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The International's Bimonthly Constitutional Coup Announcement

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[center][b]Start of Broadcast[/b]


Greetings denizens of planet Bob. I come here today to announce that the benevolent and highly successful regime of our now-former General Commissar Cataduanes has been toppled in a very constitutional coup lead by myself. Cataduanes has been sent to one of our re-education spas where he can relax after the four months he worked for the advantage of the International. Other dissenters have been dealt with in similar fashion.

[center][b][u]Now presenting: Lucky number 13th Central Committee[/u][/b][/center]
[center][b]General Commissar[/b]
[b]Finnish Commie.[/b] Being the brains of the coup I was elected to serve the International in the position of General Commissar for the coming two months. I am sure that with the assistance of the 13th Central Committee and with a healthy amount of iron fist the alliance will strive.

[b]General Secretary[/b]
[b]Frost[/b]. This suave gentleman will be acting as my right hand. I am sure that with his assistance International will reach new heights.

[b]Liaison Commissar[/b]
The mysterious [b]Q[/b]. Former long-time General Commissar of the alliance himself, it is certain that he is the most capable man to guide our alliance on the dangerous seas of foreign politics.

[b]Martial Commissar[/b]
[b]Comrade Craig[/b] remains the commander of the armed forces. Without the support of his troops the constitutional coup would had been crushed. He is ruthless man for a duty that demands that from a man thus most suitable choice.

[b]Treasury Commissar[/b]
[b]Sir Pwnage[/b]. Another commissar to hold onto his position by pledging his loyalty to the new regime. He has proved himself most resourceful administrator of the treasury commissariat and much is expected of him in the coming term.

[b]Membership Commissar[/b]
[b]Azreal[/b]. Man of the people and a new face in the Central Committee. This charismatic leader is just the kind of man the alliance required in the position of membership commissar and he answered the call.

[b]End of Broadcast[/b][/center]

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Congratz to Finnish and co :wub:, I shall now take my leave for a stint of exile in the re-education spa where a gruesome fate awaits me.

[quote name='Manis B' timestamp='1291302822' post='2528013']
Congrats to all! Have fun in retirement Cata
No retirement for me just yet, it is just that Finnish was more devious than I...not too mention his shameless use of blackmail and bribery to sway the electorate (i.e I lost the election). Democracy can be a !@#$%* :P

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[quote name='Finnish Commie' timestamp='1291302015' post='2528002']
[b]Treasury Commissar[/b]
[b]Sir Pwnage[/b] much is expected of him in the coming term.

Yeah, good luck with that :P

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The armed forces of the International swear their absolute loyalty to Commissar FC.

Our troops are patrolling the streets, rounding up dissidents. The supporters of the old, corrupt regime of Cataduanes have been completely routed, and order will be restored shortly.

Long live Comrade FC! Long live the revolution! Power to the people!


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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1291303027' post='2528014']
Congratz to Finnish and co :wub:, I shall now take my leave for a stint of exile in the re-education spa where a gruesome fate awaits me.

No retirement for me just yet, it is just that Finnish was more devious than I...not too mention his shameless use of blackmail and bribery to sway the electorate (i.e I lost the election). Democracy can be a !@#$%* :P

Back to the reeducation[s] dungeon[/s]spa with you!

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