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Declaration of War


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[/center][center][size="5"]Executive Declaration of War[/size][/center][left][size="2"]As per Executive Power 46: I, Kansler Vidarr von Gothenburg, recognize a state of war between the Republic of Sweden (Svearike) and the Ottoman Republic.[/size][/left][left] [/left][left][size="2"][hr]
[/size][/left][left] [/left][left][b][size="3"]Movements, Order of Battle (Classified)[/size][/b][/left][left][size="2"][b]Swedish Republican Fleet [i](Marinen)[/i][/b][/size][/left][left][size="2"]1st Naval Warfare Flotilla [i](1. sjöstridflj)[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][i]Three German Aircraft Carriers [/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][i]Four[/i] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landsort_class_mine_countermeasures_vessel"]Landsort[/url] [i]Class Minesweepers (Destroyers)[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][i]Four [/i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fridtjof_Nansen_class_frigate"]Mikkelsen[/url] [i]Class Frigates[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][i]Five[/i] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6teborg_class_corvette"]Göteborg[/url][i] Class Corvettes[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][color="#696969"]En route to [/color][color="#008000"]Northern Namibia[/color][/size][/left][left][size="2"][color="#FF8C00"]Combat Operation Sudström[/color][/size][/left][left] [/left][left] [/left][left][size="2"][b]
[/b][/size][/left][left][size="2"][b]Swedish Army [i](Armen)[/i][/b][/size][/left][left][size="2"]Army Group 1 ([i]I. Afrikagrup)[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][i]- Six Infantry Divisions (60,000)[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][i]- Twelve Tank Divisions (1,200)[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][color="#696969"]En route to [/color][color="#008000"]Northern Namibia[/color][/size][/left][left][size="2"][color="#FF8C00"]Combat Operation Sudström[/color][/size][/left][left] [/left][left][size="2"][b]Republic's Air Force [i](Flygvapnet)[/i][/b][/size][/left][left][size="2"]14th Naval Defense Wing [i](F 14 Malmö)[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"] [i]- Six Squadrons of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-35_Lightning_II"]SAAB V1[/url] Fighters[/i][/size][/left][left][size="2"][color="#696969"]En route to [/color][/size][size="2"][color="#006400"]Northern Namibia[/color][/size][/left][left][size="2"][color="#A0522D"]Based on Aircraft Carriers[/color][/size][/left][left][size="2"][color="#FF8C00"]Combat Operation Sudström[/color][/size][/left][left] [/left]

Edited by Vince Sixx
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[b]Official statement[/b]

The Australian Free State, supports Britain in this conflict, however we are officialy declearing neutrality in this conflict. We are also disgusted at the war crimes being committed or being contemplated by both sides.

Edited by Chernarussia
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"The Republic will never surrender! Throw the world at us!" ~Tagruato

"We were merely defending our ally, and we have become the hunted. The world finally shows that it cares more about words on paper than it does of the breaching of soveriegnity by Britain in an African nation. Surrender shall never come." ~The Royal Family

"We have been abandoned by our allies!" ~Common citizen reaction.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298946881' post='2647388']
"The Republic will never surrender! Throw the world at us!" ~Tagruato

"We were merely defending our ally, and we have become the hunted. The world finally shows that it cares more about words on paper than it does of the breaching of soveriegnity by Britain in an African nation. Surrender shall never come." ~The Royal Family

"We have been abandoned by our allies!" ~Common citizen reaction.
Three things.

One, since when does a corporation speak for an entire nation. Except when said corporation runs the nation.

Two, who were you defending exactly? You were the aggressor here. Cease your cowardly, pitiful whining about what you yourself initiated. There is no evidence at all of Britain breaching the 'soveriegnity' (whatever that is) of an African nation.

Three, your allies would be entirely foolish to support the actions of your incompetent regime.

