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Dranagg in the Netherlands


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The artillery had long since stopped shelling the last known location of the Dranaggan 15th Division. Aircraft being flown by allies had reported massive enemy movement close by Hoogeveen and Emmen. The 1st Corps consisting of 40,000 men with the quick MBTs were told to pursue the troops and headed off from Roalte in a looping motion, hopefully trapping them right along the Prussian border. A message was sent over the open radiowaves, informing the Dranaggan troops that they could surrender to the advancing FRG army to prevent unnecessary bloodshed. meanwhile, the 2nd Corps began marching southwest towards north of Apeldoom at a slow pace, preparing to engage the enemy at Utrecht.


We thank you for sending troops to help is war off foreign invaders. We understand your reason for leaving, and we too have noticed a loss of communication with the ally headquarters in the south.

*Classified to anyone that is not Prussia*

15th Division forces had a head start on the FRG army and reached the board of Prussia with only a few kilometers away from 1st corps. There they went to the first Prussian authority figure they could find (Border guard, police officer, mayor, etc) and immediately Col. Ives surrendered 15th Dranaggan Regulars to Prussia.

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GM Post

As bad as it may sound, lying is as much a part of this game as telling the truth, and it is certainly possible to lie in-character. A lesson must be learned from this situation: don't trust everyone. Forming an impromptu alliance like this leaves you wide open to be betrayed, and you were. It cannot be declared non-canon just because you were misled; in fact, if anything I think it makes this situation all the more skillfully role-played.

Carry on. No more god-modding.

This post is a fine example of why Hawk11 is a GM. Getting tricked into letting troops into your country is just as valid as if they force themselves in.

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This post is a fine example of why Hawk11 is a GM. Getting tricked into letting troops into your country is just as valid as if they force themselves in.

OOC: Ok, so, is there a certain point we should contiune this thread to?

EDIT: I meant, a point in the past we should start from, or do we contiune as usual?

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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We thank you for sending troops to help is war off foreign invaders. We understand your reason for leaving, and we too have noticed a loss of communication with the ally headquarters in the south.

*Return Message: Classified*

Not a problem, hopefully the Dutch will regain their country.

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OOC: Ok, Hawk and Revan have given their verdicts.

We will contiune from when the Nukes being thrown around, the most RECENT IC posts, which would be Greenland and Tahsir's movements.

Please let us all follow some rules to make this smoother:

1- Limit OOC. We have an OOC Thread for that.



I will be posting a map of my current troops, along with the ones I have undercontrol from CAU and Austria.

Tahsir, please do the same so we both know OOCly what is going on.

Now, limit IC moves to one to two posts max. Preferablly if you must, use the 2nd post to relay commands etc to Allies.

EDIT: Also can I get a roll call on all who is participating in fighting Tahsir, that would be great.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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Secret IC:

"All Troops are to report to Arnhem, Apledoorn, and Amersfoot, which ever is closest. We will do a role count and get an exact number of troops. I ask all allies to please do the same."

*Currently CAU and Krieg troops are moving towards the given locations to regroup.*

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"Hey, Hux, get up here with the rest of the division, CO's want to do a roll call." Huxley shook his head and ran to catch up. "You kiddin' me Joey? We've been here for what, a day? And they're already worried about losing men?" Joey shook his head too and said, "I don't think they're worried about losing men, I think it's to ease their worries. Whatever they're worrying about." Their CO, Leuitenant Colonel Collins, had a list. "Baker Squad, how many you guys have?" They quickly counted and replied back with the exact number needed. "Good, Charlie, you have...?" They too replied. "All right, Sergents, go over these lists and see if you have anyone or ont. If you have somebody that should be there that isn't, confer with other squads." After an hour, there were only 4 misplaced men due to erratic reports. "Alright guys, let's hit the road!" They then started heading for Apledoorn.

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OOC: Just wish to state one thing, kind of retarded how one country invades another just for some laughs, and then blows up everything historically and culturally important within the nation.

OOC: and lulz happened.




"Yes, Ata?"

"The plan worked. We were able to trick the failsafe and re-routed the missile."

"But.. but where, Ata?"

"The Capital of Krieg."


"The friend of our enemy is our enemy, General. They're going to be hurt."


"Those Dutch.." LeViathaN muttered, shaking his head.

"They're going to be nailed."

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OOC: Just wish to state one thing, kind of retarded how one country invades another just for some laughs, and then blows up everything historically and culturally important within the nation.

OOC: actually I only blew up some buildings in Amsterdam, and some infra/roads in the north. Everything else was either deRaad or the coalition. :v:



The 4th Division reports to Army HQ that they have successfully arrived at Rotterdam, and are commencing with Plan Len. 8th Division reports that it is ready for Plan Naar, and will be ready for Plan Len immediately afterwards.

The remaining forces of 1st Division that can still be seen active in the city continue their efforts to find civilians in the rubble caused by the mysterious missile attacks on Rotterdam.

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OOC: Tahsir do you mind posting an OOC map of where your troops on, Im confused after the OOC banter, but I assume your pretty much in Rotterdam.

IC secret:

"The Krieg Military contriunes to count forces, and asks again for exact troops counts from CAU, Greenland, and other allies. Scouts will be sent closer to Utrecht to gather intel on enemy movements."

