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The Supreme Caliphate


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Throughout all channels of Yaza Hajin communication, a final call for the establishment of Allah’s rule on Earth has been proclaimed. A Supreme Caliphate they say must rise for & of Islam worldwide. The written document establishing this Caliphate has been released, all Islamic nations invited to partake in this momentous event.

This day is praised tremendously throughout the united communities of Islam, who receive the news in all corners of the world & hear the [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAvlimEYEpQ"]Call to Prayer[/url].


[quote][u]Allah’s Word & Will[/u]

In the spirit of Islam, may we hold true that we pledge never to violate this faith amongst us. The active pursuit of the union of all Muslims & establishment of a peaceful domain of Allah‘s word & will on Earth is upheld by a common creed; that of a universal religious community, Islam. Allah has touched down, blessed us with His Caliphate from this day on. We recognize there is no God, but God & it is ultimately He who leads this State. In the interests of peace, & the union of Islam globally, the Supreme Caliphate.

Peace Be Among the Devoted[/u]

Section 1
In the interests of solidarity, it is agreed among all the undersigned that any & all hostile & aggressive action undertaken against any part or person of the Supreme Caliphate will not be condoned. It must be understood that all Muslims are to stand as one against any hostilities & threats to Islam. All must understand that in order to carry out Allah's Will we must defend Islam as one and all must give support to the other in every fashion deemed necessary & proper by the Q‘uran. Let it be agreed among all brothers & sisters, sons & daughters of Allah, that by His Will, no hostile or aggressive action be undertaken against one another Muslims.

[u]Unity & One Islam[/u]

Section 1
States forming the Caliphate are considered to no longer exist as individual nations, rather one entity under Allah, The Supreme Caliphate.

Section 2
In forging the existence of the Supreme Caliphate, it is agreed among all the undersigned that the arbitrary lines of nation borders must be erased for free civilian and economic travel, & united military activities.

[u]Government & the Ummah[/u]

Section 1
Authority of the Caliphate above all else is the Q'uran & Allah’s Shari’ a Law, executed by the Caliph who is Supreme head of the State & upheld by the Majlis al-Shura whom shall preside as the signatory States’s representative Council. The Mu’awin ut-Tafweed are recognized as the “cabinet”, or delegated assistants of the Caliph. All powers not explicitly stated are reserved for the Caliph.

Section 2
The Caliph is the head of State, with the power to execute & officialize laws. He is elected by a Caliphate by a majority of the Ummah, or people and serves a life term or so ever long Allah wills. The Caliph approves and carries out laws passed by the Majlis al-Shura & may appoint or remove any Caliphate members and officials not explicitly included to be elected by Ummah such as the Majlis ul-Ummah who are elected to govern on a local level & must answer to the Majlis al-Shura. The Caliph negotiates foreign treaties, and stands as head of state and Supreme Commander of the armed forces. The Caliph is a temporal political ruler, appointed to rule within the bounds of Islamic Shari’a law.

Section 3
The Majlis al-Shura shall be assembled of the signatory States unified into Allah’s Supreme Caliphate of those who qualify by popular consideration to be just, have sufficient knowledge to distinguish a good Caliph from a bad one, and have sufficient wisdom and judgment to serve the Caliphate. Of the popular nominees, the parliament is appointed by the Caliph. A vacancy in this parliament is to be filled by popular election. Filling an abrupt vacancy for Caliph when it is deemed necessary that one be selected under emergency circumstances, including war, famine, natural & man-made disaster, disease, & other situations in which at least 40% of the general population is at threat, the following procedures will take place:

He selected must accept the nomination.
The nominee must have been selected without pressure having been exerted upon the Majlis-ash-Shura.
The Majlis-ash-Shura must give the person their bay'a or pledge of allegiance.

If the rulers meet their Islamic responsibilities to the public the people must obey their laws, but a Caliph or ruler who becomes either unjust or severely ineffective must be impeached via supermajority of the Majlis al-Shura.

Section 4
If the rulers do not uphold justice, the Ummah or community at large, are to warn them and a Caliph who does not heed the warning can be impeached. Oppression by a caliph is sufficient grounds for impeachment. If a force prevents the will of the Ummah to be carried against a unjust Caliph who acts with no regard for Islamic law, the people have an obligation to rebel. Islam is the goal of the Ummah, so any ruler who deviates from this goal must be impeached. It is the collective duty of the community as a whole to lodge a valid protest, to solve problems of religion, to have knowledge of Divine Law, to command what is right and forbid wrong conduct.