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[size="4"][b][center]Emergency Announcement[/center][/b][/size]


The Caliphate of Africa declares current neutrality until evidence toward a justifiable motivation for this conflict arises from the Ottoman nation. However, should foreign entities make any hint at permanent or prolonged stay in Africa we [u]will[/u] see you out. Consider conflict spilling from the borders of Ivory or blatant disregard for innocent African lives as an invitation to hostilities with the Caliphate. Our military is on active standby as of.......now

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More videos come out from anonymous sources indicating massive attacks ongoing on the infrastructure of the Ottoman Republic as multiple [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG_ZKNie9IM"]gas lines erupt in flame[/url] in and around major industrial centers. The objective of the operation was to cut off key areas from fuel supply.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1298941341' post='2647298']
The Free Association declares its neutrality in the current conflict. In order to prevent the unnecessary loss of human life we are willing to host a peace conference in the neutral location of Santa Cruz de Tenerife on the island of of Tenerife in the Free Association. We invite all parties currently involved in this unnecessary conflict to this meeting and hope that reasonableness and peace will prevail.
"The Union of Arctica endorses the offer by the Free Association for peace talks. While massive deployments and wholesale destruction may be the modus operandi in Europe, it is not the way we do things in Africa. The Union calls for a ceasefire by Ottoman and British-allied forces to conduct peace talks and redress grievances in a manner befitting civilized governments."

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Burma is open to a peace conference, but will continue to prepare for combat operations as the Ottoman Republic has continued to act in belligerance and rejected peace offerings. Citing the OR's actions during the course of this situation, Burma declares total war on the OR.


As Burmese troops loaded onto ships and began the journey to Africa, Burmese ICBM silos opened up and unleashed missiles bearing large, conventional payloads to target Ottoman airfields and fuel depots, locations provided by Red Dawn intel sharing protocols. The aim would be to cripple Ottoman response capability before Burmese even arrived in theater. In all, 25 missiles were launched, 15 targetting airfields and 10 for depots of fuel.

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[size="4"][i]By the order of Chairwoman Katie Collick, Communist Australia is now at war with the Ottoman Republic[/i][/size]

CITING the Red Dawn treaty, Communist Australia will uphold her commitments as outlined by the Red Dawn treaty.

RECOGNIZING a state of hostilities between the Ottoman Republic and England, ergo to Communist Australia as well. The Australian Red Army, Red Australian Air Force and Red Australian Navy will commence offensive operations when the time is right.[/center]

Edited by Markus Wilding
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[i] "The Ottomans have certainly disgraced themselves before Allah. Making foolish war in the name of God without a clear purpose has invited foreign crusaders to the African mainland as well as ushered the end of what was the Ottoman Republic as we once knew it in state & mind. While we dedicate ourselves to the protection of Islam, we cannot save the Ottomans from themselves. This war came without justification as well as without warning.

Perhaps if we had been given a bit of time to..."[/i]

The broadcast was ended abruptly, cutting short the Tunisian General's announcement.

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We here are seeing a humanitarian crisis looming on the horizon here. We are asking for permission from the world community to fly in humanitarian aid supplies to the Ottoman Empire. The package would consist of 20 GC-140 HVTOLs filled with food, water, medical supplies, etc. If it pleases the opposition, the convoy may land at a pre-determined location for a security inspection although I can guarantee none would be needed. We await consensus to proceed with this mission. The only escorts of said convoy will be four Me-48 Peregrine ASFs with MINIMAL armament. We repeat, MINIMAL armament, in case anyone wants to throw a fit of Soldania getting involved in this god**** war.

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"To prepare for a possible humanitarian crisis, the Arctican White Cross has allocated funds for the use of two container ships to transport humanitarian aid supplies to the Ottoman Republic if necessary. The ships will depart for Sao Tome under the White Cross flag and will stand by to provide emergency aid." -Arctican White Cross

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Witness-02 had been left alone for quite sometime following the destruction of Addis Ababa. Little to no external stimuli was exerted upon the sophisticated satellite by Nodic personnel in recent weeks - after all, why would there be? Unit-02 was tasked with a rather useless (at the time) orbit pattern that took it over portions of Asia. Nod was in the process of fighting off a multi-directional invasion from the Mediterranean, or the Indian Ocean! Asia was of little consequence to what remained essentially a portion of the Nodic military command superstructure. It was essentially a forward scout, reconnoitering a useless front.

