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Getting Taller



Many believe that you grow up to a certain height, and that's it. Biologically you are incapable of growing anymore.

This however is simply not the case. Just because you are past the age of growing, does not mean you can't get taller. When you stop growing, your back is not straight due to the vertebrate's not being properly stretched out. The only way to stretch them out is by doing exercises daily for 6 weeks.

I am around 6'1, happy with my height but I'd like to get a little taller. Through this system, you can grow 3-4" by following daily routines day in an day out. The thing is to commit, eat right and apply what you learn in your daily life.

How to Get Taller

Do not spend money on supplements or tapes on how to grow taller. Just follow these steps and see how it goes. I will be doing this for 6 months and will update you guys on if it really works. By the end I hope to extend to at least 6'3. :)


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Not sure why you guys are all angry. It's a proven method, it's called aligning your vertebrate columns.

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

I agree, it stunts your growth.

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You know.. He's right..

Step one: Vegetarian Diet

Step two: Excercise and Stretch

Step three: Enter dungeon, attach self to "Exercise Machine" and STREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETCH till something pops...

Vio la ... Instant growth spurt... :P

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Let me guess: same "idea" that says you can get buff in 4 weeks with supplements and a bigger penis with pills?


I read through the stuff, looks complex, something that would take time and devotion. I guess its a good thing that I'm happy being 6'1, because I haven't the time or the devotion to being healthy.

Although, it kinda sounds as if healthy/fit people will overall be taller on average then the average slobs like us who play CN.

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I read through the stuff, looks complex, something that would take time and devotion. I guess its a good thing that I'm happy being 6'1, because I haven't the time or the devotion to being healthy.

Although, it kinda sounds as if healthy/fit people will overall be taller on average then the average slobs like us who play CN.

Agreed.. I'm shrinking... 5'11 to 5'10.. but my girth is getting MUCH bigger... damn my cooking... oh and the CN Seditary Workout P9000!

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I guess its a good thing that I'm happy being 6'1, because I haven't the time or the devotion to being healthy.

Every CN player who is 6' or over should try this out. The worst thing that happens is nothing. But, if we're really lucky, we could create a RACE OF GIGANTIC SUPERMEN TO RULE THE WORLD.

(If we don't all suffer brain damage from walking into door frames, that is....)

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Every CN player who is 6' or over should try this out. The worst thing that happens is nothing. But, if we're really lucky, we could create a RACE OF GIGANTIC SUPERMEN TO RULE THE WORLD.

(If we don't all suffer brain damage from walking into door frames, that is....)

^^^ That is what I tell my kids.. They'll never have to worry about ducking into rooms or through doorways in their life time! :P

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Have you used this system, Aut? Or just trusted what you read on the interwebs?

Either way, I'm perfectly content at 6'2".

No but it makes sense. It's basically stretching and eating vitamin rich food incorporating protein and calcium, i.e. eating healthy. The less you weight, the more your spinal column aligns itself due to you not carrying any extra weight.

Every CN player who is 6' or over should try this out. The worst thing that happens is nothing. But, if we're really lucky, we could create a RACE OF GIGANTIC SUPERMEN TO RULE THE WORLD.

(If we don't all suffer brain damage from walking into door frames, that is....)

lol well there's so much that can go wrong. But at the same time it's not like you have to follow a routine and leave it at that. This helps to correct your posture and teaches you to keep your back straight. It has health benefits other than "growing taller".

AUT, keep us updated.

Will do man.

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Just gotta put this out there, Aut: It may be wise to talk to a doctor before you start messing with your spine trying to 'straighten' it. Like seriously, dude, talk to a doctor.

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Just gotta put this out there, Aut: It may be wise to talk to a doctor before you start messing with your spine trying to 'straighten' it. Like seriously, dude, talk to a doctor.

About what? Stretching and eating healthier? :P

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