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Highlights from WCE: Part 20



[22:31] <%Rebel_Virginia> Let's win it.

[22:32] <%bzelger[sTA]> I don't like leaving the Ninjas or FnKA out there longer than necessary if we're going in soon

[22:32] <%TehChron> Mhm

[22:32] <%TehChron> but they picked that fight for a reason

[22:32] <%TehChron> so lets not let that reason go to waste

No, actually they picked the fight for no reason, quite literally in fact.

[22:32] <@bud> if its done to win i can sell it. To do it just to die and let them rampage through the game with out fear no way CJ will go for it

[22:32] <@MegaAros> Suppose they mistreated the Ninja's attempt to peace out.

[22:33] <@MegaAros> Could that be used as a CB?

[22:33] <%Rebel_Virginia> Not really.

[22:33] <%Voodoo> I need to be able to sell this to IAA as well

Good to see they aren't that stupid.

[22:34] <%Voodoo> We all need to be on the same page to get it to work

[22:34] <%TehChron> but we need a *good* *compelling* argument

[22:34] <%TehChron> or its all wasted

[22:34] <%Rebel_Virginia> We'll need some good propaganda.

[22:34] <%Rebel_Virginia> We're going to want to win some hearts here.

[22:34] <%Rebel_Virginia> Make people want to roll GOONS.

[22:34] <%TehChron> make people want to roll GOONS *despite* their friends

I'm flattered that we somehow evoke enough hate to make people forget how well-connected we are.

[22:38] <%TehChron> Well, too many fingers in this pie right now

[22:38] <%TehChron> lets leave that issue for after we have what we want to convey

[22:38] <%TehChron> No need to incite egos to rub against each other while were all still in agreement

[22:39] <@MegaAros> If you're going to start a war of words.

[22:39] <@MegaAros> Be careful.

[22:39] <@MegaAros> They may catch on.

[22:39] <@MegaAros> AND LOL COLD WAR

[22:39] <%TehChron> Of course

[22:39] <%TehChron> but why would we start a war right now?

[22:39] <%TehChron> well settle this with our guns

[22:39] <%TehChron> and win over hearts with our words

[22:39] <%TehChron> need a compelling story to use words effectively

[22:40] <%TehChron> and until we have one, going for such a conflict is futile

[22:40] <%TehChron> itll just be empty braying

Any war of words would have been tragically lost, given the fact that the facts are indisputably on our side of the issue.

[22:42] <%Voodoo> Thing is, tech raids gone bad have become the norm enough that some just don't care. What story would be able to come from a tech raid gone bad?

[22:42] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> eventually it will come down to one alliance saying "actually we won't just bend over for GOONS"

[22:43] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> it will have to be a decently connect alliance

(So not UPN then)

[22:49] <%TehChron> Well, to be fair

[22:49] <%TehChron> they did start with advantage anyway

[22:49] <%Voodoo> Are GOONS allies still getting reps?

[22:49] <%TehChron> and the element of surprise isnt exactly enough for us to win

[22:50] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> yeah

[22:50] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> i still want to know who the actual fence sitters are

[22:50] <%TehChron> we can find that out

[22:50] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> if we're sitting here waiting for Sparta and MHA to commit

[22:50] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> then we really are <removed>

Astute as ever, Grumpdogg.

[22:54] <@Peggy_Sue|UPN> Well, I am sorry UPN will not be able to provide the CB that is needed. Please let me know when one comes up and what I may do to help

The operation a bust, Peggy apologizes for not being able to manufacture a CB.

[23:03] <+Lennox> Why is dark fist in here? and nemesis

[23:03] <%Voodoo> I have a Tesla avatar somewhere

[23:03] <%TehChron> because they were invited, I guess

[23:03] <@Poyples> be nice Lennox:(

[23:03] <@SCM|Studies> Lennox: spying on NSO

[23:04] <+Lennox> No its a valid question

[23:04] <+Lennox> I thought the black sphere was buddy buddy

Now, the black sphere is many things, but buddy buddy it is not.

[23:05] <@SCM|Studies> the black sphere is buddy buddy, with the exception of goons

[23:06] <@Poyples> GOONS aren't the biggest fans of Nemesis since Daggarz was mean to one of their members

[23:06] <%TehChron> So theyre the eh...black sheep?

[23:06] <%TehChron> or the albinos of the black sphere?