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OOC: Tahsir do you mind posting an OOC map of where your troops on, Im confused after the OOC banter, but I assume your pretty much in Rotterdam.

IC secret:

"The Krieg Military contriunes to count forces, and asks again for exact troops counts from CAU, Greenland, and other allies. Scouts will be sent closer to Utrecht to gather intel on enemy movements."

"Reports from the ground state 17,500 men and 28 tanks, not including the tankers."

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OOC: LOL Sargun! You did that on purpose!!! you singlehandedly derailed this Fail War... :lol1:


The Executive Minister and General Michaelson were dismayed, looking at the reports coming in from Europe.

Widespread pullouts of "Allied Nations", Coalition Leadership's display of obvious incompetence, needless widespread flooding and destruction of civilian infrastructure...

Slamming his fist on the table, the EM spoke first.

"If it wasn't for the Antarctic Base, I'd be cancelling the treaties and recommending Zarfef to close the Red Sand Accords to these bumbling Krieg!

Michaelson, previously vehement in the defence of their newfound Ally, also shared similar sentiment.

"I cannot believe Krieg openly gave permission to outsiders - REBEL outsiders at that - to fire a live, NUCLEAR weapon at Dranagg!"

Michaelson loathed Officer incompetence, and the Krieg's actions were nothing but. To give the likes of rebels such trust to launch such a terrible WMD was foley at best.

"A part of me hopes that those Rebel scum actually rerouted the transponder signals and launched a Missile at Krieg itself!"

The two were one as they issued their orders:

The Third and Fourth Militant Cabals have been ordered to stay in the NoN due to recent "Allied" actions. The NoN does not wish to fight a distant nation's wars for little, if nothing to gain for it, as the obvious moral and military implications are moot with all the interference from other European nations.

The 1st and 2nd have currently halted in Apeldoorn, awaiting Magic-4 and the rest of the cargo lifters to return them home in the coming weeks.

The cargo freighters carrying the NoN's armoured contributions have followed the designated routes by the Dutch, but will continue West until they leave the former holdings of the Netherlands. The battlefield has descended into disorganized chaos, and the landscape is nothing but ocean and mottled swamplands - deadly conditions for the Heavy Tanks and equipment the ships contained.

Although the 1st and 2nd are departing home, they will not be able to do so for some time due to logistics.

The Krieg remain the only reason the NoN has sent aid to the Netherlands and the NoN will honour the MDP and allow these forces to participate in any operations crucial to the defence of Krieg's sovereignity until it is deemed by the Executive Minister himself to be unneeded.

When the time comes for the COMPLETE widthdrawl of the NoN from Europe, The NoN leadership hopes that Krieg will honour its previous statements on "Free Fuel" as this conflict has resulted in nothing but needless fuel expenditures so far.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Procinctia can no longer tolerate chaotic situation in the Netherlands spiraling further out of control - we’re immediately intervening.

European operations will be carried out by a new temporary command, Procinctia Netherlands Expeditionary Force (PNEF), to be launched tomorrow from our deployments in the Republic of Finland.

Objectives of Procinctia Netherlands Expeditionary Force are as follows

Withdrawal of Antarctic Forces

Assistance and Aide to Civilians

Assistance to Withdrawing Coalition Forces

Routing of Rotterdam Front

Dutch Land Reclamation

Stabilization of the Netherlands

Stabilization of the European Continent

Peaceful Surrender of Kaiser Martens

Following the success of earlier one-man foreign expeditions the Procinctia Netherlands Expeditionary Force will consist solely of Sgt Emilio Martinez (yet again) and a C-130’s worth of supplies.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Sgt Emilio Martinez wasn’t and elite super soldier, or even a commando, just an ordinary soldier doing his job – and trying not to die. . . mainly trying not to die, in face of Generalissimo’s ridiculous orders not dying was achievement enough.

Martinez hadn’t done anything to maintain what little skills he possessed, he thought it was over. . . (a) year(s) have passed since the fifth-one-man Procinctia African Expeditionary Force. Since then Emilio settled down, gotten married, had a beautiful daughter, and tried to provide for his family; but Generalissimo had other plans. It was worse than stop-loss, Generalissimo even added a new article just for this. . . Procinctia Armed Forces Article 1337: Commander-and-Chief-of-Procinctia reserves the right to reinstate Emilio Martinez to active duty at any time for any purpose.


Emilio Martinez prepares for Dutch deployment

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C-130, somewhere over the North Sea


We’re airdropping you and your supplies to Utreecht, our intelligence indicates this to be the center of Dranagg deployments, additional objectives are on the map. After securing the city of Utreecht you’re to make your way to Rotterdam, stabilize the front line and secure a landing zone for humanitarian aide and assistance – assuming if there are any surviving civilians in Rotterdam, if not locate a route to the Hague and continue offense operations. To be fair both Dranagg and Coalition commands or anyone else who asks will receive regular updates of progress, status, and geographical position.


Sir, are you trying to kill me?


Of course not, this isn’t a suicide mission. Ever hear of the Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu? There’s thousands of them and only one of you, so you’ll be fine. It’s not like you’re entirely alone, Procinctia’s entire command staff will be in regular communication.




Rough Sketch of Generalissimo’s Plan

Edited by Generalissimo
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