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Executive Minister

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[center][size="4"][b]For the EXANIMATE NATION OF NOD
For Noble House Sidamo
and the Most Venerated Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo
A Resolution to Renew the East African Determination for Peace

[i]Good welcome to all who would hear my message.

[i]It is with sorrow and unending regret that I, Soverign Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo of Ruling House Sidamo, would begin this Resolution with an offer of my deepest and most heartfelt condolences to all who have fallen in battle and those that were so heartlessly made the innocent victims of nuclear attacks - around the globe. I pray for them, and will continue to do so for as long as I live. Solemnly reflecting upon the recent conflict between the Exanimate Nation of Nod and a coalition rallied to defend Monaco from the reprecussions directed towards it- I recognize the pain and suffering inflicted upon the Monagesque and Mediterranean people at large by the aforementioned Nation of Nod, and express a deep sense of remorse on my behalf, and those of my followers.

It is with this profound sense of marked shame and humility that I say this - my people must transcend the desire to blame, suppress the fierce urges to condemn those responsible for the East African citizens who perished within Addis Ababa's hallowed walls on that fateful day. I vow to lead my followers, humbly learning the lessons of history, so as to build a peaceful member of this international society. This promise rests upon the words of the Principality's Ruling House and its Princess, under the banner of eternal peace enshrined in the message that has brought me to power over the vengeful and vindicitive Executive Ministry of the past. The Principality of Aeon shall seek to join hands with other nations of the world and pave way to a future that allows all human beings to live together in peace and harmony from this day forth.

This war has left a most incurable scar on many within both sides of this conflict. It is with the following invitation that I intend to redeem a portion of this pain and destruction, and end this war. I formally invite all who would attend a most joyous and wonderful celebration - the formal dissolution of the Nation of Nod, along with its violent and vitriolic Executive Ministry. East Africa shall be ruled by the rightful House Sidamo, with I at its head. It is from my throne within the capital of Sidamo Province that I will watch over the 'Nodic' people. The Nation of Nod is to be no more - for in its stead, a new, Eternal Kingdom shall be made in my image. May this coronation usher in a new age of peace, stability and virtue in East Africa. May I find none of my people to be insincere when we ask for forgiveness, and pledge our undying loyalty to this great cause of peace.

All are welcome to attend, for all are equal in their right to partake of this solemn vigil for the past heartaches inflicted upon the unknowing, the innocent, and the many. All have a part to play in the final act of this coronation, for it is the duty of all to promote peace, and destroy the demons of the past - yet I find myself extending a special invitation to the following:

[/i][b][i]- The United Kingdom
- New Cadia
- The Athenian Federation
- The Rebel Army
- Soviet Socialist Republic of Novak
- Monaco-Valencia
[i]May we all come together to rejoice in the beginning of this new age. May the mistakes of the past never be realized on our world again. I eagerly await your arrivals within the newly reconstructed Sidamo Estate, which was destroyed as a result of horrific subjugation by the hands of the Nation of Nod.

Most humbly and respectfully yours,

[b]Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo[/b], Reigning Sovereign of House Sidamo, for the Principality of Aeon
[b]Livia Toth[/b], Head Deaconess and Matriarch of the Monastic Order of Medicine
[b]Jaran Marxon[/b], Avatar-of-War and Sword of House Sidamo

[/i]OOC: No one will be hurt during this ceremony, yadda yadda. Everyone can attend. I'll allow you people to mingle amongst yourselves after you arrive at my lavish palace.

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[i]From the desk of His Majesty, Lord Sithis I of Realm[/i][/center]
To Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo, Reigning Sovereign of House Sidamo, for the Principality of Aeon,

The Kingdom of Realm was saddened to see the violence and instability in its former home in East Africa. While I wish I could attend your grace's coronation personally, diplomatic duties have called me away temporarily. However, I hope you will accept the attendance of Banastre Scanlon IV, who, as Duke of Assaye, is the second in command of Realm.

I can speak for the Duke and myself by saying Realm looks forward to a new era of stability in East Africa.

Sithis I
Lord of Realm[/quote]

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OOC: It's the United Kingdom of Ireland, Wales and France. Or simply the United Kingdom. Not the United Kingdom of Ireland :P


Ambassador Simon Desmarais would attend on behalf of the United Kingdom. He wore a black suit and tie for the occasion. Though his nation had only one encounter with enemy vessels, he nevertheless felt it was important that he represent his nation with grace and honor amongst the former Nodic people.