[23:06] <@SCM|Studies> or <removed>

[23:06] <%TehChron> god <removed> it I was being subtle

No, we're not the biggest fans of Nemesis because Nemesis is a legitimately terrible alliance.

[23:06] <%Rebel_Virginia> Does anyone notice who makes up this coalition?

[23:06] <%Rebel_Virginia> NSO, DF.

[23:07] <%Rebel_Virginia> We need CSN.

[23:07] <%TehChron> Ill get right on that

[23:07] <%Atlashill[invicta]> CSN?

[23:07] <%TehChron> Yes

[23:07] <%Rebel_Virginia> It was a joke.

[23:07] <%Atlashill[invicta]> The moment they see UPN's in it, they'll bolt.

CSN is quickly mentioned and discarded.

[23:07] <%TehChron> I already sent the logs to Penkala

[23:07] <%Atlashill[invicta]> :o

[23:07] <%TehChron> :P

[23:07] <@Poyples> exposé coming up

[23:07] <%Atlashill[invicta]> RUN FOR IT!

Exposé almost done.

[23:07] <%Rebel_Virginia> But yes, there certainly are some strange bedfellows here.

[23:07] <%Rebel_Virginia> But it is necessary.

[23:07] * %Atlashill[invicta] runs to hide

[23:08] <%Rebel_Virginia> GOONS must die.

RV, GOONS slayer.

[23:09] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> hopefully one day someone will defend their members when GOONS pull another stunt

[23:09] <%Rebel_Virginia> Or their protectorate.

[23:09] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> it used to be the basic premise an alliance was founded on

Yes, accepting nuclear rogues and demanding those they wronged peace out with them is the premise an alliance is founded on.

[23:10] <@Grumpdogg[NpO]> now GOONS can play their fiddle on the OWF and get away with murder

I won my golden fiddle from the devil himself.

[23:12] <%Voodoo> It's because they said "do something about it" enough times that people assume they can't do anything unless a massive war happens

[23:12] <%Atlashill[invicta]> The next time they say it.

[23:13] <%Atlashill[invicta]> Say "Done"

[23:13] <%Atlashill[invicta]> :P

[23:13] <%Voodoo> Two alliances have done that already

And it's not working out terribly well for them, I might add.

[23:14] <%Atlashill[invicta]> But there are 20 here.

[23:14] <%Atlashill[invicta]> 20 saying done in unison will resonate more than two.

[23:15] <%TehChron> ???

[23:15] <%Atlashill[invicta]> "Do Something About It"

[23:15] <%Voodoo> That's like showing your hand before the bets are done

A lie, if repeated by enough people, is the truth, apparently.

All they succeeded in doing was letting us know who are enemies are, which I suppose is important enough. They sought a CB that wasn't there, they discussed making up a CB, they discussed alliances who would never, ever fight on their side, they demonstrated ignorance of politics and diplomacy itself, they truly are the Worst Coalition Ever. That's all for now, unless somebody wants to send me more logs that I have not mentioned here, in which case, please do so. I will have one final bonus post after this, and then we can put a close to the most laughable coalition in cybernations history. (unless I get more logs, of course).


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No I mean.

"They sought a CB that wasn't there, they discussed making up a CB, they discussed alliances who would never, ever fight on their side, they demonstrated ignorance of politics and diplomacy itself"

1. False CB generated by Genmay (that they acted on).

2. Alliances that weren't on their side (tons of them).

3. Ignorance of politics and diplomacy. (GOONS, \m/, Genmay).

And those alliances got forced disbandment is what I mean. And even the month of existence was riddled with huge problems that I won't go into for obvious reasons.

They were also the Unjust Pact, not the Moralist brigade who were in the process of doing all things evil.

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For the monster GOONS is usually made out to be, we don't usually just grasp at any old CB to go to war.

Indeed, you are happy with tech raiding and attempting to bait small AA's into attacking you with "do something about it."

Sad part is, it works.

GOONS likes to play the bad guy but does grasping at any excuse (and if none can be found, using entrapment) in order to wipe out their enemies sound like something fair and just people do?

First point is good. Second point...don't get caught in their trap.

I wish some of you people could really listen to yourselves. Yes, I get that you feel you're totally justified in eliminating GOONS without politically correct means, but if you just put aside your own personal feelings and look at the situation objectively you'll see that we haven't done a whole lot that's really "evil".

