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PS4 Details! System Revealed!

Tom Marvolo Riddle


Today, Sony officially revealed the Playstation 4. Here are some of the details:

  • Enhanced Computer Processor
  • Enhanced Computer Graphics Engine
  • Dualshock 4 Controller includes Share button where you can talk to people about how to beat a mission, get tips, have people take over for you to beat a mission and easily record a gameplay and livestream
  • Playstation Move 1.1 revealed, Much Better
  • 8 GB Memory with a HDD Expansion Availible(166GB)
  • A lot More, Check out the video on Youtube or Something

Now two games(A lot more where revealed but these two I am very excited about) that are coming out on the Playstation 4 are very Big Titles.

The first is Destiny, a FPS game made by Bungie and Published by Activision which takes place somewhat in the future. The game itself is a huge advancement from Halo and the two videos released about it look incredible.

The Second was a much larger suprise and to me was the largest announcement of the evening. Blizzard, a company that makes huge games such as World of Warcraft, announced that one of it's most popular games would be released on console. Diablo 3 will be released on Playstation 4 and the PS3. In my opinion, If Diablo 3 does not become the highest selling Video Game Ever, I will be stunned. With it being so popular on PC, it will undoubtablly be near perfect.

If you have any questions about the PS4, just ask!


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350 most likely.

The PS3 is probably selling for that NOW. Sardonic's closer to the mark.

But yeah... PS4 I guess will have better graphics... but who cares about that. I still go back to PS1/PS2 games and enjoy them regardless of the huge difference in graphic ability. Hell, some of those graphics actually hold up. Then there's 'enhanced processor' which means next to nothing as I really don't think we're reaching anywhere close to the limit of what these consoles can handle, and the PS4 certainly won't compare to a good solid PC.

The new controller apparently has a 'share' button. Which you could probably just integrate with a software download on the PS3, so that's just laziness on their part. I mean, it's not as if anything that function does is groundbreaking or original. It's just making popular things accessible, which once again, you just do with a software update as I'm pretty sure that the 'share' button will just open up a menu where you choose between all the functions and what you're sharing and etc. Hell, on the 360 this'd just be something added ot the guide menu, and on the PC... oh whaddaya know? You can easily do it yourself on there.

The PSMove isn't impressive. It's a belated attempt at competing with the Wii's success, and it's actually inferior to the Kinect. It will also be cared about as little as the Kinect is, if not less. Sony really is behind the curve there. 8GB memory isn't impressive. My XBox that I got back in like 2007 had 16. External harddrives are common by people who need them. And you can now buy an Xbox with like a 250 GB built in harddrive IIRC. And considering how popular DLC is, the fact that they're only offering 8 when you can get flash drives with better memory is kinda sad.

And a lot lot less! Legit, the PS4 announcement revealed nothing. All we got is that the PS4 is gonna be just like the PS3 but apparently with some hardware upgrades. And that's it. Essentially what we expected, with no ingenuity or anything to set it apart from the pack. Honestly, only thing we learned is that despite the fact that the Wii demolished this gen of consoles when it came to sales, and that the PS3 had a horribly slow start and could be easily argued as the overall loser, that Sony is continuing to do nothing different.

As for these amazing titles, Destiny is not a PS4 exclusive. It's just not gonna be an Xbox exclusive, which we all expected it wouldn't anyhow, however Bungie's fanbase is mostly on Xbox because that's where Halo is, so really not anything for Sony to rave about. As for Diablo, it's a PC game. Not a PS4 game. Fanbases are very different, games don't always cross over perfectly unless you're Valve. And especially not if they're tactical RPGs. Probably won't get cross-buys. And moreover, why in the name of Admin would anybody buy Diablo III for the PS4 when they probably already have it on the PC? Which, as is a given, is a much better platform for games than most consoles in terms of hardware.

So congrats. You're ranting and raving about what is basically the PS3, which was basically the PS2 but with built in wifi and bluray, which was basically an upgraded version of the PS1. Nintendo has the decency to innovate the hell out of their systems, and so popular that the other two actually copy them, while Microsoft gave us the two things that have completely overtaken mainstream console gaming, online multiplayer (Xbox Live) and those darned achievables.

PS: Steam Box was more exciting than this.

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So congrats. You're ranting and raving about what is basically the PS3, which was basically the PS2 but with built in wifi and bluray, which was basically an upgraded version of the PS1. Nintendo has the decency to innovate the hell out of their systems, and so popular that the other two actually copy them, while Microsoft gave us the two things that have completely overtaken mainstream console gaming, online multiplayer (Xbox Live) and those darned achievables.

PS: Steam Box was more exciting than this


Actually the Dreamcast was the first online system, XBox just made it popular.
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Typically consoles are subsidized by charging game developers for each unit they sell, so they pass the cost onto the customer, aka, higher price tag.

Based on details I've read about the PS4, it's using AMD's custom APU, which is a combination of an eight-core CPU (most likely clocked at less than 3 GHz) and a GPU that has a performance similar to the Radeon HD 7850/7870.

Consoles have an advantage over mid-range gaming rigs because they have standardized hardware, which means that it's much easier to squeeze max performance out of them than thousands of different combinations of PC hardware.

However, usually within 3-6 years, mid-range gaming rigs would be more powerful than the consoles through brute computing power.

The PS3 and Xbox 360 have long outlasted their lifespan.

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Standardized hardware is the only thing that could save the console industry. But just pumping out another iteration of the same old thing isn't going to cut it anymore, not when Valve, Apple, and Ouya are set to enter the market with new and innovative strategies. For all the flack it gets, the Wii U might be the only one that weathers the storm, on account of it's own innovation. I picture Microsoft and Sony cutting their losses after this generation. Nintendo has enough money in the bank to weather a complete failure of the Wii U, and doesn't have business in other sectors like Sony and Microsoft, so we will almost certainly see another console from them.

