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Something has been bothering me, lately.

Hell Scream

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(ooc: Mods, this is not a joke, I am completely serious, it might seem that I am not, but I am.)

Planet Bob,

Something has been bothering me lately. It is a very serious matter, in my opinion. At first, God created color spheres. They were good color spheres, very good color spheres. Than, God decided to be funny, so he created Pink. His decision saddened me back then, but since no one took Pink alliance seriously due to them all being socialists, I was cheered up.

Since the creation of Pink, it has been the "lolpink" sphere. Alliances were forced to "pink" under surrender terms to humiliate them, a little bit harsh. One of the examples being GOONS forcing VE to send LoSS to pink.

But...somehow...Pink has become something more than lolpink. This saddens me greatly, I am on the verge of crying like an infant. Today are sad days, very sad days.

Being on Pink is immoral. Do you not agree with me, Planet Bob? Support my cause, put "Being on Pink is immoral, put this in your sig if you're down" in your signatures. Share your opinions.

Hell Scream,


P.S This is not the view of CG, CG is too lazy to have any views. No offense lolpink, but you are lolpink.

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You see, I would believe you if you hadn't constantly posted that picture of the naked hispanic in your pink bed.....

Yeah sorry Hell Scream, its pretty evident that you secretly love pink. Sorry brah.

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