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Everything posted by smurthwaite

  1. That would require effort. Anybody who has known me and this game for the past however many years knows I have never put any sort of effort whatsoever into doing anything with my nation. Hell, I am still at minus improvements from when I was in PPO and we fought a war, (like a year ago?).
  2. I'd like to thank my friends in NoR for getting me into Junka's range. It will take me a while to get out of anarchy, but I have never fought SNX, so that seems like a fun target.
  3. Oh, I see Nor's view here too. I always appreciate your insights WC. As I read back through the post, I don't think anybody has said we don't understand where they are coming from. I'm pretty sure everybody has just misinterpreted our stated purpose. I'm not even angry about it. I am a bit disappointed that it hasn't been more widespread (although, I guess that in itself is an example of the purpose), but it will happen eventually. I do find it funny that all the people who talk as though everything is dead get upset when people liven it up. To take a page out of an earlier poster's book, http://www.dictionary.com/browse/chaos?s=t That sums up our intent. Thank you, come again.
  4. Oh, I totally expected reprisal because I hit one of your nations. I thought maybe you all would approach our alliance leaders and clarify before you decided TBC had declare on your alliance, as that is standard practice, established over years, and therefore, an acceptable expectation. I do concede that this may be the first declaration of its kind (note the word may - I'm not inclined to research), so I guess I can give you a bit of a pass. /me shrugs. My nukes are falling, so I'm happy, though honestly, still bored.
  5. Nobody is claiming it isn't an act of war, you condescending dumbass. We claimed it wasn't a declaration on NOR. There is a distinction. If you are too obtuse to understand that, ok. That said, find another thread to hijack. This one is about TBC declaring chaos.
  6. Reading is hard. Just because Wally and Brandon (I honestly just went to the TBC Wars Page and picked somebody in my range) hit Nor in the chaos, they took it as us declaring. Oh well. I didn't get to declare on Xiph anyway (I actually like Xiph., but have never fought GOD before).
  7. Wally came back to the realm just to add to the chaos. I, of course, am taking full credit. EDIT: Our peace terms will demand all parties involved decommission their MPs.
  8. I know some of those people. Congrats and nukes and fun and stuff.
  9. I'm a fan of Randalla. /me nods in approval.
  10. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the decision was find somebody and do something. /me shrugs.
  11. I guess we are doing something. Please note this chaos order comes with a side of apathy.
  12. Sometimes the carrot, sometimes the nuke.
  13. Let me know how this works out for you. I did this once and then almost had to war MI6 for continuing their efforts well after I had moved on.
  14. Also, as an unofficial spokesman for the insurrection, I pretty much consider all of you enemies.
  15. You don't have access because you haven't bribed the right person.
  16. Nobody tells us what to do. It's why we have overthrown the TBC government.
  17. Um. Do you know where you are? Nothing interesting is going to happen around here.
  18. Ultimatum now in Hoo's hands: capitulate or the insurrection moves forward. *Again, please note that all government members of TBC posting in this thread are to be ignored.
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