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"Brothers and sisters, children of Allah. Once, we were a powerful, mighty nation, held by the hands of Allah himself. We lived in a land of peace, freedom, justice, capitalism and riches. But then, the British invaded. They pillaged our cities, killed our men, orphaned our children, widowed our women, and slaughtered our leaders!

We offered an alternative to the bloody battles this war sent our way. All we asked was of a few things that would be fair to our nation and revive our economy, with some hard work. But they call it all outrageous. What are some examples you ask? The monsters would not even let us bury our dead! They will rot in the streets or be burned by the killers themselves! But by far the worst of all was their refusal of them repairing our mosques! They destroyed our houses of worship, our holy buildings, and refuse to rebuild them! They are enemies of Allah! They destroy our religion, murder our troops, topple our government, stomp our corporations and ruin our honor...our dignity. They do not consider you, you, you or any of us humans! We are pigs!

Where is our proof? From the United Federation of The East themselves. Here is an exact quote from their nations: "Some out dated mythology about a bearded guy in the sky. Disturbing.""

The entire crowd of about ten thousand screamed in disgust and rage. How dare they insult Islam! The Tagruato cameras and microphones sending this information online, into televisions and onto radios began to really focus on the crowd. As word spread of China's insult, millions began to turn on their TV sets and watch this announcement. Word spread farther and deeper throughout the nation, as millions of citizens as old as 60 and young as 6 began loading weapons bought from Fopaxxa.

"They want to exterminate our religion! Our culture, people, lives, it means nothing to them! A clear insult to Allah and Muhammad has been made! Is this who you want ruling your lives? Influencing our future puppets decisions? Or do you want a Muslim who cares about his people and will work with Tagruato to save this nation? We, the Ivorians of the former Ottoman Republic, declare Jihad on this ugly coalation! They want nothing to do with us! They only care about killing us and destroying us! FOR ALLAH! Let us all pray before heading towards battle!"

The millions of people now watching this all set down to pray. As far as the suburbs of Abidjan, supporters were angered and ready for a holy war. After the ten minute long praying session was over, a large group of soldiers began handing out thousands of weapons, while those as home searched and shared any weapons they could find, from illegal automatic firearms to knives.



The crowd cheered, and thousands around the Abidjan suburbs ran into the city.

OoC: If I don't spell it out, then here's news: my government and military collapse. You could call that my nation collapsing into anarchy. Go ahead. But any chances of taking as a protectorate will require a fight.

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Jia issued a video message in response:

"My infidel soldiers are filling up on liquor and slow cooked pork. They will then objectify scantily clad women later in the evening and listen to music. After they do these things because they do not subscribe to a mythos which forbids everything thats awesome in life, they will attack you. If in 24 hours anyone is holding a weapon they will be considered an enemy combatant, not a soldier, because your government no longer exists. Those not wearing clear identification as combatants will be considered unlawful and the rules of war will not be applicable to you. Combatants will be treated under criminal rather than military code. We advise the Ottoman Republic's citizens to lay down their arms and rejoin the RA protectorate region. Failure to comply with these warnings will result in necessary action to force our political will upon you. You have been warned. Also here is a drawing of Ol' Mo, your prophet, I drew him effeminate. Have a great day!"

As the video camera went dead, the Chairman erupted in laughter, "I'm sorry I can't take this !@#$ seriously." he said. "Well I finally got that Jihad declared against me. Ten bucks." Premier Wei frowned. "Ten bucks." he said rubbing his fingers together. Wei reached into his pocket and handed a ten yuan note to Jia.

