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Executive Minister

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299033650' post='2649082']
What in bloody hell are you talking about? All of the CMs launched (500+) hit except Timmys who were intercepted by Anti-Missle Defences.
I fired an equal spread of missiles at factories, fuel depos, military bases, airstrips, weapon emplacements and nuclear weapon silos not just factories which weren't being used.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1299034514' post='2649096']
I fired an equal spread of missiles at factories, fuel depos, military bases, airstrips, weapon emplacements and nuclear weapon silos not just factories which weren't being used.

I did not see the 8 each, your RP has been done like 10 minutes ago stop whining.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299034548' post='2649097']
I did not see the 8 each, your RP has been done like 10 minutes ago stop whining.

[quote]Approximately 5 missles from each plane hit factories which werent even used at the time.[/quote]

The numbers are fine but you're pretty much saying no damage was done. As I said equal amounts for factories, fuel depos, military bases, airstrips, weapon emplacements and nuclear weapon silos not just factories which weren't being used.

Edited by King Timmy
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1299037641' post='2649157']

2 spy rolls please related to this posting (70%):



70% Odds. 0-30 is a fail, 31-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

But as advised in the thread, you cannot RP actions of Rotavele's citizens. Explosion is doable, but not the reaction of the people.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299014772' post='2648517']

In the early evening of March 1st, the Red Australian Army began offensive operations against the Republique du Fluere. The infantry forces began landing on the beach in Lobito and Benguela, as the 1st. Infantry in the north awaited the call that the landing beaches were secure. In the south, the 1st and 2nd Armoured Divisions crossed into Republique territory, and one tank crew began playing [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgD-D_z0Cs8"]a song[/url] to signal their entrance into the Republique and to boost morale. Radio ops from every tank began cheering war cries into the others ears, ranging from "GOTTEMGOTTEMGOTTEMGOTTEM WOOHOOO!" to sayings like "Let's get this pahty stahted!" In all, over 200 vehicles had entered the Republique, and 15,000 infantry soldiers were hitting their beaches. There wouldn't be much support, and it was known it would be a hell of a hard fight to enter the capital and begin rounding up the leaders. Of course, at the same time as the invasion, loudspeakers set up on the tanks would encourage Republique forces to surrender, very similar to the message used against the Free Australian rebels. Every man serving in this campaign was itching for a fight, and they sure as hell wanted it.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299015582' post='2648543']
[quote]To: RdF Military Operations HQ
From: RdF Coast Guard
Subj: Unidentified Boats

Unidentified reports have been heard over local radio frequencies of attacks from Unidentified ships approaching 3 bay areas. They are not large but I am forwarding a map of the locations. We believe this could be enemy ships as we are at war and are on high alert.[/quote]

[quote]To: RdF Coast Guard
From: RdF Military Operations HQ
Subj: Unidentified Boats

Excellent we have nearby forces who will give them a suprise.[/quote]

As Australian forces entered the beaches with no covering (As it is a beach), They were merely slaughtered. High attacks came from the nearby trees and bushes. As the military vehicles came up, Yaza Hajin militants started launching Rocket Propelled Grenades to their Destruction. With no protection the Australian Invasion forces were shot off with hardly any friendly casualties. After the smoke cleared, Around 1,521 deaths arise on Republique Du Fleuve's body count.[/quote]

[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299015857' post='2648553']
OOC: What? Lawlno. How many numbers do you have? Where are they? How can you expect to fight off 15,000 professionally trained soldiers with whatever you have? Where did the militants appear from, and why were they on the Republique-Transvaal border? This has more holes in it than swiss cheese.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299016113' post='2648559']
[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299015857' post='2648553']
OOC: What? Lawlno. How many numbers do you have? Where are they? How can you expect to fight off 15,000 professionally trained soldiers with whatever you have? Where did the militants appear from, and why were they on the Republique-Transvaal border? This has more holes in it than swiss cheese.

OOC: Another person who cant accept a loss :D

Anyways I have ~400,000 soldiers, According to your what? 36,000? Ok and my tech for my "professionally trained" soldier is 2,199.77, Yours is 54.57 and based on rules:

Third World Nation (0-499 tech)
Your technology level is very low, and are developing your own way in the world. You have cold war technology*, and any tech you recieve from other nations (weapons, aircraft, etc.) is not easily maintained without help. It's much like what buying tech from other nations is now IRL. You may design items appropriate to the period.[/quote]

So while your professionally trained soldiers throw rocks and sticks, You get shot down by

[quote]First World Nation (1500+ tech)
Inventions start coming from your nation, and you can build anything your heart can imagine*. You're still limited to IG levels of soldiers, tanks, nukes, CMs, etc. Now, beyond this your tech level still matters for your army efficency, but a lot less. Design statistics will matter less as there is an efficiency formula for your armies
I gave you a HELL of a lot more Casualties on my side than you deserve. LAWLNO and wait are you gonna try to say I wont see the attack? You attacked near Luanda, you think there wont be civilians checking the Bays? Dont even try to argue. Accept your defeat for once.

