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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299119211' post='2650428']
OOC: Rota, do you have permission from adzzz to cross into Kzivonsia?

OOC: Yes I do, Ask Adzzz and not only that hes a League of Africa member.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299119574' post='2650440']
OOC: Yes I do, Ask Adzzz and not only that hes a League of Africa member.

OOC: adzzz must post confirmation for this so called permission either ICly or OOCly in this thread. His being a League of Africa member need not automatically means he would permit you transit when you are a hunted leader of a nation.

Also it borders on metagaming when you RP your leader escaping shortly after your opponents ask for a roll to assassinate your leader. It is not metagaming yet, but is very very close to it.

For the time being until adzzz posts confirmation of your transit, you do not cross over into Kzivonsia.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299119644' post='2650442']
He needs to post ICly.
He hasn't done.

Rotavele is still dead.

OOC: YOU say Rotavele is dead. Yet your word is about as equivalent as a sack of... Never mind im not sinking to your level. I have much more class then that. Rotavele is dead. I dont care tired of RPing him anyway.

.[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299119781' post='2650450']
OOC: adzzz must post confirmation for this so called permission either ICly or OOCly in this thread. His being a League of Africa member need not automatically means he would permit you transit when you are a hunted leader of a nation.

Also it borders on metagaming when you RP your leader escaping shortly after your opponents ask for a roll to assassinate your leader. It is not metagaming yet, but is very very close to it.

For the time being until adzzz posts confirmation of your transit, you do not cross over into Kzivonsia.

I gotta take a break from CNRP let him be dead. I told adzzz not to worry about it.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1299119862' post='2650455']
ooc: Oh yeah I forgot Fizzy's insurgency is still going on. My bad homie. We cool son?

OOOC: If your talking to me, Yes OOCly weve always been fine. The only one I have OOC problems with is apparently Zooters.

Edited by Rotavele
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Further dispatches were sent out to help gather a mercenary force which would help deal with the issue of unrest in the Ottoman Republic.

[quote]Dispatch to Xinyan Republic:

Arrangements have been made to airlift them from your territory to the Ottoman Republic[/quote]

[quote]Dispatch to the Tahoe Nationalist Forces in South Africa:

The United Federation of the East would like to obtain two thousand private security contractors for use in peace keeping operations in the Ottoman Republic[/quote]

[quote]Dispatch to the Mascurian Siberians:

Give us ten thousand of your worst criminal offenders to be indentured servents in our paramilitary force we are building for occupying the Ottoman Republic to restore order[/quote]

[quote]Dispatch to German Mercenary Union:

We need some insane ass mercs, we are willing to pay top dollar.[/quote]

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Classified Reply to UFE



Thirty thousand troops were dispatched under the command of Major General Guang Heibing--a particularly nasty officer, even at Xinyan standards. They were to arrive and be deployed in the former Ottoman Republic by tomorrow--where they would begin their 'work'.

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Reply to the UFE:
Unfortunately, we do not have 10,000 criminals to send to you. We are sending you 8,243 criminals of varying offenses, ranging from murder to public urination, who have volunteered for this assignment on the grounds that they have their jail sentences cut in half. We're supplementing the remainder with volunteers drawn from the populace. They are all certified as middle children, so the lack of love and attention they received at home is sure to whip them into a frenzy on the battlefield. We are not sending any officers, so the men are all under your control.

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[b]*** Classified Message to the UFE ***[/b]

As most former Tahoan military units are currently engaged in wartime operations in South Africa against the Arcticans, we unfortunately cannot fill your request for private military contractors. We can send a battalion of infantry (roughly 400 strong), as well as a detachment of roughly 800 armed civilians with military training, including veterans, former police officers and private military contractors. We require assistance for the airlift.

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####1024 Bit Encryption broadcast to UFE Air Command from Red Wings Commander.####
Air Command, Red Wings have refueled. Ready for round 2 at your command. Over.

From: Central Intelligence Command
To: Chairman Jia

Operational Readiness Status: All agents in North Africa have been recovered after successful strikes and are in safe houses once more. Awaiting operational instructions.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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At 2 A.M. the Ottoman Republic would hear the sounds of a massive armadas landing downwards over Sao Paolo and Adidjan. Outside the cities airborne units would land taking up positions. While in the airports UFE logistical teams and military police units would setup positions. Within three hours over ten thousand UFE forces had landed on the ground in the Ottoman Republic. Ports would soon be prepared for the arrival of an additional 20, 000 forces. Accompanying them would be government aid workers and tens of thousands of military contractors tasked to keep order.

