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The South has risen again

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In light of events on Bob which are just a fly sneezing in the wind of politics, The South is proud to announce victory over the nations of NorthKorea and Northern Korea. As this is a great victory for such a small alliance (which is accepting applications in game, just PM Rob Holmes III) it has attracted the attention of the much larger, better financed, and less scrupulous NNK.

In light of attacks upon The South by NNK and an open statement in other political forums, The South hereby declares war upon NNK.

May Admin have mercy on your souls.

Signed, Rob Holmes III, Alliance President

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[quote name='Rob Holmes IIi' timestamp='1291581588' post='2531141']
So far they haven't brought any to the table. The South has though.

As far as unprovoked aggression, NNK declared first :)


12/5/2010 10:28:23 AM
"For Dear Leader!"

[Team: Aqua]
Ruler: Pikachujc
Nutty North Koreans

[Team: Yellow]
Nation of Tennessee
Ruler: Rob Holmes III
The South


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[quote name='Pikachujc' timestamp='1291679299' post='2532447']
Let's agree on something, Rob.

Once the war is over, we tell each other what we started and ended with.

Deal? :smug:

Well I'll already start with that deal :)

Before it started I had less than 1000 infrastructure, less than 1000 land, and 0 nuclear weapons.

Now I have more than 1000 infra, 1000 land, and 4 nukes.

EDIT: I appeal to the human side of you, for the sake of the citizens who dwell within your nation, accept my generous peace offer and let us get along.

Edited by Rob Holmes IIi
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