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Viva Apostolika!

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Our Grace, His Holiness Archbishop Drexler Cardinal Villepin declared December 28, 2010 as Day of National Front!

The East Timorese Forces of [b]A[/b]postolic [b]D[/b]iplomatic [b]C[/b]oalition victoriously driven the invading enemies from Nueva Vida Alliance.

"We heroically defended ourselves from the aggression of Nueva Vida nations even though the strength is 3 to 1; we're outnumbered but our firmness held the enemy back from their eggs!"

This has shown that Force is with us and Nueva Vida is irritatingly coalition of miniatures built to be destroyed by every alliance in Cyber Nations.

His holiness asked and urged every nation to proclaim Holy War against the Nueva Vida nations: To Arms!

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1293591544' post='2556822']
From what I can gather, you appear to be Christian Jedi rebels from East Timor? Fair enough. Though NV probably wasn't the best target for whatever's going on here, they are a good alliance.

Our limited nation of resources and population has been invaded and we're retaliating.

[i]Ministry of Faith and Propaganda[/i]

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[quote name='Drexler Villepin' timestamp='1293591189' post='2556817']
Our Grace, His Holiness Archbishop Drexler Cardinal Villepin declared December 28, 2010 as Day of National Front!

The East Timorese Forces of [b]A[/b]postolic [b]D[/b]iplomatic [b]C[/b]oalition victoriously driven the invading enemies from Nueva Vida Alliance.

"We heroically defended ourselves from the aggression of Nueva Vida nations even though the strength is 3 to 1; we're outnumbered but our firmness held the enemy back from their eggs!"[/quote]

Invading? Heroically defended?? lol, yeah okay.


Good luck with that. :lol1:

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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1293593334' post='2556840']
Hoo boy, did you ever pick the worst alliance to mess with. :P I for one would have no qualms aiding the most honorable Vidians in hastening your destruction. Also indeed.

o/ NV

Whoever lights the torch of war can only wish for nothing but chaos.

[i]Ministry of Faith and Propaganda[/i]

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[quote name='Drexler Villepin' timestamp='1293594660' post='2556869']
Lilith Ker started the war long ago before he is not yet member of Nueva Vida, I initiated the vengeance.

[i]His Eminence[/i]
[/quote]Being how you are a neophyte who hasn't even been around here two weeks [OOC]barring a reroll or two[/OOC], and Lilith Ker has been in Nueva Vida for a good year and a half, I'm gonna have to call shens on this one.

You got another horrible excuse for your unprovoked attack on CSN? :P

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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1293595214' post='2556881']
Being how you are a neophyte who hasn't even been around here two weeks [OOC]barring a reroll or two[/OOC], and Lilith Ker has been in Nueva Vida for a good year and a half, I'm gonna have to call shens on this one.

You got another horrible excuse for your unprovoked attack on CSN? :P

I think it would be better if you ask him.

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[quote name='Drexler Villepin' timestamp='1293594660' post='2556869']
Lilith Ker started the war long ago before he is not yet member of Nueva Vida, I initiated the vengeance.

[i]His Eminence[/i]

This ^ succinctly sums up the thread.

Perhaps you should have attacked him [i]before[/i] he joined the honorable and powerful Vidians then? :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Drexler Villepin' timestamp='1293593311' post='2556839']
As a Holy nation we have no duty to allow ourselves to be cheated, but we have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.

[i]Ministry of Eminentia Successorate [/i]

I think you cheated yourself when you raided an established alliance.

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can i say something<FAIL> pure and utter failury wrong allaince to be attacking. Dude your a shrimp. of course your going to find it easy to defend yourself. hope you get zied. learn the game before you start attacking...

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