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Three Holy Days


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[center][size="7"][b][font="Verdana"]The Three Holy Days[/font][/b][/size][/center]

The people of Zaboor, breathe. They think, they eat, they bleed when hit, they hunger when not fed, they cry when hurt. The people of Zaboor are just like you. The people of Zaboor were [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99720"]trapped unknowingly[/url] of existence of such a thing. Caged like animals into a small nation. The people of Zaboor are people and Humans. The Conformists followed in on Novak's front supporting them of their imperialism for a piece of paper. Over 1 million citizens were treated inhumanely like animals for a piece of paper labeled as the Red Dawn. In response Zaboor released the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99768"]Decree of Horibility[/url]. It was an attempt to cut off relations with the rest of the world and it worked, Worked just as planned. Its was a note to the world to turn against us as most of it had already done. It worked greatly. Now we have no friends, we have no allies. We have no one. We have only our fellow countrymen and countrywomen. It is just what the Government and People wanted. The people have already began rejoicing in the streets of Zaboor. The people are rejoicing for freedom. We should be as free as we can be. All civilians are allowed to go into the streets and let it all out. Let all their feelings out and let their voice be heard. We can never be caged up inside our own nation unless a foreign invasion occurs. We are free people and we will enjoy our freedom. The Zaboorian Government has legalized all Marijuana and 'relaxation' drugs to the public. Everything is free for now. The Three Days of Holiness is a time where we can be just what we are, Humans. We can dance, be happy, be united, and Free at last. We are trapped in this nation and have sent several letters to the Novak Government and they have failed to respond, but we have just what we have here, our nation. We aren't bothering anyone we are being humans.

Several Zaboorians have released their feelings into Artwork. All over the streets there are Artists and Makeshift Art Shops everywhere. Its a Transcendentalist movement. People are putting their feelings into their art and literature and spreading it over the nation. The people are happy and while respecting all inalienable rights they are rejoicing. 2 law breakers in the whole country have been arrested. No one shall harm another. We are moving forward as people, not as politicians. We are free. While many nations who attempt to un-recognize us and try to put us to shame, We fight back with the words, "You can take away everything but my pride." Zaboorian Civilians are brothers and sisters. They will rejoice in such.

[i]An example of a Freedom Painting made on the Streets of Zaboor[/i][/center]

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"Zaboor has no friends, We are a sovereign nation and we are people. We have no need for friends or for the conformist nations of the world, We hereby dismiss the following Embassies back to their conformist nations. You must become Zaboorian Civilians as there it is no way out of this nation."

[quote]Australian Free State
Kingdom of Cochin
The Atlas Empire
The Greater Timuridian Empire[/quote]

"These nations have no opinions of their own, they are followers of a piece of paper labeled as Red Dawn. Let it be known, the only embassy kept has been that of Tunisia. A nation who has its own opinion on the world."

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300001443' post='2662653']
"These nations have no opinions of their own, they are followers of a piece of paper labeled as Red Dawn. Let it be known, the only embassy kept has been that of Tunisia. A nation who has its own opinion on the world."
Ahem. More than half of those have nothing to do with the Red Dawn.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1300001676' post='2662659']
Ahem. More than half of those have nothing to do with the Red Dawn.

"We still wish to have nothing to do with them, Those nations have never done anything to prove their own opinions into the world. The only friends we want are those who would stand against the world for their friends. Nations such as The Caliphate of Africa and Tunisia. Other nations we do not care about. They would not go to war in defense of an ally if it was possible they would get destroyed, they would follow our opinions and make us some sort of dictator of the world. We want friends who are capable of having their own opinions and not those who wish to conform to all other world beliefs. We are people and we are all different, we all need to learn to express being different."

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Sudden Explosions are heard from around the City of Doha.

"Fireworks had been launched into the air as expression of their pride and freedom. The people of Zaboor continue their celebrations of tranquility. A man was quoted 'I have never seen people take so much pride in their nation, so free, so adoring, Zaboor has done a wonderful thing for its people this time around.' He was later seen lighting fireworks off himself. Fireworks so large they could be seen from many miles away. Zaboor was finally celebrating their inner freedom, As humans."


Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300002046' post='2662669']
"We still wish to have nothing to do with them, Those nations have never done anything to prove their own opinions into the world. The only friends we want are those who would stand against the world for their friends. Nations such as The Caliphate of Africa and Tunisia. Other nations we do not care about. They would not go to war in defense of an ally if it was possible they would get destroyed, they would follow our opinions and make us some sort of dictator of the world. We want friends who are capable of having their own opinions and not those who wish to conform to all other world beliefs. We are people and we are all different, we all need to learn to express being different."
That's all absolute bollocks. Not much else to say.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300002046' post='2662669']
"We still wish to have nothing to do with them, Those nations have never done anything to prove their own opinions into the world. The only friends we want are those who would stand against the world for their friends. Nations such as The Caliphate of Africa and Tunisia. Other nations we do not care about. They would not go to war in defense of an ally if it was possible they would get destroyed, they would follow our opinions and make us some sort of dictator of the world. We want friends who are capable of having their own opinions and not those who wish to conform to all other world beliefs. We are people and we are all different, we all need to learn to express being different."

"We aren't a part of Red Dawn or have anything to do with them. We owe every ally of ours support as they have shown us during the rogue submarine attacks. To say we will not support them if we are going to lose is completely ridiculous."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300002046' post='2662669']
"We still wish to have nothing to do with them, Those nations have never done anything to prove their own opinions into the world. The only friends we want are those who would stand against the world for their friends. Nations such as The Caliphate of Africa and Tunisia. Other nations we do not care about. They would not go to war in defense of an ally if it was possible they would get destroyed, they would follow our opinions and make us some sort of dictator of the world. We want friends who are capable of having their own opinions and not those who wish to conform to all other world beliefs. We are people and we are all different, we all need to learn to express being different."

"This is just another example of Zaboor's further descent into the realm of immaturity, blaming other nations for not coming to the aid of a nation when it was they who could not properly handle this situation through diplomatic channels. That is all we have to say on this matter."

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[b]Classified Transmission to the Greater Timurind Empire and Kingdom of Cochin[/b]

Our expeditionary forces have been successfully repositioned into the Persian Gulf Region. We're prepared to back you in getting your embassy personnel out of harms way. Fifth hostage rescue taskforce joint special operations command can be on the ground in two hours.

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[u][b]Secure Communication to Novak[/b][/u]

Considering the turbulent nature of the Zaboor regime, the Kingdom fears for the safety of our embassy personnel. We have units ready for a covert evacuation operation. We require Novak permission to enter the Novak EEZ for the purpose of conducting potentially offensive military operation.


The rapid deployment team from the 23rd SF regiment had arrived at Gosree City from their home base at Nanded aboard two assault GH44s from their regimental fleet and a Metac AAP from the Ponnani AFB. After forming the flight group the trio aircrafts would fly towards the aircraft carrier CNS Venad stationed just a few nautical miles East of Novak waiting for permission from Novak. This would be a fast in fast out mission with absolute priority for the safety of the embassy personnel and zero priority for any Zaboor collateral damage if the rescue mission is hampered.

OOC: Triyun, thanks for the idea. ;)

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300037074' post='2663044']
[b]Classified Transmission to the Greater Timurind Empire and Kingdom of Cochin[/b]

Our expeditionary forces have been successfully repositioned into the Persian Gulf Region. We're prepared to back you in getting your embassy personnel out of harms way. Fifth hostage rescue taskforce joint special operations command can be on the ground in two hours.

[b]Classified Transmission to the United Federation of the East[/b]

[quote]"If we can land on a carrier, we have helicopters available that could make the evacuation from Zaboor, using Special Operations Personnel from the Timuridian Spec-Ops Battalion. We will need permission from Novak, to proceed with the operation, however. We have heavy assault helicopters that will proceed to Cochin as we speak with Refueling aircraft.

