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Opération 1066

Sarah Tintagyl

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[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvDRbC5XFpM"]End of an Age[/url]

Claire Delacour sat in an empty office, the trappings of Therese's empire still about the room. On the desk there were flags of the Empire, on the wall there was a portrait of the late Empress and scattered in front of her were letters, reports, threats, and worse from other countries pouring into France. The lines were beginning to show in the sand now, North America was falling to one, two, three Empires, past French allies in fact, whilst in Asia, tensions were becoming so great that political analysts believed that war between the Cochinese and the Chinese was to happen in only a few days. All at once the world was exploding, nations were reeling and France was silent. Claire clenched her fists looking at the picture of the Empress, she could feel her anger building up inside of her. Upon the point of a sword France stood between prosperity and obliteration. There was Germanic Europe, there was Colonial Britain, and all around her, nations were being gobbled up without a whim. "You !@#$%*..." She stared up at the portrait. "What did you do to us? What did you do to the dream of Aquitaine? Is that what you wanted all along? For the world to be gobbled up by nations that couldn't give a damn about who they conquer? Is that what your dream was? Is that want you wanted Therese?"

She stood up flinging the glass of wine she had on the desk, the red drink spilling on the floor while the glass shattered into thousands of shards across the hard wood. "You're happy aren't you? You're happy this is happening? York, J Andres, the tension in Asia? You're thrilled, you wanted to see the world burn." Claire reached down beside her, currently in her military garb and pulled out the combat knife she had kept with her for so long. With a sweep of her hand she brought the knife down into the portrait and ripped a clean cut down the center of the picture. "You caused every problem France is now faced with and you told me to clean it up. Well goddamn it Therese, I will, I swear to God that by the end of this Europe will finally stand as the continent she is supposed to be. Free of Colonialism. The strength of the world and I will crush anyone who gets in my way."

Looking back and balancing the knife she flung it at the opposite wall. With a loud crack it held to the map of the world and split the wall behind it. As Claire left the room the knife stood still, embedded into J Andresian London...


..."Which is why I ask for your immediate vote for a Declaration of War against the Maritime Empire of J Andres..."

The representatives of the National Assembly in Paris were shocked, silent, unable to move or think. Many of them had known that this day was on the horizon. But the recent requests of President Delacour had been taking France down a road much further and perhaps more extreme than the road that Zelle had taken France only years ago. For the Democrats and the Tintagylists, they were fearful, tension on the horizon large enemies on all sides? This was the time for France to make allies, strong allies, but in time J Andres had been canceled, York had been canceled as well. But where the Tintagylists were fearful and losing power, the Communists, the Martenists, even the Imperialists were joining forces for once. France didn't need the territory to be influential, it was to take its place as the vanguard against the hegemonist forces moving in the world. J Andres had enough land and their new allies would never stop. Not unless France made them stop. Not unless the world made them stop.

"Madame President." Said Elisabeth Courtois, Chairwoman of the White Party and of the National Assembly. "Do you think such a declaration is wise at this time? The Assembly has already given you its approval to cancel very strong treaties with allies who are extremely influential in the world. I'm beginning to think that it is the President, not the Assembly that controls France."

"And we have watched France sit and do nothing for too long." Issak Vanier stood, leader of the Gallic Unity Party, French in mind, Martenistic at heart. "This is not the Empire, this is the Republic, and we are to hold up the strength of Republicanism, when no one else will. Look around you Elisabeth, is there democracy in the world? Kingdoms, Empires, Dictatorships. The United States is going to fall to land-mongers, but what as Claire done in less than a year? Where besides Western Europe do you see the bulwark of democracy? Men are free here. The is a right to life here. And France while perhaps not the greatest country on Earth, perhaps not the strongest, or the most technologically advanced, can say one thing. We are the freest and I swear to God that we will continue to stand as a bastion for democracy and European strength, even when no one else dares to stand." Claire stood silent as the rest of the National Assembly began to stand along side Issak, there were Communist Reds, Martenist Blacks, Tintagylist Whites, there in front of her was a united France. "We stood silent when Scotland and Taeunas was raped and pillaged. We stood silent when York invaded the United States and we committed the worst of crimes during the Zellic Era. But today..."

"Today..." Claire began. "Today France comes to a dream that was realized so many years before. Not the dream of Napoleon, not the dream of the Kings and Queens. But of Voltaire, of Rosseau, of the Enlightenment and of the Republic. Today begins our campaign for Democracy, for Freedom, and for the destruction of those forces that hold the world in bondage. So I ask you again! Citizens of Free France! Help me! Help me free Britain! Help me free the last enclave of American Imperialism on Europe!"

The cries and the flying of paper in the air was enough to make Claire's heart break. Tonight, France was at war...


...It was six o'clock in the evening when the French and World Press assembled at the doors of the Hotel de Ville in Paris. President Delacour was to give a speech that rumors had it, would change French Foreign Policy forever, conservatives hoped that it would lead to the swift end of the War in North America by France's turn support for York and J Andres. After all, while the treaty cancellation had been sudden, there was still time for reconciliation and hopefully France could redeem itself in the eyes of the more influential powers of the world. At the same time, Liberal media was praying for the same intervention only on behalf of the United States. The world, they believed, had suffered enough at the hands of Imperialists and Dictators, it was time for a new age, an age of Freedom which they hoped Claire would deliver for them and deliver for the world.

As the doors opened and the President stepped outside, dressed in the uniform of Commander-in-Chief of the Republican Army. Indeed, Claire had already made up her mind, whilst Therese had not been a military person whatsoever, Claire had served as General of the Imperial Guard. In more ways than one, she was most qualified for the leading of French armies against J Andres and would be taking an active role in the British Campaign. Coming to the podium, she took a deep breath, crossed herself and stared into the camera. Then she fell into destiny.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAjLhVOJRZo"]Theme of the Allies[/url]

[i]"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Free World.

