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Everything posted by Dochartaigh

  1. personally, if you were unawares of the merger, then you are the ruler in my eyes. good luck getting this sorted out Naon. sorry about the comments i made before, Gilbert made it seem you were fully on board with the merger, not him doing it behind your back. and ya know what is awesome. Gilbert just attacked me in game. I am as giddy as a school girl thinking about destroying his nation.
  2. this is an interesting turn of events and one that makes RE look even worse than they already did.
  3. hehehe, i got picked up last round. now i seem to be the lucky target of RD.
  4. to be honest, they could be Asian and both have similar levels of english speaking/writing ability. the fact that they both use Sikhism and the Dong seems more likely they are Asian than the same person. As for naming their nations, they could be RL friends who both like Star Wars. their nation names and ruler names, i am not sure where you are going with that. as for the response to PMs, some people only play CN once a day and they may play at a library, e-cafe, or some such where their comps may be next to one another. i agree it is creepy but does not seem that much like a multi but that is for a mod to decide. i suggest PMing a Mod to get them to move this to the Mod Forum.
  5. lawlz. it is 10 days into the round. not that far. As for attacking, you are attacking the gov of the alliance. thus you are attacking the alliance itself. try again. if NaonMatrix has not switched that is his problem. seeing as he is not flying the RE AA, then you have no reason to attack him. if he knew of the merger and knew he was gonna be away, he should have switched sooner. thus, if UN nations attack him, it is not your problem as he is not an RE member. i never stated that you forced anyone into RE. i stated that the members of UN knew of the merger and knew of the new gov. you attacked the UN. "We're doing this for the good of the members of UN. We aren't doing this as a power grab; you can ask those we talked to about it (some of our allies). We were less than enthusiastic about it because we knew it would be more difficult to manage a larger alliance efficiently. We're doing this for UN members, remember that." and stating that makes it seem like a very pathetic excuse for what you are trying to say it wasn't. (hint: bolded part) again, you have no reason to attack UN until NaonMatrix flies the RE AA. since he is not, you are involving yourself in the sovereignty of an alliance that has nothing to do with you whatsoever. you talk of drivel. read your own crap you spew before you attempt to state mine is drivel.
  6. If the members of UN decided to stay knowing CG was their leader, then who are you to state otherwise? that is the most ridiculous garbage i have read outside of Gilbert Torres. since the members of UN knew of the merger and know of CG, then they can make up their own minds instead of you dictating what you think is best. you are acting out of a selfish need to garner more members into your alliance. Thus, you are acting in the same manner as you state CG is acting. You are nothing more than a dictator trying to force members of a sovereign alliance into your own instead of allowing them to decide for themselves. this is the most pathetic attempt at a power grab, and yes i state a power grab since that is exactly what you are doing, i have ever seen.
  7. to my knowledge you and Naon merged UN into the Roman Empire. Thus, neither of you are UN any longer but are instead Romans. who cares how CG came into power. if he wants to basically keep UN alive, you and Naon have no say in the matter as neither of you are UN members or leaders. You both chose to go to the RE and not stay UN thus you have absolutely no say in anything in regards to UN. UN is allowed to exist as a sovereign alliance with their own leader whether you, Naon, or RE likes it. If UN members want to stay UN instead of joining RE, that is their right. Now you apologize and state that you don't want this message to be about UN but then state you want to get your point across. That is a complete contradiction. if you did not want this to be about UN, you would have just apologized and been done with it. you bringing up UN makes this about UN. so again, you are no longer UN, you have no say about what goes on with UN. just my two cents.
  8. Considering that few leaders could actually say they have ever done what Ivan has done while leading an alliance, i would not say he is shortstuff at all.
  9. all i have to say to you is Ephie..... now onto Leviathon, sucks that you had to make this decision but glad that the situation was resolved without Leviathon getting rolled for it.
  10. whats up Ivan? glad to have you back. Very interesting alliance. i like the idea behind it.
  11. I seem to be a popular target for some reason.....
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