We thank the UFE for their assistance in this matter, and appreciate their support, as always."


Amir of the Greater Timuridian Empire[/quote]

[b]Classified Code Transmission to Timuridian Embassy, Zaboor[/b]


[b]Classified Transmission to the Government of Novak[/b]

[quote]"We would like to request temporary access to the Novak EEZ for a special extraction team to evacuate our embassy staff from Zaboor as soon as possible. We will be in and out."



Four "Griffon" Heavy Assault Helicopters which had been pre-positioned in Kandahar immediately made for Cochin Airspace, followed by refueling aircraft. Carrying a reinforced platoon from the "Samael" Special Operations Battalion, they would make a long flight to the UFE Battlegroup now positioned in the Persian Gulf, and prepare for the impending evacuation.

[b]A coded transmission was sent to the Kingdom of Cochin:[/b]

[quote]Timuridian Military Helicopters to be passing over Cochin Airspace and proceeding to UFE Battlegroup for evacuation of embassy personnel in Zaboor, we have enclosed their route.

[i]FlightRouteData.jpg - Enclosed[/i][/quote]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[b]**Encrypted Reply to the Kingdom of Cochin**[/b]

We will aid the Kingdom in bringing their citizens home safely from Zaboor. Our EEZ is open to Cochin military to conduct this covert military operation. Godspeed my friends.

[b]**End Reply**

**Encrypted Reply to Greater Timuridian Empire**[/b]

We will aid the Empire in bringing their citizens home safely from Zaboor. Our EEZ is open for your nations military to conduct this operation. Godspeed my friends.
**End Reply**

**Classified to Military Exercise Partners**[/b]

I am calling for a temporary stop in this military exercise is to allow us to aid our allies whose citizens are trapped in Zaboor.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Territory of Zaboor had traditionally been a low priority sector for Cochin and thus Strategic Reconnaissance Agency did not have any satellites with orbits trained on Zaboor. But as with all territories Cochin had sufficient intel for the operation. The embassy staff at Zaboor had been instructed to destroy all vital documents and equipments and assemble in a hall near the roof. The security staff at the Zaboor embassy are all SWAT troopers of Royal Cochin Police Force. They would ensure that basic security measures would be in place to delay any Zaboor attempts to prevent the evacuation.

The GH44s and Metacs would fly low and fast from the seas to Zaboor territory. The [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=53974&view=findpost&p=2083270"]quad tilt rotor aircraft[/url] would do the vertical flight maneuver as the Metac would take to an altitude of 10000 ft to provide fire support if necessary. Coming fast over the embassy roof with one fire team each dangling from rappelling ropes, the GH44s would do rapid flare halt maneuver to provide the split second of zero horizontal motion for the commandos to reach the roof and proceed on to meet the Embassy staff.

If not intercepted so far, the commandos would then rush the personnel to the roof where one by one the GH44s would do powered hovering without their wheels touching the roof and the load masters pulling the embassy personnel aboard as the door gunners maintain watch with their GC22 gatling cannons powered up and the ammunition hops readied to pour lead, fire and death on anyone trying to halt the evacuation attempt. As one GH44 lifts off with its share of personnel the other GH44 would repeat the procedure while the Metac Aerial Artillery Platform is loitering overhead providing greater fire support in case any heavy attack develops.

As this chain of operations take place the CNS Venad would sail ever closer to Zaboor territory with a Nilambur class frigate providing fire support to the Cochin Class Aircraft Carrier. The BARCAP of 4 JM2Ns aloft in the air have now been armed for Air to Air combat and ground combat support in case things heat up in Zaboor City.