France has not held true to her promises.

Years ago, there was a Europe, a Europe united under the banner of the Greater Nordic Reich and for all the Reich's shortcomings, it accomplished one thing. Together, the oppressive nations of Europe held together a patchwork of alliances that made Europe the centerpiece of the world, it was a time of overall European prosperity, no matter how oppressive the regime in fact was. That Empire has since fallen and in its wake came the rise of a multi-ethnic Europe, there are Finns, there are Slavs, Germans, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Greeks, Italians, Sicilians, and Russians and while Europe has not been the most well adjusted family, we can say that at the end of the day, our wars, our alliances, have always led to the eventual display of European Power and Prosperity.

That age has crumbled.

Over the course of only the last few years, a new hegemony has since risen up and from its power it has produced a new age of imperialism and exploitation that the world has not seen since the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. France is guilty of this, under the rule of Therese Zelle, a campaign of French Expansion had been waged with such success not seen since the Napoleonic Age and yet while France enjoyed her successes, there was a greater storm brewing across the Atlantic. The Nation of J Andres during the Franco-German War has taken advantage of Europe's stagnation, with aid from the now fallen nation of Louisiana the J Andresians subjugated and destroyed the regimes of Taeunas and Scotland, innocent European powers that our Greater European Family let die. Since that time the Irish have held strong and thrown off the Louisianan regime, however the English and Scottish, weakened by previous internal struggles and plague during the Kingdom and Republic of Scotland's eras cannot fight back as well as the Irish against their oppressors.

The time has come to change this.

Currently in North America, the Empire of J Andres, with aid from the Imperial States of America and the Empire of Pravus Ingruo have made open warfare against the United States. There is no telling when this age of Imperialism will end or where it will spread, but France must correct its mistakes and it implores the nations of Europe to do the same. We have all engaged in some form of Empire building or another at one point in our histories, but to let a fellow European come under the governorship of the Americans? No. We cannot let this happen. J Andres' Empire ends here and its high water mark in Britain will be loosened from its grip. With the power of the National Assembly, I, President Claire Delacour declare total war against the nation of J Andres and its colony of Britain. I plead to all Europeans, help me, help France liberate our European Brothers and Sisters. Where we failed in the past, let us succeed in the future. This land will not become French, this is not a war for Empire, this is a war for Liberation and any European is welcome to help protect the land until the time comes for an English regime, a Scottish regime to rise to power again. But it will not be ruled from across the Atlantic, ever again."[/i]


Admiral David Tavernier stared out from the Bridge of the [i]De Grasse[/i], his flagship, the aircraft carrier that stood at the center of the Fleet Marseilles it was beginning to darken over the Atlantic Ocean but his vessels, air support, and transport ships were finally in range of their targets. The two military and naval bases of the J Andres Empire on the coast of Portugal. Under his command, Tavernier, the brother of the Field Marshall of France, had twenty eight ships, brand new and working beautifully after being exported from Chinese ports in Shanghai. Four ASW Hydrofoils, (corvette class), four Iowa Class Guided Missile Class Nuclear Battleships, three Ticonderoga-Class cruisers, three Layfayette-Class frigates, three Jade Emperor Export Class Destroyers, renamed to Zelle-Class for a more French sounding name from the purchases of the Chinese. Finally as for the aircraft carriers two Gerald Ford Classes steamed ahead of the flagship which was a nuclear powered Queen Elizabeth Class. All in all, the new and improved French Navy was something of a pearl and Tavernier hoped that it would deal a significant blow to Andresian morale right off from the start.

"Admiral." Commander Arsène Bouchard stood up and checked his watch. "Marshal Delacour has just finished her speech as of now, we are officially at war with the Andresian Empire."

Tavernier sighed. He had been ordered to move the Marseilles fleet from the Mediterranean a few days before, for fear that the Rebel Army and Sarnungian Empire(as the public called it), would close the Strait of Gibraltar and thus isolating half of the entire French navy from assisting in the assault on England. In addition to the navy, Tavernier had brought with him a flotilla of transport ships carrying a total of fifteen thousand soldiers from Marseilles to occupy the Andresian Portuguese bases after the war began. On top of the marines, Tavernier had also commissioned the use of fifteen squadrons F-22 Sinos. After the missile attack was launched, the planes would continue to barrage the the bases splitting up into two forces, one for Base North and the other for base south. From that point, the fleet would move to a range of eight or ten kilometers from the shore and launch the transports to land at the beaches. Hopes were that the bases would surrender quickly from the barrage, as well as possible Portuguese involvement as well.

"Admiral, sir, we are in range, shall we launch the attack?"

"You know everything changes now Arsène." Tavernier shifted in his seat and looked out against the glassy black sea. "I hope Claire knows what she's doing." And then he nodded. "Begin Operation Ten-Sixty-Six."

All at once the world seemed to brighten on the four battleships as two focused a constant barrage of tomahawk missiles towards the J Andres North Base, while the second score of missiles from battleships aimed at the south would begin to pound down upon Portuguese soil. Soil that deserved to be in Portuguese hands. With aid from French satellites above the barrage was aimed at a quick end to the Andresians' ability to produce any capable counter attack on the French fleet, this meant directing towards hitting naval installations, the harbor and ports of both bases. The barrage against the ports would be spectacular, but it would not finish there. The barrage would also focus on hitting troop barracks, airfields, and radar installations. Needless to say, both bases would be rocked by such terrible explosions it would be like Hell itself poured from the city.

