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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1290207201' post='2517706']
So the fact you aren't on our boards makes you an authority on what takes place there? Oh you.

I'm not concerned with this at all. I learnt a long time ago that some people will make baseless statements about !@#$ they don't know about. If I was concerned about every post someone made about events or issues they had no knowledge of, I would be a very worried man. The fact you're admitting that you have no knowledge here [i]is[/i] hilarious though.


First of all, I do not claim to be an authority on your boards. Where you pulled that from, I haven't a clue.

Secondly...you're making my point for me. The fact that I am not on your boards, yet I am able to be confident in knowing that there will be more offended people than not, says a hell of a lot.

Finally, I know, it's [i]so[/i] amusing.

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[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1290207300' post='2517707']
I would be more concerned about making statements with no basis outside of hearsay (at best). I doubt you even relied on that to construct your sham of a tale.

As you have now confirmed for everyone you do nothing but make nebulous claims. If you ever seek to be taken seriously I would take Banksy's advice.

Meh. My statements have been based entirely on information extracted from posts made by members of the Mushroom Kingdom, amongst others, in addition to prior knowledge.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290207862' post='2517714']

First of all, I do not claim to be an authority on your boards. Where you pulled that from, I haven't a clue.

Secondly...you're making my point for me. The fact that I am not on your boards, yet I am able to be confident in knowing that there will be more offended people than not, says a hell of a lot.

Finally, I know, it's [i]so[/i] amusing.

You can be confident all you want, you'd still be wrong. There's a reason most diplomats sent to us end up joining MK, there's a reason someone from Invicta and TPF (which, as you surely know, rank quite low in the MK's all time favourites list) both told you were wrong.

Now that we're done talking about something you don't know about, can we move on?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290207862' post='2517714']

First of all, I do not claim to be an authority on your boards. Where you pulled that from, I haven't a clue.

Secondly...you're making my point for me. The fact that I am not on your boards, yet I am able to be confident in knowing that there will be more offended people than not, says a hell of a lot.

Finally, I know, it's [i]so[/i] amusing.

So let me get this straight: you have no account on our boards yet feel [i]confident in knowing[/i] what goes on in the castle halls, even after ambassadors from alliances we're not on friendly terms with contradicted your statements. And you expect people to take you seriously? Really now, this is just embarrassing. If you want to take shots at us, put some effort in it at least.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1290208275' post='2517723']
You can be confident all you want, you'd still be wrong. There's a reason most diplomats sent to us end up joining MK, there's a reason someone from Invicta and TPF (which, as you surely know, rank quite low in the MK's all time favourites list) both told you were wrong.

Now that we're done talking about something you don't know about, can we move on?

Oh no no no no, I'm not letting you off that easy. Just because two people said they weren't treated with negative attitudes does not mean the pendulum is swinging the other way.

That's a fair comment though, Invicta and TPF are not high on the Kingdom's guest list. Can you actually point me to several diplomats that have been sent to you, and subsequently applied to join? And by several, I mean more than or equal to six. You do say "most" diplomats, after all.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290209107' post='2517733']
Oh no no no no, I'm not letting you off that easy. Just because two people said they weren't treated with negative attitudes does not mean the pendulum is swinging the other way.

That's a fair comment though, Invicta and TPF are not high on the Kingdom's guest list. Can you actually point me to several diplomats that have been sent to you, and subsequently applied to join? And by several, I mean more than or equal to six. You do say "most" diplomats, after all.

I'll bite: snowbeast (ex-Atlantis), scorcho (ex-Invicta), potato (ex-ODN), cookavich (ex-Polar), surge (ex-TORN), Yevgeni, SomeGuy (ex-TOP), LOD (ex-NPO). I could go on forever. Seriously, you have no idea what you're talking about.

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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1290207091' post='2517704']
Did you officially and explicitly designate them as diplomatic corps? Did NPO explicitly agree? The only people an alliance must automatically recognize as an official diplomat is a publicly posted leader. Anyone else gets that status only with the other alliance's agreement. Otherwise any alliance could spam their entire membership over and demand diplomatic preference and authority. Any n00b or old troll could drop by and tell them what he expects them to do to avoid war under the everyone-is-a-diplomat model.