Section 5
The Ulama will be appointed of Islamic Legal scholars who shall preside as the highest court in the land to interpret and enforce Shari’a Law. They may deny any law established by the Caliph if it is found in contrast of Shari’a.

[u]Caliphate Market & Trade[/u]

Section 1
The economic structure of the Caliphate follow a mixed market with restrictions to privatization that include all essential resources that benefit the community as a whole such as oil, gas, and other fire-producing fuels, agricultural land, and water; this is forbidden.

Section 2
It shall reign that individuals of any gender, ethnic or religious background maintain the right to buy, sell, mortgage, and inherit property for any use as well as establish contracts for every financial transaction concerning agriculture, industry, commerce, and employment.

Section 3
Unjust taxation and protectionist policies are agreed to be phased out and no discrimination of workers or goods is to be implemented. The common currency of the Caliphate is the Dinar.

Section 4
Taxation as well as charity collected in the treasury of the Caliphate shall be used:

To provide income for the needy (poor, elderly, orphans, widows, and the disabled)
To provide for the national defense
To provide for proper enforcement of the Law
To provide for the public education as well as infrastructure

Section 5
The government is also expected to stockpile food supplies in every region in case a disaster or famine occurs.

[u]Amendment & the Law of the Land[/u]

Section 1
In the pursuit of unity, it is agreed among all the undersigned that the Islamic values of their nations must be upheld. In order to accomplish this, any proposition brought forth must be discussed and voted on through proper channels & implementation based on the Q’uran & its Sharia Law. Any amendment to this must be discussed and voted on with a supermajority to succeed.

Section 2
All classes are subject to the law of the land, and no person is above the law; officials and private citizens alike have a duty to obey the same law. Furthermore, all Qadi or judges are prohibited from discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, colour, kinship or prejudice.

[u]To Take Leave of Make Union[/u]

Section 1
Any nation, at any time, may request to merge into the Caliphate. Requests are to be reviewed by the Caliph, after which (if accepted by Him) accepted or denied by the Majlis al-Shura.

Section 2
Should a people of the Caliphate seek to be sovereign from it, they must present a plan of government, propose a location, & establish a reasonable projection of population size that shall be scrutinized by the Majlis al-Shura & accepted or denied by the Caliph. This process shall be known as Thaoura.

Section 3
If a signatory state seeks to withdraw its representation within the Majlis al-Shura, a 72 hour notice is requested. The withdrawing signatory State may then seek Thaoura.

[u]War & Jihad[/u]

Section 1
The Supreme Caliphate will recognize in the world the existence of this one, true State of Allah, its allies, & a non-Muslim world. Violations against the Caliphate by anyone, include but are not limited to, Espionage, Military Operations, Economic Interference or Domestic Interference will be punished through proper means decided by the Majlis al-Shura & the Caliph.

Section 2
Jihad can be declared at any time by the Caliph. Jihad may be declared in broad cases including, but not limited to, internal struggle to maintain faith, the struggle to improve the Muslim society, or the struggle in a holy war.
It is requested of every able Muslim to participate in Jihad when it is declared.[/quote]

OOC: No ooc comments, refer to my PM box for non IC matters.

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"As the Grand Mufti of Islam in Kingdom of Cochin, the Tajush Shariah of the Al Jamiatul Ashrafia Seminary of Mubarakpur and the Sunni Head Priest of the Great Temple of All Faiths in Cochin City, I, Haji Pir Ahmad hereby declares that the Muslims of the Kingdom of Cochin does not recognize this so called Supreme Caliphate. While Muslims all over the world are brothers in faith, we refuse to recognize a higher sovereignty than the sovereignty of our nation's flag. Representing the single largest Islamic community in this world, representing the 300 Million Muslims of the Kingdom of Cochin we hereby declare that we do not recognize this Supreme Caliphate as the legitimate leaders Muslims around the world.


Haji Pir Ahmad."

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The Muslim Council of Great Britain likewise follows the example set by our brethrin in the Kingdom of Cochin.
Moreover, Qur'an land law states that a Muslim should follow the word of God, however follow the laws of the country he/she is born or is resident. And if he/she breaks the law of the land, it is islamically a sin.

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"The UFE Bureau of Islamic Affairs does not recognize the Supreme Caliphate, we condemn this action as an imperialist attempt to seize control of the territory of other nations under the very thin veil of religion. Those affiliated with this separatist regime are banned from the United Federation of the East, and their materials made illegal."