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A shadowy figure spoke to Wei from a cloak of shadows behind the TV curtains. "They're so going to die.. this is going to be fun." Followed by a dark chuckle. "I'll show them the true meaning of holy war." When they went to check who it was, no one was there. It must have been one of the China Bureau agents.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299041330' post='2649225']
Jia issued a video message in response:

"My infidel soldiers are filling up on liquor and slow cooked pork. They will then objectify scantily clad women later in the evening and listen to music. After they do these things because they do not subscribe to a mythos which forbids everything thats awesome in life, they will attack you. If in 24 hours anyone is holding a weapon they will be considered an enemy combatant, not a soldier, because your government no longer exists. Those not wearing clear identification as combatants will be considered unlawful and the rules of war will not be applicable to you. Combatants will be treated under criminal rather than military code. We advise the Ottoman Republic's citizens to lay down their arms and rejoin the RA protectorate region. Failure to comply with these warnings will result in necessary action to force our political will upon you. You have been warned. Also here is a drawing of Ol' Mo, your prophet, I drew him effeminate. Have a great day!"

As the video camera went dead, the Chairman erupted in laughter, "I'm sorry I can't take this !@#$ seriously." he said. "Well I finally got that Jihad declared against me. Ten bucks." Premier Wei frowned. "Ten bucks." he said rubbing his fingers together. Wei reached into his pocket and handed a ten yuan note to Jia.

This offense to our religion will not be taken lightly. Please apologize for your blatant disrespect for Islam, before this escalates any further. Most muslims where actually hoping to steer clear of conflict.

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So the Caliphate is threatening to go to war over pictures and words? If the Caliphate wishes to engage in aggressive action against the United Federation of the East over free speech for a Casus Belli, it will have merely shown the world the threat posed by Radical Islamofascism.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299044509' post='2649301']
So the Caliphate is threatening to go to war over pictures and words? If the Caliphate wishes to engage in aggressive action against the United Federation of the East over free speech for a Casus Belli, it will have merely shown the world the threat posed by Radical Islamofascism.

You've disrespected every Muslim in the world with your ignorant drunken response. It is specifically stated in the Q'uran, as I am sure you know, that your mockery is an extremely serious offense, we too should seek war if an apology is not given to those of us at peace.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1299045752' post='2649331']
You've disrespected every Muslim in the world with your ignorant drunken response. It is specifically stated in the Q'uran, as I am sure you know, that your mockery is an extremely serious offense, we too should seek war if an apology is not given to those of us at peace.
So you would allow the words of a book written by a liar to bring death and destruction to your people.

Yet again it is shown why religious government is pathetically inefficient and useless.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1299045752' post='2649331']
You've disrespected every Muslim in the world with your ignorant drunken response. It is specifically stated in the Q'uran, as I am sure you know, that your mockery is an extremely serious offense, we too should seek war if an apology is not given to those of us at peace.

I find your assumption that I've been drinking or am drunk to be racist and I demand an apology. I am deeply offended, stop hurting my feelings or I will threaten to bombard your nation into oblivion.... Yeah it sounded stupid when I said it too.

Why don't you let the real leader of the Muslim World speak for you guys. You know the adults who control Mecca and Medina.

Edited by Triyun
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A figure wearing a hood pirated the airwaves for a few minutes from an unknown location, his eyes were that of a serpents that glowed faintly green, probably contact lenses. They were the only feature discernible on his face. "Do not worry. We shall teach these infidels tomorrow the meaning of Jihad. They're not doing it rite." The video stream then cut.

ooc: Tomorrow being when a GM makes my spy rolls, lol.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"We are disgusted by the blatant rudeness and immaturity of the UFE. Do you think this is a game? Millions can die! You have an entire country rising up against you and you just laugh it off? Beware, you've just fueled the revolution." ~Tagruato

China's new comments sparked intense rage across the entire Islamic country. Millions of citizens rose up in angry protest. As for ABidjan, thousands of former soldiers and troops blocked all roads with human shields, while about two million unarmed citizens surrounded Abidjan and chanted, asking for all troops to leave.

"We'll never go back to the RA! Never! Leave, or we will kill everyone of you! Brothers and Sisters, powerful men in faraway lands are deciding our freedom! We have no freedom, no decisions, no homes! They just want us died! Kill them all!" ~Protestor with a megaphone.

The usual chant was a large "Leave!" chanted for minutes in English, then Chinese, then Greek, then back to English.

As for the Hellenistic occupied cities, thousands blocked the streets by laying down to pray and fast all day.