If no hostilities are met with the 2 GH44s and Metac would be in and out of Zaboor in a matter of two hours to land at CNS Venad and return thus to Cochin.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1300040688' post='2663107']
Territory of Zaboor had traditionally been a low priority sector for Cochin and thus Strategic Reconnaissance Agency did not have any satellites with orbits trained on Zaboor. But as with all territories Cochin had sufficient intel for the operation. The embassy staff at Zaboor had been instructed to destroy all vital documents and equipments and assemble in a hall near the roof. The security staff at the Zaboor embassy are all SWAT troopers of Royal Cochin Police Force. They would ensure that basic security measures would be in place to delay any Zaboor attempts to prevent the evacuation.

The GH44s and Metacs would fly low and fast from the seas to Zaboor territory. The [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=53974&view=findpost&p=2083270"]quad tilt rotor aircraft[/url] would do the vertical flight maneuver as the Metac would take to an altitude of 10000 ft to provide fire support if necessary. Coming fast over the embassy roof with one fire team each dangling from rappelling ropes, the GH44s would do rapid flare halt maneuver to provide the split second of zero horizontal motion for the commandos to reach the roof and proceed on to meet the Embassy staff.

If not intercepted so far, the commandos would then rush the personnel to the roof where one by one the GH44s would do powered hovering without their wheels touching the roof and the load masters pulling the embassy personnel aboard as the door gunners maintain watch with their GC22 gatling cannons powered up and the ammunition hops readied to pour lead, fire and death on anyone trying to halt the evacuation attempt. As one GH44 lifts off with its share of personnel the other GH44 would repeat the procedure while the Metac Aerial Artillery Platform is loitering overhead providing greater fire support in case any heavy attack develops.

As this chain of operations take place the CNS Venad would sail ever closer to Zaboor territory with a Nilambur class frigate providing fire support to the Cochin Class Aircraft Carrier. The BARCAP of 4 JM2Ns aloft in the air have now been armed for Air to Air combat and ground combat support in case things heat up in Zaboor City.

If no hostilities are met with the 2 GH44s and Metac would be in and out of Zaboor in a matter of two hours to land at CNS Venad and return thus to Cochin.

As the planes approach the civilians partying in the streets simply watch for a minute at the planes and continue to party and have a good time, its all about their own measures. Even some of the nations diplomats were partying for their newfound freedom.
"Were not tyrants like the world would like us to be, were just free civilians."

Edited by Rotavele
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The Timuridian Embassy in Zaboor was a flurry of activity, as staff had quickly destroyed any vital documents or equipment, the Timuridian Diplomatic Security Force overseeing the operation. Once the documents had been destroyed, the Timuridian Embassy staff quietly loaded into a convoy of vehicles. Once a head count had been done, and a final sweep of the embassy done, the Timuridian convoy would drive casually out the front gate of the embassy, leaving the lights in the Embassy on, and headed south out of Doha. They would make the journey at a steady pace towards a rally point south of the town of Al Wakrah on a secluded section of beach.

Once they reached the rally point, they would set a GPS beacon for the approaching evacuation force, still roaring across the Indian Ocean. The heavy assault helicopters each could carry up to almost forty people, and there were ten Timuridian Special Operations Forces soldiers aboard each. Their weapons were kept with their safeties on as they made the journey, making their way over the the vast fleet of ships below them. After picking up the embassy staff, the helicopters would ferry them to a stationed UFE carrier, before then making the final leg of the journey home.

About thirty miles off the coast of Zaboor, the helicopters dropped to only thirty feet off the water and zipped towards the landing zone where the GPS beacon had been set up. The embassy security staff, all of them with either law enforcement or military backgrounds, had established a secure perimeter as the helicopters made their final approach. The helicopters kicked up a cloud of dust as they landed on the soft sand, the special operations soldiers disgorging from the whirling behemoths, quickly forming a perimeter while the embassy staff began to load up. Door gunners on the helicopters had their heavy machineguns locked and loaded, training them around warily but calmly, it was business as usual for them.

