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The GM's Court

Executive Minister

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1309023099' post='2741197']
Rolls, especially when they are on surveillance can continue, as for the op, I'd like you to discuss how it would work to obtain access to the network.

96 16

So 1 win and 1 loss.

Here is a link to the RP, I can edit it if you still have any issues: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=102852&view=findpost&p=2741626

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30, 000 casualties?

First she was specifically told that she had to RP as though SOMs nukes hit the ground, along with my previous H Bomb hit that shows me the 210, 000 troops.


[quote]02:44 Executiveminister but i am of the mind that if you detect her high tech tunnels with your nuke and tell method, you have 200,000 zipper heads down your sights
02:45 Triyun assuming a few successful SDI rolls they die then right?
02:45 Executiveminister sigh
02:45 Executiveminister YESSSSS[/quote]

Both this and the ignoring of SOMs nukes show that Kankou simply does not acknowledge what GMs have to say, just as we had to pull her teeth over the alaska spy satellite stuff a few weeks ago. I do not like going to the GM court with every one of her posts, but it seems she's bull headed determined to make it so.

I implore the GMs to give her an ultimatum to actually acknowledge GMs posts and other players posts, or simply cease having a nation. EM encouraged me to take the compromise and she violates it on the first post (I'm shocked!).

This just needs to stop.

Further I think it is ridiculous for someone to be firing nukes while asking others not to post AND refusing to RP damages for several days, which is something she has done in multiple posts including this one. I request that all players ignore these requests till she posts damage each post, and that nobody feel encumbered not to bomb her into the stone age after every nuke she launches.


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I was just checking to see if everything was all right before I board my plane, but it seems I have to deal with yet again some things in the GM thread.

The Terms: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=102838&view=findpost&p=2740244

The part where there seems to be misunderstanding: Five successful nuking over five separate points in western Chosun [b](however, the initial 10 nuke bombing will go on)[/b]

I had meant that to mean Triyun can start the process of using vibration to map things out after the first 10 nuclear weapons. This is reflected in how I wrote out my reply to his bombings:

[quote]However, the massive vibrations from the bombs allowed the UFE to see the possibility of maping out at least the western part of the Chosun bunker system. They would now need to attempt to do more exact bombings, with their sensors open, to beginning mapping.[/quote]

Even if the 10 bombings were part of Triyun's attempt to map out things, I could easily have said hat all the successful bombings were in the eastern part, thereby still being within the terms of [b]Five successful nuking over five separate points in western Chosun[/b]. Finally, I do not recall Triyun having 5 successful spy rolls, even if we count those he asked for after my request to stop RPs for the time being. (And no, coalition rolls cannot be counted, since the original condition specifically asks the nuke/spy rolls to be fulfilled by Triyun)

Therefore, one way or another, Triyun has not achieved the conditions to start his mass killing of Korean troops hiding in Northwestern Korea.

The terms were made through intense discussion with EM, to avoid misunderstanding which might have Triyun come back to the GM thread to whine all over again. It seems despite our best efforts, we've underestimated just how much comprehension problems there might be with such simple yet clear terms. Really, I'm beginning to question whether all my efforts to have my posts require low comprehension skills are worth it, considering the results with all the inability of understanding that occurs.

I have RPed all damages worth mentioning, even if I had to combine them into a single post so that I don't have to go back and edit every back post, for the convinence of the readers. I really don't see a point in writing down the minute detail of every single building, and pretty much gave the attackers much lenicany in how they can RP my damages except casualties.

Really, I'm tired of this. I'm tired of the contraditory arguments of Triyun, where I'm at OOC fault causing people to want to destroy me, yet denying that exact argument by saying there were plenty of IC reasons. I'm tired of the numerous times Triyun has completely overturned fully agreed upon conditions when it didn't suit him, yet saying that I need to follow every bit of his utterings as if it was the only possible way to interperte it. I'm tired of his self-defense of my supposedly OOC attacks, when he has been constantly wearing me down with his carrot and whip tactics, seemingly helping me from BS false flag operations and OOC hatred of other players while then taking almost everything of importance from me under the premise that I "betrayed" him by taking what was clearly negoitated in the maps agreed upon several times by each other. [b]I'm tired of being whined to about having to immediately post damages when I have to go through around a dozen posts of nothing but missile and bombing spams when the other side has the luxury of just dealing with one post.[/b]

I know I'm not innocent of several things, but that fact also applies to Triyun and quite a few individuals.

I've been trying to keep this IC and civil, but now I'm no longer sure if I should put up with this kind of treatment as one side is being completely crass in his belief that he can do no wrong with what he writes and understands, someone who is willing to circumvant all decency by using proxies in an attempt to wear me out of Korea.

