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Tales from the Dark Side


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[center][size="6"]The "I See Dead People" Treaty[/size]

I. Preamble
This Treaty has been written to ensure that =LOST= and GRUE play nice.

II. Sovereignty
=LOST= and GRUE will remain separate and distinct Alliances and will refrain from forcing their individual political views on the other. (=LOST= will not attempt to bring GRUE minions to the Dark Side and GRUE will not convert troopers to Zombies, vampires or any other creature of the night)

III. Non-Aggression
GRUE agrees not to feed on the Flesh of =LOST= and =LOST= said they won’t shoot our zombies in the head.

IV. Intelligence
If either Alliance receives intelligence that effects the security of the other, they will share this information immediately unless such information conflicts with other treaties, or undermines its own security.

V. Defense
If either Alliance is the victim of an unprovoked attack, the other will crush the aggressor.

VI. Aggression
Should either Alliance engage in an aggressive military operation, they may request the assistance of the other. However, such assistance is optional.

VII. Nin's Mom
Nin's Mom is to be shared evenly and in every which way.

VIII. Termination
This Treaty can be canceled at any time by either Alliance provided that they are notified in private and a 72-hour cancellation period has expired.

Grand Revolution of Unearthly Evil


League of Shadows Treaty


Edited by Mandellav
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[quote]It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

> what is a grue?

The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is adventurers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale.[/quote]

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