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This would hardly be an issue if the United Federation of the East’s government were a little more tactful. Further destabilizing an already unstable situation by deliberately provoking religious sensibilities is irresponsible. Leadership is a delicate responsibility and Mister Jia should act accordingly. This war was, for the most part, over until the United Federation of the East so wisely incited additional conflict.

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The 50,000 British forces now in Abidjan restricted themselves to the Southern districts of the city, with paticular strength around the Port, airport and Fort Africa. Lynx helicopters flew slowly and low over the Ivorian crowds dropping leaflets and issuing a proclamation from speakers jerryrigged to the undersides of the helicopters so all could hear.

"Collect your dead and bury them. Your Mosques will not be rebuilt, nor will your places of worship, out of the British treasury. Your Government declared war and suffered the consequences and so your National treasury shall foot the bill.

We invite the intellectuals of Adbijan to a meeting in Fort Africa to discuss the creation of a Provisonal Government of the Ivory Coast.

Anarchy will not rule these streets"

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299046373' post='2649345']
I find your assumption that I've been drinking or am drunk to be racist and I demand an apology. I am deeply offended, stop hurting my feelings or I will threaten to bombard your nation into oblivion.... Yeah it sounded stupid when I said it too.

Why don't you let the real leader of the Muslim World speak for you guys. You know the adults who control Mecca and Medina.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you are not drunk. In that case you have less of an excuse for how rudely you acted towards Islam. Your behavior is entirely blasphemous & once more we request an apology. Let this war end, Tunisia never sought any ill relations with the UFE.

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Jia smirked to himself, the rhetoric was exactly where he had wanted it. Now it was time to get serious.

[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1299071964' post='2649529']
This would hardly be an issue if the United Federation of the East’s government were a little more tactful. Further destabilizing an already unstable situation by deliberately provoking religious sensibilities is irresponsible. Leadership is a delicate responsibility and Mister Jia should act accordingly. This war was, for the most part, over until the United Federation of the East so wisely incited additional conflict.

"We can be as tactful or rude as we want, it should not make an iota of difference. This is about proving a principle, and today the Islamo-fascists are proving it. That is the fundamental incompatibility between their system of government and the rest of the world's sovereignty. What are they threatening war over? Our forces fighting the Ottoman's? No. Our forces occupying territory? No. They are threatening war over a series of statements with absolutely no material value. They are threatening war because we are expressing our view of atheism in the same vociferous manner that they express Islam. Do words offend? Yes. But that is not an excuse to threaten war.

Fundamentally the international system is one which is based on a system of state sovereignty. It is the right for one state to do as it pleases within the confines of its own territory, barring the absolutely egregious like genocide. Certainly we can all agree that the most basic of these rights is the right to free expression even if it offends another nation. It is only when a nation commits a material offense as a result of that expression that in a civilized world order others may take action. This is not the case here. The threat of violence is based only on one thing: they got their feelings hurt by someone exercising freedom of speech. Well that is tough.

IF their perversion of Islam cannot coexist with the rest of the world, without the rest of the world bending over backwards and censoring not what it does but merely what it says, than that version of Islam is incompatible with Civilization. We will not bow to terrorism or religious extremism. If they wish to fight over words because they forgot stick and stones will break their bones but words won't hurt them, we will fight with sticks and stones and more. The ball remains in their court not ours."

[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1299078019' post='2649584']
I gave you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you are not drunk. In that case you have less of an excuse for how rudely you acted towards Islam. Your behavior is entirely blasphemous & once more we request an apology. Let this war end, Tunisia never sought any ill relations with the UFE.

"There will be no apology. You will learn to live with the rest of the international system, you will learn that some will hold opinions that offend you and that is just tough !@#$%*^. If you choose to go to war with us because we have opinion that offend you, we will squash you. If you choose to grow up and act responsibly like Muslim states such as Novak and Maghreb which have entered the 21st Century, this war will end. It is YOUR choice whether or not you can peacefully coexist with the rest of the world, but we are not going to make the international system.