The First Minister of the Republic of Malaysia & Singapore alongside the Governors of Southern Thailand, Gansu, and Ningxia province have all reaffirmed their loyalty to the United Federation of the East and condemn this veiled attempt at separatism.

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[center] The Union of Free Africa sees this constitution as clear in its outreach of States of islam, rather than imperialist claim of Muslim segments in mixed nations. The UFA does hereby submit its request to join in the Supreme Caliphate.

--Islamic Council of the Union--[/center]

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"The government of the Caspian Clique, while extremely tolerant of other religions, sees this new organization as a union that will dissolve the sanctity of sovereignty of the nations it involves. That being said, our country does not answer to a higher being as a whole on a secular level, nor will it ever so long as this government is in power. Our law is derived from the secular beings who write it in the interests of justice and fair jurisprudence, not from religious law, to ensure that all peoples of this state are treated fairly. We conduct internal affairs of this state, with the interests of the people, not their religion in mind, to ensure the tolerance that our nation holds dear amongst its many religions.

We may answer to a higher being when our time of judgment comes, but we cannot base the state of affairs of our nation on what we can only speculate on, or interpret from the holy scriptures.

We recognize this organization as an attempt to undermine the sanctity of the separation of the church, and the state, and it will not allow this organization to hijack or manipulate those ideas. Our people, having had to live with religious strife before, hold a consensus with these views, and will only accept secular governance."

[i]Sham Dawkins, President[/i]

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1298223325' post='2639549']
"As the Grand Mufti of Islam in Kingdom of Cochin, the Tajush Shariah of the Al Jamiatul Ashrafia Seminary of Mubarakpur and the Sunni Head Priest of the Great Temple of All Faiths in Cochin City, I, Haji Pir Ahmad hereby declares that the Muslims of the Kingdom of Cochin does not recognize this so called Supreme Caliphate. While Muslims all over the world are brothers in faith, we refuse to recognize a higher sovereignty than the sovereignty of our nation's flag. Representing the single largest Islamic community in this world, representing the 300 Million Muslims of the Kingdom of Cochin we hereby declare that we do not recognize this Supreme Caliphate as the legitimate leaders Muslims around the world.


Haji Pir Ahmad."
"The Muslim communities of Sri Lanka, numbering over 100 million, assent to the views of Haji Pir Ahmad, Grand Mufti of Islam in Kingdom of Cochin, Tajush Shariah of the Al Jamiatul Ashrafia Seminary of Mubarakpur and the Sunni Head Priest of the Great Temple of All Faiths in Cochin City.
We do not recognise the Supreme Caliphate."

[i]A message signed and approved of by various Muslim community leaders all over Sri Lanka.[/i]

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1298226264' post='2639594']
"The government of the Caspian Clique, while extremely tolerant of other religions, sees this new organization as a union that will dissolve the sanctity of sovereignty of the nations it involves. That being said, our country does not answer to a higher being as a whole on a secular level, nor will it ever so long as this government is in power. Our law is derived from the secular beings who write it in the interests of justice and fair jurisprudence, not from religious law, to ensure that all peoples of this state are treated fairly. We conduct internal affairs of this state, with the interests of the people, not their religion in mind, to ensure the tolerance that our nation holds dear amongst its many religions.

We may answer to a higher being when our time of judgment comes, but we cannot base the state of affairs of our nation on what we can only speculate on, or interpret from the holy scriptures.

We recognize this organization as an attempt to undermine the sanctity of the separation of the church, and the state, and it will not allow this organization to hijack or manipulate those ideas. Our people, having had to live with religious strife before, hold a consensus with these views, and will only accept secular governance."

[i]Sham Dawkins, President[/i]

Islam is more of a Religious Political Ideology, unlike Christianity or Judaism, there is to be no separation of Faith & the State.
Also, it can be agreed by Muslims that we share a common strive to institute world-wide Shari'a Law; well this is one means at achieving that end as commanded of us by the Q'uran. This is a religious duty whether or not Muslims recognize the Caliphate.

Edited by AlDei
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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298229863' post='2639644']
Islam is more of a Religious Political Ideology, unlike Christianity or Judaism, there is to be no separation of Faith & the State.
Also, it can be agreed by Muslims that we share a common strive to institute world-wide Shari'a Law; well this is one means at achieving that end as commanded of us by the Q'uran. This is a religious duty whether or not Muslims recognize the Caliphate.

