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Coming Up Short



So today I came to the decision to disband Carthage after 250 days. It was a tough decision but the right one. I know, that's two failed alliances now. I'm sure I'll get flak over it but at some point I have to think of someone other than myself. I worked hard at recruitment. Spent just so many hours on helping new nations because I knew I had to do it on my own. I started my alliance with just myself and literally no one else. It took a toll. I found that doing everything yourself, although rewarding, is not possible for a person who has been as inactive as I have been of late.

After the ODN war I worked hard on trying to get everyone active and on IRC. When that didn't work I tried recruitment and realized that I tried to do everything myself again except for the fact I honestly don't have the time for it anymore. And I've learned that no matter how hard I work on something alone, if you don't have others to help you along the way you're simply just not going to have enough to make it. I thought Carthage was a good alliance, we didn't do much but I thought the theme was cool and something original. However I knew that I simply couldn't invest too much into it and had to let it go like I did to my previous alliance.

Many ask me, when in times that my previous two alliances were doing really well, what did I do special? And I told them pretty much everything. Sending out aid, recruiting and just working endlessly to set up tech deals and educate new nations. However, when I'm not there, all of it falls apart. And I guess that's what happened here.

Whenever I disband, I know it's not for a lack of trying rather than a lack of time or help. However that's what this game needs as a leader, time and help. Maybe I've learned my lesson and will try and work my way up in an alliance, that is if they trust me. Maybe I'll just get fed up and make my own AA, or maybe I'll just pack up my things and leave. But at least when I do, I'll know I came up short but not for a lack of trying.


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Could you not have handed the reigns over to another person?

Honestly I tried but both refused. They said they didn't know enough and were not comfortable with doing so. (Refers to the OP) Not to mention the level of inactivity both have undergone.

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I know what you're talking about AUT, when you try to lead an aliance by yourself, its not fun because your community is shaky at best, and usually non-existant. When you recruit new members, there isn't a vibrant community to welcome them, which makes it harder for new members to be active, and new members have less fun because of it. Its was this realization that caused me to disband BTO.

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Oi, tell me about it. Doing everything yourself is not easy at all. Pain in the $@!. Slayer wasn't lying to me about needing a core group of members in order to start an alliance..


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Honestly I tried but both refused. They said they didn't know enough and were not comfortable with doing so. (Refers to the OP) Not to mention the level of inactivity both have undergone.

That's a shame. Well, best of luck in whatever you decide to do now.

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Your still awesome dude, I would have been able to start a successful alliances if I didnt learn a thing or two from you. Why dont you calm down for a while and come hang within WFF borders? That is my invitation to you buddy :)

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