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Everything posted by RevolutionaryRebel

  1. The best person to lead a ministry of war is a man of peace.
  2. Cowards steal aid and flee to the lowest common denominator. When you lead something of note, maybe your comments will actually hold some value. Until then, I'm denigrating myself by merely being in your presence.
  3. Loudmouth calls someone else a loudmouth. More news at 6. You can't reasonably complain about 'rogues' when you engage in behaviour that encourages rogue activity. Your actions continue to be without credibility, and I expect you will be treated accordingly for the foreseeable future.
  4. Yep, that totally isn't what SNX is planning on at all.
  5. Using a no u, to accuse me of a no u. Who are you, Christopher Nolan?
  6. The thing about !@#$posting is that it's very easy to accuse someone of it, while ignoring similar posts of your own.
  7. Oh, I don't think people have a problem with 'colourful personalities'. While obviously your attitude leads many folk to jump on your mistakes, the fact that you reliably make said mistakes in the first place isn't something you can blame on others.
  8. Tried to organise an interview but sadly I was either asleep or working (and he kinda hasn't added me on skype yet!)
  9. Name one alliance that was obligated to assist AE. Keep trying! I'm sure the baseless insults will reflect favourably on the peanut gallery.
  10. Name one ally I've "sold out". Yeah, you aren't in luck, pal.
  11. Given your actions in IRC channels of late, that is definitely an appropriate response.
  12. If SNX lasts any less than 18 months (ha), I think Tywin(ner) should never make another comment on the competency of alliance leaders. Ever.
  13. I had no idea this thread existed until I clicked on it by accident. Being an ex-raider myself from way back in ye olden times, I can't be too mad at y'all over this. Especially people that post Reg Mombassa artwork! Probably a hint that there was more to AE than you thought. No presents for you this year. I hear Black Peter works for goons these days.
  14. No, you made an owf thread because you wanted to look 'proper', so you can go 'oh, look; we're LN and we made an official-looking announcement about something, so respect us or I will be cross'. Same reason you brought rey's war up. This thread may have been started for a bit of a lark, but you will notice how it has a lot fewer posts than the other thread. The point was made. You can stop spinning now. far as I'm concerned, you're talking to a brick wall.
  15. I swear the game make you cold like abominable snow man. Acutor, we disagreed over a few topics. It's great to know that when you have a disagreement with someone, you like to string it along rather than sort it out. Smurf; I had/have no idea what TPF actually said to you until now. I presumed that they must've dissuaded you from further engagement since you clearly have more than two nations in your alliance. They chose not to disclose anything, so whatevs. In the past I would've bent over double to check these sorts of things first, but there's no point to it now. As for attention-seeking; I didn't make any owf posts at all about this until methrage chose to. He knows that when I talked peace terms with him earlier, I kept things more or less civil. I leave the fun and games aside when necessary, but sometimes, people only see the face and assume they know everything. You certainly have no qualms bringing yourself and your opinions of me to my attention whenever you have an opportunity. I don't want, nor expect shit. You can call this rage-quitting, but like I said, this is something I've been building up to for months. Everyone makes choices and deals with the consequences. Quitting has probably been the wrong word to describe my intentions at this point; it's more a release than anything else. A lot fewer things to worry about; things that in hindsight are pretty darn silly, petty, inconsequential. Leading an alliance twists your mind, your perspective, your emotions. I'm glad I decided to end my service now, rather than allow it to corrupt further. Meth; I'm not signing up to your forum just to make one post. I'll see you when/if I see you. Fin.
  16. Wowee dude. You continue to affirm my decision to leave cybernations. I could never bring myself to look up those kinds of things. I simply looked at the damage stats for the war a few days ago, noticed that turbo was beating him in terms of damage despite not logging in for several days and guessed he wasn't still fighting. The sheer amount of effort you are putting into my person. All because of that one time I made a silly post on one of Kaskus' topics? Meh. I have better things to do.
  17. See? That stuff? Yeah. That's the stuff I don't want to get into. It's petty, it's a waste of time. I don't have the right persona to save logs, to try and corner people or play hardball. But you think it's worth it so you're welcome.
  18. One of the biggest misconceptions, really. It wasn't a bandwagon until we came in. LPH was fighting solo and then suddenly when one other AA gets involved, everybody goes 'OH NOES, HOW CUD YEW?' Yeah, no. LPH deserved a little better than what they were getting, so being painted as a villain was probably one of the more unexpected consequences. I don't mind, though. Say what you like about TPF or AE. At least they didn't declare open raiding season, before recanting their position and backing away as fast as they could. While AE did seek peace early, it was because I wanted to remove everyone save myself from the conflict. Stated as much, too. Once diplomatic options were exhausted, I rarely looked back. The feeling is something like a spiritual healer That could end me, I think that’s the part I find intriguing A little bit off I am, I am, I am I see that im caught I am, I am, I am It’s something like a spiritual healer that could end me I think that's the part I find intriguing, im fiending
  19. Merger? See, here you go assuming things again. That happened all of 4-5 months ago - it was only relevant to this war so far as killing-off my remaining enthusiasm, and it's something I more or less got over since. I haven't been enraged that much over events during this war, other than at your behaviour during the very brief periods during which I sought to deal with things more seriously. As for not knowing what you said? I think that's your biggest personal problem, actually. You aren't able to recognise when you say things that rub people the wrong way. But hey, whatever. Not going over irc logs or messages to drag out the muck. You have plenty of that already. Gantax stopped attacking after turboswag's initial counter, so I couldn't care less about that. Smurf was dealt with behind the scenes, having leant on TPF to cut that out of the situation.
