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Everything posted by Dochartaigh

  1. i have done the same. that could have been 4 members or 8 but not many. still does not mean that USN knew that those members were using them as a rest stop. also does not mean that some mass exodus is happening since once you hit that size of an alliance, 4-8 members leaving is not a big deal.
  2. sorry Freelancer, i have to agree. he stated a fact. that MCXA members went to USN. never stated that USN knew that those members would leave to join TSO as soon as it was announced.
  3. there seem to be several points you are missing. point 1) TSO was already planning the new alliance long before leaving. point 2) members planning on leaving to go to TSO, took gov positions 1 week prior to leaving. The least they could have done was not take position except for as advisors, this way an intact gov would have been left behind. point 3) TSO did not tell anyone in MCXA what was going on except for 2 members. Thus, despite knowing they would leave MCXA, there was no members set up to take over the gov positions the TSO members abandoned. point 4) they actively recruited from within MCXA. There were messages sent inviting members to TSO. hence why only 40 or so members knew about it. point 5) MCXA is trying to solve internal issues. Issues left to them when 90% of their gov got up and walked out. point 6) TSO has basically outright lied several times throughout this thread. going from, all of MCXA knew of TSO to only a couple of members knew and the GA found out after it was leaked to them. point 7) almost all of the TSO members have left their alliance due to selfish reasons, including not being appreciated enough because membership wanted their gov to be more transparent.
  4. The same people who slandered MCXA mostly slandered the people who currently form TSO. so, those who are well known to betray allies and attack them as soon as possible (to gain points with the victorious side, see UjW/SPW), those known to recruit from enemy alliances in the midst of a war without telling their allies, those who accepted positions in gov, knowing full well they would be leaving soon, and then left a week later after having their plans leaked. but at the same time, they were somehow upfront and honest with their intentions..... so those people sound like a great bunch don't they??????
  5. if that happened, we will only see longer surrender terms and more reparations demanded to compensate for the easier growth.
  6. Well, i think Valashu is starting this up with admitting to recruiting from MCXA.
  7. no, no it is not different. you did not just leave. you planned out TSO secretly and got outed. there is a big difference. you have even stated this. so at one point, you stated you got outed while planning TSO and now you are stating that you just got fed up and left with others, after mentioning to them you were leaving.... yeah. sorry but you continuously contradict yourself.
  8. if those who stated that they were "done with all this, we're out" left i could see that. but from what has been stated, they instead stayed and secretly planned the creation of TSO and as you put it, planned to leave slowly so that MCXA would not get wind of this. then the whistle blew and ya'll ran. sorry but based on everything you are saying, you and Sam and the others committed treason and recruited from within MCXA. how long was TSO kept secret before the whistle blew?
  9. Finally an MCXA gov i can like. I have to say, ya'll far more forgiving than the old gov was.
  10. true, but i truly don't want an answer from them.
  11. recruiting from inside an alliance is recruiting from inside the alliance regardless of how you spin it. tomato-tomahto. valid CB is valid regardless of your attempt to spin it.
  12. So, first TSO lied about how they split. Then they had one of the members of MCXA that leaked TSO to the MCXA general assembly branded a traitor (if i am wrong about the traitor bit, please correct, this is what i have gotten from reading this thread). Then you leave en masse and state here you recruited from MCXA. heh, i do wonder how the former gov of MCXA would have handled this if the situations were reversed?
  13. 11) New Polar Order Colour: Blue NS: 7.8M NpO-NPO MDoAP: MDoAP with NPO; total NS 29.4M, tension 1043 (134 per M NS) NpO-RoK MDoAP: MDoAP with RoK; total NS 16.1M, tension 241 (31 per M NS) Valhalla-NpO MDoAP: MDoAP with Valhalla; total NS 12.9M, tension 340 (43 per M NS) The Bi-Polar Accords: MDoAP with GR; total NS 12.4M, tension 138 (17 per M NS) NV-NpO MDoAP: MDoAP with NV; total NS 11.9M, tension 112 (14 per M NS) Permafrost: MDP with STA; total NS 9.8M, tension 101 (13 per M NS) Brrds and Lions can be best of friends: MDoAP with Genesis; total NS 9.4M, tension 7 (0 per M NS) ARES-Genesis MDoAP: MDoAP with ARES; total NS 9.1M, tension 39 (5 per M NS) don't think the last treaty is right....
  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that is all.
  15. congrats to NV and Genesis. two great alliances. also Congrats NV on passing 4 million.
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