As I understand our members had been operating as envoys for some time prior to their maltreatment. They probably identified themselves as envoys when requesting mask. They did nothing to merit their treatment.

We do have members on boards who do so without having this status. Poor behaviour among our members who are guests on foreign boards is not well tolerated and I expect supplementary discipline would be applied if a complaint was aired.

[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1290207091' post='2517704']
What if tomorrow every member of NPO came over to MK and said to mask them as a diplomat and expect you to hold diplomatic conference with all of them? The system works for your benefit as well.

Our embassy to the NPO has been closed.

[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1290207091' post='2517704']
As for you not recognizing the source of this it is based in pre-GW2 standards when there was no IRC and embassies were custom bound. You may not like these old customs but they exist and have the precedence of time on their side. It kept idiots from starting wars neither side wanted. As NPO is one of the earliest alliances it is no surprise at all that they would still recognize these old standards.

These practices have not kept their place as the main form of interaction between alliance. I daresay that they cannot be considered standards and they certainly are no longer customary!

Either way, the NPO is probably a terrible example to pick to suggest it was ever customary. I remember them commonly utilizing teams of diplomats often maintaining more than one ambassador even on smaller alliances boards.

You are welcome to continue living wholly in the past however. I'm sure we'd look like saints through your pre-GW2 filter.

PS. 'precedence of time' is kindof redundant.

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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1290208681' post='2517727']
So let me get this straight: you have no account on our boards yet feel [i]confident in knowing[/i] what goes on in the castle halls, even after ambassadors from alliances we're not on friendly terms with contradicted your statements. And you expect people to take you seriously? Really now, this is just embarrassing. If you want to take shots at us, put some effort in it at least.

Yes, I do feel confident. What, am I suddenly not allowed an opinion or a theory? $%&@ you then.

If I was taking shots at you, I would put in effort. As it is, I'm not, so I haven't.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290209107' post='2517733']
Oh no no no no, I'm not letting you off that easy. Just because two people said they weren't treated with negative attitudes does not mean the pendulum is swinging the other way.

That's a fair comment though, Invicta and TPF are not high on the Kingdom's guest list. Can you actually point me to several diplomats that have been sent to you, and subsequently applied to join? And by several, I mean more than or equal to six. You do say "most" diplomats, after all.

You don't know anything about MK, do you? You just felt like taking a potshots at an alliance you thought was down. But I'll indulge: Myself, cookavich, der_ko, Gobb, James_I, KingPuffington, Owned-You, Crowdog, Yevgeni Luchenkov, SomeGuy.... Here's ten of them. The list goes on. As I said, time to shut your mouth, don't you think?

Edited by potato
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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1290149115' post='2517181']
No, he really doesn't fit that definition very well, and Hadrian doesn't strike me as particularly ignortant either. I'm supportive over MK in this incident but by God, shut up. You're not doing them any favors by posting this crap. If they can find enough friends like you, it'll put NSO straight out of a job.

My argument is that mk is just defending several members is honor therefore its a morality issue. I don't see a problem with that and why you think that arguement is unproductive. But that is off topic, if you want you can explain through a pm or irc.

Edited by kwell
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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1290209471' post='2517740']
I'll bite: snowbeast (ex-Atlantis), scorcho (ex-Invicta), potato (ex-ODN), cookavich (ex-Polar), surge (ex-TORN), Yevgeni, SomeGuy (ex-TOP), LOD (ex-NPO). I could go on forever. Seriously, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh man, well done for picking those names, you picked ones I hoped you'd pick. ^_^

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1290209743' post='2517749']
My argument is they are just defending a members honor hence a moral issue. I don't honestly don't see a problem with that and why you think that is unproductive. But that is off topic, if you want you can explain through a pm or irc.

I asked you this earlier, didn't get an answer: what honour?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290209557' post='2517743']
Yes, I do feel confident. What, am I suddenly not allowed an opinion or a theory? [/quote]

Feel free to formulate as many silly theories as you want as long as you don't pretend to actually have a clue about what you're talking about. Because you don't.