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From President Rajapaksa, to Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo[/i]
"Speaking as the representative of the people of Sri Lanka, I can only say that the entire nation am relieved the internal struggle within the former nation of Nod has finally ended.
We wish only the best for the newly established Principality, and hope that it will help make East Africa and the Indian Ocean safer and more stable places.

Unfortunately, I cannot personally attend the coronation, though PM Ranil Wickremesinghe will travel to Aeon in my stead."

With regards,
Mahinda Rajapaksa

Edited by Lynneth
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To Sithis I, Lord of Realm

Rest assured, Banastre Scanlon IV, Duke of Assaye will be greeted with open arms by my followers. While it is regrettable that I find our nations meeting under such woe-begotten circumstances, I pray that this overture shall mark the beginnings of a fruitful and joyous relationship.
[i]Most humbly and respectfully yours,[/i]

[i][b]Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo
Reigning Sovereign of House Sidamo[/b][/i][/quote]

[quote][i] [img]http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/SCAeonMODDB-1.jpg?t=1300156068[/img]

To President Mahinda Rajapaksa

It is fortunate your nation still wishes to associate with one with such terrible, terrible crimes still clinging to its name. It is my understanding that the ill intentioned Executive Ministry of Old deliberately sought out a political and military alliance with your nation, as well as the Kingdom of Cochin? That you came very close to fulfilling such a partnership? Rest assured, whatever convoluted demands or concessions they wrested out of you will not be applied in the future.

However, I would like to forge our tripartite relationship anew. Through the bonds of mutual understanding and respect, I am certain such an endeavor would not be impossible.

[/i][i]Most humbly and respectfully yours,[/i]

[i][b]Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo
Reigning Sovereign of House Sidamo[/b][/i]

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1300156254' post='2665182']

To President Mahinda Rajapaksa

It is fortunate your nation still wishes to associate with one with such terrible, terrible crimes still clinging to its name. It is my understanding that the ill intentioned Executive Ministry of Old deliberately sought out a political and military alliance with your nation, as well as the Kingdom of Cochin? That you came very close to fulfilling such a partnership? Rest assured, whatever convoluted demands or concessions they wrested out of you will not be applied in the future.

However, I would like to forge our tripartite relationship anew. Through the bonds of mutual understanding and respect, I am certain such an endeavor would not be impossible.

Most humbly and respectfully yours,

Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo
Reigning Sovereign of House Sidamo[/quote]

[i]Communiqué and Reply,
From President Rajapaksa, to Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo[/i]

"The Nation of Nod, Sri Lanka and Cochin did, in fact, agree to a joint program concerning technology and military hardware, in addition to information-sharing.
Another fact is that they were in no way overbearing and did not have any sort of 'convoluted demands or concessions', as you put it. They were rather straightforward, actually.
I would also like to add that Nod wasn't as bad as you seem to want to make them out to be, until they got hit with nuclear weaponry, that is. Before then, they were one of the more reasonable nations we had the pleasure of communicating with.

Regardless, I would welcome a treaty between our three nations. It would only serve to aid us all."

With regards,
Mahinda Rajapaksa

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote][i] [img]http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/SCAeonMODDB-1.jpg?t=1300156068[/img]

To President Mahinda Rajapaksa

But of course! I meant no disrespect, your Excellency. I am sure our predecessors had shown some merit - and I imagine your respective nations had grown quite close to justify such an intimate relationship regarding this pact. Please accept my humble apologies!

It is on this note that I implore us to speak in person, so that the miss-communication associated with the written word do not further enroach on our banter. I shall eagerly await your arrival at the Sidamo Estate.

[/i][i]Most humbly and respectfully yours,[/i]

[i][b]Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo
Reigning Sovereign of House Sidamo[/b][/i]

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1300128343' post='2664740']
Ambassador Simon Desmarais would attend on behalf of the United Kingdom. He wore a black suit and tie for the occasion. Though his nation had only one encounter with enemy vessels, he nevertheless felt it was important that he represent his nation with grace and honor amongst the former Nodic people.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1300128718' post='2664747']
Jean-Luc Picard, Magistrate of Foreign Affairs, would attend.

[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1300129927' post='2664774']
Srant Mali, the long-time Commissar of Foreign Affairs of Novak, will attend the meeting.

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1300156117' post='2665180']
His Highness, Prince Andrez Drovnik-Hapsburg, will be in attendance representing Austria at this ceremony of peace and progress.

[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1300156305' post='2665184']
New Cadia would send a delegate as well.

[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1300161500' post='2665273']
Lavo Shalam will be in attendance at the coronation.

[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300163218' post='2665302']
The People's Republic of Africa shall send a delegate.


