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Everything posted by Randalla

  1. Greetings my dears, I come bearing more good news from Amazonia! I am pleased to present to you the "paper" version of the friendship that began quite some time back, as one individual in particular has practically been a part of the furniture in #AzN since our first days. As I returned the favor and planted myself in #cn-octava, I've had the chance to see how much work and effort Ezequiel has put into this adventure of his. They've had their ups and downs as many have, but they've stuck it out and worked it out, and I can definitely appreciate effort and hard work when I see it. So enough of my typical gushing, on with the show! Long story short: Ezequiel's a good guy, and he has a pretty nifty avatar. Oh, and we made PIAT.
  2. This is indeed sad news. There were good folks there. And I really liked that flag. Good luck to the membership in their future endeavors.
  3. Thank you all! There's an extra rack of swords.. yes, swords... in #AzN with which to celebrate.
  4. Greetings all! I'm very excited to present to you this latest masterpiece. While I value all of our friends, and I am equally protective of them all, I was very flattered to have been approached by MA to work on this. Not many larger alliances pay much mind to a modest group like mine, but sometimes, a rare gem recognizes that good things can come in small packages. Not to mention I'd always been an admirer of KaitlinK from a distance. ((Who doesn't love that avatar? Tell me?)) Also, I've been stalkin..er.. following some of their current membership with treaties for a while now, the good folks who traveled all the way from the Apocalypse, through Aeon, and finally to settle in Monos Archein. I love these guys. So enough of my gushing, on with the show!
  5. Happy Anniversary, my friends. As always, it's good to see you fine folks lurking about. Good luck with your recruiting!
  6. Greetings, Stevelings! While a few of us hard working Agents of Area 51 have been juggling between off-base vacations, war, and quite possibly the best Ruben sandwiches ever made ((contact me for the location of said sandwiches )), I was remiss in my duty to have announced this sooner. My sincere apologies to curious onlookers, my own fellow Agents, and the GATO combatants for the delay. White peace has indeed been agreed upon between Area 51 and GATO. As far as I am aware, the battles themselves were well fought, and a good time was had by all. Of course, I haven't had the time to read through Area 51's "suggestions and complaints" box yet, but...well... anyhoo... We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. o7 Scully Area 51 Assistant Director
  7. I am sorry that being away from my throne this week ((woo, vacation!)) kept me from learning the good news much sooner, but I am extremely pleased to have been able to work with Zhaan and crew very early on. I'm looking forward to continuing our excellent working relationship now that I'm home ((sweet home)) again, and hope to see these fine folks flourish. Congrats, guys!
  8. LW told me I need to hail this. No, really, this looks good, guys. Congrats to some long-time friends of the Amazons. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you.
  9. That there is the result of a lot of hard work. I'm looking forward to seeing much more to come. Oh, and welcome to our most excellent sphere of black.
  10. Amazon Nation (AzN) Black #AzN on coldfront http://amazonnationalliance.proboards.com/index.cgi?
  11. If you're genuinely interested in seeking assistance, I'll be available this evening to chat. I think I can offer a hand without the necessity of a merge, public or otherwise.
  12. Congratulations to our newest 'blok siblings!
  13. 'Bout time, guys! Amazonia is, of course, glad to have you in NOIR.
  14. ::Runs to fetch Xochi's leash:: Can't take you into public these days, can I? Besides, I don't know what you're talking about, I shower regularly.... ::Innocent::
  15. I look forward to working with our new NOIR friends, and learning these promised economic sekrets. Cheers!
  16. Everyone's well-wishes warms this crabby old High Elf's heart. Thank you all, from me and my Amazons!
  17. Thanks everyone! And realizing that most will remove such references in their own rules against raiding the red sphere (if they have not already done so), I chose to leave ours for the time being, to avoid any potential unnecessary complications. It seemed fitting, as well, as black and red are sacred colors to the Amazons. ;D
  18. Greetings all! Some of our friends have been awaiting our July announcement as anxiously as I have. For over a month now, we've worked to expand our previously limited, very general government, and we are attempting to offer our membership more specialized choices of the roles they wish to fill in the Amazon Nation, which better suit a wider variety of ruling ((playing)) styles. It's a far more extensive system of forum masking than I've attempted previously, and I'd like to thank my members and diplomats alike for their patience during our month long renovations. The Nation has spoken, and I am pleased to announce our most radical charter change yet. With that accomplished, the first expanded government of the Amazon Nation has been appointed. Subsequent Amazonian governments will fall into the cycle of elections during the months of January, May and September. I now present to you the First Official Extended Government of the Amazon Nation. --- Hierarchy of the Nation (High Government) The Queen: Randalla, of The HiElands The Council of Matriarchs: Amarynth, of Caspysia (Queen's Consort) Larethiel, of Havalas Elders: ~~~ --- Masters and Mistresses of the Nation (Elected Government) Mistress of Diplomacy: The Warrior Princess, of Athens Master of War: Kerdor, of Morte Vallta Master of Finance: Elbryan, of Nebuchadnezzar Master/Mistress of Recruitment: ~~~ Master/Mistress of Education: ~~~ --- Keepers of the Nation (Appointed Assistants) Keepers have not yet been appointed. And last but not least, a recent acquisition of some collective Nation Strength and capable government officials now allows us to celebrate a common milestone, over 200,000 Strength and a whopping score of 1.05! Long story short--what, you don't want to read all that??: - AzN government now welcomes the menfolk! - New expanded government announced! - 200,000+ Strength milestone reached! And as an added side note in case it was overlooked, the Amazon Nation has commandeered the use of the AA "Amazon Nation Initiate" for our recruiting purposes. An attack on an Initiate will incur a knock on the door from a very stern Amazon in search of reparations. We now return you to your normally scheduled browsing. Alale alala!
  19. YES! I like this. I do recall the aforementioned alliances, but I was not drawn to them as much before. [ooc] o/ST2009 [/ooc] Expect a visit from the Amazon Nation soon! I look forward to establishing first contact.
  20. Who let those sneaky Aeon people in there?? Congrats, old friends and new!
  21. Congratulations on well deserved promotions. To celebrate said promotions and the silliness of others for bringing up silliness in the midst of this happy occasion, I will be giving away free cookies tonight. Cheers, OBR!
  22. Thanks Cap'n! July is going to be a good month.
  23. The Amazon Nation naturally supports appropriately estrogen-laced leadership. Good luck, even if only temporarily... [ooc]...and speedy recovery to Moo.[/ooc]
  24. Area 51 We have returned, and our hangar doors are open once more to newcomers and old friends alike. This round I turn the secret base keys over to our previous round's capable Assistant, Elbryan, who now assumes the Director's seat with my blessing. o7 We reside on the Black team, but residence 'on base' is not a mandatory requirement. We respect all, and fiercely protect our own. PM me or Elbryan, or visit to join: Area 51 Forums #A51 on coldfront Scully, Area 51 Assistant Director
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