A secret war had been waged in the moments leading up to the Asian ICBM launches. Initially confounded by the ALL STOP orders broadcast to all Nodic remnant forces engaging Monacan-Coalition forces, Nodic technicians within (loyal) portions of the Nodic Militancy worked feverishly to counter what they thought was a simple overtaxation of the Nodic battlenet, getting it reconfigured and operational again with little to no percievable down time attributed to Principality revolutionaries. However, they were not aware of the phantom ALL STOP broadcast throughout engaged forces, and simply thought the simultaneous evacuation of killzones in the Mediterranean and Atlantic to be simply a strategic withdrawl.

The Witness, a member of an advanced network of mission-oriented satellites, simply acted on standard operational subroutines when it utilized its psuedo-EO MASINT/IMINT multispectral sensors to detect the immense thermal blooms of the ICBMs as they shot into the sky and veered on what would eventually be plotted, due to a combination of several other 'focusing' Witness-model satellites closer to Nod and the Nodic Distant-Early Warning radar network, to be an apparent course for Africa.

Fearing a reprisal attack for the Nodic strikes against Monaco, the Nodic strategic arsenal was activated, placing itself on Class-D clearance initiatives. It was only after additional scrutiny the fact that the weapons, with hitherto undetermined payloads were headed for the Ottomans, was made known to Nod, and soon the entire world.

[code]ATTENTION: Nodic distant early warning STOP has detected multiple strategic launches originating from Burma and the UFE STOP Terrestrial intercept locations have been determined to be in and around the Ottoman Empire STOP [/code]

EDIT: Whoopsie, it appears i've missed some UFE ICBM launches too.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[i]Dear Citizens

Dear Friends and Allies

Tonight we find ourselves locked into a confrontation with the Ottoman Republic. They along with some of their neighbors have tried starting war with Great Britain and tonight their wish is granted. The British government has confirmed rumors that their garrison in the Ottoman Republic has been attacked without provocation. As I speak an international coalition of willing nations, including Slavorussia, are engaging the Ottomans on their own soil.

The Ottoman military has announced that it will target British nationals in it’s territory. If this comes to pass the Ottoman leaders will surely hang. Indeed the rope of justice is already tightening around their necks and the military that they stand on is about to be kicked out from under them.

The Ottoman regime’s days are numbered and when the last grain of sand falls through the hourglass we will be there.

Onward to victory my friends.[/i]

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[font="Palatino Linotype"][size="5"][b]OFFICIAL IMPERIAL ANNOUNCEMENT[/b][/size][/font][/center]

The Empire, despite our current domestic troubles, declares war on the Ottoman Republic for crimes against humanity and violation of Imperial airspace. And if you need more justification than that, our MDoAP with the UFE. Chaining treaties for the win.

Also, we declare war on the Republique Du Fleuve, pursuant to our MDoAP with the UFE. Since you declared on the English "coalition", you declared on our ally... and now we declare on you. We don't think you're getting enough lead in your diet. We're going to change that.

Also, if the UFE would be so kind as to get our 10,000 Marines into battle, and if someone near the British Isles could get 30,000 troops into the area, our troops would be most grateful. Domestic issues have tied up our navy at the moment, I'm afraid.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Ottoman Republic and Republique Du Fleuve. Enjoy them. They'll be the last ones you smoke.

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1298985356' post='2647994']
[font="Palatino Linotype"][size="7"][b]OFFICIAL IMPERIAL ANNOUNCEMENT[/b][/size][/font][/center]

The Empire, despite our current domestic troubles, declares war on the Ottoman Republic for crimes against humanity and violation of Imperial airspace. And if you need more justification than that, our MDoAP with the UFE. Chaining treaties for the win.