Preparations were made to begin the airlifting in of Mascurian Siberian, Tahoe, and Xinyan units. Private military contractors and their equipment would be given their own landing strips and staging areas for when the units began to enter into urban areas in the future.

A transmission was sent to the Artemis Corporations asking for a bid on mercenaries as well.

Edited by Triyun
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Inaccordance with the freedom of information act.
The CCTV footage and audio recordings taken from the security systems at the gateway of Fort Africa has been released to the world.

The following posts are now made public, aswell as all conversation.


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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299184803' post='2651429']
"The Chinese have brought friends! Leave now or suffer the consequences!

"Your welcome to come after our forces if you'd like. We will be restoring the last stable and responsible government. The Ottomans and their corporate overlords will be dismantled and civilization will be restored. Those who resist will be dealt with in accordance with reasonable rules of engagement necessary to fulfill the mission."

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The VX attacks on Abidjan were unexpected and out of the blue. The RAF strikes on the factories should of destroyed their ability to manufacture the weapons, of course it would make sense for the Ivorians to stockpile the weapons.

The missile struck in the northern district of the city sending its gasses down the streets towards the southern, British held districts. Whilst an entire platoon of light infantry on a patrol in the northern districts was wiped out, dead in under two minutes

Regional radar had detected the launch but not enough warning was given to the northern recon units before they died. Down in the south along the Abidjan port and airport firebases and OP's the winds from the ocean kept the VX at bay to the north.

With only around 1400 quare meters covered in the gas, when it drifted southwards it passed over the Laguine Ebrie. Being heavier than air the toxin was absorbed into the water before being washed out to sea.

Overall, sixty two British soldiers were killed in the attack and a further forty would be sent home suffering critical injuries. Thirty two of these would die on the flight home from their injuries.

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UFE forces ordered squadrons of F/B-23 and EF-50 aircraft into the skies of the Ottoman Republic. These craft were deployed with support from stealth UAV AWACS, forming a net over the OR territory which was equipped with signal interception points, thus giving it the capability of detecting any transmissions which would be made by guidance systems necessary to further launch any missile strikes from hidden silos. If an enemy signal transmitter went live the targeting information would be sent to a pair of GLI-133 super heavy bombers which could fire an ER-M-51 with a kinetic penetrator warhead package for initial penetration and a high explosive follow up weapon.

Additionally missions were authorized for four AC-130s equipped with magnetic anomaly detectors and supplemented by similarly equipped global hawks to search for transport of equipment through rural areas so that they could be engaged and knocked out quickly.

Additionally the UFE forces which utilized NBC gear as part of their standard equipment packages were not very phased by chemical weapons. Three medium combat brigade units were ordered to begin initializing operations moving out from their positions on the airfields and into the city center. Stryker and Mk-28 Tiger units would be used for entering the city in large convoys. Airborne units would move over in MH-60 helicopters with sniper firing lines onboard each of the MH-60 helicopters to provide rapid fire support. UAV AWACS and ECM pods onboard the vehicles and helicopters would provide full spectrum jamming as they moved through the most hostile areas of Sao Paulo and Adidijan in a show of force.

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Following the chemical attack the enraged British forces took to the streets in force following the Chinese example. Five thousand Paratroopers and over a hundred Armoured vehicles rolled out of Fort Africa and began marching to the Insurgent filled Northern city blocks. They would take this city, house to house if they had to and they would destroy any insurgent in their path. Orders put on the official paperwork of Operation Hammertime would state;
[quote]"British Forces are to respond with the necessary ammount of force required to protect themselves"[/quote]

Moving through the streets, squads of soldiers under the cover of the Warrior II's would systematiclly kick down the doors of every building and search it for weapons. If weapons were found, all the males over eighteen were dragged into the streets and thrown in a convoy of five ton trucks following in the center of the convoy, flexicuffed and blinde folded.

This operation would continue right across the South of the city. Trucks breaking off and returning down the protected and now heavily defended roads to drop off the prisoners in Fort Africa before driving back into the city. All weapons found would be confiscated and put in mass weapon dumps, also placed under heavy guard from a second regiment of Paratroopers who would advance behind the first, sealing off the South side of the city.

Apache Longbow gunships and Lynx helicopters moved into low orbital patterns of patrol of the city, overwatching the British and Chinese forces to provide additional firesupport.

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