[left]The Sidamo Estate was a lavish, yet comparatively modest abode - serving as the birthplace of [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84030&view=findpost&p=2370945"]Emil the First[/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84030&view=findpost&p=2515948"]Emil the Innocent[/url], as well as [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84030&view=findpost&p=2618308"]other[/url] members of the prominent House Sidamo. And while it was located relatively close to the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96575&view=findpost&p=2566722"]Great Scar[/url] that was the ruins of Addis Ababa, it had remained relatively untouched by the war that spelled the end of the Executive Ministry, its Minister, and the draconian nation they led. The province, whose name House Sidamo adopted as its own generations ago, had owed the level of influence and standard of living it enjoyed within the defunct Nation of Nod to the vast acres of coffee shrubs that adorned its steppes and plateaus like a green, leafy precious stone. It was with Sidamo Province's enormous revenue that the Executive Ministry of the past had deemed it appropriate to allow such luxuries to be afforded to the sector.

But Nod was not always the benign benefactor - a failed uprising perpetuated by a [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84030&view=findpost&p=2634441"]Cousin*[/url] of the Great House had caused much ruin to be inflicted upon the tranquil manse by Nodic Security Forces. It was only due to what little influence surviving House members could scrounge together via the still intact Coffee trade - as well as a few unredeemed favors - that the Sidamo Estate was ever allowed to be rebuilt in the first place. It had remained an empty shell since then, tended to by only a dedicated skeleton crew of valued House Retainers and visiting Sidamo nobles enroute to Addis Ababa... but today, all that would change.

[i][b]"My Lady, forgive my impertinence..."[/b][/i] a restrained voice spoke atop a terrace that overlooked the manses expansive grounds.

[i]"Hmmm?"[/i] was all a delicate voice said in reply.

[i][b]"I am Your new Avatar-of-War, as Your Highness has requested..."[/b][/i] the man continued. He stopped for a moment, surveying a number of delegates as they were ushered with all reverence and respect by House Retainers hand-picked by Deaconess Toth herself.
"... but I cannot help but fear that my sustained presence near Your Holiness would be a cause for harm to Your Great Cause. That my existence would only serve to endanger-"[/b][/i]

Avatar Marxon was silenced with but one gentle raised hand from Her Highness. The Princess need not have said any word in protest, for the Avatar was seemingly enchanted by Her very being. Her every word, every movement.... the Avatar struggled to remember every inch of the woman, every mesmerizing syllable her lips uttered as she spoke - so he might reflect upon them during his private meditations, reflect upon a vision of true beauty, and almost holy grace.

[i]"General Jagdfel..."[/i] the Princess whispered in a firm, but sweet-tempered voice,[i] "I retrieved you from [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99339&view=findpost&p=2659561"]Temple Tercero[/url] with reason. I knew not how far you and your Militant kin intended to take that terrible war. Hate begets hate, as you well know... soon we would have been trapped between two forces who refused to accept each others' existence...."[/i]

[i][b]"And I am eternally grateful for Your Mercy.... that You pitied my tears and supplications... that You forgave me..." [/b][/i]the Avatar-of-War, formerly known as General of the Nodic Militancy said with a peculiar earnesty. Yet something still bothered him. The Princess at his side could sense this. She turned to look up at Jagdfel turned Marxon, smiling her enamoring smile as she thought of the ironic name she gave the man. Her youthful, naive eyes betraying her underlying wisdom as she stared into the face of her newfound Champion.

[i]"And yet you find yourself unsatisfied?"[/i]
"You should have slayed me, My Lady! So that my association with You now would not harm Your Image, Your Message of peace..." [/b][/i]Marxon admitted. He bowed his head in shame at what he perceived to be a marked ungratefulness. Instincts soon kicked in- he was brought up amongst the cold, sadistic ranks of the Nodic Militancy... he expected wrath, punishment. But instead, he found only mercy from his Lady. He was not used to that, not in the slightest.

The Avatar's gaze was still bowed, his eyes shut in shame, when he felt the Princess' hand land lightly on his cheek. He was compelled to look up, his knees turning to jelly. With his attention firmly back in place, she spoke.
"The dove is a universal symbol of peace. Understandably, it is not born with the sharp claws or rigid beak to inflict killing blows. If two of these magnificent creatures were pitted against each other, it would undoubtedly be a long, gruesome battle..."

