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The Ages of Olympus

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The very interesting journey of Olympus began over 2 years ago, a step of devotion on beliefs, and hope that we have made the right decision has been echoed by our membership on more that one occasion. I have to say its been a very interesting, faithful, and hard journey but one we would not trade for anything in the world.

Even after two years, I have to say some people stand out in my mind and deserve some special mentioning...forgive me if I don't get all of you...

First our steadfast friends...Valhalla...We have been beside each other since the beginning. I look forward to the continued journey my brothers and sisters.

SNAFU..how can we not mention you guys..Friends before official ties ever existed we have been great at keeping each other honest over the last couple years.

The rest of purple...Our first year that is really all we focused on was building stronger bonds, and relations with all of purple.

Some unknown relations...GK..Mia and a few others at TOOL..You guys rocked in the days leading up to our rollout and without some of those discussions, Olympus would have failed before we even start. Thank you so much for being great friends.

Most of all my Olympian family. Thank you so much for allowing this dream to become reality. Without all of you Olympus would not be the respected alliance it is. I can not begin to express my gratitude to all of you.

To my fellow Titans...friends...QH, MG, M3G, Pansy, Grendel and SO..Thank you all for going ABOVE and beyond. Thank you and i look forward to seeing the continued growth, commitment and devotion to our family!!!


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[quote name='white majik' timestamp='1291878239' post='2534730']
:wub: Olympus :wub:

You were the one friend that I always wished Kronos would have signed with
Did it really matter?, at the end of the day, if anything kicked off, we'd have been there for you guys treaty or not, even if it was just sharing the odd recipe.

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1291916139' post='2534958']
Did it really matter?, at the end of the day, if anything kicked off, we'd have been there for you guys treaty or not, even if it was just sharing the odd recipe.


you know if they didnt have a treaty with you guys, you would have sat and done nothing.

until they bribed you with fresh virgin sheep.....then god help those you're unleashed on. :P

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1291920467' post='2534993']

you know if they didnt have a treaty with you guys, you would have sat and done nothing.

until they bribed you with fresh virgin sheep.....then god help those you're unleashed on. :P
What, and let you get further ahead of me on casualties?, not a hope bub.

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1291916139' post='2534958']
Did it really matter?, at the end of the day, if anything kicked off, we'd have been there for you guys treaty or not, even if it was just sharing the odd recipe.

Hey friendship forged on the battle field :P

[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1291920467' post='2534993']

you know if they didnt have a treaty with you guys, you would have sat and done nothing.

until they bribed you with fresh virgin sheep.....then god help those you're unleashed on. :P

Who cant resist sheep and Nukes? :nuke:

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Olympus, is my estimation not only one of the most approchable, friendly and loyal alliances out there, but also one of the most respectable. I have always considered it a true privilege to be able to call some of your members friends. Congratulations on two successful, if at times tumultuous years, and here's wishing you every continued success and enjoyment of your time here on Bob.

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