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Sell Me Your Alliance

New Carnoly

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[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=424758"]Here is my nation,[/url] check it out.

No promises that I will be leaving my alliance, but I am looking for an alliance that is tight nit, and that has a program where I can learn to play the game the correct way. I would also like an alliance that when I show what I am worth, I can move up the rankings quite fast. Also I don't want the alliance to be HUGE but UI want it to be growing. And lastly, I really would like an alliance with an interest in TE.
Let me know!

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I'm about to go to sleep, so I'll be brief (it's after midnight here).

Check out Tetris. We are mid-sized, and have a few deputy positions available in gov't. While not a gov't position of real authority, they're definitely a start! As far as aid, we offer very lucrative tech deals for Tetris members only ($3 mil/50 tech).

We also have a TE alliance, Tetridian Federation which is a combined effort between our alliance and our allies.

Our forums: http://cn-tetris.net/index.php?action=forum

If you're on IRC, hit up #tetris an talk to Pollard or Logan.

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[quote name='Carnoly']I want to be Government right away or fairly quick[/quote]
Depends on how quickly "fairly quickly" is, really. I'd like to get to know people a little first, before they just walk into a Government post.

[quote name='Carnoly']I want as much aid as possible[/quote]
Not in a position to give you as much aid as possible (I don't have 15 million and/or 250 tech per cycle to give away).

[quote name='Carnoly']I want the alliance to be middle sized[/quote]
Thessaly currently has 5 members, so doesn't really meet this requirement.

[quote name='Carnoly']I would like an alliance with an interest in TE.[/quote]
Only just started so TE is low on my list of priorities.

Like I said, good luck ;)

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I have a couple of questions, out of curiousity, but questions that might help any prospective alliances that pitch you offers.

* I just looked at your nation. Can I assume you have 75 tech because of a donation? If it's not, then why?
* Why do you have tanks in peace time?
* Why do you have planes at your tech level in peace time?
* You have two of the best resources there are. Is there any reason you aren't in a trade circle yet, at 39 days old?
* What makes you feel qualified to be in Government position? Why should a new alliance trust that you'll stay the course, if you're leaving your current alliance after 39 days, despite being in Govt?
* Why are you leaving NADC?
* Are you going to repay the growth grant that NADC gave you 7 days ago?
* Why do you have so much land? (If because of donations, then disregard this)
* Why do you have a church instead of another University, or a Factory...or any other economic improvement? (Churches should be one of the last economic improvements you get; even I don't have them yet, and I'm more than twice your size)

Thanks in advance.

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* I just looked at your nation. Can I assume you have 75 tech because of a donation? If it's not, then why? A while ago I got sent 25 tech and I had at the time. I am going to just buy more tech when my 2 tech deals come around.

* Why do you have tanks in peace time? in case of an attack
* Why do you have planes at your tech level in peace time?in case of an attack
* You have two of the best resources there are. Is there any reason you aren't in a trade circle yet, at 39 days old? i am waiting for the trade circle i joined to be complete
* What makes you feel qualified to be in Government position? Why should a new alliance trust that you'll stay the course, if you're leaving your current alliance after 39 days, despite being in Govt? I have bben in Government for NADC and NSO
* Why are you leaving NADC? I have not decided if I am going to leave, I just want to see my options
* Are you going to repay the growth grant that NADC gave you 7 days ago? I have the money in case I leave to pay the grant back
* Why do you have so much land? (If because of donations, then disregard this) I infra jumped to early so I bought land to help raise taxes collection.
* Why do you have a church instead of another University, or a Factory...or any other economic improvement? (Churches should be one of the last economic improvements you get; even I don't have them yet, and I'm more than twice your size) I did not have the money at the time to buy a University.

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[quote name='Carnoly' timestamp='1288561350' post='2498294']
* I just looked at your nation. Can I assume you have 75 tech because of a donation? If it's not, then why? A while ago I got sent 25 tech and I had at the time. I am going to just buy more tech when my 2 tech deals come around.

* Why do you have tanks in peace time? in case of an attack
* Why do you have planes at your tech level in peace time?in case of an attack
* You have two of the best resources there are. Is there any reason you aren't in a trade circle yet, at 39 days old? i am waiting for the trade circle i joined to be complete
* What makes you feel qualified to be in Government position? Why should a new alliance trust that you'll stay the course, if you're leaving your current alliance after 39 days, despite being in Govt? [b]I have bben in Government for NADC and NSO[/b]
* Why are you leaving NADC? I have not decided if I am going to leave, I just want to see my options
* Are you going to repay the growth grant that NADC gave you 7 days ago? I have the money in case I leave to pay the grant back
* Why do you have so much land? (If because of donations, then disregard this) I infra jumped to early so I bought land to help raise taxes collection.
* Why do you have a church instead of another University, or a Factory...or any other economic improvement? (Churches should be one of the last economic improvements you get; even I don't have them yet, and I'm more than twice your size) I did not have the money at the time to buy a University.

Thanks for your answers. I could follow-up with more, but I don't want to turn this into an interview.

I promise this is my last post here now. All the best ;)

EDIT: The bolded answer is horrendous. You [i]really[/i] should consider changing it, to actually answer the question I asked.

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[quote name='Carnoly' timestamp='1288561350' post='2498294']
* I just looked at your nation. Can I assume you have 75 tech because of a donation? If it's not, then why? A while ago I got sent 25 tech and I had at the time. I am going to just buy more tech when my 2 tech deals come around.