However before the explosions ever occurred on the darkened horizon, the one-hundred eighty F-22s would begin their launching in echelon off the three carriers. Sixty off of each carrier. However, with the echelon strategy, if the J Andresians did counter attack, they would eventually be surrounded by the constant line of planes coming in over their bases. The fifteen squadrons would be divided into a squadron of eight for the Northern Base and a squadron of seven for the Southern Base. Then as the explosions finally rocked the horizon, as Tavernier watched from the bridge as reds, oranges, and yellows danced into the sky, the planes would only be a few minutes, maybe seconds away from delivering their payload to what the missile barrage may have missed. High priority was placed on eliminating any defenses near the shore as occupation of the bases was the end goal.


[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZvJaGf4Yig&feature=related"]Aveline's Theme[/url]

Meanwhile in France proper, Aveline Baudet stared at the list in front of her. Aveline had been a student at the University of Paris, however with her medical school degree, the thought of actually heading into the medical community for civilians made her cringe. Instead, and against the will of her parents, she finally she found herself after the Franco-German War joining the new Republican Army as a Sergeant in the medical corps. After going through training, she finally found herself wearing the stripes of her rank, Lieutenant, but never once did she pray for war. There were enough horror stories from the veterans of the Franco-German war to tell her just how bad things could eventually become. Many were scarred for life, some missing eyes, some worse, now with the list of deployment in front of her, she would finally get her taste.

"You look like you've seen a ghost Aveline." She felt a tap on her shoulder as another private, one of her friends, Alexis Brunel looked down at her. He had short dark brown hair, compared to her wavy dirty blonde tresses. "Everything okay?"

"We're being deployed to Brest next morning. I guess the commanders were right, we would be going to war with J Andres. The Battle of Hastings all over again."

"And hopefully without the brutality." Alexis shook his head. "Captain Duguay is having a meeting for the battalion in a few minutes, he expects everyone there. Its our preparations before leaving for Brest in the morning and what the army has already started to do. Apparently we've already begun first strikes on Britain and Portugal."

"God, I hope they send us to Wales first at least then I know we'll be able to land. I've always been afraid of an amphibious assault, the numbers that would pile up from that."

"I'm not sure, but c'mon, we have to go, the Captain would be disappointed if we weren't there."

Aveline nodded. "All right. Lets go." And the two soldiers headed off towards their command post. Once there, Captain Duguay and his staff stood over the crowded tent outside the base near Nantes with a map of Eastern Europe behind him. Aveline and Alexis, finding two empty seats near the back came in silence and sat down just as the Captain began his report.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, as you are all well aware the Republic this evening has declared war against the Empire of J Andres. As such, two attacks were initially launched from the Republic, on against the J Andres naval bases in Portugal, the second against the Andresian Colonial Forces in Britain. The attack on Britain has gone as such, the air bases throughout France which constitute over sixty squadrons have begun to launch attacks at the colonial bases. While not all at once, a series of missile barrages, notably against J Andresian harbor cities, London, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Southampton, Brighton, Eastbourne, and Southend-on-Sea, these aimed by satellite to attack any Andresian vessels currently in port from what our intelligence has seen. In addition, ICBMs have been launched towards J Andres High Command hopes that this attack will severely restrict the J Andresian ability to make any threatening naval warfare.

After the missile barrage, thirty air squadrons, and ten bomber squadrons were immediately deployed to fly over the English Channel, intercepting any J Andresian fighers currently in the air, engaging them and destroying them to make their way to bomb air bases and command centers on the British Mainland. If the initial flight is successful, the first ten squadrons will be focused on attacking any Andresian vessels within the Channel, the second of ten squadrons will focuse solely on the eastern coast of Britain, attacking the cities of London and northward. Whilst the third squadron moves to patrol and engage forces on the western side, near the Irish border.

In addition, the Fleet Brest, and its ships, nearly equal to that of Fleet Marseilles will begin to establish Command of the Sea, over the England Channel and the nearby Atlantic. Hopefully the attacks on Portugal end quickly and the rest of the Fleet will move up in support of us. Our task however Ladies and Gentlemen, is that of tomorrow you will be on ships in Brest moving to either a beach assault on the East of England, though chances are higher that French forces will meet up with Irish forces in Wales if so allowed to attack in that slot. However, a final landing strategy depends much on the recent attacks on the mainland. Nevertheless, we move out to Brest in one hour with the majority of the rest of the French Army, leaving from Breast, Calais, and Le Harve. God Speed."

With the meeting over, the soldiers slowly began to file out from the tent, but Aveline moved slower than the rest. Getting to her feet she closed her eyes. "You know Alexis, this was exactly what my parent worried about with me joining the military. What if there was a repeat of the Franco-German War. What if this kind of thing happened again? I don't know if I'm really ready to deal with this kind of death."

Alexis smiled. "Which is why you're in the Medical Corps m'amie. To prevent death." He looked at his watch. "But we're supposed to be on trains within the hour. I'll see you at the depot?"

Aveline nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I just have to take care of a few things first." She walked the few minutes back to her tent, her mate, Jeanne was already fast asleep for a nap before they had to move. But Aveline couldn't sleep at a time like this. So she pulled out a paper and pencil and wrote to the only two people that mattered to her anymore. Her mother and father.


[i]Dearest Mama and Papa,

There isn't much time left before my company has to leave Nantes on the trains bound for Brest. In truth I'm excited that there is finally a war to prove my worth in, everyone seems excited, the adventure, the uncertainty of war. But I can't get Uncle Michel's warning and face out of my head. His wounds from the war with Germany and I'm terrified that I might come home without an eye, or without a leg. From what I've been told, our first attacks against the J Andresians were some of the most powerful that the French Army could muster. Though I'm sure we even have more in reserve, its always been my outlook that we went easy on the Germans, that we should have won that war. But perhaps it took time for us to realize our potential to free England from the grip of the colonials.

