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Ivan Moldavi

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Everything posted by Ivan Moldavi

  1. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1284339539' post='2451805'] Oh sweet jesus, not meg! [/quote] This actually made me laugh. Meg.
  2. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1284338435' post='2451774'] I demand RV be reinstated as 2nd in command. [/quote] You know, if you had kept to your word you might actually be in position to have some say on that at this point.
  3. [quote name='dvdcchn' timestamp='1284333401' post='2451636'] talk to LintWad and Lennox, you were not around as for the complete logs, no one, including myself seem to have them. well i guess hoo does, you believed him over IRON. but like it was said, no love loss here, and good riddance. [/quote] From my understanding this stemmed from more than just the bit Hoo mentioned earlier. Insofar as the NSO is concerned, I believe Hoo demonstrated the value of his word in the last war. Not so sure they necessarily believed him over IRON.
  4. Damn, misleading title. Anyway, congratulations.
  5. I fail to see how a treaty cancellation needs to automatically lead to an escalation in hostilities between the two previously signed parties. Perhaps those in IRON and NSO would do well to temper their comments to some extent in this regard. Just a thought.
  6. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1284156559' post='2449130'] A backhanded compliment is just that. Don't play stupid. NPO has a long history of not honoring treaties, despite their attempts to convince people otherwise. SF, congrats! I've liked you guys ever since you hit GGA in the UJP war. (60m in reps, lolgga) [/quote] Indeed, a backhanded compliment is backhanded. I fail to see how that equates to my having a lack of knowledge insofar as the concept of friendship is concerned or how that would be relevant to an erroneous assessment of my time as Emperor of the NPO. How does one equate a perhaps less than genuine congratulations to a failing of intellectual comprehension of a well known and defined term?
  7. [quote name='Fluoroalien' timestamp='1284031658' post='2447528'] It's sad that you don't appear to understand the concept of friendship, but it certainly goes a long way to explaining the way that that Pacifica treated its allies while you were in charge. [/quote] Umm, yeah? Not sure exactly how you extrapolated my comment of congratulations with the caveat that I think many of the alliances in SF don't have a backbone independent of their crutches into my failing to understand the definition of the "concept" of friendship. Please, educate me. Regardless of that, I am not 100% certain I understand the last part of your comment either, so again, I will need to be educated. No alliance under my leadership has [i]ever[/i] failed to honor a treaty, unlike many of those that my alliances have held treaty with. If anything, the exact opposite of your posit is the more accurate assessment. Anyway, congratulations again.
  8. Congratulations. Even though I think many of the alliances involved are just tag-a-longs that can't do anything without someone larger holding their hand this is still quite an accomplishment.
  9. If you are looking for a good starting point on seeing the transformation of regular German citizens into cold blooded murderers during the Second World War I would suggest you start with "Ordinary Men" by Christopher Browning. It is considered one of the premier texts on the societal impact of Nazism.
  10. I do enjoy the crybabying from the "victors" in light of their comments immediately after the peace was reached.
  11. [quote name='Hydro' timestamp='1282795503' post='2431516'] I have doubts...especially about GATO lolz [/quote] I did not express an opinion on [i]every[/i] alliance that NSO had connection to at the onset of the war.
  12. I'm confused. (I am getting older, so this is to be expected to some extent obviously.) Hoo said this: [quote=Hoo]I have all of our allies ready to peace out ASAP instead of continuing this. We just need to agree on the wording. Obviously, you'd have to agree to the wording before it went up also as we wouldn't post something that you did not agree to. There are no reps or anything like that, it is just a statement in regard to the cessation of hostilities. I apologize that it has taken a few more days than I previously thought, it was hard getting everyone on and in agreement.[/quote] Now, aside from the IRC logs and other correspondence, this brief statement claims that RoK and allies are "ready to peace out ASAP" and that there are no reparations. Specifically stating that "it is just a statement in regard to the cessation of hostilities" before again emphasizing that he has confirmed that while it was hard to do so he was able to get everyone's agreement. How odd. To me, "just a statement" does not include an OOC term, such as a beer review, which is undoubtedly [i]not[/i] just a statement regarding the end of hostilities. I know that some people are going on and on about how the GOD-VE led (Hoo et al have demonstrated that RoK, even though this was their war, was not the leader) coalition's term isn't harsh, and I will not disagree with them. But it is a lie to have this statement in existence and for Hoo et al to claim that such was never said or even implied or that the existence of a term is the same as no terms or just a statement. It is not "crybabying" to point out the falsehood of another. Claiming that people calling you a liar are crybabies simply because you can't own up to your own mistake is a bit juvenile. I know that I have been called out more than once and I admit that I have utilized my own versions of the Truth in the past to press my own points of view but I never disparage my detractors without addressing their points directly. Now, as for the war itself, it is over. The NSO once again stood alone and fought against overwhelming odds and took a beating. They stood alone this time by choice. I have no doubt that the NSO's allies in NPO, TC and elsewhere would have come to their aid had they requested it. Claiming some dodge only highlights the efforts of some to draw this into a larger conflict. If members of the NSO wish to lament and complain about getting their $@! handed to them in a beatdown, so what? How many of you did the same thing multiple times in the past when your alliances were subject to such bullying and crushing odds when certain other groups acted the same as these current thugs are now behaving? That is just how it goes. Might makes Right in the Cyberverse. It always has. But that has never meant everyone has to like it.
