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Everything posted by Branimir

  1. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1295972983' post='2600297']I think Doomhouse want to test that theory...[/quote] What tipped it off, this DoW on NPO for existing? While your powers of perception are astonishing, I obviously already answered the likelihood of its intend to succeed.
  2. NPO was never given a chance. Despite a great job by Cortath to change NPO from withing and outside it all couldn't be more futile as this hate filled world is overly stale and stuck in years long passed. And that is why it is dying, as there is no new dynamics. I am sorry Shatt, but this is largely your doing. Your work in Vox was greatly successful. You have created an incredible hate filled atmosphere which determined more then any force, we were never to be given a chance. And so hence, an attempt to finally destroy the Pacifican community.
  3. [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295972219' post='2600259'] I declare shenanigans! The pretender to the throne bit was highly immoral.[/quote] We got what was coming to us in "karma" I suppose. And now, the overkill and an attempt at destroying the Pacifican community what couldn't be more futile as it can not die. Do know, you will get what is coming to you too.
  4. Getting DoWed for something that happened 3+ years ago. Its all fine with me, but maaaan, that is one epic butthurt there lol
  5. Unfortunately, NPO has not be given a chance to exist in this "new brave world". It was not given a chance, because this environment is stale. And that is why it is dying. It is stuck in years passed, and there is no new dynamics. I am sorry for all the effort Cortath and other IOs put in trying to find a place for Pacifica in this hate filled world. NPO under his rule didn't do a single transgression, a single action against even the most sensitive of moral concepts. He and IOs really did a good job and they have changes NPO from withing and outside. It is a shame they were never given a chance.
  6. [quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295970828' post='2600201']It's also pretty clear that some of us wanted to give you a quick and relatively painless death and some enjoy keeping you down with a boot on your neck.[/quote] Try as you may, NPO cant die.
  7. Well it was obvious that NPO will be never given a chance to exist "in the new world".
  8. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295662553' post='2590314']Doesn't [i]anyone[/i] find the fact VE set up and even [i]admit[/i] to setting up Polaris with this CB a CB in and of itself?[/quote] I think that most here understand what basically happened. If not at the moment of the DoWs, then now. But they will not be swayed from their party lines. At least this is a very transparent war, lol
  9. [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295659882' post='2590108'] Sick burn implies RV insulted him really well. This might be a masterstroke, sure, but it's not a "sick burn" hth [/quote] I apologize if I misused the term, sometimes the finer points of term usage in English escape me. Anyway, I wasnt addressing the OP with that line, but rather something on the first page; [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295656580' post='2589843'][color="#0000FF"]Also, Impero my friend, since my last attempt you found to be a little disappointing, I truly do hope you find this report to be much more satisfying. I aim to please.[/color][/quote] Since everybody hangs on every word here, I will do my best with my English.
  10. Oh snap. RV just owned Impero and VE. .... This was a sick, sick burn,....oh man never go on the bad side of RV. There goes your "high ground" VE. Pretenses are lost, masks have fallen.
  11. Ok. I am giving up on fallowing the sides of this any longer, will just wait for the possible high profile DoWs and eventual surrender instruments. Its not just coz of this DoW, but in general,...who is suppose to fallow this all or know of this all treaties? U all pplz r nuts. I can only name like 15 alliance in CN,... Anyway, have fun y'all.
  12. Hopefully, this will be the conflict that rejuvenates this place a bit more, contrary to the thread title. In regards to it, I can only say that it was interesting to see VE taking initiative on that side of the web but it makes sense once analyzing the rest of "hard hitters" there. It is hard to beat all the craziness of "BiPolar" which was fun to fallow, but its an interesting conflict thus far.
  13. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295555339' post='2587035']This is a new MK and there is a problem with members having fun, sadly enough.[/quote] The only issue here is the area in which this is announced as its not official alliance communication, or one supported by goverment. It should be in World Affairs.
  14. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295555029' post='2587024']It's not official in any shape or form. We (other membership) have yelled at him privately about it and government didn't endorse it.[/quote] It is really silly and pointless, but good to see that its nothing MK officially sponsored and its just a part of the membership having fun. Nothing wrong with having some fun, even silly one I suppose.
  15. Branimir

