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An Announcement from the Crimson Guard


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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297805432' post='2634671']
LOL.. really, are we really gonna go here.. With the mighty alliance of 500 that couldn't even anarchy more then 1 Exodus nation in a update blitz? Or the the guys that for 2 weeks could only score 3 total anarchys? Oh wait Sparta beat us cause RIA had used there nooks, yeah.. In case you missed the news flash friend, and the hours of chating in your IRC, Sparta and Ex get along well. Go try to bait someone else.

Actually we will go there. You can talk crap all you want, but I anarchied let's see here, oh yeah, 5 Exodus nations and 2 of them quit. This is the only way you can make yourself smile is this crap. I can't wait to see your face next time around.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1297814995' post='2634870']
Because nobody from \m/ is whining. [s]Exodus[/s] Pmoses is just mad they can't get an apology for us handling our business.
Corrected that for you. :P

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1297815323' post='2634883']
This thread. Springeresque. :awesome:

aboooe has received a ride from the valkyries and is currently dining in the Great Hall of Valhalla with a bottomless mug of mead and more serving wenches than he has hands to slap their backsides. Life is good. :smug:
Hal. :wub:
and I'm enjoying every minute of it. :)

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297673111' post='2632727']
I was waiting for someone to ask this.. lol..

Well All day i been chasing \m/ gov around, and getting the normal different story from everyone of them.. There MoIA says he isn't sure of the clearance on this attacks, and that Marx or any member of \m/ are allowed to nook raid any nation they wish for practice.

If you or your alliance protect that nation, you must screen shot the exact moment that nation changes there bio to reflect this if you don't have this screenshot, then screw your alliance.. < -- That was marx and stubbs wording to me in a much more disrespectful manner when approached about the deal after dealing with the first gov that knew nothing.

So Weeezy was indeed protected by us at 2:33am of the day of attacks, the attacks didn't come in till 2:42pm, or somewhere around there.. M claims they didn't see the protection in the bio, and cause we don't have a screen shot of the exact moment his bio was changed, then they will continue to "roll Weezy" Until Someone talkes to merrie, who well you can't get a hold of..

And all was asked of them at first before being told to go F((( my alliance was to give the kid peace.. He hasn't fought back, and he has ate 2 nooks in the process. Just for \m/ LuLz.

Anywyas if anyone wants the proof. I don't log dump on the owf, but come find me in irc, i will provide there disrespectful logs. Anyway weeezy, with you DoEing your alliance, and having another protector. That relieves us of protecting your single nation. Though I will continue to try and find merrie to gain a resolve to you being a target for LULz.. Good luck with the CG.
There is a history between Weezy and \m/.

[quote name='RailForge' timestamp='1297686494' post='2632874']
They almost certainly banned Weezy for doing a gov log dump of a very sensitive \m/ leadership crisis. It's no wonder that \m/ are making life difficult for him. I'm not sure that I'd ever forgive Weezy if I were in \m/'s shoes.
To be honest Weezy and I had left \m/ as a result of the asshatery that went on as evident by those logs. He received the infamous mask for his log dumping gov logs for sure, but he was not expelled, he had left minutes prior.

[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297795967' post='2634563']
How bout you guys learn that when you attack someone your in the wrong, and don't go about saying give us proof or F your alliance? The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir.

They openly stated they seen a protectrait in Weezys bio, but knowing we are just coming out of war with Sparta, RIA, and we don't have a screen shot of the exact time he changed his bio to protected by exodus. They pretty much said you can't do nothing about it, so F.. Exodus. So yes many of you are giving them a little too much credit.

They claim the log dump was of ooc personal family stuff. Which if you go read Weezys log dump, the only thing in there is of \m/ plotting on riding DH's coat tails to attack NPO to look cool, and mean something.. There is no personal OOC stuff in there, had there been originally, guess \m/ should have gotten a screen shot of it. Like you tell everyone else.

When you have real members that can talk, instead of clowns. Come hollar at me.