  13. [quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1282629649' post='2429018'] Perhaps the next time someone warns your alliance that they are committing an act of war you might take a moment and actually decide if its worth doing? If you commit an act of war as you acknowledged doing you cant exactly be shocked when you find yourself in one. [/quote] That is a good job of not addressing the point made whatsoever and going back to a subject that has been debated and argued relentlessly for weeks now.
  14. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282629467' post='2429008'] Just a bit of a side point, if you review your logs technically that was never said. There was no direct discussion of what would happen if the terms were rejected, nor any counter proposals of any type. [/quote] From the logs referenced above: [quote]<Xiphosis[GOD]> Hoo is 1 of 4 leaders on this front. These are the terms we agreed to. <Xiphosis[GOD]> You can agree to them or you can opt not to. <Xiphosis[GOD]> Those are the options.[/quote] This remark, coupled with the "grace and class" displayed by your colleague in that discussion implies otherwise.
  15. [quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1282629310' post='2429003'] Someone please put Pezstar back in her crib...grown folks talkin' here. Look, I get that you guys are so dark and mysterious and tough, but [b]you got no terms[/b]. Part of receiving peace when you are wrong and whipped is acknowledging your messup. You got an admission and [b]a beer review[/b]. That is it. Do try to be better at achieving peace than you were at avoiding war. [/quote] That is odd. Just saying.
  16. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1282628868' post='2428988'] How will you ever live with a beer term, I wonder. Oh well, you do have corinan! [/quote] Yes, exactly.
  17. [quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1282628836' post='2428986'] I don't get why people consider apologies/admissions of wrong doing(subjectively speaking of course) as a "term." I mean, by surrendering you're implying this in the first place, winners writing history and all. Though I guess if I said that, I couldn't say that NPO lost GWI [/quote] I don't believe the admission of fault, even though specifics of the actual admission are false, is the issue. The review is simply a hold out of the last time GOD was a tag-a-long in a war against NSO and they didn't get it. It is a term. It may not be a term that is harsh or objectionable to some people but it is still a term, which is not what the leader of RoK, who claimed to be in charge, stated would be asked for.
  18. [quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1282628698' post='2428980'] Sad to see STA doing NSO's !@#$%* work but I am happy to play along... Ragnarok and her allies did walk away from this war as stated. I dont see ANY mention of reparations or demands unless of course you count the alliance crushing requirement of a beer review? /end sarcasm The war was not dragged on and NSO was given the opportunity to have peace prior to update tonight thus avoiding another round, as those partial querys that you were not actually a part of stated. But hey thanks for the positive PR STA! [/quote] I wasn't aware that no terms and some terms were equivalent now. Is that new RoKmath?
  19. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282628499' post='2428974'] According to the earlier log dump "just trust me" is how things work. [/quote] We try not to let evidence get in the way of a good [i]ad hominem[/i] around here. Obviously I have no idea how this world works. I never have. People like Delta and others have proven time and again that when they attempt to go toe to toe with me that they are my betters. Oh wait.
  20. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1282628386' post='2428967'] Delta was right. You really [i]don't[/i] know how things work on the other "side" of the web, do you? [/quote] Indeed. Of course, you being the meatshield in question, such an answer is exactly what one would expect from you if I were correct, right?
  21. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1282628177' post='2428953'] If Ivan is happy, I'm happy. It's done. [/quote] I actually laughed when I read this.
  22. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282628100' post='2428949'] Yes, for some reason RoK apparently decided to indulge your last minute ego trip rather than hold to what they had been saying all along. [/quote] It is important for the meatshields to feel like they have a say once and a while. Since they never do anything on their own or under their own impetus it is helpful to give them a crumb occasionally so they remember their place and remember to whom they are beholden.
  23. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1282627905' post='2428938'] While I'm confident you know all about mismanaging things to an embarrassing degree, Heft, the terms in the OP were written by and signed by all four alliances and all four were present to hand them to you guys. [/quote] Yes, I believe those "discussions" are readily available to anyone that wishes to read them presently. It highlights that level of class and grace you mentioned earlier. Good show.
  24. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282627679' post='2428925'] There wouldn't be quite as much of a "are you guys serious?" vibe if what was finally presented to us 30 minutes before the war was supposedly ending didn't blatantly contradict what we were being told for the entire week prior. Or that what was presented to us came from GOD and VE, and RoK was hardly even present, despite it being their war and all. What the hell? This war was embarrassingly mismanaged, is what I'm saying. [/quote] We try not to let facts get in the way of a good celebration. Just because RoK claims they led the coalition and just because said claimant's leader stated certain things doesn't mean we should expect them to stick to their word. Having principles and sticking by your word usually gets you ridiculed here anyway, so why not take the easy way out?
  25. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1282627055' post='2428891'] It wasn't needed - your Emperor signed it. edit: As I'm sure you're aware. [/quote] His signature acknowledges what was presented to him as a means of attaining peace. He was told by some of the more "classy" representatives that it was take it or leave it and that he had to "sign the damn terms" or continue to fight. It isn't a matter of whether the terms are true, but whether or not they are acceptable. They are obviously acceptable because the Emperor signed. But they are also untrue.
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