    Sup CN

    Actually, while its great that you had fun with your game for the war I must give more props to the VE it self, or Impero (or whoever else made the call to use you and your set up for a DoW). I say that because there were players before you that did exactly the same thing, but yet no war was made due to alliances involved settling the issue. So in the end, what you did (an obvious set up) only turns into something if alliances involved make it happen. Or in this case VE. I have to give them the kudos for starting a war, not you. And it seems that VE, unlike MK for example, actually barks less and bites more. We need that in the game.
  16. [quote name='SpoiL' timestamp='1295392388' post='2582194']They weren't hailing Grub. They were hailing their successful manipulation of NpO and victory over a grave threat.[/quote] Which "grave threat" then they allied afterwards largely fueled by animosity towards NpO only to get beaten to the punch in striking NpO by VE. This game man,...lol, just a shame it takes ever so more time for stuff to happen.
  17. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1295379945' post='2581833'] And still update is after breakfast. around 7 or 8 local time. [/quote] OOC: They are in CET as me which means update is in 7 in the morning. People are either a sleep or on their way to work, not logging into CN. IC: Well, seeing ifok go, I figured you would too soon enough.
  18. [quote name='mikk206' timestamp='1295379684' post='2581823'] Good god, do everyone declare at random times now? [/quote] Comrade, it isnt as random as you think. OOC: They are Dutch, so in a very different time zone then this game server is. I feel their pain, since I am also cont. European.
  19. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295379281' post='2581808']What's this overwhelming odds crap, it was like 16m vs 20m. That's a pretty close battle in the first place.[/quote] Mixing Orders up. NPO has 16.6mil, NpO has 12.2mil. I have seen this mentioned couple of times, so wanted to correct.
  20. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1295228637' post='2578005']Then do something about your weak FA position. It's been years, man. How long do you need?[/quote] You wouldn't believe how stale this planet is. Actually, it isn't that hard to imagine, just look at this thread. Too many people need us to be their hated enemy. It literally is a need at this point. But interesting how that is all you have to say in this thread, though it proves my point about the staleness. Its all fine, I don't mind. I personally am just here for the ride, whatever is left of it.
  21. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1295209634' post='2577532']Do you have the balls to do that?[/quote] Obviously, they do not have balls. So we are condemn to this type of threads, were provoking is done. As it was done in their embassy in our halls, as it is done here. Really, really boring as hell. The same old back and forth, trying to refresh and keep on fire the same old stale as hell grudges,... bleh I cant get bothered further. Whatever, laters
  22. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295206924' post='2577466'] ...everything we fought for has been remedied thus far.... [/quote] You made a "fine" example of it here if I might say.
  23. [quote name='Professor Chaos' timestamp='1295206398' post='2577447']Taking a moment to stop poking you guys with a stick for a second, I'll ask a serious question. What would you have happen instead? Maintenance of the current status quo, where everybody wants to go to war and everyone is too scared to do it? [/quote] That is exactly what is happening. This entire thread is nothing but trying to refresh the same old while effectively doing nothing meaningful.
  24. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1295205914' post='2577429']Actually, I believe the lack of any meaningful response from your alliance for the perceived injustice being paid to them here, save lots of emotionally charged stern words, is far more symptomatic then anything else.[/quote] OMG Impero you are right! NPO is isolated and in a weak international position which can be exploited by more connected alliances. What a revelation. lol Anyway, I do not see that many emotionally charged words and the rogue shall be dealt with as to best of our abilities. That you would point out our weak state in the web, rather then condemn this roguery is symptomatic as well.
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