[quote]$%&@ you then.[/quote]


[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290209847' post='2517752']
Oh man, well done for picking those names, you picked ones I hoped you'd pick. ^_^

You sure proved me wrong.

Are you auditioning for Fernando/HoT's boy band?

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1290209616' post='2517745']
You don't know anything about MK, do you? You just felt like taking a potshots at an alliance you thought was down. But I'll indulge: Myself, cookavich, der_ko, Gobb, James_I, KingPuffington, Owned-You, Crowdog, Yevgeni Luchenkov, SomeGuy.... Here's ten of them. The list goes on. As I said, time to shut your mouth, don't you think?

I know enough about MK, thank you. Potshots? Lolno. Read my previous post to Lebubu.

No, no I do not.

[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1290210296' post='2517762']
Feel free to formulate as many silly theories as you want as long as you don't pretend to actually have a clue about what you're talking about. Because you don't.[/quote]

Well I'm having some kind of effect, else you wouldn't continue arguing with me on the matter.


I know right, this whole thing amuses me.

[quote]You sure proved me wrong.

Are you auditioning for Fernando/HoT's boy band?[/quote]

Yes, I sure did. The names are all pro-Karma, for starters.

No, though, from your responses, I have little doubt I'd pass such an audition. :smug:

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1290051640' post='2516451']
Give us something better. :colbert:

Something, anything. Please?
Sorry, i been ignoring CN as a whole for awhile. just stop in long enough to see who did what that was stupid

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290210072' post='2517755']
I asked you this earlier, didn't get an answer: what honour?
They have more honour then you my friend. Look at their history, they stick by their friends through the good times and the bad.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290207862' post='2517714']
First of all, I do not claim to be an authority on your boards. Where you pulled that from, I haven't a clue.

Secondly...you're making my point for me. The fact that I am not on your boards, yet I am able to be confident in knowing that there will be more offended people than not, says a hell of a lot.[/quote]
I 'pulled it' from the fact you are telling us how we treat our diplomats. You are claiming knowledge and, as such, that you are an authority on MK's boards.

As for your second quip, you appear to suffer from some sort of 'inability' to read. Your confidence is irrelevant. Many foolish people are confident in their beliefs. If I believed the world was flat, and was very confident that it was, the world would still be a sphere. You can be as confident as you want, but because you have demonstrated that you are not an authority on MK's boards (insisted on it, even) your baseless speculating and assumptions that are contrary to two testimonies in this thread (already) are clearly false.

[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290209847' post='2517752']
Oh man, well done for picking those names, you picked ones I hoped you'd pick. ^_^
Uh, what? Aside from the founders (there are three left iirc), essentially every single MK member was a diplomat at some stage because we don't recruit new players. So that's ~170-180 diplomats who found us nice enough to join. Of course, if you were on our boards and knew anything about us, you would know this. I really don't understand where you are coming up with this steady stream of garbage.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1290211573' post='2517782']
They have more honour then you my friend. Look at their history, they stick by their friends through the good times and the bad.

Honour is overrated. I'm not exactly sure what you know about my honour but uh, you go ahead and think that, buddy. :unsure:

Agreed, they do have a record of standing by their friends. So? What's that got to do with the diplomats sent to NPO?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290211822' post='2517786']
Honour is overrated. I'm not exactly sure what you know about my honour but uh, you go ahead and think that, buddy. :unsure:

Agreed, they do have a record of standing by their friends. So? What's that got to do with the diplomats sent to NPO?

Its relevant because my arguement is that mk is defending the honour of the diplomats who were demasked. I'm sure your allies are happy to hear that you think honour is over rated and an extension sticking by friends.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290211822' post='2517786']
Honour is overrated. I'm not exactly sure what you know about my honour but uh, you go ahead and think that, buddy. :unsure:

Agreed, they do have a record of standing by their friends. So? What's that got to do with the diplomats sent to NPO?
This thread started out with MK appearing a bit childish, after reading your dribble I almost support MK, think about that.

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