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Protection Rescinded


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This saddens me. I'm very sensible to such beatings, having faced them more than once in this game.

Sure it's their own decisions that led to this result. The Left, be that lolcommies or damnanarchists, would have taken better care of them, since they were our own, had they opened themselves to any of us. And i have to aggree that people should show more persistance and knock the right doors. But i'll only take that from a victim. CN history teaches us that people talking too much about the lack of courage of others, usually don't have more themselves.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1285699665' post='2467048']
[ooc] All games have rules. When I meet to play B-ball with some friends we all understand that I'm not going to slam someone's face on the concrete just to take the ball away from them[/ooc]

Your version of basketball sounds pretty boring.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1285701629' post='2467070']
Wait let me get it right if you think its acceptable to cancel aid after a couple of days because they obviously didnt want it instead of leaving it the full 10 days till expire, by logic that means its acceptable for me to wipe 3mill off my reps each time it doesnt get accepted after a couple of days and cancel offer as you obviously dont want the reps... If you say no then you live by double standards :P
1) It was withdrawn because Sard needed to use that slot to aid a goon

2) It was more like 7 days

3) The guy was clearly inactive and has since poofed

4) The offer was resubmitted so it actually got to sit for [b]more[/b] than 10 days and still never got accepted

5) If you want to withdraw any offers that go past 7 days you can, but I already make sure the money is going to people who aren't inactive (and as you noticed sometimes it goes to people who are TOO active)

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285695975' post='2466984']
Much later after there's only one USSR member left, one of our members stupidly raids them (yes, we do actually have a procedure for this type of thing, USSR was still on our do not attack list so had the member been doing things correctly they would not have attacked; furthermore the member was suspended like all bad tech raids).[/quote]
Oh goodness! A whole one-week suspension! Did you send a note home to his mommy, too? I bet he really learned his lesson! Let's take a look:
AA Date Defender Defender AA
Stupid Newbie 2010-09-14 23:34:00 Christopholos Oleput Alliance
Stupid Newbie 2010-09-14 23:31:00 Vitalit BAPS
Stupid Newbie 2010-09-08 00:38:08 Legionaria None
Stupid Newbie 2010-09-06 23:49:28 Tottenham None
Stupid Newbie 2010-09-06 23:46:42 Loken None
Stupid Newbie 2010-08-31 22:29:25 Miristan U.S.S.R.[/code]
Oh! Yep. Just as I suspected. Institutional anarchy. Your super-strong punishment of one-week suspension stopped him from raiding bad targets for a whole 14 days before he couldn't help but raid a member of BAPS. Let's give a hand to GOONS gov, everybody!

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285695975' post='2466984']
Schat makes another anti-GOONS thread, which was likely his plan from when he first decided to protect USSR.
I don't know if this is an exemplar of idiocy, or some serious tinfoil. Go on, tell the good people about how obvious it is that this really was an anti-GOONS conspiracy, and I secretly went even further back than that, and paid the first GOONS techraider that started the raid on U.S.S.R. so that a war would start, and then I could offer protection, and then I knew that you wouldn't be able to keep your hee-hawing members from still attacking, so I knew I would be able to write this announcement.

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285696401' post='2466989']
Unless I'm somehow mistaken, the second word in this thread is "GOONS."

In fact, the word "GOONS" is used more times than "USSR."

Besides, when Schat is involved, the thread is definitely about us.
Today's reading lesson is brought to you by the letters 8 and 5. 8 is the number of times I said U.S.S.R., Miristan, and Kazanaite; 5 is the number of times I said GOONS.

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1285697072' post='2467002']
Yea, that statement sure does make sense.

The response to this thread is certainly predictable. "It's okay they can do what they want now go away."
The responders are even more predictable. Say the word "GOONS" And you open a veritable Pandora's box of lifetime lackey alliances. I really can't think of a time when FOK or VE weren't busy defending other alliances more than themselves.

[quote name='Chairman Meow' timestamp='1285699461' post='2467042']
I for one am deeply saddened that U.S.S.R. is no more.

Alexander Rococo, the former leader, seemed to be a most agreeable sort of chap. It's a shame that Schatt and the rest of CoJ couldn't control him.


I wonder if CoJ paid reps for that?