For all the chants of Death to Athens, Death to Novak, Death to Britain, Death to Zionism, where did Rebel Army, the Athenian Federation, Great Britain, or Novak declare war? None of them did. They condemned the rhetoric, but they tolerated it. They recognized that other nations were able to say what they want, and while it was disturbing and preparations to defend should be made, none of them took action to initiate war. If you cannot do the same attack us. It will be an aggressive act and you will be defeated. I have no desire to wait. If Islam's goal is to subjugate the rest of the world to its will, come get us right now. Restrict our speech, muzzle our culture, destroy equal rights of women, and whatever else your 1400 year old book says you can do. Come try it this day! We draw the line, accept the sovereignty of other nations or come at us with your swords drawn."

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299080715' post='2649608']
Jia smirked to himself, the rhetoric was exactly where he had wanted it. Now it was time to get serious.

"We can be as tactful or rude as we want, it should not make an iota of difference. This is about proving a principle, and today the Islamo-fascists are proving it. That is the fundamental incompatibility between their system of government and the rest of the world's sovereignty. What are they threatening war over? Our forces fighting the Ottoman's? No. Our forces occupying territory? No. They are threatening war over a series of statements with absolutely no material value. They are threatening war because we are expressing our view of atheism in the same vociferous manner that they express Islam. Do words offend? Yes. But that is not an excuse to threaten war.

Fundamentally the international system is one which is based on a system of state sovereignty. It is the right for one state to do as it pleases within the confines of its own territory, barring the absolutely egregious like genocide. Certainly we can all agree that the most basic of these rights is the right to free expression even if it offends another nation. It is only when a nation commits a material offense as a result of that expression that in a civilized world order others may take action. This is not the case here. The threat of violence is based only on one thing: they got their feelings hurt by someone exercising freedom of speech. Well that is tough.

IF their perversion of Islam cannot coexist with the rest of the world, without the rest of the world bending over backwards and censoring not what it does but merely what it says, than that version of Islam is incompatible with Civilization. We will not bow to terrorism or religious extremism. If they wish to fight over words because they forgot stick and stones will break their bones but words won't hurt them, we will fight with sticks and stones and more. The ball remains in their court not ours."

"There will be no apology. You will learn to live with the rest of the international system, you will learn that some will hold opinions that offend you and that is just tough !@#$%*^. If you choose to go to war with us because we have opinion that offend you, we will squash you. If you choose to grow up and act responsibly like Muslim states such as Novak and Maghreb which have entered the 21st Century, this war will end. It is YOUR choice whether or not you can peacefully coexist with the rest of the world, but we are not going to make the international system.

For all the chants of Death to Athens, Death to Novak, Death to Britain, Death to Zionism, where did Rebel Army, the Athenian Federation, Great Britain, or Novak declare war? None of them did. They condemned the rhetoric, but they tolerated it. They recognized that other nations were able to say what they want, and while it was disturbing and preparations to defend should be made, none of them took action to initiate war. If you cannot do the same attack us. It will be an aggressive act and you will be defeated. I have no desire to wait. If Islam's goal is to subjugate the rest of the world to its will, come get us right now. Restrict our speech, muzzle our culture, destroy equal rights of women, and whatever else your 1400 year old book says you can do. Come try it this day! We draw the line, accept the sovereignty of other nations or come at us with your swords drawn."

"Where did Death to Athens? Death to Zionism? Death to Rebel Army? Come from and who said it?"

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United Federation of the East’s continued carelessness is threatening to debilitate the coalition’s Ottoman victory
Angry mobs street mobs don’t need to be incited further
Why making a tense situation worse? To prove a point?
[size="4"][b]With [i]“friends”[/i] like you Britain doesn’t need enemies![/b][/size]
UFE will be responsible for everyone who dies because this madness

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299081065' post='2649617']
"Where did Death to Athens? Death to Zionism? Death to Rebel Army? Come from and who said it?"