I haven't heard any word of other European nations coming to France's aid and I hope that changes. J Andres I know has a powerful army and navy stretching across the world and I would hate to know that we're supposed to defeat that empire on our own. Not that I don't have faith, but I've always been a pragmatist. Also, let Lisette and Gerard know that they are in my prayers and that everything will be okay for me and that I'll try to stay out of danger as best as I can. A little training with a gun and a rifle goes a long way though, so I should be okay. Hopefully we'll be back in France before we know it and this entire war can be over and this time there will be no threats to the Republic and President Delacour will have fulfilled her promise. A France that can survive into the new age.

Anyways, I have to go so, I'll write again from Brest or maybe even from London when we get that far.

Your Darling Daughter,[/i]


Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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"Madame President..." a harried-looking Allan Chevalier burst into the presidential quarters of the Wallonian State Building, several papers in his hands. His typically neat and posh appearance contrasted with the shock in his eyes and the lines of concern on his face. "Aurelie..."

"Yes, I've seen the announcement." Aurelie Desmarais sat at her desk, a single hand on her chin, as if contemplating the news. "And I am compelled to agree with France's actions."

"But we surely cannot support them militarily..." Allan interrupted quickly. "After all...we'd be annihilated...we haven't the strength..."

"No, we have nowhere near the power to make even a dent in any nation. We are, for the moment, the weakling of the world. It is unfortunate," Aurelie added, as she saw Allan wince somewhat at her words. "But it is the truth, and it will be changed. For now, however...as much as I wish to help, we can give France only our moral and, perhaps, economic support."

[quote][b]Classified to France[/b]

To: Claire Delacour, president of the French Republic
From: Aurelie Desmarais, president of the Republic of Wallonia

Subject: War Against J Andres

Dear President Delacour,

As Wallonians and as a sibling nation to France, and a fellow opponent of foreign imperialism in Europe, the Republic of Wallonia would desire nothing more than to stand alongside France in its battle for Europe against the American occupation of Britain. However, in our current state, underdeveloped as we are, I cannot bring myself to openly declare military action against J Andres and its allies when I know Wallonia cannot possibly stand against the forces of these nations. We can only offer France passage through Wallonia should you need it, and our sincerest moral support. And France will always find a safe haven and a friend in Wallonia, regardless of what should happen.


Aurelie Desmarais[/quote]

Edited by dotCom
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[i]We are men & women of Europe; Dutch settlers in America who have braught the beauty, spirit, & culture of Europe into the Americas finding our place through honest work & friendly relations with all. What we refuse is to turn our backs on our homeland, we will not sell our souls. Let not for forces of foreign imperialism usurp our essence; Europe can again be the Crown of the World. [/i]

Rudolphus Spinoza,
Renown Dutch philosopher

Clamour for reform has begun to rattle throughout the United Provinces...

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Classified Location, somewhere in Northern Ireland

"France is right William, the time must be now to say no more to these American Imperialists. We've had enough time to organize our military - now must be the time to use it. William, take us to Defcon 1 and begin Operation Arawn. Send a message to the French, let them use Wales as a staging ground, no doubt they'll be overjoyed knowing they won't have to do a beach assualt for all their landings."

"Is it wise to being Operation Arawn so soon? That operation wasn't intended to go into effect for another few months. What if we..."

Richard interrupted William before he could finish, "There is no better time than the present. Now go, send word to the French, I have to record a message for the public."

To: France
From: William Griffin, Minister of War, Kingdom of Ireland

To whom it may concern,

Ireland stands with you, the time for American Imperialism in Europe is at an end. The King has opened Wales for French forces to use as an alternative launching location. The Irish military has already begun operations against the J Andrean military so your trip may be rough, but you will be welcomed with open arms should you so choose to use Welsh facilities.

Yours in the struggle for freedom,

Kingdom of Ireland[/quote]

"Field Marshal, word has come from Dublin, Operation Arawn has been put into effect."

"My god, send word to the other Welsh commanders - we have to prepare our assualt at once."


"Admiral, word has come from Belfast. They say, Operation Arawn is a go... I'm not sure what that means, but they assured me you would understand."

"Sound battle stations for the fleet, send word to the Captains, let them know we're at war with J Andres."

The Ensign's face was a mixture of shock and fear as he quickly turned and reached for the Irish fleet's encrypted radio signal.

"HMS Dagda to all Irish Naval Vessels, Operation Arawn is a go, I repeat, Operation Arawn is a go."


The nation's military entered into Defcon 1 as Operation Arawn was broadcasted to all high ranking military commanders. As a result, hundreds of thousands of troops were being mobilized for war in Ireland and Wales. It was controlled chaos as the Kingdom's military began its first ever war.

Artillery began shelling J Andrean positions along the Welsh-English border. Fighters from airfields all over Wales took off and prepared to intercept J Andrean planes and protect friendly bombers as Irish bombers began to make their way to the border. Missile silos began to launch missiles at J Andrean airfields in an effort to cripple the American's flight response time. Irish armor and infantry began to prob the enemy along the border, looking for a weak point to enter. It was the hope of the Welsh Field Marshals that the surprise attack would allow their men to enter into English soil without taking too much damage. Which would buy the Irish time to ship in reinforcements from the Emerald Isle.

Irish vessels near Wales began to launch their missiles at the nearest J Anderean ports in an effort to destroy the J Andrean Navy. Irish submarines were tasked with the heavy responsibility of protecting Irish shipping.

A message from the King was played on all channels on Irish television.


This glorious Emerald Kingdom threw off the chains of American Imperialism but our brothers and sisters in England and Scotland have been unable to do the same. Even now, the J Andreans march in North America to strike down the free and to expand their Empire. The French have stood up, decreed no more, and called for European aid. Ladies and Gentlemen, Ireland will answer France’s call. We have a duty and obligation to ensure that the peoples of Scotland and England have the right to choose their own destiny, free from the horrors of American Imperialism. I have ordered Minister of War William Griffin to prepare Ireland’s military and to begin assaults against J Andrean held England and Scotland. I was informed shortly before this speech that the first assaults have begun. The time of freedom has come to England and Scotland – the Irish will driving the J Andreans out of the British Isles much like St. Patrick drove the serpents from Ireland so long ago.
J Andres surrender or face annihilation – your presence in Europe is neither wanted nor desired.
Freedom is never easy, but always, a worthwhile endeavor.

