning of life. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but only a little! You guys know I'm a big fan of it, and I couldn't be happier to be announcing this "enhancement" of sorts to the ties that bind AzN and TSC already through NOIR. May I present to you: The long and short of it: MDP between The Shadow Confederacy and Amazon Nation. Thank you, come again! Edit: ::cough:: Sigs would be good. Also, in before "Sigs would be good"....
  18. We're a bit overdue for a Good Friday bump.
  19. A heartfelt salute to Master Nick for his service, and congrats to our friends in Ether.
  20. Anyway, I'm glad to see both parties actually working toward restoring their relations, rather than simply dropping the treaty entirely. It's been expressed by a couple of others before me, and I agree with the sentiment. Cheers to both.
  21. We're glad to have you back in Black, and looking forward to working with you folks as a part of NOIR.
  22. Thank you, allies and friends, we are equally proud to call you such. More tart parties in #AzN this weekend to celebrate, before we get back to work on our next projects!
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