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Deny Membership to this Nation


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Hey, so, I don't know how serious any one is going to take this, but we've recently had a member who turned out to be a lying SOB.

On TE, he was known as Fallen.

In SE, he was known as Chancellor Ivike. He came to join our alliance, the UIR, and we were fine. What happened was that he was trying to bypass every system we have and basically start a coup. Anyways, we we lax about it, telling him to knock it off. After a while though, our leader limited his postings. A few weeks later, I get a PM from Dylan II telling me that a guy named Ivike wanted Dylan to attack and destroy the UIR. Thankfully, Dylan reported this to us, and we kicked Ivike out. We had plans on attacking him, but we came to find his nation was not to be found; he deleted it.

Now, a few days later, we have a new person applying to our alliance on our forums. His name is President ZMan. We were suspicious of him for a few reasons. 1) He spelled many words just like Ivike did. 2)His nation name was similar to Ivike's (something relating to Confederate). 3) Right away he was busy proposing government reforms. 4)The most suspicious out of all of these was Ivike, after a few weeks, came back to post some things. These post almost perfectly coincided with ZMan's posts. 5) Along with this, Ivike and ZMan made their post roughly 20 days after we learned of Ivike's treason. It just turns out that ZMan's nation is only 18 days old.

What confirmed all of this was on the forums, both Ivike's and ZMan's IP address were the same.

So what I'm saying is, this sneaky !@#$%^& is relentless. Stupid, but relentless. I highly recommend nations and alliances to not allow him in your alliance. Also, be careful of the person coming in. He probably will delete ZMan and create a new account.

Again, don't know how serious anyone takes this, but we just wanted to make sure people knew.


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1286144061' post='2473501']
I think Elbo has at least helped run almost any alliance you can name.

It's a joke my friend. Before Elbo went away he put that he was second in command of UIR. This caused many laughs during his roguing of The Sweet Oblivion. I've also dawn #2 of UIR in my resume.

So what did he do?

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1286144061' post='2473501']
I think Elbo has at least helped run almost any alliance you can name.
I do not know this Elbo.

Your nation ruler sounds a bit goofy. In most sensibly run alliances though such leaders do not get very far.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1286159355' post='2473756']
I do not know this Elbo.

Your nation ruler sounds a bit goofy. In most sensibly run alliances though such leaders do not get very far.

elborraor reroll to treebeard reroll to elborrador.

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Not sure what most of you are actually thinking, but we don't like traitors. Eh.


Thats the evidence we received from Dylan II.

And I can't give you evidence of the same IP address because I'm not the administrator of the forums.

And you won't be able to find Ivike or ZMan because they deleted their nations. The links to them used to be

http://www.cybernations.net/nation drill....418402

So, yeah. We don't like it when people do this kind of crap, and we're just making sure everyone knew not to trust him. Take it how you will.

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[quote name='Maximillian' timestamp='1286242065' post='2474915']
Not sure what most of you are actually thinking, but we don't like traitors. Eh.[/quote]

What's you're running up against here is the usual response - beleive it or not, coups are incredibly hard to [i]actually[/i] pull off since, aside from getting most of the alliance on board, you also have to get access to and control of the alliance's gathering ground (OOC: forums) and real-time communications network (OOC: IRC channel). Since, due to the technological difficulties inherent, this is hard to pull off you're really only going to see this sort of thing actually work if there are one or more government members involved and they actually hold a very good amount of influence within the alliance. Nine times out of ten these coups end up being nothing, both parties wander away and that's the end of it.

In short, people aren't going to be worried about someone like this, especially since they're so inept they wouldn't be able to do any real damage to a halfway decent alliance. Congrats on being rid of the nuisance, time to move along.

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[quote name='Maximillian' timestamp='1286141148' post='2473459']
Hey, so, I don't know how serious any one is going to take this,
Very little.

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