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Everything posted by Willem

  1. one loss in terms of score? Or members? How can you tell that they haven't lost any of that. We got some good NS growth recently, did you mean that?
  2. Do we not get less points for holding lots of cruise missiles?
  3. Our big gain was from something similar as well, hence the loss today
  4. We can have two awesome announcements then
  5. well it's not an average day, cos you would have noticed it happening everyday and by now - the 1234th page of the sanction race you wouldn't even be commenting on it. congrats none the less
  6. You'll catch TDO before you catch us xxx
  7. Cool, eagerly awaiting official responses.
  8. How did they cause you harm? Full story please
  9. awww, can't you give us our own blurb?
  10. I'm pretty sure that protectorate was posted by a non-gov MK member and I wouldn't take it seriously
  11. I ust realised you :)'d me! :)

  12. this is dedication to a cause. You ever missed a day?
  13. I find it laughable that TOOL's reputation is based on how many CM's we have, a member who has pretty much retired into our ranks and the way Bama signs his posts off. As far as I can tell you guys are all underating us anyway.....
  14. no reset please, I like my nation and would be very annoyed to see the 800 days disapear
  15. But....I thought white was falling apart?
  16. Willem


    A lot of people on this planet of Bob have a lot of undeserved respect - especially lulz.....oh look that guy said something really stupid but it's ok cos he is being lulz
  17. And TOOL is a scratch alliance, even though Defcon merged into us I wouldn't consider that as catergorising us differently
  18. Fantastic, amazing, wonderful, top draw, spiffing, greeeeeeeat
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