H.R.H. Richard Dinsmore
King of Ireland

Edited by Yawoo
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Old Martens would come to find out about this all through less than official means, and would instantly react, tossing aside the papers into the fire, as the protocol dictated, but with the addendum of anger and disbelief.

"What? What are they thinking?! Fjandefranzmän, ach! Freedom this, freedom that!" He growls and starts to pace with his arms folded behind his back. "Some has to protect the damn French from themselves and their own freedom! Get me Dierik." He commands to a helper, and soon they speak through videophone.

"Dierik. Yes. Look. The French are out of their !@#$@#$ mind. You have heard too? Hm. We have to do something. We must protect them. Or we must invade them. One thing or the other - but we cannot afford to have neighbors as unstable as them. Alright. Well, talk this over with them." He sighs, calming down, "Yes, they're gonna get themselves killed."

Hours later, the Germanic Union Ambassador to France, a man from Brussels, would offer France a Mutual Defence Pact citing as an excuse the need for unity in times of European Stability, not letting them know that they had noticed what the French were planning. Berlin had decided that they would not aid the French war effort directly as is, but that in order to preserve stability, France itself had to be protected if anyone would attempt to take the fight to their Homeland. Having France fall would be a disaster, and it had to be prevented at nearly all costs. The Belief of the General Staff was that a Neutral or Friendly France was needed for the long term safety and prosperity of Germany, as such, like Russia and the Slavs, France had to be defended and respected.

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***Private to the Kingdom of Burgundaholmr***

Would you like any assistance in waging war againist the American Imperialists? We can send in several Operators.


Mary Homes (Blue Heaven Minister of Intelligence)

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*In Lisboa, Portugal*

"Emperor Zambrano?" A meek, though highly decorated man in a military coat entered the Emperor's office. One would hardly guess he was a general. "Yes Majorgeneral Flores? What is it?" The majorgeneral gulped deeply before forming the words, as slowly as they came out. "France...has declared war on J Andres. They are calling upon all nations of Europe to assist them in their crusade." Zambrano leaned forward, wheels turning in his head. He straightened himself before addressing the general. "Although I wanted to spend this weekend with my wife, I see that there is no point in delaying any further. Begin Operation Aurora at once."

OOC: Movements will come in the morning

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"It is admirable and commendable that the people of free Europe are using their voices and their rifles to fight imperialism. The free people of Europe have the Union's moral support in their endeavors.

Unfortunately, to minimize loss of Arctican life, travel bans and commercial traffic advisories are now in effect against the states liberating Britain."

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[quote name='kitex' timestamp='1286248512' post='2475329']
***Private to the Kingdom of Burgundaholmr***

Would you like any assistance in waging war againist the American Imperialists? We can send in several Operators.


Mary Homes (Blue Heaven Minister of Intelligence)

Classified Reply

If you can get them here, then yes. We need them to occupy the Tower of London in the future.

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[quote name='Karl Martin' timestamp='1286248961' post='2475354']
Classified Reply

If you can get them here, then yes. We need them to occupy the Tower of London in the future.

***Classified Reply***

"Ok. 10 Operators will be sent from Disparu."

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OOC: How funny. I was actually considering letting Britain go and letting it become free land. Then this invasion happened. Oh well. :P


From the moment they took over Britain, the J Andreans had this feeling that they would not have control of the Isles for very long. They were correct. Before the missiles flew across the Channel and impacted British coastal ports, the J Andreans knew their grip on Britain was being challenged; this was further illustrated when the Irish launched attacks across the border from Wales.

There were plenty of devastation and destruction as the majority of the French missiles impacted their targets; the cities of Plymouth, Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Southampton, Brighton, Eastbourne, and Southend-on-Sea were visited upon by devastation as hundreds of people were killed or wounded. Several missile defenses already established in place were able to intercept a few of these missiles, especially these heading toward London; the English capital was largely saved from devastation. It was estimated that quite a few J Andrean vessels were hit by the missile barrage; several of them were badly-damaged, even though their guns continued to function and the J Andreans could use them as ‘stationary guns’.

It was a good thing Fort Farnum placed the Governorships of Britain and Scotland on DEFCON 3. This meant J Andrean forces were at least on moderately high alert and were able to mobilize their forces against the foreign threat. Martial law was declared across England and Scotland as tens of thousands of troops were mobilized for action. 300,000 troops in England and 100,000 in Scotland were to take the field against the French and Irish and beat them back to the sea.

The French had the first advantage in the air; their fighters and bombers had largely caught the J Andrean air force off guard. At least a dozen of J Andrean fighters, interceptors, and bombers were destroyed or damaged on the ground by the French air attacks, a situation compounded by the fact that French and Irish missiles were hitting J Andrean air fields and bases. The French has had their fun. Now it was the J Andreans’ turn.

Approximately forty squadrons of F-40s, F/A-47s, and F-50s flew up into the air to fight both the Irish and French. At least half of that number flew southwards to engage the French, and the other half went off to fight the Irish. Rage cruised through the veins of J Andrean pilots as they charted their aircrafts toward their foes. The J Andreans would fight back and hit hard; they unleashed large barrages of powerful heat-seeking missiles and execute complex maneuvers to get the upper advantage their enemies and destroy them the best they could. They particularly targeted bombers, attacking them the best they could. However, about half a dozen of J Andrean fighters were destroyed and another half-dozen heavily-damaged.