[/i]She spoke firmly, intending to hammer through the truth to her most loyal servant. With each sentence, she shook the Avatar's hands with a placid fervor. Her hypnotic gaze never leaving his wide-eyes. Was that reverence he felt? Or was it fear?[i]

"I am a dove... and you are to be my beak. The Militancy you now have at your beck and call shall be my talons."[/i]

[i][b]"I will not fail you."[/b][/i]

Content with the outcome of their discourse, the two turned away from each other. The two nobles watched the delegates, hidden from view in their perch. The honoured guests would be given food and drink as more and more arrivals would be announced and carried out in due time. They would be allowed to interact with one another, their retinues complemented by Nodic warriors hand picked for their loyalty and dedication to the Princess. No one would be harmed at this most sacred occasion. Their armors, normally a crimson [url="http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/EliteCadre.jpg?t=1300163520"]red[/url] and [url="http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/HeavyI.jpg?t=1300163520"]onyx[/url] [url="http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/CNCTS_Nod_Combat_Armour.jpg?t=1300163520"]black[/url], would be patterned with the new Principality's colours - bleached white with a hint of shining aqua. Deaconess Toth had stressed the need to seem as far put away from the Nod of the past as possible. All former insignias of the past regime were gone, and past prejudices amongst the converted Nodic Militants would be ordered silenced.

The actors were assembled, the curtains drawn and the final act about to play out.

OOC: *something that i haven't finished rping yet... you now know the outcome, i will tell you all the beginning at a later date. Mingle away until everyone arrives.
[/left] [/center]

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[i]To President Mahinda Rajapaksa

But of course! I meant no disrespect, your Excellency. I am sure our predecessors had shown some merit - and I imagine your respective nations had grown quite close to justify such an intimate relationship regarding this pact. Please accept my humble apologies!

It is on this note that I implore us to speak in person, so that the miss-communication associated with the written word do not further enroach on our banter. I shall eagerly await your arrival at the Sidamo Estate.

Most humbly and respectfully yours,

Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo
Reigning Sovereign of House Sidamo[/i][/quote]

As noted in the first message, the Prime Minister (PM) of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe, would attend the event in the President's stead.
He would arrive soon enough for the coronation, wearing his standard [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/CNRP/Corp/Ranil_Wickremesinghe.jpg"]white long-sleeved[/url] button-up shirt.

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[/center][center][i]To: The Sidamo Estate, C/O Her Highness Princess [color=#1C2837][size="2"]Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo[/size][/color][/i][/center][center]
[/center][center]Luana Ahmeti, Royal Advisor for Foreign Affairs, shall be attending on behalf of the Kingdom of Albania. His Highness King Zamir I also sends his best wishes to Princess Rhianne on this occasion, and that she may rule with grace and humility.[/center][center]
[/left][left]Luana would arrive promptly, arriving at the estate in a black sedan, conspicuous mainly due to it's banality. Her attire was equally reserved, a black dress, neither particularly close fitting, nor a flowing gown. Nonetheless, it was suitable for the event. She could barely hide her surprise at the scope of the estate. The domed towers and sweeping arches far surpassed any Albanian structure. she noticed several servants bearing trays of food and drink, and she quickly beckoned one over to her, taking a glass, clutching it in her long, elegant fingers, searching the guests for someone of import to strike a conversation with.[/left]

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Soon enough, PM Wickremesinghe arrived at the coronation, using a taxi of all things to get there from the airport.
As always, he was wearing clothing that didn't fit all that well, no signs of a proper suit or anything of the like. The man didn't like such formal attire, and vehemently refused wearing it.

Once allowed inside - he had to bring out his diplomatic pass and ID to convince the guards - he moved straight to the nearest servant, taking a glass of orange juice.
Ramil didn't drink alcohol, either. He did, however, notice the lady in the black dress, presumably from Albania, and walked to her.
"Hello there. Ranil Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka." He attempted to bow in this 'royal european manner' he had read a lot about, but only succeeded in looking a bit strange doing so.
"May I know whom I have the pleasure of talking with?"

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[i]Banastre Scanlon IV, Duke of Assaye, stepped of out the limo that had brought him to the Sidamo estate. Walking through the lavish palace's mainhall, he was directed by a servant to where most of the guests were mingling.

The Duke grabbed a drink from a nearby tray, downed it, and then scoffed. 'I'm going to need something stiffer,' he thought to himself. Making his way to the bar, he asked for his favorite drink - an old fashioned. The choice was fitting considering his attire - like His Majesty, the Duke constantly wore the formal military uniform of Realm: a Realmic red tunic with ivory white pants tucked into black leather boots. The various medals and ribbons he had gathered over the years made a subtle clinging noise with every step he took.