GOONS were responsible for wiping Alexander Rococo from the face of Bob? That's quite an interesting interpretation.
As a U.S.S.R. refugee, Alex was unaware of our policies on raiding. Unlike GOONS nations, he has never since violated policy again. See above. Unlike the victims of GOONS extermination campaign against U.S.S.R., the victim in the raid you cite was never forced to come to CoJ's board and write an essay about how awesome we are so that our members could have something to read while they sit on the washing machine, and the nation in question still exists: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=410195

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285701934' post='2467076']
2) It was more like 7 days [/quote]
I love that you so reliably lie your ass off in this world of neatly accessible records, the replies write themselves!
The reps were deleted in [i]less than 5[/i] days, as Bilrow pointed out the last time Sardonic lied about them (the aid had already been deleted before Bilrow posted--so quickly that CoJ never knew it had been sent):
[quote name='Bilrow' timestamp='1283896345' post='2445739']
Actually the aid was sent on 9/2/2010 so it is just now 5 days.

Edited by Schattenmann
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It's ok Schatt, don't listen to these mean ol' bullies. I mean, it's not your fault you completely failed as a protectorate, isn't it? You don't have to take any responsibility for your own actions (or lack thereof), just vomit up another diatribe against the resident boogyman and everything will be A-OK! Life is so much better when you can blame everyone else for your own shortcomings!

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[quote name='Biazt' timestamp='1285707256' post='2467145']
Hey are those stats also rife with inaccuracies like your old thread?
Oh, actually those raids were included in the last thread, and in fact just because I wanted to make sure I didn't make Beef's laughable assertion that Amerikkka is back on track look stupid in error, I double-checked with BAPS just now.

[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1285706970' post='2467141']
Hehehe....thread not going so well, Schatt? Time to whip out some more 'stats'? Poor thing. I hear a GOONS fetish is unhealthy...causes clogged arteries and !@#$. Get yourself checked, homeslice.
I don't know how an announcement about a policy change really goes "well" or not. Did it notify everyone that we're no longer protecting a certain AA? Yes.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1285706660' post='2467136']
Oh! Yep. Just as I suspected. Institutional anarchy. Your super-strong punishment of one-week suspension stopped him from raiding bad targets for a whole 14 days before he couldn't help but raid a member of BAPS. Let's give a hand to GOONS gov, everybody!
"BAPS" is a 4 man AA, and is not the same as "Boards Alliance of Protectorate States". If someone had the AA "GOONS" I'd raid them myself.

Today's reading lesson is brought to you by the letters 8 and 5. 8 is the number of times I said U.S.S.R., Miristan, and Kazanaite; 5 is the number of times I said GOONS.
... So the number of times you said "U.S.S.R." as well as ex-Members of that AA was more than the number of times you said "GOONS". How does that A) contradict or refute what Beefspari said, or B) matter in the slightest?

Edit: speeling

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285707839' post='2467158']
"BAPS" is a 4 man AA, and is not the same as "Boards Alliance of Protectorate States". If someone had the AA "GOONS" I'd raid them myself.
I must tell you that I'm speaking with a BAPS triumvir and he doesn't see it that way. I'd say you're not going find many people who do.

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Here's an interesting idea: everyone complaining about more GOONS threads should simply not post in said threads. Hell, you can even put Schatt onto your ignore list and not have to read a word of it! Then you wouldn't have anything to complain about while simultaneously denying Schatt the pleasure of making you come running whenever he feels like it.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1285707809' post='2467157']
I don't know how an announcement about a policy change really goes "well" or not. Did it notify everyone that we're no longer protecting a certain AA? Yes.

"I don't know how a pamphlet about eternal life could go wrong...why would you be opposed to eternal life?"

Nice try, buddy. If you could fire up another thread without it mentioning GOONS, I'd eat my hat. You're our good PR man, ol' chap. Keep up the dandy work.

[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285707983' post='2467163']
Schatt, much love but this is getting kinda creepy..yes we get it the GOONS are my idols but do you really need a new thread on it every 2 days?

Don't be a hater. He's lovely.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285707983' post='2467163']
Schatt, much love but this is getting kinda creepy..yes we get it the GOONS are my idols but do you really need a new thread on it every 2 days?
I don't know about Athens, but in CoJ when we change an official policy that effects everyone else--like a protectorate--we announce it for their benefit.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1285708263' post='2467172']
I must tell you that I'm speaking with a BAPS triumvir and he doesn't see it that way. I'd say you're not going find many people who do.
Well then they should have come to us about it, and had him start flying the correct AA.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1285706660' post='2467136']
I don't know if this is an exemplar of idiocy, or some serious tinfoil. Go on, tell the good people about how obvious it is that this really was an anti-GOONS conspiracy, and I secretly went even further back than that, and paid the first GOONS techraider that started the raid on U.S.S.R. so that a war would start, and then I could offer protection, and then I knew that you wouldn't be able to keep your hee-hawing members from still attacking, so I knew I would be able to write this announcement.
There's no tinfoil needed, nobody thinks you instigated the incident, (though instigating fake conflicts is a skill of yours) you obviously seized upon it and took it upon yourself to involve yourself in it when you recognized it. You probably didn't even talk to USSR once after you inked your delightful protectorate with them.