"While we respect your beliefs, we can not, and will not, allow the institution of religious law that supersedes the law of the land, it would undermine it. It would be intolerant of us to give precedence to one, what you call a more viable 'Religious Political Ideology' over the other. This decision was made in the best interests of the Caspian nation to assure that all religious groups have no precedence over the other. We have created an equal playing field for all faiths of the Caspian nation, and to give precedence to one religion, whether or not you can say that it supersedes any other religion as a more 'politically viable' one, is a dangerous proposition.

The problem with that line of thought, as we see it, creates an injustice that non-Islamic religious groups will point out, and feel at odds with. While it may be the duty for all Muslims to commonly strive towards the institution of world-wide Shari'a Law, the consensus of my nation's citizens, is that they would rather strive towards balance, rather then global aspirations.

That being said, would you, yourself, rather see peaceful coexistence, or the prevalence of religious law that could create unnecessary bloodshed for both sides? My nation's religions live in harmony because of maintaining that balance of tolerance and the precedent that no religion, may supersede the sanctity of the law of the state, set down under the basis of secular influence, for the benefit of all citizens."

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1298230885' post='2639655']
"While we respect your beliefs, we can not, and will not, allow the institution of religious law that supersedes the law of the land, it would undermine it. It would be intolerant of us to give precedence to one, what you call a more viable 'Religious Political Ideology' over the other. This decision was made in the best interests of the Caspian nation to assure that all religious groups have no precedence over the other. We have created an equal playing field for all faiths of the Caspian nation, and to give precedence to one religion, whether or not you can say that it supersedes any other religion as a more 'politically viable' one, is a dangerous proposition.

The problem with that line of thought, as we see it, creates an injustice that non-Islamic religious groups will point out, and feel at odds with. While it may be the duty for all Muslims to commonly strive towards the institution of world-wide Shari'a Law, the consensus of my nation's citizens, is that they would rather strive towards balance, rather then global aspirations.

That being said, would you, yourself, rather see peaceful coexistence, or the prevalence of religious law that could create unnecessary bloodshed for both sides? My nation's religions live in harmony because of maintaining that balance of tolerance and the precedent that no religion, may supersede the sanctity of the law of the state, set down under the basis of secular influence, for the benefit of all citizens."

It is not our belief that Allah provided an "All of the Above" option among the varying faiths of the world. Coexistence has been painted with the colors of love, peace, & political correctness, but we are dealing with God & the various paths we must either take or avoid to reach Him. Man kind has an important decision to make, Islam is our only choice.

Also, the Caliphate will mirror Scotland's statements. Scotland is not recognized, nor will any relations with her be sought.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298231313' post='2639669']
It is not our belief that Allah provided an "All of the Above" option among the varying faiths of the world. Coexistence has been painted with the colors of love, peace, & political correctness, but we are dealing with God & the various paths we must either take or avoid to reach Him. Man kind has an important decision to make, Islam is our only choice.

"While we respect your beliefs for what they are, our people and this government do not agree with them. Your religion calls for one to submit to the will of God, and what you believe to be the derivations of his teachings. If you are making us choose between balance or a path to instability, we will choose the former, you call it political correctness, we call it saving our country from religious strife.

We have our path laid before us, you have yours, and I say with sincerity that I hope they do not cross a path where conflict shall arise."

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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"The Union of Arctica does not recognize the so-called Supreme Caliphate nor will it recognize member nations as being part of it. Member nations recognized by Arctica will retain that status as independent states and not as part of the so-called Supreme Caliphate. The Arctican people value separation of church and state and thus their government is obligated to oppose a union of states claiming to seek the spread of their religion to all corners of the world, whether they are willing or not. This is hostility, and all high officials of the Supreme Caliphate will be considered to be in association with Yaza Hajin." -Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The creation of the Supreme Caliphate has resulted in denouncements and statements of opposition by Muslims in Arctica, including major religious leaders in Mahajanga, Antananarivo, Oceana, Lilongwe, Maputo, and Nampula. These leaders represent a majority of Madagascar's 800,000 Muslims, and a large minority of Mozambique and Malawi's Muslims. Leaders not joining those opposing the SC have mostly stayed silent, but there has been a minority speaking in favor of it.

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[i] Despite the continued cry against the Caliphate by numerous nations, the State has reported an increased influx in registered Muslim migration from all parts of Africa, a minority of foreign continents included.

States of the World who stand against us, must understand that there is nothing to fear but Allah Himself. Yet your continued reactions toward our Movement can be identified as nothing less than fear itself, no doubt, because it is we who strive for God, thus you are they who oppose this Cause. You may call yourselves men of God or you may openly profess to oppose & deny Him, but it is by action that devotion is proven or absent. Take any measure you wish; you are struggling against the Will of Allah itself for it is He we serve & the systems of fallen men we deny.

