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Everything posted by Randalla

  1. New and improved is good. Keep up the excellent growth, my friends.
  2. I look forward to working with our fellow Black Sphere inhabitants for another year or so. Cheers!
  3. I had also confirmed that this new group was not affiliated with the previous one when we first started talking. Not that I'm familiar with the previous group at all, it was just out of curiosity. And curiosity is understandable, so the questions are not out of line.
  4. It has been a pleasure and a privilege working with BM as he has gone through this often grueling process. I always have been and will be willing to work with anyone who puts forth such an effort, and I'm pleased to see it all pay off as this creation is unveiled to you tonight. I couldn't be happier for BM and the folks of La Cosa Nostra, and the Amazon Nation looks forward to seeing many good things to come. Also, welcome to the black sphere. We wouldn't have it any other way.
  5. Behave, kids. Although I admit, I did chuckle a little.
  6. Why don't we keep this on the more positive note that it began on, shall we? Congratulations, folks. Good to see that life does go on outside of the cool green glow of rising global radiation.
  7. Folks may not know me, and Mongrel, you may not remember me, but enough of those who do will also know that I would not be a part of something that was done in a deceitful, devious manner--such as forgery, and other such conspiracy theories that have cropped up from this. I do have an issue with the accusations of those who weren't there, don't know and can't appreciate the back-and-forth that was going on at the time, in order to attempt to bring this to an amicable conclusion. Furthermore, those who are spouting such conspiratorial nonsense have, to my knowledge, not even bothered to approach those who were there on both sides in order to clarify what happened for themselves before spouting said nonsense. I did have my own issues with the second night of talks, as noted by our signature submitted under protest. However, while the events as they were occurring were more than likely happening too hastily, I can assure anyone who cares enough to ask, that there was no devious intent at trickery behind what was ultimately announced. Haste, while unwise in certain circumstances which require more care, is not necessarily evil and devious. I believe I mentioned before that I would reserve further public comment, but I felt it necessary to interject that one last sentiment before I remove myself from the conversation again. It's a shame the agreement wasn't reached, after all, but to everyone still engaged, good luck on the field.
  8. Now if anyone wonders why Amazon Nation signed under protest, this sort of thing is only partially why. I will reserve further public comment.
  9. [center] [img]http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w331/AmazonNationAlliance/Flags/AmazonWar.jpg[/img] The Amazon Nation again sends greetings. Not long after our support of Troy was no longer required, we find ourselves able to be of some support in another area. In light of recent events, I welcome all inquiries, and will answer faithfully and truthfully, as always. In the mean time, we give our support to Sparta via the option of defense through NOIR, and join the front against The Legion. I remember fighting Legion back in the Karma days, and you folks were honorable opponents. I look forward to meeting you again, though admittedly I do wish it was not under the circumstance of war yet again. Good luck again to those involved! [i]Alale alala![/i] [/center]
  10. [center] [IMG]http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w331/AmazonNationAlliance/Flags/AmazonWar.jpg[/IMG] The Amazon Nation hereby activates the optional defense clause of NOIR in order to come to the aid of our friends in Troy. We march against the forces of the Aqua Defense Initiative. [i]Alale alala![/i] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKZLahsU_ec&feature=related Good luck to all involved. [/center]
  11. Congratulations, guys. I rather like those UBD folks, and I pester them fairly regularly.
  12. Had to take that test out of morbid curiosity. I'm also getting the hang of the new digs, here. Lawful good, all the way. My "life theme" is Justice. ((I work for the courts, go figure. LOL)) AzN as a whole, though, I tend to think of as Neutral Good.
  13. Commendable, OoJ, for going through the effort of finding a more comfortable spot, and best of luck there. As a graduate of the 'blok, I'm partial to that decision, though there are a few folks in NV I do like. I kid, I kid, they're good people. Hi Raasaa!
  14. Thanks, Rec! We made it through the year. Here we go with another one!
  15. I usually try to avoid opening my mouth here, so to speak, as I tend to ramble, and prefer more private avenues. However, I thought I would simply encourage calm and patience on both sides, or all sides, however many sides there are to this particular conversation. I've chatted with some of you already, and I believe that a satisfactory outcome is already in the works. I look forward to continuing to work with everyone as these matters are finally ironed out and resolved. An ally isn't just for beating war drums with, and it's something I'll never do in a reckless manner. Allies also have the additional task of performing extra diplomatic footwork at times. That is a duty and option I will always exercise without fail. To make a short story long, please hold the popcorn for now, my dears.
  16. I like this theme. Best of luck, and I hope to be able to pay you folks a visit soon.
  17. AzN turns 1 on the first. Come and say hi in time for the celebrations.
  18. Bump for my fellow night owls. ::innocent::
  19. These folks are doing well. We're friends of theirs. Visit them at their forum for information on how to join: http://z10.invisionfree.com/United_Soldiers_Corp/index.php
  20. Congratulations to my friends in OO and your newfound friends. Looking forward to meeting the family. If you guys need anything, you know where to find me.
  21. Belated thanks! Updated for truth. Just in time for our upcoming first birthday! We expect to have cake, and since I won't be able to eat any of it, there will be plenty to go around. ;D
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