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Abolishment of EEZ


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[b][i][size="6"]Imperial Decree de Zaboor[/size][/i][/b][/center]

The EEZ is a border located outside of Novak, Constructed to cut off all Air, Sea, and other forms of travel. It is a no fly and no sail zone meaning no one can go across unless allied or being a Novakian Citizen. We in Zaboor feel this greatly restricts our Sovereignty. The EEZ completely surrounds the nation of Zaboor and the only other way out of the country is to go through Novak. Several messages and broadcasts were sent to Novak asking them to remove it and we failed to receive a response. From now on we will be flying civilian, military, or other aircraft and sailing any boats we see fit. These are Zaboorian Waters too and we learned as kids, its not nice to hog all the goods and not share. Therefore, the EEZ is no more around Zaboor. If any planes or boats are destroyed it will be seen as an act of war.

Samiya Laila, Sovereign of Zaboor[/i]

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299829711' post='2659735']
The UFE finds this message bizarre and war mongering. If Zaboor wishes to burn so soon after its independence, it is its choice to do so.

"You try being cooped up into not leaving your nation, then tell me how it feels. Do not speak until you've seen both points of view."

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1299828066' post='2659719']
OOC: Novak is in lock, you can not RP as receiving no messages from them.

OOC: I came out of lock yesterday. That being said, don't start a RP with me while I'm in lock, I will not read them or recognize them. With that in mind, I have yet to read anything from you regarding the EEZ.


"Your nation has never contacted us about permission to enter our EEZ, or any topic regarding the EEZ. This EEZ has existed long before your nation has existed, long before the previous regime in your small region has existed. It will not change and it will not be abolished."

Novak contacted Rebel Army to assist in a blockade of the strait and a closing of the Persian Gulf's airspace. Novak contacted the UFE to send a fleet to Khasab. Shakir ordered the military in to high alert and to be prepared to invade within 48 hours. A fleet of stealth subs made its way to the Strait, off the coast of Khasab in the Novakian EEZ. Novak also informed The Socialist Assembly and other military allies of the situation in order to prepare."

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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AFCOM force having achieved its military objectives was beginning to redeploy to the Arabian Sea and the Middle East. Forces would move via rail across the Rebel Army protectorate towards the Arabian Desert. By sea, having rearmed at the Maghreb FOB, forces were to deploy through the Mediterrenean and then through Rebel Army and Novakian Waters in the Red Sea to the Arabian Sea.

[quote]"You try being cooped up into not leaving your nation, then tell me how it feels. Do not speak until you've seen both points of view." [/quote]

"We were. Our nation was threatened with war upon the mere declaration of our existence. We maneuvered properly to resolve the situation. This is something you have failed at."

Edited by Triyun
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"You cannot restrict all civilian and military travel around another nation and consider it to be a just action. We are a sovereign nation and if you consider completely locking us off from the world you are greatly unjust yourself."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299880846' post='2660379']
British message to Novak.

Our Naval assets were severly diminished in West Africa.
We apologise for this, bit we can deploy our tactical bomber wing if we are permitted hangar space.
King Alfred

**Private and Encrypted Response**

British Bombers will be permitted to land and maintain hanger space in Ta'if and Abu Dhabi.

**End Private and Encrypted Response**

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[i]The Militarilization is seen from off the coast of Zaboor.[/i]

[quote]To: Zaboor Military HQ
From: Sovereign of Zaboor
Subj: Invasion

There are planes and naval ships organizing in the outskirts of Zaboor. Place the Military on high alert.[/quote]

[i]Military HQ sets the nation on high alert and units began to start mobilizing.[/i]

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Eighteen GB-3 Widowmaker squadrons and their assorted logistical wings departed Southern England and flew to Novak via Germany, refuelling in Malta before notifying Rebel Army of their intention to cross their airspace in Egypt before landing at Ta'af and Abu Dhabi airbases to support possible Operations in the Arabian Gulf.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1299883978' post='2660483']
Classified message to Novak:

"The PRA supports Novak in this situation and requests permission to deploy military into the region, in form of army and air forces"

OOC: The militarization is in the Strait, not off your coast.


"There will be a military exercise being done in the Strait of Hormuz with several nations participating. Those with permission to travel in the EEZ and allies not participating, please take note the Strait is now closed until the completion of the military exercises."
**Private Response to PRA**[/b]

Permission granted to deploy air support in to Hofuf.
**End Response**[/b]

[b]**Private Relay to Allied Military in the Area**[/b]

We have noticed Zaboor is organizing their military for some reason. We have provided satellite imagery of mobilization of their forces in this communication.

[b]**End Relay** [/b]

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Eight F-35 Lightning II Fighter Aircraft squadrons and Seven B-2 Spirit Bombers en route to Hofuf, where they will be stationed. They request permission to cross through Rebel Army's Airspace in order to reach their destination within Novak.

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"The Atlas begs for Zaboor and Novak to meet diplomatically. Instead of shooting each other, try talking and you will find a nice answer. Just slaughtering each others troops is wrong. Whichever nation fires the first shot will be attacked by Atlian forces."

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Our stance is EEZs is to voice no recognition of an EEZ that extends out more than 200 nm from a nation’s major territorial possessions. Other than that we see nothing wrong here. It would be a good idea to negotiate with Novak to change their EEZ, instead if abolishing the entire thing.

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[i]From the desk of His Majesty, Lord Sithis I of Realm[/i][/center]
Let it be known that the Kingdom of Realm stands completely behind its ally in Novak. The actions by Zaboor are irrational, uninformed, and could have been avoided had cooler heads prevailed. While we encourage a diplomatic resolution to this conflict, Realm wishes to affirm Novak's right to defend its economic endeavors, including any sort of exclusivity zone that it constructs around its territory.

Signed on this day,
Sithis I
Lord of Realm

Edited by Sithis
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While we do sympathize with Zaboor in their predicament of EEZs we still have to say that Exclusive Economic Zones are at their simplest what any nation can enforce. Zaboor should have negotiated with Novak regarding the EEZs or if seeking to void the Novakian EEZ unilaterally, be prepared to face its consequences. There is absolutely no point in bemoaning your lack of access to international trade routes after being bellicose about it and forswearing all avenues of diplomacy.

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"Perhaps if Novak had possibly updated or removed its EEZ this could have never happened. When your EEZ consumes another nation, the best idea would be to fix this as soon as possible. While Zaboor should have contacted Novak and fixed this problem, Novak's gross breach of sovereignity is, quite honest, unproffesional. We once again suggest both parties to have talk to each other instead of shooting."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299909379' post='2661067']
"Perhaps if Novak had possibly updated or removed its EEZ this could have never happened. When your EEZ consumes another nation, the best idea would be to fix this as soon as possible. While Zaboor should have contacted Novak and fixed this problem, Novak's gross breach of sovereignity is, quite honest, unproffesional. We once again suggest both parties to have talk to each other instead of shooting."

On the contrary, unless diplomatic avenues are taken by the party who wants the changes, why would the other country remove it? It is not indicative that it is changed, instead that is up to the nation with the grievance working out a deal in order to have their sovereignty.

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