Even though the J Andrean pilots were probably outnumbered in the air, they nevertheless would fight the best as they could. Each pilot swore to take down as many French and Irish aircrafts as possible before he went down. As they flew toward their enemies, the pilots prayed for the best, hoping that advanced technology and personal courage would help them to triumph, or at least survive, the fight.

On the English Channel, the 24 ships of the CVBGs, scattered across the southern coast of England suddenly found themselves under attack, firstly by the missiles and then by the French and Irish. A few ships were heavily damaged, but the remainder returned fire; the battleships turned their huge railguns at the French and Irish fleet and fired upon them. Any undamaged ships would sail toward their enemies where they were to coordinate their activities together to deal a powerful and decisive blow against the Irish and French. The ships would not give up; they would continue to fight on until they were too damaged, and even so, they would continue to fight until they were destroyed. The six ships docked in and near Tiranul, Scotland, seemingly untouched by the attacks, sailed out into the sea, turning southwards toward the French fleet. They were to go against the right flank of the French fleet and engage them there.

On land, the Irish assault across the border caught the Border Guard and several Army units off guard; heavy casualties ensued as hundreds of Border Guards and Army soldiers were cut to shreds by the artillery shells and missile barrages as well as the Irish ‘probing attacks’. Some Army units were forced to give ground to avoid being annihilated. At that point of time, tens of thousands of Army soldiers were being hurriedly deployed toward the Welsh border, along with at least a thousand of Abrams and Panther tanks and self-propelled howitzers. True, they were harried by Irish bombers and more chaos ensued, but for the most part, the majority of the troops would reach their destination. The first J Andrean counterattacks were somewhat disorganized as many Army units charged forward and fought on their own initiative, often resulting in casualties due to friendly fire, but as the shock wore off, the J Andreans would launch more coordinated and furious counterattacks against the Irish attackers. They would launch flanking attacks, utilizing tanks and self-propelled howitzers in combinations designed to send the Irish reeling back – across the border, that is.

As thousands of soldiers charged toward the Irish with guns blazing, as tanks rumbled forward firing off powerful shells, as aircrafts whizzed through the air against large numbers, and as ships put up a valiant struggle against their foes, Fort Farnum – which had been informed about the attacks a while after it began – approved Operation [b]REVENGE[/b], an offensive to seize Wales from Irish control.

The Battle for Britain had now begun.

Edited by JEDCJT
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[quote name='Galvez' timestamp='1286240444' post='2474888']
[i]We are men & women of Europe; Dutch settlers in America who have braught the beauty, spirit, & culture of Europe into the Americas finding our place through honest work & friendly relations with all. What we refuse is to turn our backs on our homeland, we will not sell our souls. Let not for forces of foreign imperialism usurp our essence; Europe can again be the Crown of the World. [/i]

Rudolphus Spinoza,
Renown Dutch philosopher

Clamour for reform has begun to rattle throughout the United Provinces...

Not to condone American Imperialism in Europe, but why would you bring up European colonialism as a counterpoint to American colonialism? Your statement is extremely hypocritical and ill conceived.

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“My Emperor!” There wasn’t even a knock this time as the Lieutenant rushed into Harland’s private office in his secret bunker in the Adirondacks. The boy would have to be trained.

“What is it [i]now[/i], Lieutenant?” The Lieutenant didn’t answer but merely turned on the television.

[i]“I, President Claire Delacour declare total war against the nation of J Andres and its colony of Britain. I plead to all Europeans, help me, help France liberate…”[/i] For a moment, the Emperor softened. He almost felt sorry for ripping into the French President earlier with his speech. She had canceled to protect them from the decision. To protect the Empire from having to choose. There was legalese that could have protected the American nation from getting involved, but that same legalese had been there last time and they ignored it. In a very odd and roundabout way, President Claire Delacour had been looking out for the Empire of Pravus Ingruo. Before the Emperor could speak, a new face popped up on his video screen.

“Sir, we’re picking up a lot of chatter coming from the French. Their military is moving northward, sir, against…”

“I know who it’s against, Commander, I saw the announcement.”

“We’re picking up scattered references over military comms of an Operation Ten-Sixty-Six, sir.” Harland paused for a moment and then began laughing slowly. That laugh grew into a bellow as he turned to the Commander.

“Thank you, Commander. Keep me posted.” As the Commander disappeared, Harland smiled again. “Ah, those Europeans and their love of history.”

“Come again, sir?”

“You should really brush up on your history, lad. 1066 was the year of a famous battle, the Battle of Hastings, between the Norman army, who was mostly French, and English army. It turned out to be the decisive battle of William I’s campaign as the English king was killed. It’s a nice battlefield, if it isn’t raining. The battle took place in October and by Christmas Day, William had conquered London and was crowned King of England.” Harland chuckled again. “Now, leave me. I have much to think about.” The Lieutenant bowed and scurried from the room.


“There come times in a man’s life when he simply has to look himself straight in the mirror and ask, “What do I believe in? What do I stand for?” Tonight was one of those moments for me.”

“When I first rose to power in the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, North America was a continent beset by European colonialism. That’s right, much like the French have a flair for history, so do I. Something I believed from my first day in power was that America should be free of colonialism, that America should be ruled by Americans. That same policy extended to American colonies. Native peoples should rule their native lands. They should not be ruled by some foreign power half a world away. These are things of the past, from a bygone era where people were property and women were treated as second class citizens.”

“When I looked in the mirror, I realized that my feelings about this issue have not changed. Therefore, due to the lack of a formal treaty between the Maritime Republic of J Andres, yes, they are a Maritime Republic, no matter what the propaganda says, and the Empire of Pravus Ingruo, and to the fact that a policy of America for Americans is hypocritical if it does not extend both ways, the Empire of Pravus Ingruo, by my order and my order alone, shall [i]not[/i] be helping the Maritime Republic defend their British holdings. We will not, however, help the French attack them either. Considering the French war on the Maritime Republic, we are officially neutral.”

