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Everything posted by RevolutionaryRebel

  1. Point taken. I mean, "non-consensual sex" is okay as long as it only happens once every seven months, right? Only when it happens to pixel-huggers? Only when it doesn't happen to yourself? EDIT: I'm still surprised at how quickly IRON kissed and hugged with those they burnt not too long ago, but treaty web shifts heal all scars, eh?
  2. For a more serious reply... Just like nobody has prevented DBDC raids in the past. If R&R (as an example; no political assertion here) is attacked by DBDC, is this a valid excuse not to come to its aid? Apparently, the existence of other alliances and nations isn't obvious from bad posting on the OWF... Self-imposed rules include treaties as well, so relying on treaties to you know, 'do something about it' is equally narrow-minded from another perspective. It's really just a question of how much folks value their upper tier pixels. Again, this is really no different from any other alliance, treatied or not. Treaties exist for mutual benefit. If a treaty doesn't benefit an alliance, it gets cancelled. Caring for another alliance beyond self-interest is something that can transcend treaties - provided those involved are willing to do so. I don't care enough personally, but anyone with a sufficiently-large upper tier might, even if only for their own self-interest. Unless they have a submission fetish... And that last bit is one of the reasons I approve of their conduct so far. They don't expect mercy, nor compassion (nor should they) and are prepared to fight DBDC even without treaties all over the web ('sup TOP). The potential losses are much higher than the MQ conflict, and they're doing something the non-neutrals have largely neglected to do. Being neutral is just a coincidental embarrassment for those espousing the need for treaties while taking it up the backdoor against the 'big boys'.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong Garion, but I do recall a certain Communist from Finland being visited by some Doombirds some time ago. I would be rather chuffed to know how much you cared about that.
  4. And I mean cute in an honest semi-weeabo way, not that snarky 'haha, I'm trying to make a point about something and being a dirty mouthbreather' way.
  5. And that is why I find it cute when you guys post together. I can't help but admire animosities of such age and passion. Never change, both of you.
  6. It would have happened regardless. The decisions of Pax Corvus to 'Do Something' has absolutely nothing to do with the web. Neutrals have been 'raided' by DBDC without defending themselves in full. Non-neutrals have also been 'raided' by DBDC without defending themselves in full. DBDC does its thing regardless, it's how alliances react that matters. Pax Corvus is trying to buck the trend here. I respect that conscious decision far more than when folks made MQ's LUEcide into an anti-MK circlejerk. MQ had no* friends. DBDC has many big ones. Power and survival enslaves morality. Politics. *Besides Rey and several others, but that's pretty irrelevant
  7. Possibly, but since they aren't anything like the sinking ship MQ was, I highly doubt anyone of significance will use it right now. Even with the 'will somebody please think of the neutrals' faux morality factor. Pretty much what I suggested when that happened, too. I love it with these eggheads when I 'win'.
  8. Evidently you are not one of the numerous high-tier nations in non-neutral AAs that have been visited by DBDC. Nice defending there, buddies. Don't worry, there are plenty of other people you can grandstand with while this happens.
  9. Same with those stone and steel folk too; I just couldn't think of anything shitty to say about you atm.
  10. Seers of Doom? Terrible classpect. Good luck with existing though. Hopefully you'll be able to avoid the apathy disease longer than I.
  11. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMQdiHIZgSo]She hears them talk of new ways to protect the home she lives in, Then she wonders what it's all about when they break down the door[/url]
  12. Also; shame on all the members of 'Real Alliances', that put up with this for so long yet it's only PC that has the audacity to go balls to the wall. Hopefully. The irony is that some of those that offer words of encouragement have been feeding this behaviour in their cowardice for some time.
  13. If Pax is Doing Something About It(tm), props to them. Neutrality is a gamble by nature, but if you have the muscle to defend that neutrality when it is under threat - without relying on public goodwill and 'morality' (let's be honest, morality in CN is and always has been a fallacy), props to you.
  14. This announcement could have been a NAP between GOONS and TPF. You could have frozen hell over. Oh well.
  15. Xavier, you are really channelling Hakai with this choice of thread title. this will end well
  16. Who needs a king when you can have queens of the stone age. rogan, wololo, etc
  17. Well, there goes my quaternary plans of poaching wally and several others and forming a true-blue strayan alliance. At least they'll be keeping the beers on ice, like they should be.
  18. Kiloist listed as a signatory? You're doomed. jk, have fun with this. I'll be watching.
  19. I think these are the main questions yet unanswered. So, this is a war about manners? Should we all consider being annoying a valid CB? Not that I'm complaining, mind; I'm one for politeness where necessary. So, what are the war aims of DT/AZTEC/assorted others? Are you planning to just hit them for a round, or? I mean, if the war aim is to hit Rey, that's fine and dandy, there's no need to hide this sort of thing these days. Other than that, I do see a significant amount of dong-riding herein and oh wow Rota, did you really have to wait for an excuse? Yeah, Riot are pretty loose and lawless but there's no need to puff chests over this. The attempted callout by Starcraftmazter does however makes me feel tingly inside (man, talk about playing oldschool).
  20. It is good to see that AZTEC has the courage to fight against such large, well-supported, imposing alliances as Riot Society.
  21. I can't see anything about this that compares favourably to either EvU or UE, but good luck with this regardless. UE is virtually non-existent at this point. I recall discussions with members/former members over difficulties with disbanding due to provisions in their charter.
  22. When I think of Stagger Lee, I think more along the lines of this.
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