EDIT: and if you try to say I wouldnt know about the other attacks. They are both near cities that would see them. Especially Coast Guard.

[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299076137' post='2649564']
On the beaches, the infantry took sever casualties in the initial assault, losing over three hundred men on both army groups as the assault began. Soldiers armed with grenade launchers placed smoke grenades into their GLs and fired, filling the area with a large smokescreen. Machine gunners set up on the beaches with bipods and tripods and laid down suppressing fire on Republique forces, as mortars and small artillery pieces got into position as well. Spotters ran forward under the cover of the smoke to spot targets for the artillery and MGs, as frontline soldiers began making movements.

An encrypted radio message was sent to the soldiers aboard the other ship, telling them to pull out from the area and to relocate into Transvaal and to link up with the 1st and 2nd Armoured.

In the south, the armoured divisions looked for targets. Seeing none, they continued their advance into the Republique to meet up with the forces besieged at the beach.

God Moded and Ignored my RP

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I did not godmod in any way. 1k+ dead soldiers is more than enough casualties, you never told me why you had militants with RPGs on the Transvaal border, and praytell what RP of yours did I ignore? I responded to all of your attacks and pulled my second landing force out and continued with my advance. Unless you give me one hell of a good reason for militants to be attacking my tanks (which you would have no idea I would be sending there) then I'll just keep going.


[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299082334' post='2649636']
After stopping the Australian Failure, The troops returned to their bunkers and AA guns with little to not casualties seeing as the Untechnologized, Unprotected soldiers of Communist Australia attempted an invasion which miserable failed.

on the other hand, is a blatant godmod. You CANNOT RP my casualties, you HAVE NOT repelled my assaults and you have NO bunkers as you NEVER RPed the construction of them.

Edited by Markus Wilding
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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299063284' post='2649484']

70% Odds. 0-30 is a fail, 31-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

But as advised in the thread, you cannot RP actions of Rotavele's citizens. Explosion is doable, but not the reaction of the people.

Long as I get a gathering of 10,000 people and a boom that's all I need. I'm not going for permanent control, I'm just doing what espionage can do in game with causing temporary disruptions. What they do after completely up to them.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299081993' post='2649630']


As regards this, considering

a) Defender's advantage for Rotavele
b) Rotavele's higher tech advantage
c) Lack of armored amphib vehicles deployed by Markus considering 15000 soldiers are accompanied by only 200 vehicles (armored or otherwise)

Markus has to RP around 1000-1500 casualties for the beach assault. Please edit accordingly.

EDIT: Rotavele, if you think there has been a god mod or abuse on the part of your opponents, it is to be countered by getting GM intervention and not by doing god mod or abuse in return. So please edit this post of [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99257&view=findpost&p=2649636"]yours[/url].

Edited by king of cochin
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299082296' post='2649635']
I did not godmod in any way. 1k+ dead soldiers is more than enough casualties, you never told me why you had militants with RPGs on the Transvaal border, and praytell what RP of yours did I ignore? I responded to all of your attacks and pulled my second landing force out and continued with my advance. Unless you give me one hell of a good reason for militants to be attacking my tanks (which you would have no idea I would be sending there) then I'll just keep going.


on the other hand, is a blatant godmod. You CANNOT RP my casualties, you HAVE NOT repelled my assaults and you have NO bunkers as you NEVER RPed the construction of them.

Lol. Your soldiers are very untechnologized. I RP ed my coast guard seeing your soldiers come in and my soldiers (WHICH ARE TECHNOLOGIZED) were waiting for them. You had NO protection on the beach and my soldiers were waiting and baracaded with defenses. No one RPed your casualties either, your invasion was repelled. Who said they all died? Do you need a dictionary? My 1,000 casualties were my defense which is highly unneeded. Those casualties shouldnt be there but i gave you the benfit of the doubt. I have 2,000+ Technology and you have 50. Accept defeat.

Also Markus,

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299083024' post='2649645']
As regards this, considering

a) Defender's advantage for Rotavele
b) Rotavele's higher tech advantage
c) Lack of armored amphib vehicles deployed by Markus considering 15000 soldiers are accompanied by only 200 vehicles (armored or otherwise)

Markus has to RP around 1000-1500 casualties for the beach assault. Please edit accordingly.


Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1299082836' post='2649643']
Long as I get a gathering of 10,000 people and a boom that's all I need. I'm not going for permanent control, I'm just doing what espionage can do in game with causing temporary disruptions. What they do after completely up to them.

Again you need to have Rotavele RP out such a gathering before doing any RP based on them. You cannot RP such a gathering happening.

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Rota, nobody actually uses the TE stuff.

Wars have been fought from RP quality alone for quite some time, so do not be surprised if nobody recognises your lolteching mate.
You cannot repell and invasion in one post.

This is the point of RP wars, you post and counter post. The contents of the post decide the battle.
Not lolteching, not BS godmodding posts.

I can personally vouch for Markus when it comes to Godmodding as he is VERY careful about what he posts to avoid it.

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If you reread my posts, you would see that I already edited accordingly. I need numbers on your forces, mate. How many soldiers are defending? Where did they all come from? Unless you give me that explanation I'll just have to assume you have some small forces and keep going using common sense until I hit your capital.

And one more thing: just because a nation is technologically behind does not mean that it cannot put up a fight. See Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion in the 80s.

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Rotavele, you would succeed in inflicting 1000-1500 casualties on Markus's beach assault force but after that he would be able to advance. You have not RPd sufficient deployments to counter the 15000 strong force outhand with only 1500 casualties.

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In response to his post.
I want two spyrolls to trace the signal of his tramsission. Meaning I want it traced so I have a location I can drop goddamn tens of thousand of pounds worth of bunker busting penetration explosives on his god damn head.


Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1299083935' post='2649666']
KoC: I don't like your interpretation of what can and cannot be done with Espionage given that in game you can literally change a government, causing a few thousand people to come out in the streets seems like a token effect.

Mael, you may or may not like my ruling, but it is my ruling nevertheless. If you are convinced you are correct and I am wrong in this please convince that to the other GMs, Centurius and ExecutiveMinister. Unless and until they decide to over rule this ruling, this ruling stands. You cannot RP Rotavele's citizens.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299084022' post='2649667']

In response to his post.
I want two spyrolls to trace the signal of his tramsission. Meaning I want it traced so I have a location I can drop goddamn tens of thousand of pounds worth of bunker busting penetration explosives on his god damn head.


30% Odds. 0-70 is a fail, 71-100 is an win. You have an pair of fails.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299084101' post='2649669']
Mael, you may or may not like my ruling, but it is my ruling nevertheless. If you are convinced you are correct and I am wrong in this please convince that to the other GMs, Centurius and ExecutiveMinister. Unless and until they decide to over rule this ruling, this ruling stands. You cannot RP Rotavele's citizens.

Modification made.

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Maelstrom should be able to kill my leader if he wants to do a government change. I want a woman leader now anyway.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299084361' post='2649672']
You have an pair of fails.

Sounds soo.. familiar... just cant put my hands on it.

Edited by Rotavele
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(90% Success Rate)

2 rolls,

If roll 1 succeeds, An enemy spy ring sneaks into Great Britain.

If roll 2 Also succeeds, I want a member of the spy ring to attempt to gain a position in The Ministery of Defense, that would put the spy in close contact with The Minister of Defense.

THEN (if 3 rolls are possible)

Id like to START the attempted the assassination of The Minister of Defense

FINALLY (if 4 rolls are possible)

It will determine if the Minister of Defense is Successfully assassinated.

Ive only seen people asking for a maximum of 2 rolls so I have no idea if 4 rolls are possible but please understand since this is such a big and major task and would be really hard to do. Im giving him 4 chances of failure. I think that is lenient enough.

I understand this is major RP and I plan on RPing it out very accordingly.

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If you wanna do that, it should go like this as your nations under seige.

Roll 1 - Get out of the Republique
Roll 2 - Get from the Republique to England undetected (alot of allied military traffic on the seas AND the airspace is closed unless its a warplane due to the war)
Roll 3 - Get into England either illegally OR Roll 3 to get faked passport details that show your NOT from an enemy state (In which case you need a roll to then get into the country using the details.

Roll 4 - Infiltrate the MOD (You wont be able to join it because I dont allow foreign nationals in my Government)

X ammount of rolls to actually get past each of the security measures, ive yet to do research on the bunker the RL Govt uses during a nuclear war exercise, So ill let you know.

Roll x - To get within killing distance of the MOD Top dogs
Roll x - Kill him before your killed
Roll x - To evacuate if your not already dead.

However you look at it, its possibly going to be 10+ rolls.
Moreover its 2 rolls max per day, so you can be waiting up to a week or more for this. IF you even get out of your Nation.

For the record, just because you win a spy roll, does not mean you will get the desired result. You need to also RP it properly for the roll to win properly, as I can just as easily counter your entire op from roll one.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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