“Be warned, however. This is not a carte blanch for nations who wish to see the Maritime Republic of J Andres destroyed. If any nation attacking the Maritime Republic chooses to attack their holdings on North American soil, they will be met with the swiftest and harshest retaliation from our forces, up to and including first strikes with weapons of mass destruction.”

“I hope for a speedy end to this current conflict that has started to engulf Europe. Good night, and good luck.”

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[quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1286250409' post='2475428']
Not to condone American Imperialism in Europe, but why would you bring up European colonialism as a counterpoint to American colonialism? Your statement is extremely hypocritical and ill conceived.

[i]I don't know why I feel as though I should apologize for your misunderstanding of my statements...I do not preach colonialism of any kind; when I stated the Crown of the World, perhaps I should have better stated something to the tune of, "The Crown atop the World". The greatest land, of course in my respective opinion, being Europe above all others in my mind & heart. I hope my reply will leave a bit less confused. Despite the fact that I never mentioned colonialism I can see how you might have imagined that I had.[/i]

Rudolphus Spinoza,
Renown Dutch philosopher

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An October chill was gripping Moscow this afternoon. The outgoing summer had been the hottest on record and millions of Muscovites seemed grateful that the famous Russian winter was not far away. In spite of the chill all the members of the government and the military stood perched upon Lenin’s tomb. Today was the Tsarist government’s annual slap in the face to the communists. As they had don’t for over a decade now the city would assemble for a military parade roughly one month before the communists celebrated the anniversary of the October Revolution. Usually a small affair, unlike the summer parades where the military would participate, in recent years it had become a friendly competition to see who could attract the largest crowd. However this year it was different, the military’s was the focus of this year’s parade.

Justinian stood center stage, his white uniform disguised by a midnight black greatcoat. Politically it had been a great year for him, but personally things were falling to pieces. This parade was the only break he had from the hardships hidden behind the walls of the palace. His smile was genuine as he watched the troops and equipment march across Red Square. The marching songs were always his favorite part and clearly the crowd loved it too. They recited the words of “Svyaschennaya Voyna” as if they were professional vocalists. Justinian’s glee peaked as the band played “God Save the Tsar” and the crowd jubilantly burst out and sang. Although he couldn’t stand the cold, he did love when the people stood and waved.

A frantic messenger stumbles onto the platform and breaks his concentration while barreling through the crowd of government officials, military officers and notable citizens to reach the Prime Minister. The young man seems to share a juicy secret with the Prime Minister. Although his solid facial expression wouldn’t suggest it, Dmitry’s body language change signals that he’s received an important bit of news. Justinian leans over and implores Dmitry to share the secret with him. The Prime Minister leans in and whispers, “The French are liberating Britain.” he smiles and Justinian returns the gesture. They beat us to it, he though. Good for them.

The following day the Northern Fleet, which had returned to port for the parade at Novaya Arkhangelsk (Severodvinsk) was receiving orders from Moscow to deploy to the Norwegian Sea between Iceland and Scotland. Admiral Konstantin Kolchak the great-grandson of the famed Russian Admiral, and a naval hero in his own right led the fleet from the bridge of his emperor-class aircraft carrier the Pyotr Velikiy. Two emperor-class aircraft carriers, 4 destroyers, 4 Gorshkov class frigates, 4 slava class cruisers, 3 Kirov class battle cruisers (battleships) and 4 corvettes for fast attack made up the carrier battle group en route to Great Britain. Six submarines had recalled from their patrols and ordered to surround the British Isles with orders to sink any J Andreasian ship that came close.

The Admiral knows it will take the fleet several days to round Norway and reach hostile waters, but he deploys long range reconnaissance aircraft to fly over the British Isles and take photographs of enemy airfields and fortifications. The Imperial Navy would launch the first strikes against positions in Scotland and eastern England and escorted transport ships would follow several days later and seize a beachhead, but for now the Admiral wanted to gather as much vital reconnaissance as he could, a move that could save thousands lives.

At home thousands of soldiers are being mobilized to go fight in western Europe. They had been told they were fighting for the freedom and liberation of their British cousins and for now that was enough for them. They loaded themselves onto the ships. Dozens of ships full of soldiers, others filled with supplies and equipment waited in the White Sea until the time was right to cast off.

Prince Yuri Lvov, Slavorussia’s Ambassador to France had been in the country for less than a week and already he was working harder than any other employee in the Foreign Ministry. He didn’t mind however, that was obviously why he was chosen to lead such an important diplomatic mission in such an important country as France. Although he intended the first few months of his new job to be occupied with elbow rubbing and butt kissing so he could gauge the French sentiment toward the empire. Nevertheless he was tasked with delivering an important message to the government of France, one which must be kept secret until the ambassador to J Andres could deliver the formal declaration of war when the fleet is in place. The not was short and to the point. His Majesty, the Tsar and the government intended to aid the French with military action of their own. The details were vague, even the ambassador himself didn’t know where the offensive would occur, but it was at least a sign that the French would not be left to fight Europe’s American virus alone.

Count Maxim Dobrynin facing a similar situation in J Andres’s homeland. Recently appointed ambassador to J Andres he had already found himself in the position of offering an ultimatum to the American’s. The message was simple, Slavorussia intended to join the war on France’s side if the J Andreas government didn’t take steps toward liberating British Isles within 48 hours.

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It had all come too quickly.

"Damn him", said a voice. It was a familiar voice, if any had been awake to hear it. But who would be wandering the halls of the Diet at three in the morning? Not a soul, save a few guards...and of course, the Prime Minister, sitting at her desk, an empty glass in one hand, a bottle of scotch gripped in the other.