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1300045482' post='2663218']
The Timuridian Embassy in Zaboor was a flurry of activity, as staff had quickly destroyed any vital documents or equipment, the Timuridian Diplomatic Security Force overseeing the operation. Once the documents had been destroyed, the Timuridian Embassy staff quietly loaded into a convoy of vehicles. Once a head count had been done, and a final sweep of the embassy done, the Timuridian convoy would drive casually out the front gate of the embassy, leaving the lights in the Embassy on, and headed south out of Doha. They would make the journey at a steady pace towards a rally point south of the town of Al Wakrah on a secluded section of beach.

Once they reached the rally point, they would set a GPS beacon for the approaching evacuation force, still roaring across the Indian Ocean. The heavy assault helicopters each could carry up to almost forty people, and there were ten Timuridian Special Operations Forces soldiers aboard each. Their weapons were kept with their safeties on as they made the journey, making their way over the the vast fleet of ships below them. After picking up the embassy staff, the helicopters would ferry them to a stationed UFE carrier, before then making the final leg of the journey home.

About thirty miles off the coast of Zaboor, the helicopters dropped to only thirty feet off the water and zipped towards the landing zone where the GPS beacon had been set up. The embassy security staff, all of them with either law enforcement or military backgrounds, had established a secure perimeter as the helicopters made their final approach. The helicopters kicked up a cloud of dust as they landed on the soft sand, the special operations soldiers disgorging from the whirling behemoths, quickly forming a perimeter while the embassy staff began to load up. Door gunners on the helicopters had their heavy machineguns locked and loaded, training them around warily but calmly, it was business as usual for them.

The Timuridian Empire had successfully gathered their embassy workers.

Statement from Zaboor:

"Stop the military operations, You are all welcomed to come and get your embassy workers, no need for a big show, were not going to use military tactics or anything for you to recapture your own civilians. Simply come get them at once, we dont really want them. We want diplomats and civilians who can forge their own opinions and not become followers of the rest of the world."

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Upon collection of all embassy staff, the Special Operations detachment quickly loaded aboard the helicopters, the rear ramps quickly slipping up, as the four huge helicopters lifted off the ground. After swooping in a wide circle, they proceeded east, heading for the UFE carrier. They flew low again, the only trace of their being there the small grouping of cars left on the sand dune, the wheel imprints of the helicopter, and the backwash from their rotors. The mission was a success, and as soon as the helicopters were fifty miles off the coast, they gained altitude and radioed forward to the UFE aircraft carrier.

"Guardian Angel Flight Leader to the Nest, mission is a success, coming your way," radioed the flight leader.

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"We ahve our own opinions. But when you make a joke out of international politics, when you destroy your own reputation, we cannot recognise you as sane. We supported you till you created a horrible, pathetic treaty."

"Our embassy workers will return home on Atlas Flights #844. If this plane is in any way attacked, we will consider it a declaration of war."

Atlas Flights #844 lifted off from a small, mostly unknown civilian airport. It carried with it a suitcase.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300063084' post='2663684']
"We ahve our own opinions. But when you make a joke out of international politics, when you destroy your own reputation, we cannot recognise you as sane. We supported you till you created a horrible, pathetic treaty."

"Our embassy workers will return home on Atlas Flights #844. If this plane is in any way attacked, we will consider it a declaration of war."

Atlas Flights #844 lifted off from a small, mostly unknown civilian airport. It carried with it a suitcase.

[i]Before the flight lifted off a small 9mm gun and AK47 was placed inside one of the Diplomat's suitcases, Another AK47 was also put in another suitcase, and these were put onto the flight. The Airport Security who put these on the plane used a grabbing device to put the guns onto the plane to avoid finger prints to be on the guns by them.[/i]

Letters were then sent to the government of Novak, PRA, Rebel Army and UFE

To: The United Federation of the East, Novak, PRA and Rebel Army
From: Unknown
Subj: Weapons

There has been a report that the diplomats leaving that are affiliated with the Atlas Empire have weapons aboard their plane, They intend to use these weapons against your armed forces. If you do not believe us please check the Plane yourselves.

Insider of the Atlas Empire[/quote]

Edited by Rotavele
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