Unlike the victims of GOONS extermination campaign against U.S.S.R.,
The conflict was escalated by USSR, if they wanted the tech raids to stop, they should have gotten a protectorate instead of attacking us directly.

the victim in the raid you cite was never forced to come to CoJ's board and write an essay about how awesome we are so that our members could have something to read while they sit on the washing machine, and the nation in question still exists: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=410195
You keep using this lie, and it doesn't become any more true the more you use it. The mercy board is not the only way for a tech raided nation to secure peace, they can join a real alliance or get a protectorate (hopefully a real protectorate, not a sham politically motivated one).

The reps were deleted in [i]less than 5[/i] days, as Bilrow pointed out the last time Sardonic lied about them (the aid had already been deleted before Bilrow posted--so quickly that CoJ never knew it had been sent):
I never lie Schatt. I may have been mistaken in how long it was outstanding, but the difference of 5 days to a week is trivial at best. If you didn't know the aid had been sent you clearly need to get better mechanisms in place for reparations collections. Bottom line, I sent the aid offer, it wasn't accepted, I canceled it, I sent it again, it wasn't accepted. Because the nation was clearly going to die anyway. Your attempts to demonize me for what was in the first place the correct action (recognizing that the nation would no longer be with us soon) are truly pathetic. I was right to cancel the aid offer the first time.

The fact of the matter is that USSR was nothing more than a political prop for you, you can shed all the crocodile tears you want over them, but anyone who knows how you operate can see your true motives, plain as day.

But I've said enough on this topic, A pity they died, perhaps they could have stayed and assisted the ever growing number of rogues arrayed against us.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285708406' post='2467177']
Well then they should have come to us about it, and had him start flying the correct AA. [/quote]
Oh, yes, I forgot: It's never GOONS's fault when one of their nations attacks a nation that is clearly a member of an alliance. It took me less than 5 minutes to figure it out, myself:
<Schattenmann> Is this guy legit? http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=421761
<[BAPS]> one sec ,..
<[BAPS]> Looks to be aye.
<[BAPS]> Is there something up with him?
<Schattenmann> He was raided by GOONS on 9/14 but I just wanted to make sure I don't cite him in error
<[BAPS]> aye well .. looks like he was given a members mask by us on the 4th Sept.

So easy even a GOONS can do it!

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285708406' post='2467177']
The conflict was escalated by USSR, [b]if they wanted the tech raids to stop, they should have gotten a protectorate[/b] instead of attacking us directly.

You keep using this lie, and it doesn't become any more true the more you use it. The mercy board is not the only way for a tech raided nation to secure peace, they can join a real alliance or [b]get a protectorate[/b] (hopefully a real protectorate, not a sham politically motivated one).

Isn't it a little ballsy for you to say that the attacks would have stopped if they'd gotten a protectorate in a thread that shows you attacking them post-protectorate? What implications does the GOONS Head of State saying that they ignore certain protectorates ("a real protectorate, not a sham politically motivated one") have for the rest of the world?

Edited by Schattenmann
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Let me set the record straight.

GOONS attacks USSR for tech raid.

USSR (8 man alliance) retaliates.

GOONS (300+ alliance) retaliates.

USSR gets Cult's help.

GOONS backs off, gives "reps"

USSR dies

GOONS starts saying an 8 man alliance escalated a conflict with a 300 man alliance.

I might have a B in math, but that proportion is off.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1285692802' post='2466931']
Man, it only seems like yesterday that people got outraged over stuff that was actually worth it.

I look forward to at least twenty five pages of bickering by idiots trying to act like intellectuals, the terms "sovereignty", "straw man", "ad hominem" and "valid" being used hundreds of times by people trying really hard to sound like they know what their talking about, thousands of responses unrelated to the posts they quoted, and of course a large helping of irrational hate.
Spoken like a true Hegemony Leader.

What was the thinking when Pacifica and its allies were rolling alliances? You think people don't care because USSR was small and unkown? What you fail to realize is that GOONS and it's allies time at the top will come to an end. It may take years but it will end. By then this world will have alliance leaders in place and alliances with the strength to deal with these crimes. Your quick comeback will be to "Do Something About It" now. Don't fail to realize that KARMA took time to happen. Don't mistake silence and inaction as a condoning of what is going on.