Sipping his old fashioned, Duke Banastre planted himself on one side of the room and observed the international community in front of him.[/i]

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Mad Dog Bob Denard sighs as he dons the last of his suit. Being an independent contractor has its advantages. Anonymity being the primary advantage. Peace and quiet at night and not having people trying to mortar you being another. Still, despite his desire to cling to his privacy and remain out of public eye he finds himself feeling the need to attend the coronation of this Princess.

"Hard to imagine this day would ever come," Denard mutters.

"Too true at that," Dellion grumbles as his wife adjusts his tie.

"You boys behave," Dellion's wife orders. She has no desire to go out in public and has already demanded she be given Dellion's credit card for a day of shopping.

"Yes mother," Denard chortles as he slides out the door as he knows full and well mouthing off to Dellion's wife never ends well. Once outside he straps on his trusty .45 pistols and their hand tooled leather belt. A man can hardly go to a wedding improperly dressed. He ponders bringing his machete and then decides against it as he doesn't want to overdress.

In short order he and Dellion are deploying to the Landing Zone dubiously titled x-ray, which consists of the Coronation site. They don't have any invitations either. The two of them have been in worst predicaments. Showing up to a state event armed, unannounced, and seemingly back from the dead is what the pair consider a warm up event for some serious mayhem and partying. Dellion's wife watches the two men depart and she mutters, "Damn stupid Legionnaires."

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Gen. Mahesh Varma, dressed in dark blue business suit with just a row of the highest medals he has received and wearing his old regimental scarf arrived at the Coronation venue after arriving the previous day in a King's Fleet G5. The old soldier would look out for any familiar figure to engage in a conversation in else would remain aloof quietly nursing a drink and watching the proceedings.

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Denard and Dellion make their way to the front door with broad smiles on their dark faces. Rather than cause a bit of a stir they politely request permission to speak with the commanding officer of the security detachment for this event. They come well prepared to prove their identities with various official identity cards and such should they be needed.

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[b][u]Somewhere in Amhara Province, Previously Known as Nodic Administrative Zone 3[/u][/b]

Nyani stared out of one of the bus' grimy, blood spattered windows, shuddering as the vehicle trudged over an impact crater embedded in the road. Slowly bringing herself to look away from the scenes of despair and destruction - of the 'pacification' of Nodic Loyalists in this area by 'followers' of the Princess, she sighed, dejection washing over her. She was a prisoner on this bus, thrown in with a small group of other Nodic Loyalists, guarded by the Principality's 'reformed' Militants. Another bump and a shudder caused the large city bus - converted for its present role as a prison shuttle - to lurch. Guards at the fore of the vehicle, beside the lightly armored cab struggled to stay upright as the bus swayed.

Her thoughts began to veer off into the past - the story of how this once prominent member of the Executive Ministry of Nod came to be in such dire circumstances. How she was taken prisoner by the Princess' lackeys, and was now on her way to be transported for execution - an apparently fitting punishment for her 'role' in the nuclear reprisal attacks against Monaco. Of course, she had nothing to do with that tragedy, as she was in Cochin at the time - even then, her office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was never responsible for the military dealings of Nod.

She had departed from Cochin discreetly, Handmaiden Jessica and her [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96792&view=findpost&p=2643862"]child[/url] in tow. It was her own fault, Nyani finalized in her mind, that she was captured, Jessica and the baby forced to flee into the unknown. She couldn't bear to be apart from Nod for so long - cowering in India as the coalition laid waste to her homeland. How foolish she was to believe that a chartered Cochinian flight with undeclared passengers would not go unnoticed. She had hoped to simply blend in with other aid workers flown into Nod from South East Asia - but a Judas had recognized her at once. Even as Jessica prepared to fend off the airport security and make a dash for the exit, Nyani stopped her. Although she had no children of her own, and did not know the immense joy and attachment Jessica had for the toddler - she was the last remaining strand the quiet woman had, her husband no doubt off fighting terrible, terrible battles in Nod's airforce - Nyani could not ask her to endanger the child for her own benefit.

Another bump wrested her thoughts from the past to the future - they had turned unto a bridge, and were now crossing the Blue Nile. Support braces of the spanning structure - built to military specifications by Nodic Engineers of long past - flitted past the view of her seat. Nyani's heart sank as she remembered Minister of Internal Affairs, Andraia Sirene, and the laborious processes she worked day and night to fulfill in order for the Executive Ministry to allow those Engineers to work on that civilian project. The engineers themselves were under an almost insatiably constant demand given Nod's unique Geopolitical circumstances, but the idealistic woman had managed to pull it off. All of her peers in the Ministry were dead or worse, Nyani feared, if her treatment at the internment camp was any indication of the well being Nodic Loyalists had in the Principality.