No worries though, Every "dog" has their days, and I am sure \m/ will come soon enough.. You couldn't just leave a good alliance dead, you had to bring it back and make it fail. Sad times indeed for the reformation of dead alliances.
You didn't catch the log dump in time, Marx's personal OOC info was edited out a few hours after the logs were initially posted. To be clear, for a few hours the logs on the OWF contained Marx's personal OOC info.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1297814995' post='2634870']
Because nobody from \m/ is whining. Exodus is just mad they can't get an apology for us handling our business.

1 member does not equate an alliance. X's official stance is: we have nothing to do with this, and don't care.

PMoses has his personal convictions.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1297817861' post='2634932']
1 member does not equate an alliance. X's official stance is: we have nothing to do with this, and don't care.

PMoses has his personal convictions.
Last time i saw Pmoses was your Minister of Defense not just "1 member"

And judging by his temper tantrum of kickbans in #exodus i'd say he has more than personal convictions

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1297818153' post='2634935']
Last time i saw Pmoses was your Minister of Defense not just "1 member"

And judging by his temper tantrum of kickbans in #exodus i'd say he has more than personal convictions

We'll just have to agree to disagree then. Oh well.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1297816174' post='2634905']
To be honest Weezy and I had left \m/ as a result of the asshatery that went on as evident by those logs. He received the infamous mask for his log dumping gov logs for sure, but he was not expelled, he had left minutes prior.[/quote]

I get that. When I spoke about Weezy being banned I was referring to him being banned from \m/'s IRC channel which he was complaining about in the OP.

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[quote name='RailForge' timestamp='1297853030' post='2635531']
I get that. When I spoke about Weezy being banned I was referring to him being banned from \m/'s IRC channel which he was complaining about in the OP.
Ah, right, fair enough. I had misunderstood what you mean there.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297795967' post='2634563']
How bout you guys learn that when you attack someone your in the wrong, and don't go about saying give us proof or F your alliance? The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir.

[b]They openly stated they seen a protectrait in Weezys bio, but knowing we are just coming out of war with Sparta, RIA, and we don't have a screen shot of the exact time he changed his bio to protected by exodus. They pretty much said you can't do nothing about it, so F.. Exodus. So yes many of you are giving them a little too much credit. [/b]

They claim the log dump was of ooc personal family stuff. Which if you go read Weezys log dump, the only thing in there is of \m/ plotting on riding DH's coat tails to attack NPO to look cool, and mean something.. There is no personal OOC stuff in there, had there been originally, guess \m/ should have gotten a screen shot of it. Like you tell everyone else.

When you have real members that can talk, instead of clowns. Come hollar at me.

No worries though, Every "dog" has their days, and I am sure \m/ will come soon enough.. You couldn't just leave a good alliance dead, you had to bring it back and make it fail. Sad times indeed for the reformation of dead alliances.

I'm a third party of this all, and I watched this from day one. Weezy had 'protected by Asgaard' in his bio as a remnant of being on Asgaard Applicant while we granted him and his friend temporary protection for them to plan a new alliance. Weezy didn't go along with Gotham, told me he was joining another alliance, then made Crimson Guard, all in the course of less than 48 hours. He did not ask us for protection in Crimson Guard, therefore he was not protected by us, and he was free for EM to settle his problems with.

Exodus meanwhile came out of nowhere aside from the fact Weezy engaged in an unauthorized war while on Asgaard Applicant with a nation of Exodus (never cared to find out why as it didn't comeback to us so we ignored it) and started trying to threaten \m/ over the war, which was perfectly fine because Weezy was unprotected. It took at least 48 hours from the beginning of the war to the point in which Weezy held 'Protected by Asgaard and Exodus' and another 24 hours until he removed Asgaard entirely from that.

Besides, we both know why you guys backed off, so why don't you put your comments aside and walk away with your tail between your legs before you damage the image of your alliance any further.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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We both know that Exodus backed off because it was already handled, in private, between Partisan and Marx? Cool deal. Other than pmoses, I don't see anyone in Exodus that has any problem whatsoever with \m/ and this drama won't change that.

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