But everyone needs some to hate and scheme against :P

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For the monster GOONS is usually made out to be, we don't usually just grasp at any old CB to go to war. The fact is we don't really need to start anything. If we want a war, there's usually a ton of angry and ignorant rulers who are so blinded by their intense dislike of us that they think they are totally justified in attacking us for any reason at all and actually having a valid reason for attacking us is only something they want to consider because of the political impact.

GOONS likes to play the bad guy but does grasping at any excuse (and if none can be found, using entrapment) in order to wipe out their enemies sound like something fair and just people do?

I wish some of you people could really listen to yourselves. Yes, I get that you feel you're totally justified in eliminating GOONS without politically correct means, but if you just put aside your own personal feelings and look at the situation objectively you'll see that we haven't done a whole lot that's really "evil".

There were times when alliances did some pretty terrible things and got in a lot of hot water over them. These days, with those alliances gone (or neutered) and a really intricate treaty web ensuring that people begrudgingly get along some of you people are so desperate for some great evil to lay your vengeance upon that you'll really grasp at anything and in my eyes that makes you the bad guys, not us.

I mean I'm all for cyber-anarchy. I don't really care who gets attacked and who fights who, I'm sick to death of the treaty web and of all of the alliances in CN being cowards and generally not caring about the game anymore, only about their precious stats.

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I mean I'm all for cyber-anarchy. I don't really care who gets attacked and who fights who, I'm sick to death of the treaty web and of all of the alliances in CN being cowards and generally not caring about the game anymore, only about their precious stats.

It's still a game, and we're still gonna play to win, I don't see why we should sacrifice ourselves, and our chances to win a war, just to add a bit of 'excitement' to those people content to hug their infrastructure and/or jump on the bandwagon of the winning side. We were the ones putting effort into it, after all, rather than sitting at the top of the world waiting, even begging for others to attack them, for others to do the work to make the game exciting so they can effortlessly win yet another war.

And of course, a few months from now, all of us are going to get rolled for what went down in those logs. People wonder why we have the stagnation we do, begging for a war, then they go out of their way to mock and punish people for trying to start something.

So blame the cowards, who would have used the lack of a 'traditional CB' as an excuse to not put their precious stats on the line, for this not going down. Blame everyone who doesn't dare to do something, who just sits there not crossing any lines and trying to rectify any small problem. Before Karma, nobody, and especially none of those at the top, cared about that, and when they were on top crossing lines and pushing people around, this game was at it's best. Now anyone who dares to cross a line, if they aren't forced by their allies to back off so the New Hegemony doesn't split, is probably not tied to the New Hegemony and becomes the recipient of a curbie.

Here at the bottom, faced with a great challenge, the game is fun. We've no need to sacrifice our game just to provide entertainment to infra huggers and cowards, who whine about stagnation but are too afraid to remove themselves as part of the problem, for whatever silly excuse they can pull out of their ass. Not just alliances, but every individual member of those culprit alliances.

/me wipes the froth from his mouth

I'm just sick of seeing people whining about stagnation, and the whining invariably coming from people who have no will to solve the problem themselves.

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This is stupid. Get a clue Sardonic

Looks like someone isn't happy about how they came off in these logs!

Protip: If you don't want to look like a massive idiot with the cognitive reasoning of a Goldfish cracker, don't be one.

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Looks like someone isn't happy about how they came off in these logs!

Protip: If you don't want to look like a massive idiot with the cognitive reasoning of a Goldfish cracker, don't be one.

I like your style of posting. You almost made me spit my water out.

Hey Daggarz, what's with trying to poach your old nemesis members to join you in CoJ?

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Not once during these conversations when CnG was being discussed was =LOST= mentioned. Not like we are treatied with GOONS or anything. Regardless Im still more disappointed that you didnt go through with rolling GOONS, it might have caused some fun.

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A couple of things:

1. A lot of you people (those in the logs) have been around here for a long time. So how come the CB's that were getting tossed around were so astoundingly bad? Fake trap alliances? Really? pezstar was right, (I'm paraphrasing here...) your plans would have been more credible and likely to succeed if you had all just DoWed GOONs with the reason: "We hate goons!"

2. Could whoever keeps leaking these logs please stop it! I despise poor war planning and tech raiding and curbstomping but I really really look down on people who can't keep a secret. And this isn't a pro goon / anti goons thing. I just really hate poor opsec.

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