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the damned

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Everything posted by the damned

  1. I was sad to see the header but im glad to see you guys are still going to be around.
  2. Im probably not the first one to say this but here it goes...If only the NPO knew that all it took to force your disbandment was their complete and utter defeat im sure they would have gotten right on it. But anyways, I never really supported you guys or was an advocate for your cause. However, i cannot say that you havent done bob a world of good since you began. I remember when most of your members were apart of the very menace you came to despise. Maybe for people to become successful freedom fighters they have to be oppressors first...
  3. I knew there was something i liked about you Chimaera. Not to mention the whole star wars thing... Does that make you a sox fan?
  4. Ive got CoD:WaW for the PS3 and, therefore, would be the only person in this thread who can only follow those two things and only those two things. If we could get a couple of regional paintball games going that would be pimp.
  5. If I was dying for a long period of time, lets say due to cancer or some other terminal thing, i would let a few people in my alliance and some friends i made outside of it know what was going down. If it was sudden and i didnt have chance to say anything i dont think i would like my family to have to go through telling a bunch of people in this game and others what happened. I wouldnt mind someone taking over my nation though. Might as well keep the thing going.
  6. First, i just wanted to say that i voted both because i could. Second, as Vox and FAN have shown, no one can keep someone from playing this game. There will always be a fall for those on top and in the end patience is all you need to be removed from an EZI list. However, there is not a damn thing that will ever make the use of cyber bullying right or justified. Violating Admin's rules is the only one should be barred from playing this game. Even the dumbest troll adds something to this community and to take them away from it is a crime.
  7. The real trick to toppling Sparta is by seizing their beer reserve. Without a liquor cabinet, we cannot last...
  8. It seems that NEW is doing rather well for yourselves. Even if you guys end up losing this war i can only see things going well for you. As far as DF goes, can you really blame them for looking for a good fight? A bandwagoner looks for an easy target, not a midsized alliance that can take on three and look for more. Good luck to both and may the loser gain white peace and the loser a new (lol) friend.
  9. Its a shame to see you go man. IC you and TBB were always good reads and I hope everything goes well IRL. Take care man and good luck.
  10. honestly, i hold out for the best of pacifica after these times. The NPO needs to realize that their place within Bob is that of a protector not an enforcer. the NPO's fall from grace comes at a point where their society promtotes domination over protection and i hope that this war brings them back to their roots.
  11. Probably the most honourable nonDoW ever. Hopefully you guys dont have to be thrown into this mess. Good luck.
  12. i have to say i did rather enjoy the second paragraph.
  13. ill miss you TBB. I always enjoyed seeing you post and the game will be worse off for not having you.
  14. You sir, just won the highly coveted "idiot of the year" award. Again.

  15. Im going to save this quote because im sure you are going to end up eating these words. Also, i believe that this war should bring about the first ever cn crimes tribunal.
  16. I mean, you got to hand it to these alliances. They did what I thought could never ever happen: make everyone feel sorry for the NPO.
  17. Wait, Someone attacked you before peace talks were completed? Who would do such a thing?
  18. Wow, TORN's announcement sorta throws the proverbial wrench in your CB there Moo.
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