Also, we declare war on the Republique Du Fleuve, pursuant to our MDoAP with the UFE. Since you declared on the English "coalition", you declared on our ally... and now we declare on you. We don't think you're getting enough lead in your diet. We're going to change that.

Also, if the UFE would be so kind as to get our 10,000 Marines into battle, and if someone near the British Isles could get 30,000 troops into the area, our troops would be most grateful. Domestic issues have tied up our navy at the moment, I'm afraid.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Ottoman Republic and Republique Du Fleuve. Enjoy them. They'll be the last ones you smoke.

OOC: Republique Du Fleuve never declared war on a Nation named UFE? Also you might want to post your declaration in MY thread if your declaring war on me.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298985431' post='2647995']
OOC: Republique Du Fleuve never declared war on a Nation named UFE? Also you might want to post your declaration in MY thread if your declaring war on me.
OOC: Yeah you did, United Federation of the East = UFE

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298985431' post='2647995']
OOC: Republique Du Fleuve never declared war on a Nation named UFE? Also you might want to post your declaration in MY thread if your declaring war on me.

OOC: Yes you did. You declared on the "English Coalition". According to your own post, the United Federation of the East (also known as the UFE or Triyun) is part of that coalition. Since they are my ally, you got declared on. Have fun, sunshine.

Also, I can post it wherever I want. You posted your declaration elsewhere, and you saw this regardless. I don't NEED to post it in your thread, and because I don't want to, I won't. Cheers.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1298985734' post='2648001']
OOC: Yeah you did, United Federation of the East = UFE

[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1298985780' post='2648002']
OOC: Yes you did. You declared on the "English Coalition". According to your own post, the United Federation of the East (also known as the UFE or Triyun) is part of that coalition. Since they are my ally, you got declared on. Have fun, sunshine.

Also, I can post it wherever I want. You posted your declaration elsewhere, and you saw this regardless. I don't NEED to post it in your thread, and because I don't want to, I won't. Cheers.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298982856' post='2647963']
[font="Verdana"]Republique Du Fleuve is hereby at war with the European Socialist Hegemony Member of Great Britain, "[/font]

OOC: My bad, I missed the post where UFE was also known as Great Britain. Carry on. Also no need for OOC disrespect. I still have much OOC respect for ZootZoot as I see him as a friend OOCly. Cant we just RP without OOC hate?

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298986840' post='2648013']
OOC: My bad, I missed the post where UFE was also known as Great Britain. Carry on. Also no need for OOC disrespect. I still have much OOC respect for ZootZoot as I see him as a friend OOCly. Cant we just RP without OOC hate?

OOC: Reading comprehension is fun. Your post read differently, and even if we read it your way, Red Dawn would declare on you and I would chain in regardless. Oh look, argument gone. Quit whining and accept the terror of my nation.

Also, no OOC hate. If you think this is OOC hate, get a thicker skin. Like seriously. Pre-teenage girls have a thicker skin than you if you think this is OOC hate.

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To: The Ottoman Republic
From: Republique Du Fleuve Government
Subj: Honor

You have joined this war in assistance to your ally. While other league members fulfilled their African Unity. You have been the only one to honor the Defense of Africa. You are seen a highly respected Entity in our nation and in our Government's Eyes. After this war we want a treaty of the highest Length with you. Your honor is tremendous. You take a beating from the entire world for your allies. There is no honor as great as that. We wish you the very best through thick and thin.[/quote]

[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1298987261' post='2648022']
OOC: Reading comprehension is fun. Your post read differently, and even if we read it your way, Red Dawn would declare on you and I would chain in regardless. Oh look, argument gone. Quit whining and accept the terror of my nation.

Also, no OOC hate. If you think this is OOC hate, get a thicker skin. Like seriously. Pre-teenage girls have a thicker skin than you if you think this is OOC hate.

OOC: Therefore you have no reason for war until Red Dawn declares. My post did not read differently. Last Edit was at 7:06 your post was at 7:17 and I could really careless on your feelings for me OOCly. OOC Hate for RP is pretty pathetic and will be ignored.

Edited by Rotavele
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