The convoy picked up speed as they delved deeper into the narrow streets of Bahir Dar - previously a hotbed for Pro-Ministry and Pro-Nod sentiment due to its proximity to the now converted Adahunat airbase. The Principality's forces had stamped out all armed and un-armed resistance in this now silent City.

The city, distinctly known for its wide avenues lined with palm trees and coloured flowers, a beautiful place by many standards, had served as a sanctuary and place of rest for civilians and militants alike. It housed accommodations for personnel on leave from Adahunat, as well as those tired of the hustle and bustle of the busy City-life both above and below Addis Ababa. Now the streets lay bare- choked by ruined automobiles and destroyed armored vehicles on both sides. The palm trees and flowers were burnt to a crisp, or trampled beneath now dead feet. Busy storefronts and cafes were blackened and charred - unfinished meals scattered about by battle.

The Principality's forces had gone house-to-house, structure-to-structure, burning out Nodic Loyalists and Militants one at a time and relocating non-combatants. Nyani gasped as she saw white spray paint adorning almost every single structure the convoy of vehicles passed. A hastily scrawled over portion of Nodic graffiti caught her eye - '[color="#ff0000"]OUR DAY WILL COME!!'[/color] sprayed beneath a child's crude drawing of black-carapaced Militants brandishing weapons was overlaid by a while stenciled 'CLEAR: 5 KIA, 13 NON-COMS'.

A trio of forms huddled around the corner beside the mural. A head with its nose and mouth covered by a red coloured keffiyeh suddenly emerged from behind it a ways as the convoy approached. An object was hurled at a nearby Hunter Fast-Attack vehicular escort ahead. Suddenly bursting from around the corner, the teenagers brazenly stood out by themselves - defying the Principality by tossing rocks and glass bottles filled with red paint at the bus and its escorts.

The drivers of the vehicles did nothing as they drove past, staring ram-rod straight ahead. Was that guilt plastered on their faces, shrouded beneath armor plated helmets? Nyani could see them now - those brave souls, as they continued to hurl stones and insults, shouting and jumping around like madmen. They flipped off the entire convoy as it sped past, stopping only to raise defiant fists in solidarity with the prisoners as the bus neared.

Nyani shook her head at the sight of the teenagers- their red keffiyehs the last thing she saw as their forms shrank in the distance. She had locked her gaze upon one of the young men - had seen the fiery passion in his eyes.

"What good is it to fight when the only weapons you have got are your own feelings?" she said to no-one in particular as she sighed a defeatist sigh.

Making sure the convoy had passed totally out of view, the teenagers ran to the safety of the alley they had emerged from. Two of them, a young man and woman, stood watch at the corner as the third stooped behind a trash can. Carefully activating his sophisticated communicator, he lifted the device to his keffiyeh, his voice muffled beneath it. Getting a satisfactory reply, he shut it off, stuffing it in a back pocket. Motioning to the others, the trio ran off, wary of being followed. Their day would come indeed.
[b]<<Target sighted>>[/b] the Armored Nodic Militant said atop the roof. Turning, he hefted his sniper-rifle and ran towards the entrance leading down into the building. The others followed, their weapons held out infront of them, [url="http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/LATW.jpg?t=1279118747"]Light Anti-Vehicular Weapons[/url] slapping their backs in rhythm to their fast paces. Their steps echoed throughout the desolate apartment as they hustled down a flight of stairs, drowning out the cacophony of revving engines outside as the convoy neared.

Meanwhile, back with the motorcade, the driver of the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59602&view=findpost&p=1741856"]lead vehicle[/url] squinted at a tiny, tiny form that rushed out into his path, chasing a bright red object that bounced itself into the middle of the street. The driver had barely enough time to slam both feet on his brakes, before the child picked the ball up in his arms, his jaw agape at the oncoming mass of steel. Screeching to a halt dangerously close to the terrified child, the driver threw himself out of the driver's side door. The convoy dangerously held up.

[b][i]"Get off the road!!! Get off the rooooa-"[/i][/b]


It was too late, for they were suddenly upon them. From a nearby building overlooking the convoy's left flank, a hidden position opened fire on the armored bus the other vehicles were protecting. Dozens of 9.55 x 72 mm SAP-HE rounds pierced the cab compartment -shredding the driver and other guards before they had a chance to register the profound report of the MG. The bus was nearly cut in two at the front tires before a Nodic rocket struck out at the lead Hunter at almost 90 degrees, killing the driver and sending the vehicle somersaulting into the air- destroyed.