The "Not as bad as the NPO" will not matter to the new alliance leaders and new alliances and new thinking that will in time emerge. Mostly no one will care or remember or know about "Not as bad as the NPO". These new leaders and new alliances and new political sides will only care about what they are witnessing and that is GOONS and it's allies orchestrating the destruction of weaker nations.

The words and actions that will tell the story of the Second Karma War are happening before our very eyes.

Impero, I know there is good in you. There is good in Viridia. Make me believe it again. End this relationship you are forging with GOONS or suffer the fate with them that they will undoubtedly face in time.

"Not as bad as the NPO"...Pacifica paid dearly. The sins of hypocrisy will no doubt warrant at least twice as much.

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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1285708861' post='2467186']
Let me set the record straight.

GOONS attacks USSR for tech raid.

USSR (8 man alliance) retaliates.

GOONS (300+ alliance) retaliates.

USSR gets Cult's help.

GOONS backs off, gives "reps"

USSR dies

GOONS starts saying an 8 man alliance escalated a conflict with a 300 man alliance.

I might have a B in math, but that proportion is off.
What did you get in English? Because you might need a refresher in what "escalated" means. Not to mention we've been saying it all along - not just recently. Because they did.

(Also the reps were for a mistaken tech raid later, not due to the initial conflict)

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1285708843' post='2467185']

Isn't it a little ballsy for you to say that the attacks would have stopped if they'd gotten a protectorate in a thread that shows you attacking them post-protectorate? What implications does the GOONS Head of State saying that they ignore certain protectorates ("a real protectorate, not a sham politically motivated one") have for the rest of the world?
I didn't say it wasn't valid, I just said it was blatantly politically motivated.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285709098' post='2467192']
I didn't say it wasn't valid, I just said it was blatantly politically motivated.
Don't stammer! It's right there in black and white, "if USSR wanted the attacks to stop they should have gotten a real protectorate and not a sham politically motivated one." If you've got the balls to say that some protectorates are valid and not others based on politics, then tow the line!

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285709018' post='2467190']
What did you get in English? Because you might need a refresher in what "escalated" means. Not to mention we've been saying it all along - not just recently. Because they did.

(Also the reps were for a mistaken tech raid later, not due to the initial conflict)
You know, not two posts up from mine, your own member used that exact word in that exact manner.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285708406' post='2467177']
The conflict was escalated by USSR, if they wanted the tech raids to stop, they should have gotten a protectorate instead of attacking us directly.

Please, tell your own members which words to use first. It gets the rest of us confused.

Thank you for reinforcing my belief that GOONS puts itself on a pedestal. It helps me sleep at night.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1285709347' post='2467198']
Don't stammer! It's right there in black and white, "if USSR wanted the attacks to stop they should have gotten a real protectorate and not a sham politically motivated one." If you've got the balls to say that some protectorates are valid and not others based on politics, then tow the line!
I said hopefully not a sham political one, one that would actually care for the well-being of their alliance, your attempt to put words in my mouth is neither welcome nor appreciated. For the good of their nations, they should have gotten a protector who actually cared about them, rather than using them as props. Never did I say that the protection was not recognized officially.

I suppose the punch line to all this is that as the idiot who raided USSR post-protectorate has been flying 'stupid newbie' for so long it's more than likely not a real GOONS member anyway, and the correct course of action would have been to allow strikes on them.

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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1285709507' post='2467200']
You know, not two posts up from mine, your own member used that exact word in that exact manner.

Please, tell your own members which words to use first. It gets the rest of us confused.
Okay, I may have misread your post. Were you implying that the conflict [i]wasn't[/i] escalated, or simply pointing out the fact that it was a very one-sided conflict?

(Also, Sardonic is my boss, so I don't get to tell him to do anything ;))


Oh jeez, I completely forgot (also didn't read Schatt's stats, hah). That guy is a Stupid Newbie - not even in GOONS. I guess we offered reps in good faith, but honestly what happened after that is out of our control. If he's on SN, then he can't even [i]see[/i] our raiding rules.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285709723' post='2467205']
Okay, I may have misread your post. Were you implying that the conflict [i]wasn't[/i] escalated, or simply pointing out the fact that it was a very one-sided conflict?

(Also, Sardonic is my boss, so I don't get to tell him to do anything ;))
I'm pointing out that you can't escalate a fight against an army with a squad. It just doesn't work.

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