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Goose Poop

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Let Loose the Geese of War



I hate you all. You're all a bunch of mouth-breathing buffoons of questionable lineage. A great and valid CB pops up, and half the world cries over it. When you aid someone at war with another alliance, that is the clearest justification for war other than sending nations to attack another alliance (which is in itself a declaration of war). Stop trying to argue about the justification. You might believe that more diplomacy should have been used, but I think most of us would decide diplomacy has had its chance when you state that you will view sending aid to a nation you're at war with as an act of war, and the alliance then sends the aid anyway.

Then there's the 1/3 of you making shallow attempts to goad allies of NSO into escalating this. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this escalate, but you're attempts are rather pathetic. Not to mention that they only feed the tinfoil induced hallucinations of the inbred, conspiracy retards.

Which brings me to my third point. There is no conspiracy. The world has moved on from everything being about NPO. Karma was about NPO. The vast majority of us have moved on. The only reason things devolve into how 'everything we do is about NPO', or even that NPO comes up in nearly every discussion is because those of you with the IQ of dirt start your mouth diarrhea about how it was a trap for NPO.

I hope this escalates. I hope half the world gets blown up. I like watching things blow up (preferably not mine or my friends; things). I'm going back to my bunker to play SC2.

Stay off my lawn!


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So pretty much you start off by putting your own opinion as fact and then rant about everything, and then say you don't care.

You're worse than everybody else. Either declare war or shut the $%&@ up.

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So pretty much you start off by putting your own opinion as fact and then rant about everything, and then say you don't care.

You're worse than everybody else. Either declare war or shut the $%&@ up.

I'm sure they will once NSO's allies respond. I mean if NSO's allies respond.

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I'm sure they will once NSO's allies respond. I mean if NSO's allies respond.

What a stunning comeback! Let's insult NSO's allies who were specifically told by NSO not to come in! Yeah, that's a really thought out retort right there...

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So pretty much you start off by putting your own opinion as fact and then rant about everything, and then say you don't care.

You're worse than everybody else. Either declare war or shut the $%&@ up.

Greetings, please send me a link of the next rogue you have so that I may send him aid.

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So pretty much you start off by putting your own opinion as fact and then rant about everything, and then say you don't care.

You're worse than everybody else. Either declare war or shut the $%&@ up.

So you support HeroofTime's !@#$%^&* response to a good CB, then decide to tell people to declare war of shut the $%&@ up. Why dont you make up your !@#$@#$ mind and actually develop a valid argument then poking your head into things that you obviously dont know anything about and then get all pissed. Stop giving a $%&@ because when it comes to this part of the game, you not only dont matter, you dont know !@#$.

Crawl back to RP where people somewhat know where you are, !@#$%^&.

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So you support HeroofTime's !@#$%^&* response to a good CB, then decide to tell people to declare war of shut the $%&@ up. Why dont you make up your !@#$@#$ mind and actually develop a valid argument then poking your head into things that you obviously dont know anything about and then get all pissed. Stop giving a $%&@ because when it comes to this part of the game, you not only dont matter, you dont know !@#$.

Crawl back to RP where people somewhat know where you are, !@#$%^&.

None of that makes any sense at all and is so full of profanity that I think you just want to curse me out and started putting random words in the middle of it.

Sargun: 1

Acca Dacca: 0

@Goose: Sure, it just means we'll win more ground battles and get more delicious tech

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None of that makes any sense at all and is so full of profanity that I think you just want to curse me out and started putting random words in the middle of it.

Sargun: 1

Acca Dacca: 0

@Goose: Sure, it just means we'll win more ground battles and get more delicious tech

You're so cute with your horrid comebacks. Can't wait to see you in a war.

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So pretty much you start off by putting your own opinion as fact and then rant about everything, and then say you don't care.

You're worse than everybody else. Either declare war or shut the $%&@ up.

Goose? Declare war?


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