At the end of the day, being able to see every pore and every strand of hair is not going to sell games, what's going to sell games is having good games. While impressive from a technological perspective, improved graphics are not impressive from a gaming perspective, especially at this stage of the game. This is why the Wii did so well despite not having HD output. Nintendo's focus has always been on the games and not on building miniature supercomputers.

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IMO opinion the ultimate failure if the console (excluding where Nintendo is going) is that they are trying to more or less become computers which is a suicide mission. You can easily and always upgrade a Home computer to the current age of gaming. consoles are limited unless you're really willing to risk destroying it through modding it. In short their is no realistic reason to spend 500 dollars on a console that only lasts 3 years on average when you can simply drop a grand and have a computer that can last up go 10 years( might be stretching it) and be able to do everything and more a gaming console could ever do. The only salvation for the console would be to interactive with the body and somehow strictly exclude PCs from games they sell in short forcing users to buy the console to play. Sadly no matter what a person with even common knowledge and Google can find an emulator and play any console game on the PC.

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Yet a lot of my classmates are still using Xbox 360s, and frown upon PC-only games.

Many of the pre-built gaming desktops are priced excessively or have some funky hardware (32 GB of RAM and an i3), and that's not including Alienware.

Home-built ones require research, and secondarily tinkering with hardware and self-troubleshooting issues. The only issue is that many people in my school aren't that into tinkering with hardware and are easily stumped by fairly simple software problems.

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The bluray player and streaming Lovefilm makes up for a lot of the PS3 work in my house. PlayTV etc replaced the old humax PVR.

I guess it comes down whether people are comfortable sitting at a desk and playing games or sitting on a sofa.

So as long as I can chuck the thing under the TV and it doesn't make any noise I'll be happy. Never looked at the xbox, Microsoft still makes my skin crawl XD

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My bad. Xbox was the first console that people actually bought to do it.

Not true, I bought the Dreamcast to play it online.

The bluray player and streaming Lovefilm makes up for a lot of the PS3 work in my house. PlayTV etc replaced the old humax PVR.

I guess it comes down whether people are comfortable sitting at a desk and playing games or sitting on a sofa.

So as long as I can chuck the thing under the TV and it doesn't make any noise I'll be happy. Never looked at the xbox, Microsoft still makes my skin crawl XD

You do know you can hook a PC up to your TV right?

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Yet a lot of my classmates are still using Xbox 360s, and frown upon PC-only games.

Many of the pre-built gaming desktops are priced excessively or have some funky hardware (32 GB of RAM and an i3), and that's not including Alienware.

Home-built ones require research, and secondarily tinkering with hardware and self-troubleshooting issues. The only issue is that many people in my school aren't that into tinkering with hardware and are easily stumped by fairly simple software problems.

What pre-built gaming PC has 32GBs of RAM, please send me a link cause the only desktop that I would use that much RAM on isn't a gaming PC.

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Not true, I bought the Dreamcast to play it online.

You do know you can hook a PC up to your TV right?

Workstation for the office, laptop for CN, consoles for the kids (and me). Granted you can get some sort of low profile PC for the TV in the living room.... but jam and marmite would be smeared all over the remote keyboard within minutes. Impractical tbh.

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Why would anyone want to play Diablo 3 on a console? It wasn't even that good

ironically i predicted they were going to release diablo 3 on consoles shortly after it was released, the control setup was almost perfect for a controller, PC seems to have just been a beta test.

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No Tom, I know what the Cloud is. I want you to explain what it is, and more importantly, why you think it is a good idea for gaming (because it absolutely isn't).

OK, well the cloud is a way to acces the internet and essentially, when configured correctly, is essentially a socil network hub which sony plans to take advantage of. It actually is brilliant, it will add a new dimension that will KILL diminish the PC Master Race.

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OK, well the cloud is a way to acces the internet and essentially, when configured correctly, is essentially a socil network hub which sony plans to take advantage of. It actually is brilliant, it will add a new dimension that will KILL diminish the PC Master Race.

That's not what Cloud is seeing as you must have access to the internet to access the Cloud without an ISP you wouldn't be able to contact the Cloud server. Just a heads up, essentially cloud gaming means you'll have to maintain an internet connection in order to play any game on the cloud server. Much like Diablo III, Starcraft II, Path of Exile and any MMO, when your internet is out of the servers are down you are just out of luck. The only difference between those games and the Cloud is your local resources aren't used to run the games. This means much more bandwidth for daily consumption as well as latency issues when playing solo since the content must be streamed to your TV/Monitor from the cloud server. Not the correct direction for any gaming company to go. While online game purchasing is a step in the correct direction if anything goes to cloud gaming that isn't multi-player you are doing it incorrectly.

Is there any better business model than having complete control over distribution, Apple led the way and everyone's following.

Fun fact: Did you know consoles are PCs, they just happen to have Operating Systems built specifically for the hardware. Which means anything your console can do your PC can do as well, only thing is your PCs aren't limited to the distribution means of one company.

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OK, well the cloud is a way to acces the internet and essentially, when configured correctly, is essentially a socil network hub which sony plans to take advantage of. It actually is brilliant, it will add a new dimension that will KILL diminish the PC Master Race.

Cloud is a way to store things. It is not a way to access the internet.

It is good if you have multiple devices and want to access the same data on all of them. It is also good if you are a criminal and want your data to be immune from physical raids.

It is not good if you have one device. Consoles are not cross compatible (Unless xbox games run on the Playstation now) so it serves no purpose for the customer. You have one PS4 and harddrive space is hardly an expensive commodity these days.

For single player Cloud is simply a way to try and stop piracy. That and nothing more.

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