I will continue to fight, if only to show the rest of CNRP that not everyone will bow down to what is arguably the most one-sided biased argument concerning what is right and wrong in CNRP. Be it with or without GM intervention, be it whether I have to deal with cowardly OOC attempts to get me out of Korea. I'm certain that as long as I hold my convictions, there will be those that recognize them and help me. And finally, I will try to end the war on [b][i]MY[/i][/b] terms, no one else's.

Now, excuse me while I continue dealing with RL occupations.

PS: I'm pretty sure I don't even need to request the GMs to do something to certain posts that have been written in the Korean War thread. I believe that it is self-evident what should be done.

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Well you were hardly clear, and I interpreted that very differently. Would have agreed to the second one if that were the case.

Also there is absolutely zero reason that coalition units cannot work together on this, especially with the nuking.

If I wanted you out of Korea a long time ago you would be gone. I don't see what force you thought was stopping me other than good will towards you. I can obviously muster coalitions, I have in the past and there is one now.

I do want you out now, and this is a force equal to what I would be able to muster at any time. There has been no point in history of CN RP where you couldn't be pushed from Korea, to think that I needed this one incident or needed to do it slowly seems really silly to me. If you sit back and think about it it should to you too. I've mobilized coalitions against other regional powers than you, who were frankly more popular.

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doesn't look like she's arguing the point that she is eventually going to lose, seems to me she just wants the chance to actually be allowed to RP a drawn out conflict, rather than the quick beat down and give up that we've grown accustomed to in CNRP.

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Requesting two spy rolls to disable nuclear & IG cruise missile-equivalent launchers in Korea via the link established in the previous rolls, 50% odds as before.

EDIT: Grammar.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1309069860' post='2741746']
I will continue to fight, if only to show the rest of CNRP that not everyone will bow down to what is arguably the most one-sided biased argument concerning what is right and wrong in CNRP. Be it with or without GM intervention, be it whether I have to deal with cowardly OOC attempts to get me out of Korea. I'm certain that as long as I hold my convictions, there will be those that recognize them and help me. And finally, I will try to end the war on [b][i]MY[/i][/b] terms, no one else's.


guys this is not the place to be arguing about who is right or wrong like this


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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1309070912' post='2741751']
Well you were hardly clear, and I interpreted that very differently. Would have agreed to the second one if that were the case.

Also there is absolutely zero reason that coalition units cannot work together on this, especially with the nuking. [/quote]
So basically, you're abrogating an agreement [b]again[/b] because you didn't understand something that two people painstakingly took their time to make clear for you (and I believe EM had gone over the details with you by IRC for me, after I also made it clear the terms meant what I had meant it to mean), [b]AND[/b] you don't like it because it isn't "realistic"? Really, your credibility isn't going to be that high after all this.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1309070912' post='2741751']If I wanted you out of Korea a long time ago you would be gone. I don't see what force you thought was stopping me other than good will towards you. I can obviously muster coalitions, I have in the past and there is one now.

I do want you out now, and this is a force equal to what I would be able to muster at any time. There has been no point in history of CN RP where you couldn't be pushed from Korea, to think that I needed this one incident or needed to do it slowly seems really silly to me. If you sit back and think about it it should to you too. I've mobilized coalitions against other regional powers than you, who were frankly more popular.
And yet you have been arguing that OOC feelings are one of the main reason for this. You might have well never mentioned that argument, since doing so makes the entire rational behind the war RP all the more immature and childish giving how you've also being asking non-participating people to nuke me recently, simple based on them being your ally and without having any military/political reason for doing so. Like say, the following which someone had been kind enough to give, and which Centurius had requested I publicly post after I showed it to him minutes ago:

[quote]]01 36 25[ <&SarahTintagyl> Mogar
]01 36 30[ <+Mogar> shows how much i care about half my country
]01 36 33[ <&SarahTintagyl> tell me you know the geography of your own country
]01 36 37[ <&SarahTintagyl> goodness
]01 36 37[ <+Triyun> Vince
]01 36 41[ <+Triyun> NUKE HER
]01 36 42[ <+Mogar> i know some of it
]01 36 46[ <+Mogar> <_<
]01 36 46[ <&SarahTintagyl> not only have you destroyed the internal population of the country
]01 36 51[ <+Triyun> Nuke her
]01 36 58[ <@Vince_Sixx> aright
]01 37 00[ <&SarahTintagyl> but you don't even know the geography...European Imperialists would be disappointed
]01 37 01[ <+Triyun> and then when she rerolls
]01 37 03[ <+Triyun> nuke her
]01 37 07[ <&SarahTintagyl> shame Mogar
]01 37 08[ <+Triyun> and if she rerolls again
]01 37 09[ <&SarahTintagyl> shame
]01 37 09[ <+Triyun> nuke
]01 37 12[ <+Triyun> ><
]01 37 14[ <@Vince_Sixx> any specific location?
]01 37 16[ <+Mogar> D:
]01 37 27[ <+Mogar> ]01 37 01[ <+Triyun> and then when she rerolls
]01 37 31[ <+Mogar> for the love of god dont
]01 37 31[ <@Vince_Sixx> I'm just going to launch all my nukes
]01 37 41[ <+Mogar> i dont feel like watching the !@#$%*fest that would ensue
]01 37 44[ <+Triyun> Mogar
]01 37 51[ <+Triyun> she violated the deal she made completely
]01 37 57[ <+Triyun> and hasn't acknowledged any GM edits
]01 38 02[ <+Triyun> don't start with me tonight
]01 38 05[ <&SarahTintagyl> BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
]01 38 09[ <+Triyun> YES!
]01 38 23[ * +Triyun slams his shoe straight through the podium
]01 38 24[ <+Shan_Revan> ATOMS FOR THE ATOM GOD.
]01 38 41[ <+Mogar> Shan_Revan
]01 38 44[ <+Mogar> you're good with loltech
]01 38 45[ * SarahTintagyl was kicked by Sargun (for trolling D:)
]01 38 51[ <+Biohazard> BATHE IN THE GLOW OF ATOM
]01 38 55[ <+Mogar> what should i turn my catgirls robot tail into
]01 38 55[ <+Biohazard> no
]01 39 06[ <~Sargun> a gigantic multi-flanged dildo
]02 03 53[ <~Sargun> GATORADE
]02 03 55[ <~Sargun> MY NECTAR OF THE GODS
]02 03 58[ * ~Sargun gulpgulpgulp
]02 04 08[ <+Ty> !@#$%*es love gatorade
]02 04 38[ <+Triyun> hey Mael
]02 04 42[ <+Triyun> you wanna be really gool
]02 04 46[ <+Triyun> and with the in crowd
]02 06 47[ <+Triyun> MAel
]02 06 48[ <+Torias> ?
]02 06 52[ <+Triyun> you wanna be cool
]02 06 55[ <+Triyun> go nuke Korea
]02 57 39[ <+Triyun> Waffles
]02 57 43[ <+Biohazard> I got in trouble from my 9 year old niece
]02 57 45[ <+Triyun> wanna join in a nuke fest
]02 57 46[ <+Waffles> ?
]02 57 50[ <+Triyun> on Korea
]02 57 50[ <+Waffles> um with who?
]02 57 52[ <+Waffles> sure
]02 58 34[ <+Waffles> how should I go about this?
]02 58 57[ <+Waffles> that was @Triyun
]02 58 57[ <+Waffles> lol
]02 59 22[ <+Triyun> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea#Administrative_divisions <--- Waffles Carpet ground burst nuke 11, 10, 9 using 19.999 megaton nukes
]02 59 35[ <+Triyun> use subs to launch them from the Pacific
]02 59 44[ <+Triyun> use everything you got
]02 59 44[ <+Triyun> :P
]02 59 44[ <+Triyun> :P
]03 00 09[ <+Waffles> i dont have megaton nukes!
]03 00 16[ <+Waffles> dont have a WRC yet :(
]03 00 27[ <+Triyun> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=102852&st=60 her is th thread
]03 00 30[ <+Triyun> and oh
]03 00 37[ <~Sargun> in fairness
]03 00 50[ <+Triyun> go with ten then
]03 00 51[ <~Sargun> you shouldn't carpet ground-burst with megaton nukes
]03 00 53[ <~Sargun> completely useless
]03 01 10[ <~Sargun> oh
]03 01 11[ <+Triyun> gotta destroy her underground
]03 01 11[ <~Sargun> i see now
]03 01 28[ <+Triyun> The coal is to cave in the entire country
]03 01 33[ <+Triyun> *goal
]03 01 55[ <+Waffles> i have 300 kiloton
]03 02 03[ <+Waffles> cause i thought 500 kiloton is max without a WRC
]03 02 10[ <+Biohazard> lolol
]03 02 23[ <+Triyun> 500 kiloton
]03 02 26[ <+Triyun> each
]03 02 29[ <+Triyun> use them all
]03 02 41[ <+Waffles> all 25? lol
]03 02 45[ <+Triyun> yeah
]03 02 53[ <+Triyun> This is necessary unfortuantely
]03 03 06[ <%Justinian_the_Mighty> how is it unfortunate?
]03 04 49[ <+Waffles> how would i nuke though?
]03 04 50[ <+Waffles> O.o
]03 04 53[ <+Biohazard> I slept at a friend's house one night
]03 04 55[ <+Triyun> by firing them
]03 04 58[ <+Triyun> from submarines[/quote]

I didn't want to have to take things this far, but with things the way they are, it seems you've forced my hand. Fighting fire with fire is the only solution when water doesn't solve things.