Principality forces spilled out onto the street alongside the now crippled bus, desperate to find safe positions to return fire and gather their wits about them. A number were mercilessly cut down by the MG - its main objective completed. The weapon - designed to destroy steel and concrete, wreaked havoc on the warm flesh and bone below. The child squealed with glee as he ran away from the convoy, hopping and skipping to a nearby building. The armored hands of a Nodic Militant scooped the giggling form in his grasp, carrying the bait away to safety.

More and more black forms burst forth from the surrounding cityscape - encircling and converging on the stalled convoy - firing weapons at full automatic at the defenders. The guards, their weapons trained on the rooftops and windows above them, now had to divide their time at both the new targets that emerged at ground level, as well as those that rained death and destruction from above. Bahir Dar was alive with activity again, as the rounds of battle anew began to drown out the deathly silence of the city.


As the smoke cleared around the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2053545"]APC[/url] nearest to the bus, the pilots clutched fervently at compact personal defense weapons that they cradled infront of them. The Principality soldiers, turning their heads about within the passenger compartment struggled to understand the deafening commotion outside. The three pilots said nothing as they stared forwards, without emotion.

The opportunity finally manifesting itself, the a pair stood up from their hanging seats with weapons drawn, while the third, nearest to the passengers simply swiveled his seat around to face the still puzzled followers of the Princess. Opening fire in the cramped quarters, the armored soldiers writhed and died, not having any chance to react.


Their barrels still smoking, the trio surveyed the carnage apathetically, slowly training their weapons on the torn bodies before them. Turning to look at each other, without saying a word, they nodded at each other in silent agreement. They callously stepped down into the compartment - an inch deep in blood, and began pumping bullets into those that still stirred, showing no mercy.


Meanwhile, back on the torn bus, Nyani sat, wide-eyed and in shock from the sudden attack. She could see the bleached white Principality militants being cut down one by one - red stains adorning their impeccably reimagined armor. Springing into action, the other prisoners - still shackled and stripped of weapons - converged on her over the loud din outside.[b]"Mistress Nyani,"[/b] one of the armored men said, [b]"please allow us to shield you from harm."[/b]

Without waiting for her reply, he took her in his arms, gently laying her across a bench, carefully hunching on all fours atop her to cover the Minister. The others, following suit, simply dog piled on top. Realizing she could do nothing until the raging battle outside was finished, she closed her eyes - listening to the sounds of East Africa's destruction, and the slow, reassuring breaths of the Militants around her.


Huddling behind the ruined wreckage of the lead Hunter, a small group of Knights desperately fought to prevent from being totally overrun. One had his weapon at his feet, a hand placed on his temple. He needed reinforcements, and he needed them now if the VIP was to reach sentencing. He knew that if they failed today, Aeon would be in great danger.
<<Yes, Crusader Ariel>>[/b] he cried out over the sounds of the battle around him, [b]<<We are being ENGAGED! The package is in dire jeopardy! We are cut off and have no fire supp->>[/b]

He had barely enough time to register the black form of the militant as he kicked down the door with a loud [b]*THUD*[/b], bursting out onto the street with twin PDWs in his grasp. The bullets resounded with twangs and zings around him as he scuttled further into cover. Gasping, he lifted his weapon, squaring the iron sights directly on the Loyalist's center of mass. Firing bursts of 7.62mm rounds at such close ranges, the man erupted into shards of watermelon coloured flesh in a neat line from abdomen to head.
"Suppressive Fire! Suppressive Fiiiiiire!" [/b]he screeched inadvertently into his communicator as he motioned to the others near him, squatting with weapons held to their chests. The men complied, one turning to fire, the other deigning to simply lift an exposed arm over the burning metal behind him to fire blindly over his shoulder.

[b]<<ETHIOPIA IS OURS, SLAVES!!!>>[/b] a synthetically distorted roar bellowed from a nearby doorway.
"On the right -on the right! They're coming aroooound!"[/b] a Knight shouted back in response, the duo shifting their fire towards enemies unseen by the radio man.


Despite the best efforts of the Principality's forces, the Nodic attack was rapidly enroaching upon the defensive cordon established around the "Very Important Prisoner" bus, shot dead in the street. The town was simply not cleared out as expected - perhaps the telling signs of a failed suppression, or a subversion of the Princess' faithful? More and more Nodic loyalists seemed to pour out of the woodwork - an endless tide of black and crimson compared to the woefully outnumbered white knights.