  20. Some Clarification, since some people seem to think that they know everything. 1. The Alternian Empire was going to disband regardless of the conflict. Myself, along with the majority of the senior members no longer had the passion/time for running the alliance. We had a number of other problems to attend to well before this, and while it was not planned to be this rapid, there has been discussion of this well in advance. 2. I have personally spoken to a number of members, as well as made several alliance announcements about my intentions. My alliance-mates are as well-informed as possible short of sending out a private message to each member. 3. I explicitly set out instructions for those who did not plan on rolling on with the war, and received an abysmally-low response. Of the people that didn't express a desire to play onwards, the rest planned on deleting. Those that did respond positively, were spoken to should have no problems moving on from here. As an additional note, seeing as I really don't want to make a stupid memorial topic or what-have-you... I never actually intended on being the leader of the Alternian Empire for more than a few months, let alone for this long. I'm not your average leader-type, I just happened to be the guy that started everything happening and ultimately; the one that (initially at the very least) held enough commitment, experience and the right 'head' for setting things up and so forth. Diplomacy has always been my thing (ooc: moreso irl) and to begin with, that was very important for the alliance. I did a very good job in hindsight, of presenting the alliance and despite a tendency to speak my mind on issues of no relevance to the alliance (the reason why ogaden has been replying to my posts for the last few months, lol) managed to pain a veneer of respectability over what was always a very fragile operation. I simply didn't have the time to spare on leading the whole goddamn thing solo; neglecting the 'little things' needed for everything to operate as I was far more interested in the community than the game. Unfortunately, the person I saw as being the most suitable successor chose to move on and assisted an attempted coup/forced merger at the start of this year, which killed off all passion I had to continue onwards. I'm not intense enough for that kind of stupid bullshit. To be an effective leader, I would have to invest more of myself than I would very want to and having seen what happens to 'successful leaders' elsewhere, it wasn't every an attractive proposition. AE's downfall was on multiple levels. First, while we continued to have an inflow of new members from parts unknown (while y'all recruit people already in CN, we actively introduced people to cn), retention of these people was terrible partially due to lack of investment and partially due to people not finding the game an attractive proposition. Second, Our focus was singularly on economics, due to our lack of anyone with current military experience, which limited us to the most boring aspects of the game. Third, I forgot to leave the AA before hitting methrage. I haven't rogued before, ok? First-timer mistake there. Methrage, had you and your friends not displayed a complete lack of appreciation for humour and any kind of depth (wow, impress me with old insults everyone's seen on the owf for the last 8 years :rolleyes:), I probably would be okay with some form of recognition of defeat. But the arrogance, the flippancy, the sheer petulance displayed by yourself both prior and during the conflict was such that I would rather complete the disbanding of the Alternian Empire than create another shitty thread invoking your name. Nothing about your success surprised me; in fact, the war played out about as expected, though I did hope that those highlighted to your behaviour by the conflict would've stayed around longer (lol, Kaskus). The wonder metagame was indeed the big difference I thought it to be and confirmed the level of commitment required of new nations to be competitive against older peers, even while holding a major tech and infra advantage. Yes, the only 'apology' I would've written would be along the lines of 'I apologise for not having more wonders', since having seen your behaviour first-hand, I had absolutely no regrets over the initial decision. Seeing as you probably wouldn't have accepted that, this course of actions will actually do more good for ex-members than butting their heads against a brick wall. Apparently stealing ops is a valid was strategy for some, but seeing as we weren't ever real IRC users, it didn't do much other than affirm how stupid people treat cybernations in the first place. Grow the fuck up, or at least try and be a bit classier with your childish behaviour. I'm going to enjoy having time on dealing with real people and real problems, rather than all this fake stuff. People play cn at first because they're interested in the game. They stay for the community. We already had a community before infiltrating cybernations and despite its own problems, it's a hell of a lot more vibrant overall than this one.
  21. Don't worry, methrage will never have the problem of having friends to betray. I like how it's the only thing you can think of to throw mud at, despite it being false.
  22. I don't delete when there's a job half-finished. I don't enter peace mode unless it's to back-collect unmolested. And I don't fight !@#$-posters because I want to listen to them. That's just a lamentable side-effect.
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