Civilization can & will strive by the foundations of our faith, with the rule of law, the establishment of order, ambition of progress; thus our opponents form a society revolving less around God & more around itself then this leaves us then with two world blocs, the Godly & the Godless.

The path we walk upon is narrow and sparse traveled, but our direction is clear because we actively pursue a God led world counter to a God less one. & if you wish; consider this State an insurgency to the status quo of the infidel reign over the Earth.

And if it is the status quo that you pursue before the Will of Allah, whom does look upon us even now as we speak, then we cannot & seek not to aid you. Count your states among the damned, but please do not let us interfere with traditions of your community of infidel States with which you find comfort, for you model them, compete with them, mirror them & thus you are comparing yourselves to yourselves.
The comfort of the earthly systems & traditions will be painfully smashed for you if these ways do not cease.

Who you are is clear, where you stand is established. We recognize they, those which oppose our cause, that have always stood contrast to our rise as we listen to the same words, & the same phrases & when we look close, we see the same heads; speaking the same dialects! It is no secret who you are. Yours are states who, again have made themselves comfortable in a Godless rotating world of nations who raise & end borders, who quarrel, unite, or isolate themselves, but behind the veil are in fact the same infidels, the same tyrants, the same conspirators against a world revolving around Allah. It is an illusion that any of them are different, but now these states are faced by the entire hand of God himself!

We have not declared war, nor have we sought hostilities. These are products of the world that opposes us, while at the same time blames us as the perpetrators of these such actions. And a word of the Muslim communities of various nations, who have until now had NOTHING to say for their Muslim brothers & sisters, NOTHING to offer as a devoted community under Islam; they are NOT. As you oppose our action by the Commands of Allah as stated in the Q'uran; you too are an infidel population.

Allah is unchallengeable & thus we fear no infidel man, State, or army. Let That be known. God is Great. [/i]

Spokesmen of the Yaza Hajin [/center]

Edited by AlDei
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1298257515' post='2640104']
Calling everyone who opposes you an infidel won't do you much good.
Generalizing our statements won't make you seem right. Also, we believe that God's will for us is not necessarily to be successful; but to be faithful.[/i]

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1298257899' post='2640114']
"With hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world and several governments openly denouncing your cause, perhaps [i]you[/i] are wrong."

"The quantity of people who hate you, just makes you more popular."

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298256577' post='2640089']
[i] you too are an infidel population.

we fear no infidel man, State, or army. [/i]

[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298257738' post='2640111']
Generalizing our statements won't make you seem right. Also, we believe that God's will for us is not necessarily to be successful; but to be faithful.[/i]
We were not generalising, you stated it outright.

And it is not necessary to the progress of the nation to be 'faithful'--to cling to old ideals and religions can only hold us back.

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Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve .
Al-Quran 2:62

Perhaps Yaza Hajin should read their own scriptures before insulting the writings and beliefs of others.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1298257899' post='2640114']
"With hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world and several governments openly denouncing your cause, perhaps [i]you[/i] are wrong."

We represent hundreds of millions of Muslims. Also consider the fact that while we are loudly opposed, those who are amongst the opposition are still a minority. We do not profess to be "right" by the standards of man, but devoted by the standards of Allah. Perhaps the contrast lies in the fact that we believe God supersedes the customs of man?

Also, we are aware that the path we travel is narrow. The path of the lost is broad & densely traveled.

[quote]We were not generalising, you stated it outright.

And it is not necessary to the progress of the nation to be 'faithful'--to cling to old ideals and religions can only hold us back[/quote]

The statement you quote, in its entirety, is directed to the Muslims who do not follow the commands of the Q'uran, not necessarily by not joining the Caliphate, but by denying our endeavors to follow them. Thus these men & women can be considered nominal Muslims only, but never devoted followers of the faith. They're actions do not reflect their claims.

By instituting Islam correctly as a 'religious ideology', our society may certainly progress. If you read the Constitution of the Supreme Caliphate, you would see it operates much like any other nation, only towards us, there is a discrimination since we are "The Terrorists who never actually Terrorized anyone but we look like the guys from a movie I saw last week so they must be Terrorists.."

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1298258629' post='2640132']
Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve .
Al-Quran 2:62

Perhaps Yaza Hajin should read their own scriptures before insulting the writings and beliefs of others.

When have we denied this? Your misguided assumptions have & will continue to lead to wrongly stated comments such as this.

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