Strobing flashes from the doorway - its portal hanging by threads of wood from its hinges - announced themselves with the whirring buzz of bullets in flight. The two behind the Hunter's husk stood upright again, firing into the darkness of the building. Another armored body tumbled out of the entrance, seemingly thrown out to make room for others that piled out of the building. They were literally clamoring over their own dead simply to engage the principality.

[b]<<Where the hell is command?!?!?! I've got no fire support, and I've got Loyalists coming out of my ->> [/b]his angry retort was suddenly silenced by the deafening crash of the building in question being annhilated by the 200mm howitzer shell of a nearby Chaperone Light Tank.

On the other side of the transmission, Crusader Ariel listened, frowning at the sounds of her own men dieing over her ACU's communications array. She gritted her teeth at the Knight's latest words, and that of the deafening report of the tank's suppressive fire.

[b]<<Fear not, Knight, I will arrive shortly with the bulk of my forces stationed in Amhara, all you must do is simply ->>

<<Its too late, we've los** Two more, left side! Stop them from firing tha->> [/b]a loud screech of metal being torn to shreds filled Ariel's ears, making her gasp out in pain. [b] <<Gaah, they're coming out of the grou- auuuughhh!!!!!!>>

The Knight was in a fetal position - a gaping wound announcing the entrance and departure of a large bayoneted rifle that had been thrust through his sternum, shattering his ribcage. He died instantly, much to the chagrin of his killer. The other Knights, still firing upon Nodic Militants as they emerged from the rubble infront of them, were unaware of the unknown attacker. Ariel could only listen as she heard the men fall to the silenced thuds of bullets. Hear them cry out in pain and horror as they were immolated by fire.

The Militants, nearing their objective, had switched to burning out the Principality from behind their wrecked vehicles and meager cover. The quickly darkening streets of Bahir Dar bore witness to countless blasts of flame, which were thrown at any Principality soldier still breathing. The superheated gel was so hot, it would seep into openings of both Principality and Nodic carapaces, literally cooking the men inside alive within their own hardened skins. Bullets would not be spared on these victims - they would be allowed to roast slowly, and painfully.

[b]<<Collusion IS death! COLLUSION is DEATH!>>[/b] Was all Ariel heard over the dead Knight's still transmitting communicator. The sounds of bitter fighting continued as the chants drew nearer and nearer to the dead man. So close, in fact, that she could hear the crackle of a pilot flame wave in the arid air. Hearing the hiss of pressurized gas as the main valves were open. Her portal into the rebellion she listened to was soon enveloped in a content, lapping flame. Causing her to grunt, throwing her head piece away.
Back at the bus, black forms rushed towards the gaping wound that was the bus' front door. Amidst all the carnage, a Principality APC lay intact, its engine still running. Curiously, its gun turret was silent - unfiring as the Nodic Loyalists paid it no heed. Even as an Elite Cadre stood at the bus' straining to tear open the ruined steel that caged in the prisoners' within, the doors to the APC opened. Three forms inside waved over a number of Loyalists.[b]

"Quickly brothers, help us with these bodies!"

[/b]The Knights within would be unceremonially dumped in a pile to the left of the vehicle, a nearby soldier dousing the pile of ruined humanity with a burst of flame from his underslung attachment before rushing to give a salute to a number of forms that were cautiously led off. [b]

"Is it true?" [/b]the one in charge of the ambush said as he addressed the first form to leave the bus. [b]"Is our Mistress here?"[/b]

A commotion within - the dog pile slowly breaking up, caused the lead Militant to turn, saluting at the tiny form of Nyani as she tentatively stepped out onto the asphalt- still smouldering from battle. The prisoners lined up infront of the Elite Cadre, who promptly snapped the hand cuffs and chains that kept them restrained. Rushing to a pile of weapons, their owners brutally dispatched by the Loyalists, the prisoners took what they needed - a number of captive Elite Cadre tearing power cells from dead Aeon Elite Cadre to power their own suits.[b]

"This will do nicely!" [/b]one exclaimed, hefting a large weapon on his shoulder.[b]

"The Executive Minister be praised!" [/b]said another as he was released. [b]"There is no time to waste! We must join our Bretheren in Battle!"
Carefully leading the shell shocked Nyani to the APC, a Loyalist sat in a pool of blood on the steel bench within, prompting Nyani to simply sit on his lap. As the now freed prisoners converged on the remaining Principality resistance, the doors sealed shut. The vehicle drove off into the distance as the crackle of gun fire continued on into the night.

OOC: You do not know about the Nodic Ressurgence yet. [/b]Also, I will respond to the Coronation itself soon. Rest assured, no one will be harmed at it![b]

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