[i]Five hundred men[/i] she thought wearily. Five hundred of the finest soldiers the Marchar had to offer, stolen away to France in the dark of the night...along with her fiance and source of her current annoyance, Christopher Khendon. Her voice was thick with emotion as she spoke, her eyes staring accusingly at a portrait of the Virgin of Europe herself, Sarah Tintagyl.

"You inspire this madness in men. You and your damned White Knight of the Hansa. You inspired this madness in us, you milk-hearted little girl!" Natalia threw her glass at the portrait, watching it shatter against the portraits fine, wrought-iron frame. "I stand here and pronounce peace to the world, while that fool runs off to be a White Knight and make me his Tintagyl. To do what? To what purpose can I call for peace when all of Europe screams for war?"

She threw her hands up, pushing the bottle away. As she ran her fingers through her dark brown hair, an aide, nervous of her temper, walked through her open doorway. She eyed him fiercely, with a stare so sharp it could cut. "What do you want, adjutant!?! Can't you see I'm busy?"

The adjutant, a young liason officer with the newly formed Hanseatic Defense Forces, sighed, came to attention, and saluted smartly, only speaking after he relaxed. "Madam Prime Minister, you asked me to inform you when the first and second battalion were ready. we are quickly processing more trainees through the complete cycle, but it will be days before Third and Fourth have been fully formed. The 1st and Second Tank Brigades are prepared for launch, but there is little they can do until we have one successfully formed Divison, at the very least."

"Adjutant...Get me a line to Moscow. And tell Commander Owens I want the Divison brought to proper strength in the next forty-eight hours, and I don't care how much we speed up the training for our newer ones, we can reinforce them with some of our older soldiers. Tell them...tell them we ride for Britain."

As the Adjutant left, Natalia sighed. "Damn you, Christopher. Damn you for making me an idealist too..." She raised her glass, alone in her office. "For the dream of peace...for the dream of Europe..."

*An Encrypted Message, Directed to the Tsar of SlavoRussia, from the private computer of Natalia Pons*

"Tsar. The Hansa has prepared four battalions of newly trained, freshly armed soldiers, as well as two tank battle groups who are ready to support your operations. If you can give us transportation to Britain...we want to help. It is the Duty of Europeans to protect Europe...and ensure that the Pax Europa reigns supreme in our lands, not the Pax America."

Edited by Margrave
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[b]Germanic Union[/b] would like to offer the following nations to have representatives [i]meet[/i] at [i]Amsterdam[/i] as soon as possible to try to solve the ongoing conflict without further bloodshed:

[i]J Andres

It appears that this situation was largely caused by a series of communication issues. The situation is likely to be resolved, yet one path is long and bloody while one short and clean. We would like to have a chance to serve as intermediaries to the conflicting parties.

I also request all involved nations to [u]Ceasefire[/u] immediately.

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"France will only accept the ceasefire under the conditions that J Andres does in return and that any movement of J Andresian Forces are completely stopped. I am sure Germany's intentions are worthy, but as to our enemies, we can not be so sure. In addition, France will make its intentions very clear to the Peace Conference. J Andres' ownership of any and all land in Europe is immediately over. This will include an immediate withdraw from Britain and ownership of the Isle placed under Allied Protection, that being France, Ireland, and Slavorussia. In addition, the two J Andres bases will be given to Portugal respectively. Europe has dealt with this plague long enough, but if our commands and desires can be heeded without significant loss of life, then it is better for everyone.

But J Andres will not be given any other option aside from complete withdraw. Please relay that to them. I do not want to waste mine, or my ally's time.

However I thank Germany for taking the initiative for peace. It takes courage, courage that Germany is never lacking in."
-Claire Delacour

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"We may postpone the deadline for our ultimatum if J Andres agrees to the meeting. If they choose not to appear we will continue as planned. Our demands of J Andres fall in line with France‘s. We were content with J Andres’ presence in Europe until they betrayed their own allies, this kind of stock cannot be tolerated on European soil. Nothing short of complete withdrawal from Europe will suffice."

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[b]Port Sudan[/b]

"Load up the 1st through 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Teams, organize them into a heavy armored division, and get them moving towards France. We'll stand with the French in this fight against this scum from J Andres," Dellion orders.

"Who will command this force?"

"Denard, he's waiting in France."

[b]Bordeaux, street side cafe[/b]

"We are sending a full division to help, will you lead them?" Dellion asks Denard over his cellphone.

"Of course my friend," Denard replies.

"Give them hell Bob," Dellion says.

"You do know things are going to be touch and go in the Red Sea if this isn't handled carefully?" Denard asks.

"Yeah, I'm putting other irons in the fire if you catch my drift," Dellion responds.

"Keep your head down my friend," Denard says as he hangs up his phone. He then looks over at Gentleman Johnny Germaine and Chargin' Charlie Beckwith and says,"Well it seems we are in the @#$#."

"When aren't we in the @#$#?" Beckwith asks.

[b]From Legion to France, classified[/b]

Expect the arrival of a Legion Armored Division to assist your nation in the fight against the North Americans. Denard, already in France, will be leading our national forces. At this time we request they be re-flagged as a third party nation or entity until otherwise stated. We wish to not invite interference from hostile forces on our home nation until such a time that we are sure our neighbors are either neutral or aligned with us.


[b]Port Sudan[/b]

The ships, men, tanks, planes, AXE vehicles, engineering vehicles, APCs, fuel tankers, and so on and so forth bring the port alive with activity. The commotion is so loud that the roar of movement can be heard nearly all the way to Khartoum. In the middle of this all is Deltrane and a team of logistical experts who are ensuring that the ships are properly loaded. It is desired that they are unloaded as quickly as possible by units upon arrival to France. Several other ships are loaded with fuel, ammunition, and weaponry of other types to keep the Legion units supplied once they've entered the theater of operations.

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