How about from Yaza Hajin Terrorists which your nation sponsors: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94660&view=findpost&p=2512830

Included in their statements are not only derision of Zionism but accusations about occupations of the Palestinian Territories BY Rebel Army and the prominent display of Rebel Army's Flag. The message is entirely written in the present tense even though Rebel Army has been a multi-cultural democracy for longer than you've been alive. I think that message is quite clear. Why is Rebel Army signaled out when it has not done anything but make tens of millions of muslims more prosperous and given them access to things like a quality education, arts, literature, the sciences, gender equality? Because it is fundamentally incompatible with the extremist vision which you propagate that is one of a clash of civilizations. It is one which suppresses the material desires of people by the use of spiritual propaganda so that you can continue ruling even when your rule is incompetent.

And how about the statements by your Ottoman allies accusing the Athenians of being colonialists? They've thrown it out there. Show me one colony? There are none.

You operate in a world of delusional self justifying aggression. We reject any theory of divine command to justify violence. We do not seek to use the spectre of some spirit on high as a pass for oppression. We reject such medieval reactionary notions of the world and call it out for what them out for what they fundamentally are: barbarism.

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OOC: Context Reference: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99312&view=findpost&p=2649156

In the capitol of Republique Du Flueve, 10,000 people had gathered.. what they were confused about was the exact reason why. Reports were circulating of a pro government protest, some of an anti government protest.. the plaza outside the government buildings downtown had become a confused and divided area. All had received messages from leaderships of various political movements for the gathering.. a solitary truck had driven into the square earlier that morning. The protests were generally peaceful in both camps. None of the leaders had arrived and people were wondering why they weren't there yet. From a distance, on a shadowy balcony, a solitary figure watched the gathering with binoculars and nodded, pleased.

At morning prayer, transmitters started broadcasting the scene around the world from various roof top web cams with full audio. About that time the truck started up and a voice chimed out over a megaphone mounted atop the cab of the empty truck over the crowd... "There is no God but Allah.. and the Dreamer is his prophet to Bob! He has sent me to teach you to properly Jihad!"

The truck then exploded with the force of C4 and government artillery munitions with enough force to level 2 city blocks.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1299083529' post='2649658']
OOC: Context Reference: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99312&view=findpost&p=2649156

In the capitol of Republique Du Flueve, 10,000 people had gathered.. what they were confused about was the exact reason why. Reports were circulating of a pro government protest, some of an anti government protest.. the plaza outside the government buildings downtown had become a confused and divided area. All had received messages from leaderships of various political movements for the gathering.. a solitary truck had driven into the square earlier that morning. The protests were generally peaceful in both camps. None of the leaders had arrived and people were wondering why they weren't there yet. From a distance, on a shadowy balcony, a solitary figure watched the gathering with binoculars and nodded, pleased.

At morning prayer, transmitters started broadcasting the scene around the world from various roof top web cams with full audio. About that time the truck started up and a voice chimed out over a megaphone mounted atop the cab of the empty truck over the crowd... "There is no God but Allah.. and the Dreamer is his prophet to Bob! He has sent me to teach you to properly Jihad!"

The truck then exploded with the force of C4 and government artillery munitions with enough force to level 2 city blocks.

OOC: No mael, no. I told you repeatedly you are not supposed to RP the actions of Rotavele's citizens. This above post by you is hereby wiped.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299083709' post='2649663']
OOC: No mael, no. I told you repeatedly you are not supposed to RP the actions of Rotavele's citizens. This above post by you is hereby wiped.

OOC: Context reference: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99312&view=findpost&p=2649156

Alright, we try this a bit differently then. There, no controlling the masses.

At night, several trucks parked near to about 5 mosques in the capitol of Republic Du Flueve. Each had a set of megaphones on the top of the cab. In the distance, a shadowy figured monitored the locations via a set of monitors hooked to camera feeds.

At morning prayer, transmitters started broadcasting the scenes around the mosques to the world and the monitors from various roof top web cams with full audio. About that time the trucks started up and a voice chimed out over a megaphone mounted atop the cab of the empty truck over the crowd... "There is no God but Allah.. and the Dreamer is his prophet to Bob! He has sent me to teach you to properly Jihad!"

The truck then exploded with the force of C4 and government artillery munitions with enough force to level 1 city block at each mosque.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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