I'll just leave the rest to the GMs. I'm sure that they're mature and clear-minded enough to discuss things among themselves and come to an agreement on how all of this should be ruled upon.

PS: Really, forcing someone to type from a stupid ipad after she pulled an all-nighter while having taken a plane ride just because he's not getting his way of a quick end. That is some Fizzydog-class action, Triyun. You're in your current position because you're dealing with someone who is possibly the most dogged, persevering, tenacious person around here. You are getting what you are getting. Deal with it.

Edited by Kankou
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Protip: except [b]both people you claim have OOC motivations[/b] in fact were already stating their desire to attack Korea (Vince and Maelstrom); in fact, after those logs I grilled Maelstrom about it and he replied with:

[quote]<~Sargun> Maelstrom, you have like no IC reason whatsoever for nuclear strikes on korea
<~Sargun> your country didn't even exist when the war started
<+Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> I've concern for the actions in Korea, our parent country already fired on North Korea.. and I'm asking that parent country how it is I might should proceed.
<~Sargun> Triyun's not your parent country bro
<~Sargun> :v
<+Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> So.. before you even mentioned it, I am already laying the foundations for real, actionable, ic causality.
<~Sargun> /yes I know you meant in cnrp
<+Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> :-P
<~Sargun> and maelstrom, stop with your bull
<~Sargun> you're using OOC motivations first to make IC justifications second
<+Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> Actually, Sargun, before Triyun mentioned it I've been worried about Korea. Read my post from last night.[/quote]

(anywhere the "..." is is stuff I had to edit out because they shouldn't go on the forums)

and I checked, and he's right. before Triyun ever approached him, he was already gearing up. and vince has been vocal about his wish to nuke korea but he didn't want to do it until others were; unfortunately my logs don't go back that far because then I'd have to open a .txt file that's like 600mb large

I think we all know the truth about those logs, and unfortunately for you they don't help your case one bit.

completely overlooked waffles; yeah, I'll give you that one

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I only have what logs I was given, Sargun. Also, the log was to prove the point out [b]Triyun[/b]'s role in the sudden nuclear storm in which even Shan Revan/iamthey suddenly joined in also. I don't care if others have OOC motivations, since at least they don't deny it.

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I've been caught red handed trying to organize attacks on someone I'm at war with. This is just shocking. I'm shocked.

Quit being narcissistic, nobody is forcing you to type from an iPad nor do I unlike some people, make an effort to find out about people's personal lives schedule or other information that is absolutely not my business. You could have typed this response whenever, you chose to do it now. Don't blame me for what you choose and choose not to do. You aren't getting your way, and I can't make people do anything they don't at least kinda wanna do already.

Mael was signing the Delian League with Cent, Cent's at war with Korea.

Voodoo is at war with Korea, Voodoo has a MDoAP with Waffles

Show me what the issues are here with asking them to get involved? They got credible routes in.

Also OOC feelings change. You're really grasping for straws here. You simply aren't mustering allies. That is the issue. Its up to people to use their nukes however they want for whatever reason, you may not like it but this is the case. You can say its a horrible reason IC. It really doesn't matter, they can nuke. People get to RP their own nations not you or the GMs.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1309106761' post='2741950']
I only have what logs I was given, Sargun. Also, the log was to prove the point out [b]Triyun[/b]'s role in the sudden nuclear storm in which even Shan Revan/iamthey suddenly joined in also. I don't care if others have OOC motivations, since at least they don't deny it.

The problem being that a lot of people already wanted to unload a !@#$ ton of nukes on you (no offense) but didn't out of courtesy for an attempt at good RP, and all Triyun did was give them the green light at this point. It's not like this was the first time this had been discussed in the channel.

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As Sargun said, [i]I[/i] gave the red light in the past. You're now seeing what its like with me as your enemy.

Yeah that channel had "Triyun's a softie till Korea gets nuked" topic for some time. Also Greater Pacifica is the UFE's oldest MADP. Shan's was started by cosmic rays and was a fluke. :smug:

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