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The GM's Court

Executive Minister

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1303496027' post='2696782']
I would like to propose that protectorates be included within Strategic Defense Initiatives. Its been proven that a theatre ballistic missile defense shield can be portably deployed, especially on protectorates that have sea coasts. Otherwise for the occupying power it makes the most sense to simply annex the territory to prevent a single hydrogen bomb from killing their people. And while they may be willing to give out the territory, it is less clear than if it would be marked white and they could enjoy proper protection.

I'd agree with it so long as the territory is on the border of your nation. Anything away from your nation is a bit.. err.. hmm.. umm... well doable providing you show some rp for the construction of defenses to extend your SDI reach.

Dunno if that makes any sense.

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Calling BS on this.

Character threads and national threads take place on different timelines.

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101060 This is on the 19th April
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101184 This is on the 22nd April

I wont accept that Dinsmore was in Vienna for that reason alone, I can have my King in several places at once because of the way time bends in CNRP.
He might have [i]been[/i] in Vienna, but he was captured in Ireland, and I wont be recognising sarahs post for this reason.

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I'd just like to note that Timmy posted [url="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y18/Sargun_Peaceheart/timmyspost.png"]this post[/url] and then when informed of OOC information he retracted it. Just helping you guys out =)

edit: he put it back up, you're welcome :wub:

Edited by Sargun
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Requesting SDI rolls for every missile launched. All, by my calculations, would have to pass over some part of Quebec. Given the recent ruling about SDIs over protectorates, I'd like to request a roll for each missile passing over my territory. Thank you.

Also, just to make it easier on all involved, rolls in the order they are listed in Timmy's post please, which would be Douglas, Peel, Ramsey, Stornoway, Benbecula (USI), Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Linz, Graz, Salzburg (Austria), Porto, Lisbon (AF), A Coruna, Gijon, Santander (Monaco), Beijing, Beijing, Beijing (UFE).

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1303599846' post='2698038']
I'd just like to note that Timmy posted [url="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y18/Sargun_Peaceheart/timmyspost.png"]this post[/url] and then when informed of OOC information he retracted it. Just helping you guys out =)

edit: he put it back up, you're welcome :wub:
Taddle tale!

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1303600615' post='2698043']
Requesting SDI rolls for every missile launched. All, by my calculations, would have to pass over some part of Quebec. Given the recent ruling about SDIs over protectorates, I'd like to request a roll for each missile passing over my territory. Thank you.
President David's wouldn't require an SDI role, considering neither him nor Zoot has a SDI.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1303602881' post='2698056']
President David's wouldn't require an SDI role, considering neither him nor Zoot has a SDI.

The missile launched at David would pass over the Quebec protectorate and also come close enough to my base in Scotland to trigger my SDI I believe. Either way, I can roll to try and save him. Next time actually read what I post. I was requesting rolls for MY SDIs, not other people's.

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apparently they were launched east over the atlantic (except the ones going to the UFE), they wouldn't need to go over quebec

EDIT: Iafter checking the map i see that they would have to go over Quebec, however acording to his post they were launched from off the coast (subs?) they would only have gone over Nova Scotia

Edited by Chernarussia
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[quote name='Chernarussia' timestamp='1303603713' post='2698066']
apparently they were launched east over the atlantic (except the ones going to the UFE), they wouldn't need to go over quebec

EDIT: I see that they would however acording to his post they were launched from off the coast (subs?) they would only have gone over Nova Scotia

Timmy said "off the coast". This, to me, is interpreted as meaning close to the coast due to the vagueness of the wording. Further, the eastern-most part of Quebec is further east than Nova Scotia, meaning they still would pass over and have an opportunity to be shot down.

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Requesting sdi rolls on the nukes that headed for the Athenian Federation and Austria, while I did specify Monaco in my post that was just for ic flavor as I can not actually cover that.

For the record, the order is:

Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Linz, Graz, Salzburg (Austria), Porto, Lisbon (AF),

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1303604102' post='2698071']
Timmy said "off the coast". This, to me, is interpreted as meaning close to the coast due to the vagueness of the wording. Further, the eastern-most part of Quebec is further east than Nova Scotia, meaning they still would pass over and have an opportunity to be shot down.

alrighty then

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Requesting spy rolls


SAT INT on the nuclear triad of Maine. If the first one is successful, requesting a roll on SAT INT for naval assets.

Also I of course am requesting SDI rolls to defend myself. (The 3 warheads heading at Beijing)

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SAT INT on the nuclear triad of Maine. If the first one is successful, requesting a roll on SAT INT for naval assets. (Same as Triyun)

Anndd, I'm requesting a roll to protect Vienna. I extended my SDI to protect that.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1303604102' post='2698071']
Timmy said "off the coast". This, to me, is interpreted as meaning close to the coast due to the vagueness of the wording. Further, the eastern-most part of Quebec is further east than Nova Scotia, meaning they still would pass over and have an opportunity to be shot down.
If it was shot "off the coast", then it would most likely fly right over Nova Scotia and not even touch you. Take a look at this wonderful line-spammy map I made in microsoft paint.


Black lines are ones that would not hit you. Yellow are ones that would.

In all probability, your SDI would not cover the area of these lines. Unless he launches them from that TINY bay right next to your nation, or makes them widly curve upwards so they fly right above you, both of which are extremely unlikely and just horrible assumptions, then you couldn't take them down. period.

I deserve applause for my beautiful map, which took me all of five minutes and a ton of line spam to make. It still gets the point across. (Apologies for it being so large.)

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You can't curve an ICBM Fizzy. Even though on a flat map it may look like you have a straight line, in reality because the Earth is a sphere (shock I know) your lines which don't go over SMH's protectorate require a significant curved ICBM trajectory that just isn't allowed on an ICBM.

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Here is a image of a post made by King Timmy. I took a "Print Screen" in case he would try to alter it. He said he was nuking the United States of The Island. That nations does not exist. I am the United States of The Islands. Also, Peel does not exist. I never RPd that city. It is New Dublin in my RP.

Anyway, since he lolnuked. I will use this minor technicality against him. So if a few of yall could help me with a ruling please? It would be greatly appreciated. Use fire against fire right? Even though it might be a really stupid spark...

Thanks for reading.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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David, must I really respond to your pathetic excuse for weaseling out of a nuking? No? Didn't think so.

For the record, using blatant OOC typos for IC is as stupid as the typo you attempt to manipulate for your own IC gain. You were morons for calling out that one dude for posting 'gorilla fighters' instead of 'guerrilla fighters', and this instance is just the same.

PS: I cannot roll from this platform due to my lack of snipping capability.

[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1303618672' post='2698227']
Hey Fizzy-
$%&@ off mutt, don't insult my friends.

[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Hey MO, I appreciate your loyalty for your friends, but it is not welcome here. [/size][/font]

Edited by Executive Minister
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