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Pablo Monkey

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Everything posted by Pablo Monkey

  1. I agree with you that the forced decom of wonders and crippling reps were a very bad thing for the life of this game and community. The problem is that we have alliances who had crippling reps put on them, are salivating at the chance to do it to their opponents in this war. They talk about how awful the reps and treatment of a defeated alliance was, but their solution is to do it to their defeated opponent. I mean come on you have to see that if it was a horrible thing to have done to you, or your friends, then it is a horrible thing to do to your enemy. An eye for an eye just leaves everyone blind in the end. The only way to rejuvenate this game and community is to stop driving away players and alliances. War should be the only punishment given out to your opponent, reps are just a way to hurt your opponent more "because you can". If you cant hurt your opponent in war, and gain enough of an advantage over them because of it, then you should not be fighting them in the first place. I am not trying to get meager reps for my alliance. I am pretty sure my leadership wont pay harsh reps to our opponents and I wont pay them if it comes down to it. Thos war has put alliances in power that i feel will drive players and the fun out of this game.
  2. I totally agree, nothing should change and everything should stay the same. When alliances were jack booted in the past and they decried how awful it was they seem only to happy now to do it to other alliances as soon as they get the chance. Either it was wrong in the past or it wasn't wrong at all, you can't have it both ways.
  3. [quote name='saddam' date='19 February 2010 - 08:21 PM' timestamp='1266639712' post='2192933'] It's not bullying since Zenith could have easily foregone the ceasefire and did a vote during open war. I'm sure a rejection of peace during a time of open hostilities would have earned them no additional ire from the Gramlins, Fark and FH. If Zenith truly and earnestly wishes to end this war as soon as possible then the ceasefire is for their benefit, as they don't have to suffer 48 hours of losses while adhering to their charter. Gramlins simply want to make sure this is not some sort of ploy by Zenith to stall the war while they recuperate. [/quote] You really think Zenith and OG are doing so well that this little cease fire will turn the tide?
  4. I don't think anyone wants to see more bloodshed or useless slaughter. I do believe that people do not want to see a "side" formed where terms are extorted or threatened from alliances just because they are stronger than the other. And Neneko I did use to many !! to respond to your post.
  5. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='19 February 2010 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1266638646' post='2192903'] You don't believe me when I said: ? [/quote] I do believe you, I just think it is a crappy way to bully the membership to accept the peace terms.
  6. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' date='19 February 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1266638089' post='2192893'] You're arguing about wording in the OP even though you know and agree it's true. What exactly are you trying to achieve? We're not allowed to participate in a discussion in a thread on the open world forum because it doesn't concern us? Well then you better move along as well sunshine. [/quote] I am commenting on the OP and explaining my interpretation of it. I am still asking why does Gre need members of MK to explain what they wrote and explain the meaning behind it. Oh and yeah my opinion is my opinion, just because you are trying to help Gre recover from a bad line written in their OP doesn't make what you say correct.
  7. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='19 February 2010 - 07:55 PM' timestamp='1266638105' post='2192894'] You said (emphasis mine) Yet, before your post I very clearly stated that was the case. So, I replied with [/quote] I don't believe you, there is no reason to tell Zentih they will be at war if they do not vote for peace. That line can be construed as a strong arm tactic and that is what I believe it is.
  8. [quote name='neneko' date='19 February 2010 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1266637779' post='2192886'] They haven't. It would do you good to actually read the op and the posts made by Matthew PK in this thread instead of just echoing the party line. The Zenith gov assured them that their membership wants peace and that's why the ceasefire was granted. If they vote no then obviously gre and the rest shouldn't have trusted the words of the zenith gov. If you had actually read the posts in this thread you'd know this. [/quote] I read the posts and I read the party line touted by MK and Gre, I just don't believe it. I do find it interesting why MK members have to explain anything about this peace attempt.
  9. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' date='19 February 2010 - 07:46 PM' timestamp='1266637584' post='2192884'] Because we would likely have stupid questions like: "WHAT HAPPENS IF THEY DON'T ACCEPT THE TERMS!?!?!?!?" just makes life a bit easier, or so they thought. Keep on grasping though. [/quote] I have more faith in the people on Bob, and I think the line was put in there as a strong arm tactic to achieve relief on that front. I knew that if Zenith voted against peace they would still be at war, everyone knew that. I guess they put that in there for some people.
  10. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='19 February 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1266637150' post='2192875'] What pretense? Your reading comprehension seems lacking; review my last post. EDIT: Here, in case you have trouble: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=81205&view=findpost&p=2192801 [/quote] Thanks for making the condescending remark instead of making a constructive one. I have no answer to your question of "what pretense" since it does not pertain to my statement at all.
  11. [quote name='neneko' date='19 February 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1266637191' post='2192876'] You realize that these people were under no obligation to grant this cease fire in the first place right? Right?!?!?!?!?!??! [/quote] Yes(not that I know what that has to do with my statement) , now tell me why Gre and company had to tell Zenith that if they did not vote for peace that they would still be at war?
  12. There is no reason to tell your enemy that the war will continue if you do not vote to surrender!!!!!! The reason that line is in there is to tell them that if they don't accept they will not get peace for a long time or that the terms will be worse. That is what everyone is calling you out on, stop playing like that is not what you are implying.
  13. [quote name='Baldr' date='19 February 2010 - 03:46 PM' timestamp='1266623194' post='2192647'] I think the peace that was announced suddenly after the TOP DoW came *because* of TOP's DoW. [/quote] I think everyone knows this to be the truth, but for some people it doesn't fit into their propaganda. The OP is looking to rewrite his actions and most people see right through it.
  14. Does STA see its political leaning changing with their support for MK in the war?
  15. This is what is wrong with the planet. You post a disclosure and every one tells you how evil you are for explaining your position. It is pretty simple to not have your name used in a derogatory fashion, don't give the other side an excuse to do so. NPO is putting GOD through the mud because GOD let them.
  16. Yes your alliance is right, you should keep taking damage so the upper level alliance members can keep their pixels.
  17. Interesting story, history will tell if it is correct or not.
  18. I am in the top 1% of casualties.
  19. I am sure the NpO, as a good treaty partner, would not put MK in such a bad position.
  20. I would look at the battle screen to see how much NpO is "helping" to fight TOP before you say anymore.
  21. I do believe MK is admitting they are losing very badly and are desperate to make this last ditch effort.
  22. Why would a "good" ally make a request of an alliance already involved in so many wars. This is the way allies are supposed to treat each other?
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