* Why do you have tanks in peace time? in case of an attack
* Why do you have planes at your tech level in peace time?in case of an attack
* You have two of the best resources there are. Is there any reason you aren't in a trade circle yet, at 39 days old? i am waiting for the trade circle i joined to be complete
* What makes you feel qualified to be in Government position? Why should a new alliance trust that you'll stay the course, if you're leaving your current alliance after 39 days, despite being in Govt? I have bben in Government for NADC and NSO
* Why are you leaving NADC? I have not decided if I am going to leave, I just want to see my options
* Are you going to repay the growth grant that NADC gave you 7 days ago? I have the money in case I leave to pay the grant back
* Why do you have so much land? (If because of donations, then disregard this) I infra jumped to early so I bought land to help raise taxes collection.
* Why do you have a church instead of another University, or a Factory...or any other economic improvement? (Churches should be one of the last economic improvements you get; even I don't have them yet, and I'm more than twice your size) I did not have the money at the time to buy a University.

Props to Karolina for asking you those questions. If you can't see what's wrong with your answers then maybe, yes it is time for you to jump ship from your current alliance and find one that will actually teach you.

The good news is that most alliances will be able find some sort of gov role for you fairly quickly if you remain active and loyal. The bad news is that only someone very stupid would try and recruit you here while you are still NADC gov. Wars have been started on shakier grounds.

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Begging for aid won't get alliances pounding at your door you know. Now if you would like to be a tech seller... that would be a different story. Your aid screen is full though so not sure what you are complaining about... <_<

I have to echo the other posters in here though, why you have that church and why you have those tanks and aircraft is a mystery to me, I can't imagine anyone recommending you to buy those.

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i am not begging for money and Government, I have both whenever I want it. I am currently in government and I have an aid program that could get me a MP in less then two months, I just want to see my options.

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Let me make this clear!

This is all hypothetical and nothing is official. I am not trying to cheat people out of money or take gov positions. I am not exactly having the best time right now and I am just looking at other options.

Any alliance, it does not have to fit the criteria feel free to message me. I will be glad to take a look.

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Okay, I don't know why I am getting ripped on for wanting a different alliance. Lennox, you just left your alliance and was looking for as new one. Why am I the bad guy? I just want to see what alliance would benefit me the best. If you would like to get to know me better before you make assumptions please go ahead.

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[quote name='Carnoly' timestamp='1288615276' post='2498940']
Okay, I don't know why I am getting ripped on for wanting a different alliance. Lennox, you just left your alliance and was looking for as new one. Why am I the bad guy? I just want to see what alliance would benefit me the best. If you would like to get to know me better before you make assumptions please go ahead.

The reason why you are receiving this amount of negative responses is fairly simple. Take a look at the following quote from the OP:

[quote]I want to be Government right away or fairly quick, I want as much aid as possible and I want the alliance to be middle sized with a tight bond of nations.[/quote]

If I make my opinion based on this post, as well as a quick glance on your nation, I would believe you are incredibly demanding while bringing little to nothing to an alliance yourself. First of all it is not a wise move to post a topic like this one while you are still in an alliance (if you are gov. its even worse). It makes you look unloyal.

[quote]I want to be Government right away or fairly quick, I want as much aid as possible and I want the alliance to be middle sized with a tight bond of nations.[/quote]

The quote above is far to demanding and sets a bad tone from scratch. 'Demanding' government right away coupled with 'as much aid as possible' is a bad way to start your list of criteria. It won't reflect on you well. I suggest changing your tone next time. Make it all look more friendly/inquiring and less demanding. For example, you could have posted it the following way:

[quote]I am looking for an alliance that will help me grow through aid, tech deals or other means. My activity will allow me to spend quite some time on the alliance I decide to join, as such I would prefer an alliance that is willing to discuss government opportunities with me.[/quote]

While I personally don't like asking total stranger for government positions, the above is, in my eyes, a better way to formulate it if you really want to put it out there.

Given your nation set-up (as has already been said in other posts) and your alliance seniority it is safe for people to assume that you are not well-informed/experienced. Why should they give your
To many alliances, this will come off as greedy and demanding. Perhaps its not your intention to sound as such but in the end, it is how the quote will be interpreted.

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Listen, I am not exactly getting along with a couple of my alliance mates, and I am not enjoying it exactly right now. If I came off as greedy I am sorry, like I said, any body, feel free to message me. I don't need money it would just be a nice bonus.

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Guess I couldn't keep my promise about not posting here but I feel I need to.

You seem like a nice guy, and you want to play an active role in an alliance, which is great. I feel a little bad you've gotten slammed like this, but try to look upon the responses you've received (however negative they've been) as constructive criticism, as that's essentially what it is. Keep that enthusiasm, though. You're right, you do have the basics, and your nation is far from the worst I've seen, but it could be better.

Just remember that if you're going to require a lot (like what you posted in the OP), you'll have to offer a lot too. Alliances aren't banks. They aren't places you grow your ego and they aren't short cuts to power. Any alliance which is willing to give you Govt quickly, without any kind of material proof of both experience and loyalty, is pretty poor and not worth the effort.

I have to echo what others have said too. Posting this, whilst still in NADC, in Govt. That's a really terrible way to do it. It's embarrassing for both NADC and you. I know how it feels to conflict with members of your alliance, though. You should probably talk to your alliance leader first (which I believe is tony, right?). If nothing changes after that, then start scouting out alliances, but do it privately and discreetly.

Not sure how much more I can help you but, if you would like any more help, feel free to contact me privately.

EDIT: For the love of God, get rid of that Church and get a Stadium or University.

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